Simple Ways Young People Can Prevent Cancer

Simple Ways Young People Can Prevent Cancer

Cancer can happen unexpectedly. It does not care for age, so even young people can be diagnosed with it. While it can be cured when identified early on, prevention is a lot better than treatment. It does not take a huge life change to prevent cancer. There are simple but effective ways that you can do to decrease your risk of catching it.

Starting at a young age is the best way to prevent cancer later in life. The longer you follow healthy practices, the lower the risk you have. Here are some of the most common yet most preventable types of cancer:

Skin Cancer

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer in the USA and the rest of the world. What is alarming about it is that it is common even among those that are in their 30s. When you do not take good care of yourself, you can even get skin cancer again after being cured of it.

Fortunately, skin cancer is highly preventable. It is caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. You cannot avoid going out, but what you can do is protect your skin from damage. The least that you can do is to stay under the shade when the sun is too intense. Similarly, avoid tanning when you can, especially artificial tanning.

The other best way to protect your skin is through skincare. One of the first things that you should do is wear sunscreen whenever you go out. Most people only do it when they are at the beach, but it should be done every time you expose yourself to the sun. Moisturizers and serums that have repairing ingredients will also help lessen the damage. For those with sensitive skin, consider looking at products with all-natural ingredients such as green tea and vitamin C soaps and serums.

The important thing about skin cancer prevention is consistent practice. Doing it once cannot have the same effect because sun damage accumulates over time. Starting as early as when you are a teenager or in your 20s can reduce damage in your older years.

Lung Cancer

In the United States, the type of cancer that causes the most deaths is lung cancer. It kills more people than breast, colon, and prostate cancer combined. Although you may still get it if your family has a history of lung cancer, adopting healthy habits can greatly improve your chances. Even simple exercises can also reduce your risk if you cannot rehabilitate yourself.

Smoking tobacco continues to be the leading cause of lung cancer. Even if you have already started, you can still prevent yourself from getting lung cancer by quitting or reducing the amount you smoke. At the same time, secondhand smoke also increases your risk, so it is best to avoid being around people smoking.

For those that really cannot help themselves, some studies have shown that exercise can counter its effects. Your fitness level can be affected by smoking, but a fit smoker has lower risks than inactive ones. In particular, aerobic exercises such as jogging are what you should do. These exercises improve lung capacity and strengthen the heart.

Colon Cancer

Sometimes, strange and irregular bowel movements are not just a sign of diarrhea, but there is a possibility that it is colon cancer. Although it may be unpleasant for most people, checking your stool is a good way to identify whether something serious is going on with your colon and rectum.

Whether due to school or work, many people tend to neglect their health because of stress. While it is a fairly common practice, doing so continuously can increase your chances of developing colon cancer. Even eating healthy is difficult for many, but fortunately, there is a simpler way to do it.

One thing that can prevent this type of cancer is having a balanced diet. If you don’t have time to cook every day, you can prep your meals in advance. You need a combination of vegetables, protein, and grains. These can be cooked ahead of time and stored in the fridge for later days. All you need to do is get some Tupperware and portion them out. Once you are ready to consume it, reheat them in the microwave or do so at work.

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