All posts by Tia

Suffered A Road Collision? Take These 8 Crucial Steps

Suffered A Road Collision? Take These 8 Crucial Steps

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Road collisions occupy a spectrum of difficulties – from light bumps to full-scale vehicular pile-ups.

If you find yourself suffering a road collision, it’s easy to react from instinct and forget the best path forward.

To begin with, it’s essential to inspect your well-being and the wellbeing of your passengers if you have any. Calling emergency services is essential if you suspect problems or problems for the other person in the opposing vehicle.

This post will be solely focused on what to do in this situation if only no one has been injured or needs immediate assistance as a result of the collision. If you do – always prioritize interventionist help before anything else in this post.

If all seems well outside of car damage, knowing the following eight steps can help you proceed with confidence and make sure your response is productive. Moreover, in an emotionally charged situation like this, the following steps will prevent anything worse from happening.

  1. Contact Local Authorities

If it’s not just a minor fender-bender that can be driven away from and has caused little damage outside of a scratch and bump, then it’s important to at least notify the authorities that a crash has taken place, even if you’re not requesting their direct presence right then and there. Depending on where you live, this may be a direct legal requirement.

This is because a collision on the road can cause pieces of your vehicle to lie across the road, and that may cause damage to someone else’s car. Of course, if you feel that there’s been criminal negligence, such as the other person acting in a clearly inebriated fashion, then it’s worth mentioning that immediately too.

  1. If You Can, Remove & Park Your Car

It may feel tempting to get out and start resolving the situation, but of course, you’re still on the road, and for that reason safety is paramount. If your vehicle can clearly still drive safely, then pulling to the side of the road can be important to do. 

If not, then turn your hazard lights on, safely exit the car and move to the pavement at the safest possible opportunity. This will help notify other traffic users that a problem has taken place and to be cautious.

  1. Stay Calm & Take A Deep Breath

It’s hard not to feel frustrated when you’ve been in a road collision, even if both parties are uninjured. You may feel annoyed that the other person subverted the rules of the road putting you at risk, or, in some cases, they may not be the most cordial in their response.

First of all, it’s important to be grateful for the fact no one has been hurt, to take a deep breath, and to prioritize not making the issue worse. Stay calm and take a deep breath if you can – even if the other person is less polite.


  1. Exchange Information, Note Down Details

It’s important to exchange information such as insurance and contact details. Make sure to note down their license plate and any identifying details about their vehicle. You can also note the road you were on, the time it was, what you were doing when the collision hit, and who you believe to be in the wrong.

In some cases, you may have a small card of insurance information they can take a picture of, or you can give that info for them to write down too.

  1. Document The Scene With Your Smartphone Camera

Smartphone cameras are vitally important tools for documenting road traffic collisions, so take as many as you can. Take pictures of the road, the location, the other person’s car, where you were hit and the damage your car took, their license plates, their damage, and more.

Don’t shield anything or try to paint the situation as worse for you than them hoping this will win your case, it won’t, just be impartial and objectively photograph the scene if you’re able to do so. You can also take a video to showcase the wider scene more easily. Note – do not get out of the car to take pictures unless you’re safe and you know other traffic won’t interfere.

  1. Speak To Witnesses

If you can, speak to witnesses who may have seen the collision. You can take their contact information in case you need them to speak for you at a later date. Often, an impartial witness backing up your side of events can be more helpful than anything else, aside from specific evidence like smartphone footage or CCTV coverage of the event.

And in their absence, you can seek assistance from any expert trucking witness who is credible and highly experienced in commercial motor vehicle crashes. Their expert statements will help you if you need to go to court. 

  1. Get Yourself Checked

It might seem as though your collision was a small bump, or you may not have felt any pain or injuries, but it’s still good to visit your doctor for a checkup just in case. You may not have realized how intensive the hit was, or how your neck whipped back and forth, to the point where soreness comes a little later without you expecting it.

Collisions on the road are unpredictable. Even if you feel fine, it’s always good to have that checked. Moreover, it’s helpful to write down your experience and how you felt about it. Road collisions are scary, and this can be an emotion we bottle up until it comes out in unhealthy ways. When you go through the event step by step, recalling it properly, you can better process what happened.


  1. Notify Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance company to tell them what happened. They may also require an inspection of the vehicle, submitted evidence, and a full statement regarding what happened and when. This will help them determine the scope of their coverage and help you pay for the repairs, sometimes covering them outright. It’s good to attend to this as quickly as you can, but make sure maintaining your health always serves as the main priority.

As your vehicle is repaired, you may need to replace certain fixtures or even whole parts. If your vehicle is still roadworthy, you have a great deal of wriggle room here. This also applies to motorcycles – installing renewed handles and a motorcycle windshield can be all it takes to get back up to speed, provided you’ve only experienced a light bump.

With this advice, you’re sure to take the wisest steps, even if you’ve suffered a road traffic collision.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Simple Updates To Make On Your Home While On A Budget

Simple Updates To Make On Your Home While On A Budget

Not everyone has deep pockets when it comes to making updates on your property. If you’re someone who is looking to do some updates on their home, then it’s important to know that this can easily be done on a budget, depending of course, on what you’re looking to achieve.

There’s always a cheaper alternative out there to what you’re quoted when it comes to buying furniture or exploring a kitchen remodel for example. With that being said, here are some simple updates to make to your home while you’re on a budget. 

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Look at replacing kitchen cabinet doors

If you’re on a budget, then doing a whole renovation is not something that is likely to be within your realm of possibilities. Instead, it’s worth looking at replacing any and all kitchen cabinet doors that are looking a little dated or worn.

After all, you might find that the kitchen cabinets themselves are in tip-top condition, and therefore only the doors themselves need to be replaced. This might be a good opportunity to switch up the look of your kitchen by replacing the cabinets with glass doors instead. It looks a lot more modern and it helps create an illusion of space.


Hide clutter with effective storage

Clutter can often be a problem with homes whether you’ve got an abundance of space to work with or you’re living in a fairly small apartment. Clutter can feel like it’s overruling the home and simply clearing up this clutter can make a big difference to your home.

With that in mind, think about effective storage solutions that are going to reduce the clutter in the home or at least reduce the appearance of your home having clutter. From bathroom storage to under-the-bed storage, the more you can put into storage boxes and furniture, the better.

Upgrade lighting and focus on the ambiance

Lighting can really help influence the look and feel of a space. When you’re making updates on your home, particularly on a budget, it’s well worth upgrading your lighting. The ambiance is an important part of transforming your home, so think about what you’re looking to create in the space.

Warm lighting is a great way to add another level of comfort and homeliness to the space. Look at what lampshades you could switch out or lighting fixtures you can add to it.


Introduce some greenery to the space

Greenery is a great feature to add to the space, especially if you’re someone who loves color in their home. Adding a bit of indoor nature from plants to flowers can freshen up the space and give it a transformation on a budget that you might not realize was possible!

Clean up the space if it’s been overdue

If the space is looking a little more than cluttered and instead looks a little unkept, time to give it that spring clean it deserves. A deep clean is a great way to help update the space without spending any money – other than on cleaning products of course.

Use these simple updates to your home without needing to spend a fortune this year.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

5 Workout Supplements Actually Worth Taking (And 5 To Avoid!)

5 Workout Supplements Actually Worth Taking (And 5 To Avoid!)

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Workout supplements are very popular. In fact, according to one study, 55.3% of gymgoers use supplements to help reach their fitness goals. They have a lot of support – but just how much of this is marketing? Are workout supplements truly a useful tool? Or are they largely a waste of money?

Well, it depends. There are lots of workout supplements legally available on the market (and some that are illegally available). Some of these are more worthwhile than others. This post lists five examples of workout supplements you should consider trying, and five you should probably avoid. 

Say yes to…

These are 5 great Workout Supplements worth taking.

Whey protein

Protein is important for repairing muscles after a workout. It is therefore key to building muscle mass, which involves the damage and rebuilding of muscle cells. 

It’s possible to get enough protein into your body through diet alone, but many people struggle to do so without a strict nutritional plan. To help you get that additional protein intake, it’s worth taking whey protein as a supplement. This typically comes in the form of a powder that you can add to water and drink as a shake after your workout. 



Creatine probably has the most scientific backing of any supplement when it comes to actually improving workout results. It is an amino acid that can help provide our muscles with added energy – which can help us last longer when doing heavy lifting or high-intensity exercise.

Creatine often comes in the form of a powder, which can be consumed before or after your workout (often combined with a protein shake). Reviews such as this one at A Lean Life can help you to compare some of the different creatine products on the market. It’s worth noting that creatine does exist naturally in meat and shellfish, but only in small amounts. Vegans and vegetarians are therefore most likely to benefit from creatine supplements. 


It’s a well-known fact that caffeine can provide us with a boost of energy. This can help improve workout performance by making us work out harder. Studies show that this can lead to more calories being burnt to help with weight loss, and improved strength when weightlifting. 

A cup of coffee before a workout is a great way to get caffeine into your body. Alternatively, if you don’t like coffee, you can always take a caffeine pill. Energy drinks are another option, but can be less healthy. 

Omega-3 fish oil

Omega-3 is a nutrient with many health benefits including boosting bone density and brain function. When it comes to exercise, omega-3 can help by reducing muscle inflammation – reducing the dreaded DOMS after a workout.

You can find omega-3 in several foods ranging from flax seeds to soya beans, however the richest source of it is oily fish. If you’re not eating fish regularly, fish oil supplements are a great way to get more omega-3 into your body. 

Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is the primary ingredient found within baking powder, but it has so many uses beyond baking. It makes a great improvised cleaning ingredient and is also useful for neutralizing odors. You can also consume it to decrease acidity of muscles and help muscles work out for longer.

There’s no need to buy any fancy supplements with this one. 0.3 grams of household baking powder should do the job – shake this with some liquid and drink an hour before beginning your workout.

Say no to…

These 5 supplements you should probably avoid when working out.

Testosterone boosters

Testosterone is a hormone that helps us build muscles and it’s naturally produced when we exercise. Many men looking to build muscle use testosterone boosters to help boost this muscle-building process – and such boosters can be effective. However, testosterone boosters also come with many potentially unpleasant side effects. 

A few examples of side effects as a result of testosterone boosters include acne, hair loss, infertility, and development of sleep conditions like sleep apnea. Some people even develop prostate growths and heart problems. While not everyone develops these side effects, the risk is generally not worthwhile. 


Fat burners

Fat burners are pills that claim to help speed up one’s metabolism and help with weight loss. There’s little evidence that they really work. On top of this, the potential side effects can be pretty horrible.

Taking fat burners can cause high blood pressure, which can lead to headaches and sleeping issues. There are also several reported links to IBS and liver disease. Therefore, it’s best to avoid these pills. 


While our body does need a variety of vitamins and minerals to help with tasks like muscle repair, multivitamins are generally not going to have much impact on your performance. This is particularly the case if you’re already eating fruit and vegetables every day.

Multivitamins are better suited to those that don’t eat a lot of fruit and veg, or those with natural deficiencies. And even in these cases, they are more likely to have benefits to your general health rather than improving your workout performance. 


BCAAs (branch chain amino acids) are specific proteins that can be very effective as helping to repair and build muscles. However, they’re generally unnecessary as an added supplement if you’re already consuming a lot of protein in your diet or taking whey protein powder.

Chicken, fish and milk contain all the BCAAs you need. And most whey protein products are full of them too. Studies have found that adding extra BCAA supplements to the mix rarely has any benefits. In fact, you’re more likely to experience nausea or a headache from consuming too much BCAA if you’re already eating lots of protein and taking whey powder. 


Anabolic steroids are generally illegal to get hold of without a prescription. Despite this, it’s no secret that many bodybuilders use them to help with building muscle mass. Steroids are pretty much testosterone boosters, but unlike testosterone boosters that encourage the body to naturally produce more testosterone, they actually pump the body full of synthetic testosterone.

The effects are therefore much like that of testosterone boosters, but amplified. While you are likely to see your muscles getting bigger, you are also more likely to experience many of the negative side effects like acne, hair loss and infertility. Sleep issues and mood changes are also very common. This article at WebMD delves more into the side effects. 

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

How To Improve Chances Of Catching Your First Fish

How To Improve Chances Of Catching Your First Fish

Going on your first fishing trip ever? It’s an exciting but nerve-wracking experience. You want to have fun and catch something but it’s not an easy sport to grasp and it can often involve a bit of waiting around and some much-needed luck,

If you’re going on your first fishing trip, then it’s worth knowing what to do in order to give yourself the best chance of catching something – whether it’s a fish or not. Here are a few tips to help increase your chances of catching your first fish.

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Pack the right bait

The right bait means more to your fishing experience than you may think. Many anglers don’t think it’s necessary but as a first-timer, it might help improve your chances of catching your first fish.

The right colors when it comes to bait and the water clarity are something to be considered over. A rule to stick by is the clearer the water is, the brighter your bait should be. For example, if your water is really clear, then sweetcorn is going to be a great bait for certain fish like carp.

Don’t underestimate the power of color and how it will influence the attraction of certain fish and sea life depending on the water clarity you’re fishing in.


Consider what fishing rods and equipment you have

In order to make the most of your fishing trip, make sure you’re well-equipped with all the relevant fish rods, tools, and other equipment that might be needed. That doesn’t mean necessarily that you have to overcomplicate what you bring. 

For example, you could bring a fairly basic hook and find it to be easy to use and capture fish with. Ideally, you want to focus on the type of rod you’ll bring with you. Look at a company like Fishing Southeast. They have plenty of fishing tools and accessories that will help you make your fishing trip a more successful venture.

Fish in the right spots

When it comes to fishing, you need to be aware of the right spots to fish in. Just because there’s a body of water available, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be the best place to find the fish you’re after. 

Make sure you’ve done your research and you’ve considered where the best spots are in the fishing area itself. Sometimes it’s right by the shoreline and other times, you might want to get a boat out to the area.

Wrap up warm to withstand the elements

Fishing can often be in a cold environment, whether it’s in the height of summer or in the depths of winter. Therefore, it’s good to wrap up warm to withstand the elements and most importantly, to keep yourself as dry as possible. 


Have patience

Finally, fishing isn’t a very active sport in the sense that things are happening constantly. In fact, you may find yourself sitting or standing around for a while. With that being said, make sure you’ve built up some patience.

All these tips should help you greatly when it comes to improving your chances of catching your first fish!

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Mastering Sports Look: Summer Activewear Essential

Mastering Sports Look: Summer Activewear Essential

Summer is approaching and with every new year and every new season a lot of people love revamping their closets and most especially their activewear collections. And especially if you want to prepare to live a more active life with more workouts, sports activities, and even more outdoor adventures.

But your new active life will also imply looking good, meaning you will want to master the sporty look, which means you’ll need to know and get essential summer yoga suits and activewear.

Which pieces do we consider essential activewear for summer?

Well, the ones that will make you feel comfortable, stay cool, and maximize your performance. But we will share the specific ones we believe are essential and that you definitely need to add to your summer collection.

One of the first pieces you need to add to your list is breathable tank tops, especially when the temperature rises. These need to have fabrics that are moisture-wicking like polyester blends or nylon. These types of fabrics will quickly keep you dry and cool. Ideally, they should have racerback designs or mesh panels. As they will provide freedom of movement and enhance ventilation.

Essential Support

Another piece that is essential is high-waisted shorts. These tend to be stapled and offer a flattering fit while providing support and enough coverage. Make sure they are made with stretchy materials that will let you move freely and that they have built-in compression and even moisture-wicking properties.

Sports bras are now combining not only style but also functionality. If you want to be stylish with them then choose the ones that have vibrant colors, trendy designs, and even unique strap details. If they can double up as crop tops, that’s even better. The ones that have removable pads and adjustable straps will let you customize their fit to obtain optimal support.

Next on the list are high waisted leggings or capris that are lightweight, they are great options if you want to protect your legs from the sun. The best ones are the ones that are four-way stretch and have moisture-wicking properties as they will provide flexibility and of course, a lot of comfort. If you want to add a nice touch to your activewear look, make sure these have mesh panels or cut-out details but also fun prints. You won’t regret showing your style while being comfortable.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.