How to Lower Your Driving Costs

How to Lower Your Driving Costs

Most people have a love/hate relationship with driving. They love the freedom that it brings, and the convenience, but boy oh boy, can it be expensive. And forget the cost of the car itself — that’s just the beginning. After that, you’ve got the cost of fuel, which always seems to be on the rise, insurance, toll roads, and everything else. And what’s worse is that it seems that we have no choice other than to pay up; that is, if we want to get to work and so on. But here’s the thing. It’s nearly always possible to lower the costs of getting from A to B, and to limit the amount of money our vehicle takes up. Below, we take a look at a few handy ways to ensure your car doesn’t eat up all your cash.


Driving the Correct Way

Most people use far more fuel than necessary, and they don’t even realise it. You don’t just have to accept how long a full tank of petrol will last you — it’s something that’s in your control. It’s all about ensuring you have a high MPG (miles per gallon). If you’re accelerating away from red lights too quickly, or braking harshly, or just generally going faster than necessary, then your engine is going to eat fuel. Take things a bit easier, and you’ll be waiting longer between trips to the petrol station.

Best Route, Cheapest Fuel

You’ll also want to keep in mind that there isn’t a standard price for petrol. You don’t need to accept the price of whatever your nearest station is selling their fuel for! Do a little research on how to locate the cheapest petrol in your area, and you’ll be paying less when you’re at the pump. The difference might not seem that much when you just take one trip into account, but when you multiply it over a year, you’ll see savings.

Regular Maintenance

A car in good condition will also use fuel more efficiently, but that’s not the only reason why vehicle maintenance is essential. It’ll also prevent more serious, and costly issues from materialising. It’s much better to have an expert perform a regular oil change, under the hood checks, and other general car maintenance, rather than wait for the small problem to become a big issue, and have to pay through the roof to get it fixed. Take care of your car, and it’ll take care of you.  

Leave it at Home

Some people automatically get into their vehicle once they leave their front door, but it’s not a force of nature. No-one commands you to drive, anywhere! In some cases, it can be much cheaper to leave the car at home, and instead take public transport. It can be cheaper, faster, and you won’t have to worry about paying to park your car once you arrive, either. If you insist on driving (or have no other choice), then spend some time researching the best route to your destination. The quickest route might get you there sooner, but if you’re covering many more miles than an alternative route, then the journey will cost you more.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
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