Why Do Water Leaks In The Home Happen?

Why Do Water Leaks In The Home Happen?


We all know what could happen if a water leak occurs in our home. There could be damage to our floor, walls, electrics, wiring and materials such as wool carpets, cotton cushions, etc. however, why do leaks happen? It’s not just a moment of fate whereby the home suddenly springs a leak on the owner. It’s also not always a logical leak whereby there is a reason for the leak that seems to be backed by common sense. To lift the veil from the reasons why leaks occur, let’s take a look at the most common causes.

Ambient temperature changes

One of the main reasons why water leaks occur is because your home suffers a sudden change in temperature. This may have to happen quite a few times before a leak springs but it’s pretty predictable that it will eventually happen. The reason is that metal fatigues when it has to expand and contract too rapidly. Ruptures occur in pipes that are frozen and then thaw quickly. You should never pour hot water on a frozen pipe to get the water running because of this reason. Just wrap it with insulation and wait for the ice inside to melt. 

Blame theRuptures occur

Plants that are planted by the side of the home might make the home look pretty but they are often the culprit of water leaks. This is because plants are smart and they can find water wherever it is. Their roots are powerful, they can burrow into metal or plastic piping. It may take the plant a year or so, but eventually, it will pierce it’s roots through the pipe to reach the water inside. So never place plants too close to your home.

The roof

Sometimes it’s the most predictable reason, in that there is a hole in the roof. If you often see leaks on your ceiling during or after a day or rain, then you can bet your bottom dollar there is something to be worried about with your roof. Use a professional to find water leaks, especially for the roof. It’s dangerous to examine the roof on your own and without experience. The experts will find the leak safely and examine the damage it has done and then decide what repairs are needed.

Old age

It may just be that the pipes are old. Brass pipes can last between 40-70 years but PVC pipes which are the most common, only last about 20-40 years. If your home is as old as these numbers and the plumbing pipes have never been replaced, then it could just be that father time has finally caught up with your home. It’s a good idea to replace your piping where it counts the most, such as in the bathroom and kitchen

Leaks can occur for a number of reasons but remember it’s not rocket science. It could just be due to old age, a plant’s roots, a worn-out roof, or sudden temperature changes. 

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

The Things That All Kitchens Need To Keep Clean

The Things That All Kitchens Need To Keep Clean

The kitchen is often described as the heart of the home. It is a place where everyone gathers, sits, eats, and cooks. As a result, you will want to make sure that you are creating a home environment that is clean and healthy, to keep the whole family clean and healthy. If you want to take the care of your kitchen to the next level, then here are some of the things that you should be thinking about. 


Small brushes for cleaning tiles

The kitchen is likely to have some tiles, whether that is on the floor, on the walls, or both. If you want to keep them clean and looking like new, then it is so important to make sure that you have the right tools to clean them. One of the tools that is a must, for both the tile and the grout, is a small brush set. This could be anything like a toothbrush, although you can get some cleaning brushes that are specifically for cleaning tiles, which will have stronger bristles than a toothbrush.

Microfiber towels

How can you get a sparkling clean kitchen without any microfiber towels? They will help when it comes to wiping down all of your kitchen appliances, and help to leave them looking clean and sparkling, but without any of those annoying streaks.

Choosing easy to clean materials

There is a reason why no one chooses carpet in a kitchen, right? It would be so hard to clean, with the many spills, drips, crumbs, and drops that it will get on it. If you are wanting to make your kitchen easier to keep clean, then it is a good idea to think about the materials that are in the kitchen, in order to make cleaning easier. Something like marble countertops, for example, can be a good choice. They are easy to wipe clean, don’t absorb spillages, and can look shiny, with very little effort. So if you are redesigning your kitchen, think about the materials that you use in there.

Sink strainer

When you’re preparing food or doing dishes, you don’t want clumps of food or crumbs to fall down the drain. If this happens, then it will lead to a lot of blockages in the sink which could need to be replaced, or lead to bad smells as things can’t get down the drain. A sink drainer goes into the plughole, letting the water out, but keeping the crumbs and pieces of food in the sink. It can speed up your kitchen cleaning time easily too. 

Disinfecting wipes

Having some wipes in the kitchen that are easy to grab and ready to clean and disinfect with, can make such a difference to how clean your kitchen will be. Not only will it mean that it is easy to keep the kitchen clean, but it can leave the kitchen looking spotless, as well as smelling fresh. A clean smelling kitchen makes such a difference to how your kitchen feels, so it is a must. 

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Smart Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

Smart Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

Science has proven that smiling is good for us, but what can we do if something is getting in the way of us flashing our grins? Of course, I’m talking about teeth that aren’t as white as we’d like them to be. Fortunately, there are plenty of things we can do to brighten and whiten our teeth. Keep reading to find out what they are. 

Oil pulling 

While the research evidence in favor of oil pulling is patchy there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that it works. Oil pulling consists of swishing oil around the mouth and is said to help remove bacteria that can cause plaque. It originates from India but seems to be quite popular worldwide right now. 

To oil pull, choose coconut oil as this can be anti-inflammatory, as well as help to kill off bacteria. It also tastes a bit better than the other oils on the market which is good news as you will have to swish it around for 15-20 mins daily to see any effect. 

Remember to wait until the coconut oil has melted before you put it in your mouth. Also be sure to dispose of the used oiled correctly in a bin, as it can easily solidify and cause issues for your drains at home. 

Get a professional whitening treatment 

Another great way to get white teeth is to opt for a professional whitening treatment provided by your dentist. Look for a dentist that offers both in-office and at-home treatments to provide you with the most choice. 

In-office treatments tend to take around an hour and involve hydrogen peroxide solution being applied to the teeth along with light treatment in 15 min periods. 

At home, whitening treatments on the other hand are ones where you are given the supplies by your dentist to complete the routine in the comfort of your own home. For this treatment, you will be provided with a custom tray, although it does often take a little longer for the best results. 

Eat this not that 

You’re probably already sick of people telling you to eat more fruit and vega as it is, however, what you may not realise is that it’s not just good for your body, but can help keep your teeth white too. 

Some types of fruits and vegetables can be particularly useful here too. One of these is a delicious pineapple that contains the enzyme bromelain. A substance that has had some success with removing tooth stains. Raw veggies such as carrot and celery are great for keeping teeth white as well because their fibrous nature acts to remove plaque buildup. Last, of all, some people swear by strawberries as a way to keep their teeth as white as possible. The reason being that they are full of malic acid which is also great at lifting stubborn stains. 

In addition to some food being helpful for whitening teeth, there are also some that you need to avoid. In particular, any substance that stains the teeth such as tea or coffee needs to be consumed in moderation.  Sugary foodstuffs such as chocolate and candy are also a bad idea if you want to keep your teeth as white as possible, as they encourage plaque growth. 

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

The Most Effective Ways To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

The Most Effective Ways To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Teeth! Keeping them healthy is one of the most important things we can do. Yet, it seems as if we often forget to take proper care of our mouths. Fortunately, you can find out about the most effective ways to keep your mouth happy and your teeth healthy in the post below. 

Keep ‘em clean 

It may seem like a no-brainer but one of the best ways you can keep your teeth healthy is to make sure you keep them clean. Of course, dabbing a bit of toothpaste on the end of your finger and switching it around your mouth isn’t going to cut it here. 

Instead, you need to brush after every meal and use floss to remove any food particles that get trapped between your teeth. The good news is that there are now air and water electric flossers on the market, which makes the whole process more effective and easier too. 

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Straighten ‘em 

Straight teeth are far easier to clean than crooked ones. This is because crooked teeth over overlap or leave large gaps which can be ideal breeding grounds for bacteria, plaque, and over time tooth decay. However, teeth that are correctly in line make brushing and flossing properly that much easier. 

With that in mind, if you have crooked teeth you may wish to consider visiting your dentist to find out about the different types of straightening methods on offer. Invisalign braces, made from plastic and almost undetectable on the teeth are a partially popular choice right now, as they provide all the benefits of a brace with none of the downsides. 

Watch your diet 

If you want to keep your teeth healthy, eating and drinking the right things is vital. Raw vegetables are great for mouth health as they can help to clean teeth as they are being chewed. On the other hand, things like refined sugar, coffee, and red wine are bad news for mouth health. Indeed, coffee and red wine can stain teeth, ridding them of their natural whiteness, while sugar is just the energy source that the bacteria that live in our mouths need to create plaque which can lead to tooth decay. 

Picture sourced at Pexels – Licence CC0 

In the end, it’s best to limit these types of food altogether. Although, if you do consume these problems food, brushing and flossing directly after is the best way to minimize any damage. 

Invest in good quality dental products 

An electric toothbrush can provide our mouth with a far more effective clean than a manual one. Some even tell you how long to spend brushing each quadrant of your mouth, and others will let you know if you are brushing too hard, something that can do a lot of damage to your gums if you’re not careful. 

Additionally, when it comes to toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash investing in good quality or even specialist products can pay off in the long term. For example, people that experience bleeding when brushing their teeth can get specialist paste and mouthwash to combat this, something that could help them to prevent tooth loss later on. 

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Getting Through End-Of-Life Care With A Loved One

Getting Through End-Of-Life Care With A Loved One

The end of any loved one’s life is naturally going to be a very difficult thing to deal with. Nothing you can do can change that. However, there are things that you can do to make sure that any unnecessary difficulties are taken care of. You might not be able to prevent it from being hard, but you can make it a lot easier.

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Don’t isolate them

Illness is already a somewhat isolating experience and, when facing the end of their life, it’s no surprise that your loved one might feel that it makes them feel even more alone. However, you and their other family members and friends can make sure that this isn’t the predominant feeling that they’re dealing with. Taking the time to be there, to talk with them, show them you’re thinking about them can make it feel like they’re not facing the end alone. However, if they do want to be alone for a time, it’s important to respect their wishes.

Help them deal with their needs

Your loved one might have many concerns that range from the clearly important to seemingly trivial. For instance, something like sending a birthday card to a loved one or picking up a loved one from school or the airport can still linger on their mind and it can help them relax to let them know you have it covered. Then you might want to have conversations about things like their will and the handling of their assets, whether you’re able to assist them directly with that or you can find an estate attorney to help, instead.

Give them the care that they need

Many chronic illnesses also come with their fair share of discomfort and pain. Taking the initiative to manage it and to fulfill their daily needs as best as possible can prevent a lot of suffering. Talk to them about their options, knowing which are realistic, whether they can stay in their own home or they might need to think about staying with a hospice that can improve their quality of life. Sometimes, family members will take the initiative to provide that care themselves, but working with a professional can offer some peace of mind that you’re making the right decisions when it comes to the specifics of care.

Dealing with anticipatory grief

Something that is likely to happen to both your loved one and you is the experience of anticipatory grief. As the name might suggest, this is when you begin to go through the grieving process in anticipation of a loss and it can catch you off guard. Many hospices and carers will have links to spiritual and mental health counselors for those in their care, but you might want to look at talking to a professional therapist to take care of yourself, as well.

As said at the start, there is no way to make the process of passing on easy. However, there are several ways it can be much harder and the tips above can help you prevent that.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

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