How To Protect Your Windows From Flying Debris In A Storm

How To Protect Your Windows From Flying Debris In A Storm

Windows are a crucial part of any home, providing natural light and ventilation. But during a storm, they can also be a significant source or almost magnet for flying debris that can cause damage to your property or even injure someone.

When a storm comes, it’s imperative to have the best protection on all the glass-plugged openings of your home, whether it’s having impressive Impact-resistant windows or trying another resource to prevent glass from shattering if it happens to get hit during the storm.

The following article will discuss some tips on how to protect your windows from flying debris in a storm.

Photo by Josh Sorenson

1) Hurricane Shutters vs. Impact Windows

Which is the better investment?

If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes or other severe storms, then you may be wondering whether hurricane shutters vs impact windows are the better investment. There are pros and cons to both options, so it really depends on your specific needs and budget.

Hurricane shutters can provide excellent protection for your windows during a storm. They are typically made of metal or plywood and can be installed quickly and easily. However, they do require some maintenance and storage space, and they can be expensive.

Impact windows are a newer option that is becoming increasingly popular. These windows are designed to withstand flying debris and high winds, making them ideal for protecting your home during a storm. Impact windows are also energy-efficient and can help reduce noise levels. However, they are more expensive than hurricane shutters and may require professional installation.

Which option is right for you?

It depends on your budget and your specific needs. If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, then impact windows may be the better investment. However, if you are on a tight budget, then hurricane shutters may be a more affordable option.

No matter which option you choose, protecting your windows from flying debris is essential. By taking the time to prepare your home before a storm, you can help keep your family safe and reduce the risk of damage to your property.


2) Cover Your Windows With Plywood

Covering your windows with plywood is the next best option if you don’t have hurricane shutters or impact windows. Plywood is strong and can withstand high winds and flying debris. It’s also relatively inexpensive and easy to find.

To cover your windows with plywood, start by measuring the width and height of each window. Cut the plywood to size and then drill holes along the edges. Finally, attach the plywood to the window frame using screws or nails. Be sure to use enough screws or nails so that the plywood is securely attached.

Once all of your windows are covered, tape any seams or gaps with duct tape to further secure the plywood. And that’s it! By taking these simple steps, you can help protect your windows from flying debris during a storm.

3) Apply Window Film

Another option for protecting your windows is to apply a film to the glass. Window film is a clear adhesive film that can be applied to both residential and commercial windows. It’s designed to hold the glass together in the event of breakage, making it an ideal solution for protecting your windows during a storm.

Window film is available in a variety of thicknesses, so you can choose the level of protection that you need. Thicker films offer more protection, but they are also more expensive.

In conclusion, there are a few different options for protecting your windows from flying debris during a storm. Hurricane shutters, impact windows, plywood, and window film are all effective solutions. The best option for you will depend on your budget and your specific needs. By preparing your home before a storm, you can help keep your family safe and reduce the risk of damage to your property.

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