The Habits of Healthy Families

The Habits of Healthy Families

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It seems the healthiest families are the ones that lead a healthy lifestyle together. They are all involved in food and exercise choices and take care of each other. There are some habits that help towards this, and none of them are beyond the realms of possibility for any family. They might take a bit of forethought and planning, but the effort will be worth the end result.

Eating Before Hunger Sets In

If the family gets too hungry our bodies produce a hormone known as ghrelin. This is what creates the feeling of hunger and the problem is that once eating starts, it takes another 30 minutes for the hormone to get back to its normal level. In that time a family can have munched its way through so many foods and eat far more than they should. By eating at regular intervals and not letting hunger set in, they will avoid this situation and maintain healthier weights.

Being prepared for meals also helps. Knowing what everyone is having is far better than deciding at the last minute. Breakfasts, lunches and evening meals can all be organized and ready to eat, which is another way of helping to avoid hunger pangs.

20 Minutes Exercise Each Day

No matter how busy life is, healthy families find 20 minutes a day to exercise. Often the best way to do this is at home, because if travel is involved suddenly that 20 minutes can turn into an hour or more.

It does not matter what the exercise is and if it can be something that involves fun that is even better. It can be changed every day, as long as at some point every family member gets his or her 20 minutes of exercise.

Playing with a ball with the children, having a dance party or maybe playing something such as hide and seek can be brilliant ways of getting the whole family involved in the exercise, without them even realising it.

Keep Snacks Healthy

Keep snacks to healthy foods such as fruit and nuts. If whoever does the shopping does not buy the likes of biscuits and chocolates the family members will be used to not having them and so will not get the cravings that make people eat far too many sugars and carbs. The numbers of fruits and nuts to choose from are endless, and eating these types of foods does not have to be boring. Chop them into a dish with some yoghurt for a very healthy and delicious snack.

There is nothing wrong with having a treat when you are out and about, but that tends to be an occasional thing and is better than having packets of biscuits in the home to tempt everyone.

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It goes without saying how vital healthcare is for the well being of any family.

Most families will have a doctor that they use, but also, especially where children are concerned, some ear nose and throat care might be needed. Conditions such as tonsillitis are very common in children, which is why so many of them end up having their tonsils removed.

With older family members there could be problems with hearing or balance and then an ear nose and throat specialist is the person they will need to consult. ENT doctors will also deal with infections and allergies, which can happen to anyone no matter what age they are.


Just spending some time chatting can be a great benefit to all the family members. It could be that this happens while the family is together for their evening meal, or that different family members have a chat at different times.

Being able to talk to their parents will encourage children to tell them of any worries or concerns they have which in turn will help to promote a better nights sleep for them.  Telling younger children a bedtime story can have the same effect.

Encouraging a Healthy Family

Healthy families tend to be happier families because they are more involved in each other’s lives and generally do not suffer from so many ailments.  Even things like a cold that works its way through a family can cause extra stress. A healthier family will be more likely to avoid the viruses and bacteria that cause such problems, and this will help to keep the stress levels lower too.

Building healthy habits is the way to achieve this aim, as then eating a healthy diet and getting the exercise they need are normal and not something that is out of the ordinary for them.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Repairing Your BMW

Repairing Your BMW

Every vehicle requires frequent servicing, with most companies recommending a service every six months or every 3,000 miles on the clock – whatever comes first. The type of service you need depends on your car; the make of it, how old it is, how long it has been since your last service and how many miles you have driven.

It is essential that you take the time and consideration to seek a reputable and high-quality mechanic company in order to ensure that you benefit from the service you require and that your car performs to the optimum level. This blog post will provide information on finding the best company for BMW servicing specifically.

It is essential that you get your BMW car serviced frequently so that it operates to its optimum level and so that you do not suffer a lack of reliability. Moreover, if you fail to service your vehicle on a regular basis then you are likely to be faced with extortionate repair bills, thus don’t think by avoiding servicing you are saving money.

So, what should you consider when seeking the best company for your BMW servicing requirements?

Complete and thorough service

A lot of people book a service without having an insight into what the technicians are actually going to do to their vehicle. This is because a lot of individuals assume that all services are the same. Yet this couldn’t be further from the truth, you need to make sure you have a full understanding of what services they are going to perform so that you know what you are paying for and whether you are benefiting from a thorough service. The different services you should be looking out for are the likes of; plugs changed, water checked, tyres checked, BMW oil filter change and alike.

BMW trained technicians

All cars are different; they require different services, different parts, and different tools. Therefore it is highly recommended that you seek mechanics that have been trained to service BMW cars specifically. By doing this you ensure that your car receives a servicing which is of the highest standard and that no accidents occur. After all, if the person in question has not been trained in this brand of car then they could easily utilise or fit a part which is incompatible.


The cost of the BMW servicing is obviously an important factor because you want to make sure that it is something which you can comfortably afford. You should look around and compare different prices in order to find a good deal. Nevertheless, it is important to be mindful of going for something which is alarmingly cheap because this could signify a lack of quality or an incomplete service.

If you consider the three points mentioned in this article then you should be able to find the best company for your BMW servicing. Make sure you seek to have your vehicle serviced on a regular basis so that your car performs to optimum level.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

6 Ways to Get More (and Better) Sleep

6 Ways to Get More (and Better) Sleep

By Guest Blogger, Elise Morgan

Image by pexels

  • Exercise Daily

Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to improve your sleep and is even backed by science – adults that exercised took half the time to fall asleep and slept 41 more minutes per night than those that did not exercise.

Physical activity not only contributes to more restful sleep, but also increases time spent in deep sleep. This helps to boost your immune system, while also supporting cardiac health, controlling stress, and minimizing your anxiety.

  • Stick to a sleep schedule

Do your best to follow a nightly plan where you will be in bed for 7-9 hours every night, and if possible, go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. By limiting the differences in your sleep schedule, your body’s sleep-wake cycle will be reinforced, letting your body know more effectively when to wake up in the morning and when to start winding down at the end of the day.

  • Optimize your room for comfortability 

Your sleep environment is key to getting more rest and is crucial in how you feel when you wake up. If you’ve been getting up in the morning with an achy body and a groggy mind, be sure you are sleeping on comfortable mattresses and pillows that are right for your body and sleep preferences. If your mattress is no longer feeling supportive and comfortable, it may be because it has exceeded its life expectancy – about 7-10 years depending on the quality.

  • Find your wind down routine

Another great way to get more sleep is to create a pre-bedtime routine that helps you wind-down. Relaxation techniques before hopping into bed have been proven to improve the quality of your sleep and is even oftentimes used to treat insomnia.

Consider listening to relaxing music (think: ocean sounds, rain noises, light classical music, etc.), reading a book, meditating, and even deep breathing techniques to find the best method to help put you to sleep.

.     Make Sleep a Priority 

It’s important to understand that your body needs sleep, and that you should not be prioritizing your daytime activities when it’s time for bed. We have all been guilty of letting television, the internet, our phones, and even our relationships infringe upon our sleep, but we need to respect the amount of rest that our bodies demands and adhere to these requirements.

  • Paint your room a “cool” color for tranquility

When all else fails, consider some redesigning to optimize your sleep. To make your room more serene and calming, consider painting the walls blue – studies show that those who slept in a blue room got a better night’s sleep, and slept more on average.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Lower Your Driving Costs

How to Lower Your Driving Costs

Most people have a love/hate relationship with driving. They love the freedom that it brings, and the convenience, but boy oh boy, can it be expensive. And forget the cost of the car itself — that’s just the beginning. After that, you’ve got the cost of fuel, which always seems to be on the rise, insurance, toll roads, and everything else. And what’s worse is that it seems that we have no choice other than to pay up; that is, if we want to get to work and so on. But here’s the thing. It’s nearly always possible to lower the costs of getting from A to B, and to limit the amount of money our vehicle takes up. Below, we take a look at a few handy ways to ensure your car doesn’t eat up all your cash.


Driving the Correct Way

Most people use far more fuel than necessary, and they don’t even realise it. You don’t just have to accept how long a full tank of petrol will last you — it’s something that’s in your control. It’s all about ensuring you have a high MPG (miles per gallon). If you’re accelerating away from red lights too quickly, or braking harshly, or just generally going faster than necessary, then your engine is going to eat fuel. Take things a bit easier, and you’ll be waiting longer between trips to the petrol station.

Best Route, Cheapest Fuel

You’ll also want to keep in mind that there isn’t a standard price for petrol. You don’t need to accept the price of whatever your nearest station is selling their fuel for! Do a little research on how to locate the cheapest petrol in your area, and you’ll be paying less when you’re at the pump. The difference might not seem that much when you just take one trip into account, but when you multiply it over a year, you’ll see savings.

Regular Maintenance

A car in good condition will also use fuel more efficiently, but that’s not the only reason why vehicle maintenance is essential. It’ll also prevent more serious, and costly issues from materialising. It’s much better to have an expert perform a regular oil change, under the hood checks, and other general car maintenance, rather than wait for the small problem to become a big issue, and have to pay through the roof to get it fixed. Take care of your car, and it’ll take care of you.  

Leave it at Home

Some people automatically get into their vehicle once they leave their front door, but it’s not a force of nature. No-one commands you to drive, anywhere! In some cases, it can be much cheaper to leave the car at home, and instead take public transport. It can be cheaper, faster, and you won’t have to worry about paying to park your car once you arrive, either. If you insist on driving (or have no other choice), then spend some time researching the best route to your destination. The quickest route might get you there sooner, but if you’re covering many more miles than an alternative route, then the journey will cost you more.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Alternative Treatments To Help With Pain

Alternative Treatments To Help With Pain

Pain is something we all experience at some point in our lives. Whether it’s breaking a bone or recovering from a bout of flu. Pain levels vary in all of us but if you’re after some alternative treatments to help with pain, here are a few ideas to get you started and back to your healthy self.

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CBD Products

Cannabis has always been something that’s a little taboo but more recently, CBD products on sites like westcoast cannabis have become much more popular. There are so many products, like in the form of edibles, mixed in with beverages, as oils, and as beauty products, that there is something for everyone, meaning they have very much taken to the public market from North America to Asia.

With so much research being done on various medical illnesses, CBD and Cannabis, in general, have become an ideal solution to combat pain. It’s always best to do your research and don’t take anything without consulting your doctor first. You can find some examples here


What was once considered a bit of a bizarre treatment, acupuncture has certainly become a lot more sought after in helping with a variety of body pain. It works by putting very thin needles into the body and is derived from the Chinese. It’s meant to stimulate the sensory nerves that will naturally produce pain-relieving substances in the body. This can pretty much be applied to anywhere on the body so if you have back pain, jowl pain etc, this is certainly worth trying out.

Chiropractors are also good for manipulating the structure of the body to help relieve pain. As the main focus with chiropractors is the spine, it’s crucial that you look for someone qualified as this treatment can result in serious injury if not done correctly. It is however also known to be effective on lower back pain, neck pain, headaches and sports-related injuries.


A more alternative treatment but one that makes a lot of sense. Pain is all to do with brain signals, and one thing that could help with pain is hypnotherapy. It’s worth doing your research as you want to make sure you’re doing these with a qualified hypnotherapist. This isn’t going to solve all pain problems but for things like stress and illnesses that can’t be defined and could, therefore, be psychologically-induced pain. Hopefully, all you need to stop feeling your pain is by taking control of it, and that’s something hypnotherapy is known to offer.


Although it’s probably useless for most, massages are great for easing the pain in the muscles. Depending on your pain threshold, deep tissue massages can be great for help with trapped nerves and tight muscles. A lot of athletes and those who regularly go to the gym can benefit massively from a massage. Always try to do your research when it comes to picking a masseuse. Sometimes it’s good to get recommendations or read reviews to see if those who’ve had the massage have felt the results.  

Although more traditional forms of medication and treatments are recommended, alternative treatments are worth exploring when perhaps traditional forms are limited or don’t work. It’s always good to consult your doctor before you start any alternative treatments but why not give it a go?

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia