Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands: How You Can Help The Environment

Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands: How You Can Help The Environment

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There is something that is happening in the world that we all need to worry about, and that is climate change. Whether you know anything about this, or not, in inescapable fact is that we all need to start dealing with this problem because it is never going to go away on its own. 

Experts may differ on their prognosis of the exact timeline, but they generally all agree that we will notice a drastic change within our lifetimes. And, if we do not do anything about this in the next few years, we are facing irreparable damage to the planet. 

So What’s Going Wrong?

There are a number of things that are affecting the environment. Firstly, pollution is a big problem. When our power stations burn coal and gas to create the energy we need heat and power our homes, offices, shops, and factories, we are letting C02 and dangerous greenhouse gasses into the environment. Ordinarily, our planet can take carbon emissions. Trees take carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, which we all need for a healthy life. But we’ve chopped down so much of the earth’s forests that too much C02 is getting lost into the atmosphere and is gradually causing changes in the temperature of the planet. This leads to ice caps melting and sea levels rising. 

Other problems that we face include large amounts of undegradable waste which is often dumped at sea, chocking our oceans and our marine life. Water is being polluted everywhere, from everything from runoff from animal agriculture, and the dumping of industrial waste. This causes a reduction in good drinking water. 

What Can We Do To Help?

These problems may sound as though they are too big to help deal with. But they are all of our problems, and we all need to work together to fix them. 

Conserve Water

You could do simple things such as fit a water tank such as the ones at https://www.clarktanks.com.au/ in your home to collect rainwater. This can be used for flushing toilets and watering the garden. 

Drive Less

If you are a driver, you could look for ways to make fewer journeys in your vehicle. You may want to look at car shares, or getting the bus or cycling places. There are lots of ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint by changing your motoring habits. Have a look at getting an electric car in the future as these go a long way to helping to solve the problems. 

Eat Less Meat

Adopting veganism and plant-based diets have been suggested by the UN as being one way that we can help to solve the climate crisis. So much of the world’s environmental issues are caused by animal agriculture, from deforestation to make way for farms, through to the amount of water that goes into making a hamburger. There is a very strong argument for reducing the intensity that we farm animals drastically. If you don’t feel you could give up totally, why not try a flexitarian diet, and look at reducing your meat consumption?

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