All posts by TipsfromTia

Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

Dating Hacks For The Notoriously Unlucky In Love

Dating Hacks For The Notoriously Unlucky In Love

They say that love is a many-splendoured thing… if you can get it, that is! The world of modern dating can be such a minefield at times, it can sometimes feel as though the search for love is never-ending. Sure, you do have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince – but after you’ve kissed quite a few, it can leave you wondering just when exactly said Prince is going to turn up! Of course, for all its sins, modern dating also has some benefits. Women these days are settling down much later, and the current culture surrounding sex and relationships enables you to date a number of people before deciding if you actually want to move forward with any of them. This allows for a much greater sense of freedom, and also, it means that far fewer of us are simply settling for the first guy who comes along! But when all your friends are getting married or having babies, it can make you incredibly aware of how fast the clock is ticking. Single life can be fun, but if you’re notoriously unlucky in love, knowing how to tackle the dating game can be quite the challenge. Here are a few tips so you can change your fortune, and bag yourself your Mr. Right in no time at all.

1) Stop looking

Yep, you heard correctly! It may seem mad to stop looking for love when that’s what your long-term goal is. But sometimes, people can get so wrapped up in what they are looking for that they stop giving regular guys a chance. If you have a list that you refer to every time you’re out with your friends, it’s highly unlikely that you’re ever going to come across a guy who ticks all your boxes – and even if you do, you may not even ‘click.’ Remove your focus from formal dating and just go with the flow – you could be surprised at who you meet.

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2) Work out what compliments you in a partner

You may swoon at the thought of a man who is dominant and who takes control of any situation – but consider whether that kind of scenario would work for you in real life. If you are naturally a bit of a control freak, having someone on the same wavelength could spell disaster, and you could clash. A good way to work out what you need in a partner is to read a capricorn love horoscope, or whatever your star sign may be. These can often tell you a lot about yourself and the nature of other partners, so you can tell whether you’d be compatible or not.

3) Persist

So often, people turn down their dates on the basis that they didn’t feel a spark right from the offset. But if you’re the type who never sees the same guy twice, consider putting in the work and going on a few dates, even if you weren’t immediately drawn to them. Sometimes an initial spark does happen, but in some circumstances, the relationship might be a slow burn. Of course, don’t drag out anything that isn’t meant to be. But if you seem compatible and you get on, see the guy again and keep an open mind.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

9 Ways to Improve Your Brain Function

9 Ways to Improve Your Brain Function

Part of staying as young as possible for as long as possible is keeping your brain functioning well. Whether you need a brain boost because you’re a mother of four with a full-time job and just staying awake is a challenge or because you’re trying your best to climb the career ladder and you need to constantly be on top form, you’ll need to give your brain a fighting chance. Here are some ways you can give your brain a boost.




Play Games

Playing mentally stimulating games is a way of exercising your brain so it stays alert and ready. Your brain needs to be exercised, just like every other muscle in the body. You can play games like chess, word and picture puzzles, trivia games and many more. The great thing about this way of boosting your brain’s function is, it’s fun. You don’t have to look at it as a chore you have to complete to keep your brain young because it’s something the whole family can get involved in.



Have you ever noticed how much more motivated you are after exercise? It’s as if the world opens up and you can see things brighter and clearer. That’s the benefit exercise has on your brain. It increases the amount of blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the brain. It also lowers blood pressure and reduces mental stress. It’s ideal for anyone that feels their job is stressful. We can’t always avoid stress at work, but exercising can go a long way to relieving your tension. Going for an early morning run is one of the best ways of setting yourself and your brain up for the day.


What Are You Eating?

Your diet has a direct effect on how your brain is functioning. It’s best to stay away from saturated fats, which means the less take-aways you eat, the better. B vitamins and folic acid are ideal for brain function and you’ll find plenty of those in leafy green vegetables. If you’re worried that you’re not getting your fill of the vitamins you need, you may want to take a supplement. You can get everything you need from brain function support nootropic. To ensure you get a good range of vitamins in your diet, why not try making smoothies for your breakfast?




Blood Pressure

Did you know that high blood pressure can lead to cognitive decline in old age? It’s also worth knowing that there are many things you can do to easily lower your blood pressure when you need to. Studies have found that stroking dogs can significantly lower a human’s blood pressure. That’s because most people become totally relaxed around dogs, especially puppies. You can also lower blood pressure by lowering the amount of alcohol you drink per week. For women, it should be no more than a glass of wine per day. For men, no more than 2 pints of beer per day.



Bad cholesterol has been linked to dementia in older age. It’s important to improve your cholesterol as soon as possible. You can do so by adjusting your diet and getting regular exercise. If you’re a smoker you may want to think about cutting down or giving up altogether. Here are some ways you can reduce your bad cholesterol and get more of the good.


Mental Health

We’re all affected by mental health at some point in our lives. Whether you go through a difficult time in your life, like a divorce or you’re clinically diagnosed with a mental health issue, it’s important to do what you can to look after your mental health. It goes without saying that the more pressure we have on our mind, the more likely our brains will need help to function in the future. If you feel like you need help to get through a particularly tough time in your life, counselling can be a fantastic way to take care of yourself.


Use Protective Equipment

It’s only as we get older that we realise that the things we did when we were younger do have consequences. If you think you can get away with riding a bike without a helmet, think again. Every fall, every hit, every accident; it’s all absorbed by our bodies. Even if we believe we’ve walked away without major injury and recover with no issues, the aches and pains may come back to haunt us. So, if you want your brain to function as well as possible in older age, you’ll need to protect is. Wear a helmet on a bike, wear protective gear when walking through a construction site and don’t take your body for granted.



Stay in the Game

Retirement doesn’t have to mean that you’re stuck at home watching re-runs of The Golden Girls. To keep your brain active, you need to be around other people. So, as you approach retirement, start to join clubs and groups where you can talk to like-minded people. One of the biggest complaints from retirees is loneliness. And, loneliness is no good for our brains. Of course, there will be days when you just want to be at home and relax, but staying connected to the community is a big key in keeping your brain active.



There’s nothing that broadens the mind quite as much as travel. It’s wonderful to see how other people live. Experiencing other cultures is the best way to awaken your brain. Travelling allows you to see new sights, taste new foods and speak different languages. It’s also the perfect excuse to totally relax. Whether you’re relaxing on the beach or exploring the wonders of the country you’re in, you’ll surely have forgotten about all the stresses and responsibilities of home. Take a look at some of the top travel destinations for over 50’s.


Keeping your brain functioning well isn’t hard when you know how. All you need is zest for life, a balanced diet and some good exercise for your mind to be in tip top shape.


Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram


Friends with Benefits Turned Love or Gone Wrong

By Guest Blogger Stefan S.

Friends with Benefits Turned Love or Gone Wrong

Past a certain point in life, having friends with benefits amounts to having a companion to share the lonely days with more than anything else. However, we shouldn’t rule out the fact that when it comes to over 50 dating, for instance, passion can strike when you least expect it like a summer thunderstorm. In other age groups, many singletons out there are excited to meet new people, engage in new activities, and date outside of their social circles. On the other hand, there are those who like to play it safe with the people they’re already comfortable with, and take things to the next level with a close friend or an acquaintance. Today, we take a look at all sorts of friends with benefits, and whether such relationships have a chance to succeed.

The Familiarity Is Attractive

Lots of people out there like to meet someone new and start over with a clean slate. However, there are also those who prefer to stay on the familiar ground and romance friends they already know well. For many singles who take their friendships to the next level, this familiarity is key because they probably dread the idea of washing a stranger’s pair of shorts or being spooned by someone they’ve known for less than a year. Not surprisingly, their solution to this problem is to go for someone from their existing circle of friends.

It’s Convenient

For many individuals, dating can be challenging on so many levels, from having trouble joining new social groups due to anxiety to living in remote regions where there aren’t that many new people to meet. However, if they opt to ask a friend out, they already know they have a bunch of things in common, and they don’t have to introduce them to anyone, which is super convenient to people who appreciate practicality. There won’t be any awkward introductions to judgmental friends or family who just happen to like the old guy/girl better, and refuse to give another living soul a chance.

When Things Go Wrong

Asking a friend out can be a great idea in terms of trying to cure loneliness within one’s comfort zone. However, more often than not, the friends with benefits kinds of relationships end badly for everyone, from the people who actually dated to the entire group of friends who now have to pick sides in this futile dispute. Having a falling out with a friend is always stressful regardless of the reason, but losing friends past a certain point in life due to ‘romantic misunderstandings’ is seldom ever worth it.

The Verdict

In this debate there is no clear winner, and we can’t know what the future has in store for us unless we give a relationship a try. Being aware of the risks, such as losing a friend, and maybe a few others who side with them after the breakup, is crucial when deciding which course of action to take, but at the end of the day the heart wants what it wants.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Damage Limitation Legal Advice For Men Going Through Separation

Damage Limitation Legal Advice For Men Going Through Separation

Some relationships don’t work out, but that’s just human nature because our lives are complicated and personalities change over time. Men are starting to realise that they don’t need to accept some kind of social pressure that has previously made them feel as if they’re the guilty party, by default. Upon their partner’s separation request being legally filed, men have taken more of an active role, to know what their rights are and what the best practical tips are for coping with this challenging circumstance. In the courts, you need to commit to an actual dialogue with your soon to be ex-partner and with her lawyer, to get a rounded understanding of the specific demands put forth. No matter how many separation cases a court has gone through, every single case is treated individually, so there’s no end-all-be-all advice on how to handle a particular situation. However there are some basic steps, men can take to better prepare themselves for putting their case to the legal authorities.  


Photo credit – Pixabay


Should you move out?

Some men find that keeping the peace is better than arguing when the divorce papers have already set the wheels in motion. They want to keep things civil and try to be respectful to their partner for the sake of the good times they previously had, or the fact that they don’t want to alarm the children. If your partner is reasonable and cooperative, that’s a bonus, but sometimes emotions get the better of both parties are hostilities boil over. The stereotypical thing to do is to move out, but men are no more guilty than women, so think twice before booking a room in a cheap motel to pass the time. There are financial advantages and disadvantages if you’re the higher income earner, by staying in the house, that you should discuss with a lawyer.

Get the proper legal team

Don’t settle for a legal team that’s cheap because they’re likely to be inexperienced. Family law help is crucial for men in this day and age because it’s more likely that your former partner will get custody of children; statistically speaking. A good attorney will inform you of the legal obligations most men are given such as child support, spousal support such as alimony, parenting plans and protective orders. They will help you gain a better perspective of the culture in which the law is interpreted so that you can protect your financial and mental health in the best possible way.

Image source – Cordell and Cordell


Consider settling

Separating can get ugly, and the fact that going to court can be green-lit, the tone can amplify in seriousness and stakes become higher. Some cases might go on for years, but your ex-partner and her lawyer can sometimes be willing to avoid a long lengthy battle and hold an agreement outside of the courts. If you can, settle outside of court as this will drastically cut legal fees, and you may get a better deal from her lawyer than you might from a judge. Workout a legally binding stature and think of a long-term agreement that you’re comfortable with, then start negotiating. Think of the things that matter most, such as the children, property and savings accounts.


Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

How To Stop Your Office Damaging Your Skin

How To Stop Your Office Damaging Your Skin



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Modern life is hard on your complexion. We care very much about what we look like yet we subject our skin to many damaging situations and to a lot of stress. It can only take so much. Eventually, it will start to look dull and tired. It loses elasticity and texture and dry patches start to appear. You may also notice the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

When you start to investigate what could be the cause of your skin problems you should start to think about your office! It could be the place where you work that is causing the problem. Luckily, there are also several things that you can do about it. Before you try out a radical procedure read these simple tips.


Office life and skin damage

The modern office is a harsh environment for skin. The main culprit in the damage is air conditioning. We all welcome air conditioning on a hot day. Without it, we would find it almost impossible to work in many climates. However, it does come with a price. Offices with air conditioning have very low humidity levels and this is what causes the problem.

When you are in an area of high humidity, the moisture does not leave your skin. However, when you are in an environment where the humidity is low, the water will leave your skin rapidly and your body will struggle to replenish it.

The glare from PC monitors does not help. You could sit in front of one for over 8 hours a day and they can have a drying effect on the skin. If you are not able to get up and get a drink whenever you want, it is easy to become dehydrated. When your hydration levels are low, your skin is the first organ to suffer.

Looking after your skin in the office

You have to go to work and turning off the air conditioning is not an option so you need to find other ways to help your skin cope. The main way to protect your skin is to help it seal in moisture with a natural product. Many women have found that effective hyaluronic acid serum for skin is the best way to do this. It is a natural product that will work in harmony with your body by deeply hydrating and plumping up the skin. Your fine lines and wrinkles will diminish as the product works like a ‘moisture magnet’ to trap the skin’s own natural moisture and guard against the humidity of the office environment.

If you are able to sit back a little from your monitor it will reduce the effects of the heat and light on your skin. Also, take a small bottle of water with you to your desk so that you can sip it whilst you are working. Frequent breaks will do your whole body good.

Try to get out of the office at lunchtime for some fresh air and spritz your skin with water to refresh you before you head back into the office.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram