All posts by Tia

How To Reduce Stress In Your Life

How To Reduce Stress In Your Life

Image by 1388843 from Pixabay

Your emotional wellbeing is just as important as your physical health, and it’s vital to take care of yourself mentally. There are a number of things which can your affect emotional health negatively, from being unhappy in your job and working too much to getting married, moving house and suffering from a traumatic event like a car accident or death of a loved one. So, apart from avoiding life in general and trying to steer clear of any significant events – what else can you do to keep your stress levels at bay?

It’s time to take a look at how you can treat yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically. There are supplements like kratom at or vitamins like zinc or a B Complex that can be an anti-stressor. Talking to your doctor about medicines or natural supplements might be an additional route needed to combat stress, but first implement these key practices into your daily life to start feeling improvement faster.


Mediation used to be seen as something that only hippies and Buddhists, however today because of the stresses that modern day living brings, practising meditation has never been more popular. Thanks to technology and apps, it’s never been easier to meditate either, as you can find guided meditations on youtube or there are specific apps for it. Take a look at Headspace or Calm, and within those you will find short or long meditations, to help you to keep calm, to help with anxiety, focus, personal growth or to help you sleep better. Even if you take five minutes on the bus on your way to work to meditate, it can genuinely help your stress levels and help you to deal with what the day will bring. Give it a go and see if it works for you.


Breathing exercises can really help you to relax. There are also a lot of breathing exercises you can do so you can have a look and see which one feels right for you. It’s similar to meditating as you need to try and clear your head and just focus on your breathing, and that’s all. If you don’t manage to fit in time to do this consciously, just remember next time you’re feeling stressed how much breathing can help you. Take a moment, go and find somewhere quiet and just breathe. You will feel better and calmer almost instantly.

Write Things Down

People often claim they are stressed because they just don’t have time to get everything done. However, you will often find that the more you do, the more you can do. Try to make time to write your thoughts and feelings down. Almost like a journal. It can really help for you to get some focus and clarity of what you’re doing, what you need to do, what you want from life, and what your goals are.

Think Positively

Positively talk to yourself. Be aware of your own thoughts, and if you catch yourself talking down to yourself or negatively thinking about yourself, then stop, take a minute and re-think. Change your thoughts and think more positively. The more you do this, the better you will feel.

Get Fit

Exercising is one of the best tools for beating stress. Many people find it therapeutic, and it’s for many reasons. First off, there is the time to yourself, which helps you to get your head clear about things that are stressing you out. Then after that, there are the endorphins which your body releases when you exercise, these are the chemicals in your body which make you feel happy. Next, there’s the bonus of getting fit and healthier, feeling great, looking great and maybe even losing weight. Finally, there’s a sense of achievement. Exercise is great for setting goals and achieving them. If you’re already fit and a great runner there is always something else you can work towards or always something you could improve on. The challenges are endless. If you’re a total beginner then the sense of achievement when you realise you can run for just five minutes without stopping, you move up on the weights in the gym, get faster at swimming or can finally touch your toes in Yoga – you will feel amazing.

Eat Well

This goes hand in hand with exercising, but it is also another essential ingredient for managing stress. Food which can help include brazil nuts which are high in selenium and selenium is said to improve mood as it reduces inflammation. Then there’s fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, and herring, which are all high in omega-3, which is good for your mental health. Also, try to include a lot of vitamin D in your diet as vitamin D deficiency is being increasingly linked to mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety – eggs are a great source of vitamin D.

Talk About Your Feelings

A problem shared is a problem halved. If you’re stressed about something, tell someone. You never know what useful advice they could give you, they may even be able to solve your problem for you, you just never know until you speak out and share your feelings. Also if there’s nothing they can do for you, just listening is sometimes all you need, or just talking to someone and getting what’s going on in your head out in the open can make you feel instantly better about what’s going on.


If you have got too much on or there is something big in your life, then don’t take it all on yourself, ask people to help you. It shouldn’t all be on your shoulders, so share the load. Sometimes others just don’t realise that you’re struggling but if you let them know they would be more than happy to take some jobs off you and help you out. Similarly, if you need professional help, then get it. Don’t be afraid to go for it, don’t be ashamed and try to deal with everything on your own. Whether you need a cleaner in to help you out at home to take one job off your mind or you need to go and see a counsellor to help you deal with issues, then go for it. So many people do it, and it’s what these professions are there for.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Get Over A Heartbreak

How To Get Over A Heartbreak

Ending a relationship is not always easy on your emotions, and even a (very) brief summer romance concluding can leave you feeling a little down in the dumps. Getting back to the person you once were can seem like an impossible task, and it’s easy to head straight for the sad songs and terribly unhealthy food to fill the gap. However, it’s possible to move on if you’re willing to put in some effort and face the situation head on.

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Release Your Energy

Especially useful if your breakup didn’t go so smoothly and there’s bad blood and negative emotion, releasing the anger and other pent up feelings from inside through sport or exercise can give you a new lease of life. Kickboxing is a brilliant way to get out any resentment, and doing a long slow yoga session can help you collect your thoughts and feel more peaceful. Any form of exercise you do will cause your body to release endorphins, which are proven to reduce your perception of pain. Even by going on a run around the block, you’ll be helping yourself tenfold compared to wallowing in self pity inside.

Embrace The Solitude

It may seem like the worst aspect of your break up, but the fact that you now have more time on your own opens up the door to many opportunities. Take some time in the beginning to reflect on the experience in your own time, but in a positive manor. Alone time doesn’t have to have an empty feeling, you just have to occupy your time doing beneficial activities. Run yourself a hot bubble bath, slap on a chocolate face mask and dive into a really great book, the more humorous the storyline the better you will feel. Spending time with yourself should allow you to recharge your batteries and get your head straight.

Rid Yourself Of Social Media

The progression in technology has been beneficial for humankind as a whole, but when you’re fresh out of a relationship it’s like a knife in the back. The temptation of scrolling through your ex’s profile page is unbearable, but it always leads to tears when you see how well they’re appearing to be handling it all. However social media is not reality, and everyone online is creating an artificial persona of who they would like to be. Removing yourself from this type of toxic situation will allow you to grow into a more confident and self assured individual, and give you more of an opportunity to use the time on something more positive and productive. If you don’t to go cold turkey, just unfollow or unfriend you ex partner so you no longer have to see their posts.

The most important thing you must focus on after suffering a heartbreak is yourself. You are the center of your own world, and you have to work to make yourself happy. This is harder to remember whilst sitting in front of your divorce attorney, but hold your head high and make it work for you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Cut The Cost Of Motoring By Making Smarter Choices

Cut The Cost Of Motoring By Making Smarter Choices

The average cost of motoring has reached record highs, thanks to increases in the price of fuel, insurance, and vehicles themselves. Getting from A to B has never been more expensive.

But it turns out that there are a lot of things you can do to cut the costs of motoring. It’s not always easy, but if you implement the following tips, your bank balance will thank you.

Check out the following.

Service Your Car According To The Manufacturer’s Schedule

Source: Flickr Credit:

While putting off servicing costs will save you money in the short-run, it’ll almost certainly cost you in the long-run. Cars need a regular maintenance schedule to prevent parts from wearing out and engine damage. If you don’t abide by a strict schedule, you risk causing damage to the engine and other components, leading to higher overall costs.

Carmakers provide a maintenance schedule in the handbook that comes with the car. Sticking with it will help you cut down on the total money you have to invest in keeping your vehicle on the road. Currently, most motorists spend more on maintaining and servicing their cars than they do insurance: this needs to stop.

Repair Chips In Your Windshield

Chips in your windshield can quickly develop into cracks, necessitating windshield replacement. It’s a good idea, therefore, to deal with chips immediately. Usually, your insurer will pay for you to have chips repaired, without affecting your no-claims and with no excess to pay – always a good thing.

Stop Paying For Parking

Paying £2.50 a day for parking might not seem like much. But if you park for work and go to work in the car 200 days per year, that’s £500 you’re forking out for practically nothing.

If you work in an urban area, look for alternative places to park your vehicle. Perhaps a friend who lives near where you need to be has a free driveway you can use. Or maybe there’s a street around the corner with no parking restrictions, ten-minutes walk from where you work.

Don’t Pay For Insurance Products You Don’t Need

Insurance companies have an annoying habit of bolting on insurance products that you don’t need. Companies will try to sell you all sorts of things, like courtesy cars, litigation cover, and payout protection cover. Yes, you might benefit from some of these, but for most people, they’re not worth the money. Slash your premiums by cutting your added extras.

Buy A Speed Monitor

With local authorities strapped for cash, many are turning to motorists to pick up a quick buck. Police resources are being diverted from other areas to catch drivers who may be speeding. This setup is bad for everyone: it’s bad for the motorists who get caught speeding, and it’s bad for the people who aren’t being protected from crime. Speed monitors help to make sure that you stay within the speed limit, no matter where you are. Many of these devices connect to GPS and a database of known speed limits. Together, they provide warnings when you drive too quickly and alert you when you make mistakes.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Preparing For The Worst With The Best

Preparing For The Worst With The Best

You hope that the worst case scenario should never happen and of course, for most of us it that will not, but every so often the unexpected can and will happen in life and that’s why being prepared for these unexpected situations is necessary for wherever you are.

You might suddenly find yourself facing a long term illness or in the middle of a situation where you require some professional advice, for example a legal dispute with an employee over employment terms or with a neighbour over land ownership. With any of these situations you want advice from the best and you want to make sure your money is going as far as it can for great results.

That’s why you’ll find everything you need in this guide on how to get the very best in legal advice when you need it most and what to look for when hiring a lawyer, whether that’s for something for work or for when you’re in need of a divorce lawyer. We take a look at what makes the best legal representation for your very individual situation and and some of the pitfalls you’ll need to avoid. Whatever your legal needs are you’ll find the lowdown on hiring right here.

Word Of Mouth

Who’s on the grapevine as being the best in the business? Once you start looking for someone to represent you, you soon start hearing from everyone, from the local postman to the receptionist at the gym about someone they’ve used or heard about from a friend. Take a note of these names, if one or two keep cropping up then it may be worth getting in touch for an initial consultation.

Ask your friends, family and fellow professionals for some recommendations too, having a personal introduction can help oil the wheels and make the process of appointing someone a whole lot easier.

Read reviews online and find out their success rate, which should be a matter of public record. You’ll also want to make sure that the lawyer is someone who specialises in your particular issue, rather than a general practitioner.

Interview widely

Take your time in in finding the very best in advice and in finding someone you feel can handle your case and all the complexities that go with it. You may need to talk to one or two or even more lawyers before you decide on appointing someone, and depending on the size of your case they may be able to handle it solo or need some help from someone else in their firm. Make sure you know all the details of how this will work before you sign up.

If you’re worried about wasting your time and money on initial consultations that don’t lead anywhere, most lawyers will give you enough time to explain their case, around 15-30 minutes, before they start charging by the hour, so make sure to go in fully prepared with the facts of your case and any questions you might have.

Search online

As mentioned up post if you’re interested in one particular firm, then you should be able to find out a fair amount about them from the public record. You will be able to see the success rate of the individual lawyer and how well they are rated by individual clients.

If the practice has several lawyers, find out which one seems to have more experience in your particular type of case and ask to meet with them first rather than someone you just find yourself assigned to. You need to know that your case will be taken seriously and if you are going to be able to strike up good communication with whoever is taking it on.


You’re going to need someone experienced and yet hungry to make a win. If you feel that your lawyer is too laid back or gives the impression that they’ve seen it all, failing to reassure you then avoid this lawyer.

Similarly, avoid anyone that promises you a big win. Instead find someone who is measured and calm and who you feel can be honest with you about how the case will run and what the chances are of it going the way you want. Find that right mix of determination and level-headedness and you’ll have someone fighting your corner who stands every chance of winning your case for you. If the worst does happen and you do lose, then with the right lawyer you’ll know they tried their best and that the loss wasn’t through lack of trying.


The one thing we would say is that lawyers don’t come cheap so whether the matter is personal or professional you’ll want to have a very realistic picture of how much this service is going to cost you overall.

A lawyer usually charges clients by the hour though you may find some will offer a flat fee or even be happy to wait until the end of the case and collect a percentage of any damages and their legal fees if paid by the opposition. Make sure you are very clear with your legal representative on how the fee charging process will work and even let them know your top end of the budget.

You may well have room to compromise with something like an upfront payment to start out with and then the rest coming in the form of a successful pay out. This will depend on how confident your lawyer is of the case going in your favour. You might also want to explore the possibility of legal aid and legal loans to cover the ongoing expenses.

The money can very quickly disappear so keep on top of your billing as you move through the consultation to trial proceedings.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Tips For Feeling Healthier Over The Summer

Tips For Feeling Healthier Over The Summer

When it comes to the warmer months, there’s likely to be a lot more going on in regards to your social calendar. That possibly means more indulging in food and drink which can often leave us feeling pretty sluggish. So here are some tips for feeling healthier over the summer.

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Keep Hydrated

Water is the key to feeling hydrated, and it can actually have many other health benefits. By drinking a good amount of water each day, you’re giving that extra help towards flushing out the toxins and bad bacteria in your body. It can also help with your skin’s appearance because the skin cells need water in order to stay plump and glowy.

Nail Down A Sleep Routine

Sleep is very important to our bodies because it’s a time where we’re able to recover and repair ourselves from the day’s events. Nailing down your sleep routine is important to get your body relaxed and provide you with a more rested night’s sleep. Try avoiding your electronics an hour or so before and don’t bring them to bed with you. Avoid any sugary food or drink and caffeine too as this can end up with you feeling wired. That’s something you certainly don’t want to be feeling when going bed.

Try Alternatives

There are alternative medicines and treatments that you can have in order to help you feel healthier both on the inside and out. Things like cannabis pipes and CBD products have become more popular. Pilates and yoga are good for helping stretch and strengthen the body and vitamins in a tablet, or liquid form are something that many take on a daily basis in order to keep healthy.

Get Outdoors

This is the perfect opportunity for you to get fresh air in your lungs. Use the warmer weather as an excuse to get outdoors and to explore the area you live in. Either that or treat yourself to a holiday where you can do plenty of walking. The colder months can often restrict what we can do in the evenings and on the weekends. This can all contribute to feeling under the weather. So take advantage of the great parks or forests around you, perhaps take a friend or family member with you.

Eat Healthily

It can be easy to slip into an unhealthy diet, especially with all the extra social occasions you are invited to. However, it’s important to be strict with yourself sometimes and make a more healthier choice when picking out food from a menu or a drink from the bar. Make sure you are getting your breakfast each morning and start it right with a healthy option like eggs or yoghurt and fruit. Keep an eye on what your daily intake is and make sure you spend some time exercising.

So when it comes to summer, make sure you are looking after yourself in the best way to make the most out of these lovely warm months. Eat healthily, get outdoors and get plenty of rest.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.