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3 Essential Steps To Take After Buying A New Home

3 Essential Steps To Take After Buying A New Home

Image Credit: Midascode from Pixabay.

Have you bought your first house? If you have, you probably feel amazing, as it’s a sign of stability, as well as something large and tangible you can say you’ve done for yourself. After all of the stress and hassle of the buying process, it’s natural to feel amazing, even if you haven’t actually moved in yet.

That doesn’t mean you’re done with getting things sorted, however. There are still a few steps to take after buying a new home, some of which you might want to do before you move in. Three notable options stand out, as they can be easy to overlook in all of the excitement.

Steps To Take After Buying A New Home: 3 Essential Steps


1. Change The Locks

It’s essential you change your locks in the first few days after moving into your home. While you’ll want to believe you’re the only one with keys, that mightn’t always be the case. For the sake of security, it’s worth making sure you get this done early.

Thankfully, this is relatively quick and easy to do. If you’re good with your hands, you can even do it yourself in a few minutes. Get it done as quickly as you can.

2. Update Your Address

With everything going on, it’s easy to forget you’ll have to update your address after buying your new home. It’s something you’ll have to do with more than a few companies and organizations, however. It’s also one of the more essential steps to take after buying a new home.

Work, your bank, the post office, and similar places will be notable for this. Take the time to figure out which places need your new address and update them accordingly.

3. Deep Clean

Everyone thinks their new home will be clean when they first move in, but do you really know when the last time it was cleaned was? It could be longer than you’d think. With the exception of a recently built house, you might want to consider giving your new home a deep clean.

Doing this before you move anything in is recommended, as it’ll make sure they’re not in the way. It’ll be easier to clean the floors and walls. Once you’ve got this done, you can make sure your home is as clean as you want it to be. If you have patios, it could be worth pressure washing them to get them as good as new.


Steps To Take After Buying A New Home: Wrapping Up

Buying your home takes a lot of work and effort, especially considering all of the back-and-forth negotiating with the previous owner. Once you’ve signed on the dotted line, it’s easy to think you’ve everything done, but that isn’t the case. There are still a few essential steps to take after buying a new home.

They’ll make sure you set your home up properly, letting you feel safe and comfortable. Deep cleaning, updating your address, and changing the locks can be some of the more overlooked steps, but they’re always worth focusing on.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram. 

Smart Ways to Decorate Your Home on a Budget

Smart Ways to Decorate Your Home on a Budget

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Interior design experts say that people become bored with their home decoration every three to five years, but you don’t have to overhaul your home completely; fantastic changes can be made on a budget. Read on for some smart ways to transform your home on a budget.   

Don’t Buy, Use 

Sometimes you are bored with the decoration in your home, or you need to decorate quickly for some people coming over or a party. Don’t worry; you don’t have to spend loads of money and move out of the house for a week; all you have to do is use what you have in your home already to make the space feel different. Think about the ornaments, decorations, and objects you have. 

Why not move a painting from one room to another, change the vases around, and make use of furniture items that are hidden away in corners? Another excellent way to improve your home’s decoration on a budget is to use throws and tablecloths to change the atmosphere; again, these can be found in the linen closet or bought for a small sum of cash at a home store in the area.    

Declutter Rooms 

Sometimes less is more, and that’s certainly the case when it comes to decorating. If you’re like most people, you have a lot of clutter in the home; clutter builds up over time and gets cleared into the closet, where it continues to collect until it is donated or sold. Clutter is not only unsightly, but it is also stressful to look at. Declutter your home fully before decorating rooms. 

Clear out your clutter by organizing it into bundles; you can put toys in one bundle, clothes in another, and furniture you no longer need in a third bundle. When you have this organized, you can decide whether you want to sell the furniture, donate it, or simply throw it away. A minimalist home will be better for your mental health overall and easier to sell when the time comes.

Wood Panels

Wood panels are trending at the moment thanks to the warm winter aesthetic that you can find in home magazines and on websites everywhere. This hygge style is perfect for homes, but the wood effect can be tricky to install. Wood walls can be expensive and time-consuming to fit into bedrooms, living rooms, and spare rooms, but there is an excellent alternative on the market. 

Check out peel and stick wood planks for the perfect alternative to traditional wood panel walling. Peel and stick wood planks are available in a range of wood effect panels, and they are very simple to use. Simply take a panel and remove the sticky back, position the panel on the wall, and you have a professional wood effect wall for a fraction of the cost of traditional walling.  

Plain Colors 

When decorating your home, it’s always a good idea to use plain colors, especially if you are unsure what you want to do with the decoration and especially if you are selling the home. Plain colors allow you to change your mind about decoration over time, and they are easy to change; plain colors also allow buyers to imagine themselves in the home, making it easier to sell.

But that’s not all. When you decorate your home with plain colors, it can make you feel calmer and improve your mental well-being. There’s a reason that ancient traditions like feng shui pay attention to the colors of the rooms; each color has an effect on the energy, atmosphere, and mental alignment in the hoe. So plain colors give you more options and flexibility in the future.   

Thrift Shopping 

Once you have pared down your home, you can start making smart choices about furniture and decoration. You might be someone that likes the minimalist feel; if so, simply abandon the thrift shopping idea and pour a glass of wine. Alternatively, you can head down the high street. 

Thrift shopping is the ethical and affordable way to decorate your home, and if you shop in the local area, you might find some nice pieces that work well with your home’s interior styles. Thrift shopping is budget friendly and ethical; it means you are contributing to the circular economy.  

Final Thoughts 

If you are decorating your home and need some inspiration, you don’t have to look far; this article has some fantastic ideas to make your home more comfortable and attractive on a budget. Make sure you use what you have already and keep your spending to a minimum.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Getting Into a Good Health Routine

Getting Into a Good Health Routine

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As we head through November and towards the new year, many of us are already starting to think about our new years resolutions. These are life-improving goals that we set ourselves, often vowing to alter our behaviour or habits to lead a healthier and happier life. Of course, this is all good and well, but why not get started now? You don’t have to wait until the 1st of January to get things started and small changes in advance can help you to gear up to implement larger changes and achieve grander goals once the new year rolls around. Here are a few tips and tricks that can get your good health routine off to the best start possible!

Be Realistic With Your Goals

When setting any health goal, it’s important to be realistic. If you set something that is too out of reach, you’re going to find yourself failing at it and being disheartened. For example, if you want to build stamina, you don’t have to set yourself the goal of running a marathon in two months’ time. If your goal is to lose a stone, you can’t expect to tick this off your to-do list in one week. Look into realistic time scales for the changes you’re planning on making, as this can help you to achieve your goals in a safe and manageable way.

It Doesn’t Have to Be All or Nothing

All too many people also make the mistake of thinking that improving their health needs to be an all or nothing venture. This is something that we tend to see with new years resolutions. People will set themselves health goals, slip up once, and call it quits. Instead, see this as a self-improvement journey. We will all make mistakes from time to time and nobody can be perfect for the rest of their lives. Good health is a lifestyle change and balance is key to success. Be patient with yourself. Ease into the changes. Take one small step at a time. Consistent, but gradual, positive change is much better than going all out for a couple of weeks and then giving up or returning wholly to bad habits.

Use a Habit Tracker

Some of us find that we are more motivated to do things when we are tracking them. There are plenty of free-to-use apps out there that allow you to set your goals, and milestones and track your progress. They can provide notifications and reminders, holding you accountable and making you acknowledge if you are slipping behind with your new health commitments. Often, you can add custom goals, ranging from “walk 10,000 steps a day†to “take your health supplementsâ€. These apps not only encourage you to do what you’ve told yourself you will do, but they provide a good record of what you’re doing, how consistent you’ve been, and more. This can help you to understand the results you’re seeing.

Focus: Diet

A common area of our health that many of us consistently try to improve is our diet. Put simply, eating a healthy, balanced diet is simple. Avoid fads and crash course diets. Eat within your recommended calorie count. Get your five a day. Avoid cutting out any food groups unnecessarily. It’s all about moderation.

Focus: Skincare

Skincare can be difficult to nail down, as we all have different types of skin. Some people will have oily, some will have combination, some will have dry, some will have normal. Undergo a skin type analysis to find what skin type you have and what products will best suit it. You should also see a specialist about skin conditions in order to benefit from specific treatments, such as eczema treatment, psoriasis treatment or acne treatment.

Focus: Exercise

Try to get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week. The key here is to find something that you enjoy or to hire a personal trainer who will hold you accountable. There are countless forms of exercise out there, ranging from running to jogging, swimming, dance, guided fitness classes, cycling and even alternative options like pole fitness.

Focus: Sleep

Aim for eight hours of sleep every night. This gives your body time to recuperate and recover. Chronic sleep deprivation can result in a host of both physical and mental health issues, so really make sure you settle down for your slumber and catch those zzz’s on a nightly basis.

Health really does reign supreme in life, so do what you can to lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible. Hopefully, some of the guidance above will help you along the way and provide some inspiration!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram. 

5 Reasons to Take a Campervan Vacation

5 Reasons to Take a Campervan Vacation

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Campervan vacations are more popular than ever, thanks to changing attitudes and systems. Instead of paying big money for an overseas holiday, people are opting for staycations instead. Campervans are the best ways to visit your home country as a tourist and immerse yourself.  

Relax and Unwind 

One of the main goals of any holiday is to relax and unwind, but this means different thighs to different people. Some people hate driving but love laying on a beach for hours; others find laying on a beach super boring but find driving relaxing. Road trip holidays cater to all types. 

If you hate driving, you don’t have to be behind the wheel for long periods; you can design your holiday to suit your sensibilities. Alternatively, you could drive for long stretches at night when the roads are quiet. Campervan holidays offer plenty of opportunities to relax and unwind.  

Visit New Places 

Staycations have become popular for a range of reasons; they are cheaper than overseas holidays and are sometimes viewed as more responsible for the planet. Another benefit to a road trip holiday is the chance to visit heritage sites and local places you will otherwise miss.   

Wherever you live, your country has some interesting history stored in local natural sites and city museums. Why not give your excursion a theme and immerse yourself in the story of the areas, read books about the history as you travel and make the sites you visit more relevant? 

Learn New Things 

There are plenty of new things to learn on a campervan holiday. There are the practicalities of the trip; you have to learn about the campervan itself and how to navigate your journey; then, there are the things you learn about along the way, such as the history of your area of travel. 

Unlike a resort holiday, a campervan vacation challenges you to think for yourself and stimulates your brain in new ways. Forget about a brain training app – although these can be useful to keep you sharp – heading off on a campervan holiday is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain. 

Save Money 

Another reason campervan holidays are more popular than ever is the low cost of a vacation. When you fly overseas, you have lots of expenses upfront. There are flights to pay for, accommodation, and the cost of excursions. Campervan holidays slash the cost of a vacation. 

If you don’t have a campervan, don’t worry, you don’t have to buy one. Instead, you can find camper van hire in your local area and rent one for a week, a few weeks, of the entire season. Hiring a campervan is also cost-effective because you don’t pay for any road tax or insurance. 

New Experiences 

One of the best things about a road trip holiday is all of the new experiences you can have. Campervan holidays are spontaneous and inventive, and you never know who you’re going to meet. If you’re the kind of person that thrives on creativity, you will love a campervan vacation.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram. 

How to Work Your Curves

How to Work Your Curves

We’ve all been blessed with bodies. How we treat that body is up to us, and I suggest you treat your body well. Eat right, sleep well, and be kind to your body. These are the three factors that will keep you living a healthier lifestyle.

I hear constantly, people shaming their own bodies. You are beautiful and you better start loving the skin you’re in. Everyone is built differently, so whether you lack curves or have more than you planned on, learn how to work your curves to look and feel your best.

The Bodysuit

The bodysuit is a great way to get hugged in the right places while enhancing those sweet spots. Check out a shapewear sale to find trendy bodysuits that can fit your style. Tanks, short-sleeve, or long-sleeve options can be universal with jeans or under a power suit. The bodysuit never seems to go out of style since it’s a basic classic.

Get Active

Being active doesn’t mean starting a tough gym regime with a hardcore trainer. Being active is getting up and moving around. Start a habit of walking every day or try some yoga poses. An active lifestyle is all about getting that blood pumping and heart beating, so you can maintain good health. Daily stretching can help tone your body more than you’d ever expect.

Adding an activewear support belt, weight trainer, or fat burner belt while doing a daily routine can enhance the workout and help shape your curves. Look for the best activewear for women to see which style can work best for you.

Start Off with a Blank Canvas

Starting off with a blank canvas is adding shapewear under your everyday clothes. The best shapewear will feel barely there, but will compress the loose skin. By wearing shapewear under your garments on a regular basis, it will work out the body and skin without you doing much of anything.  As we age, gravity starts to affect the body, which results in sagging. Shapewear will keep things in place and tight. From here, you can choose your favourite designer or brand and elevate how you look and feel about their clothing. Choosing premium lifestyle wear from Dan Bilzerian Ignite can make you feel amazing regardless of the situation.

Final Thoughts The thing to remember is you are beautiful inside and out. If you want to enhance your curves to your favor, it will take some minimal effort on your part. Wearing clothes that work for your body will change your appearance and the way you feel. So, don’t be afraid to try on new things and move outside the box of your comfort zone when finding which clothes will work your curves.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.