Are You Living A Sexually Healthy Lifestyle?

Are You Living A Sexually Healthy Lifestyle?

There are many ways you can stay fit and healthy for your body, but what about sexuality? Sex is a part of everyone, you can’t help being who you are and we all have urges. However rather than thinking about sexy only when we want it, we need to start living a more sexually healthy lifestyle as well. For example, you may not even know that there are certain things you can do to improve your sexdrive and the health of your reproductive organs. We can’t demand our respective tools to jump into life whenever we want them to and not be in some kind of discomfort. We need to have a good heart first of all as our blood pressure and heart rate massively spike when we are in the act. We also need to stay active in between each meeting and that requires some different kinds of exercises.

For your benefit

The fat distribution for men and women is very different. Men store most of their fat on their upper body. Usually it’s all around their stomach and on the waist. For women however it’s mostly in the lower body such as in the hips, buttocks and legs. So to help your body be more ready for sex, you should workout these areas the more often. You don’t need to do weight training as this will burn off a lot of fat which you need. Instead you should do aerobics that focus on your buttocks and legs. This can be things like standing bodyweight squats, calf toning exercises and lunges to improve your rear. Overall this helps your joints as well, making you more flexible and improving your overall stamina too. 

On the go

You’d be surprised at how many couples have spontaneous sex. It’s not all about pre-planned meals with candlelights and romantic music. Many people would prefer to just have sex when they want it no matter where it is than have it planned. It’s just more exciting that way, but don’t forget you don’t want any unplanned mishaps. The benefit of pre-planned sex is that you can plan it out; obviously. So if you’re on the go, don’t make the unfortunate mistake of not carrying contraception options. You have many different contraceptive measures for men but also for women. It’s not just the pill, but things like the femidom and the ring. These things will help you and your partner have safer sex and prevent diseases from spreading or any unwanted pregnancies from occuring.

Engage in fantasy

Believe it not, sex can get boring. If it’s just too predictable it becomes a chore rather than a pleasure. So engage in fantasy. Talk about your sexual desires, secrets and fantasies with your partner. But don’t just talk about them, act them out. You can fulfill each other’s fantasies and mix it up a bit. Keep sex fun, adventurous and indulge in your guilty pleasures.

Many of us aren’t worried about sex until we need it. You should work to have a better, healthier sex life by keeping your body is tip top shape. Engage in fantasies and spontaneous sex, but always be careful and be safe as well.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Beat Summertime Blues

Beat Summertime Blues

The summer is usually a time to shed the winter funk. The sun shines brighter. The weather is warmer. Birds are always singing a song. But for some, those feelings of depression are hard to shake, no matter how beautiful the day is.

Here’s some ideas on how to quash those summertime blues.

It’s okay to take a break

Summer is the most widely acceptable time to take a vacation. Vacations can be expensive, stressful and above all give you the need to have a vacation after your vacation. Plan accordingly. Give yourself a day of rest after you get back.

If you don’t have the funds to go away, plan a few days of a staycation. Sure, use a few days to get things done on your to-do list, but remember to have time to rest as well as have fun.

Keep a journal

Keeping a journal is a great way to release the everyday stress and low thoughts going on. Write down what’s bothering you. But here’s a twist, finish your thoughts with positive goals. List options of how to fix the situation or write out positive quotes to balance your mindset.

Plan for the future

We all have dreams and goals. Planning for the future allows you to look past the hopelessness of a bad moment. Write out a five-year plan. After that, write down a one-year plan. This will help give you realistic steps on how to accomplish your dream-worthy goals. This might take a couple hours, days or weeks, but write down things that you look forward to achieving.

You’re not alone

Summer can bring on emotions of feeling alone. Friends are on vacation. Perhaps, you and your partner have parted ways for the summer. Use this time to focus on yourself. Get healthy. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

Take an exercise class. Start walking. Being active releases positive brain chemicals to fight off depression.

Next, find someone to talk to. There’s plenty of great ways to approach this. Ask your doctor to refer a therapist. Or, talk to a therapist or counselor online. Sometimes, we as humans get lonely. But know this, you are not alone.  There are many outlets to remind us of that if we just take a second to look beyond ourselves.

Find your joy

You can make this task easy or difficult. Think back to when you were a child. Simple things made you happy. Yes, some we’re material things. However, there were plenty of things that put a smile on your face without costing a thing. I’m not saying live in the past. Move forward with child-like eyes. Enjoy the simple things in life. Enjoy that sunset. Enjoy taking off your shoes and walking in the grass. Enjoy sitting by the city fountain on a hot day and feeling the cool spray of the water.

Your best days are ahead of you. Just remember to rest, get healthy, find your peace and learn what makes you happy.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Undeniable Reasons Being A Woman Is Awesome!

Undeniable Reasons Being A Woman Is Awesome!


The role of women has never been more under the microscope. What with the Me Too movement and the gender pay gap, there are lots of reasons to think men are on top. However, being a woman is incredible. The alternative is to be a man, and we can all agree it isn’t on our bucket list, ladies! And, if you think this is a post to big up women without any evidence, you’re wrong. Womanhood is supported by science, and the proof of the pudding is in the eating. So, carry on reading to find out more and eat up these undeniable reasons being a woman is awesome.

We Don’t Need A Man

That’s according to a recent study in The Guardian. Something ladies have known for ages is that there is no need for a man in life. Sure, finding a partner to spend forever with is an incredible experience, but it doesn’t define women. Men need it because it calms them down and adds another string to their bow; we, on the other hand, are more likely to die early. And, it isn’t only men because the girls don’t need kids either as unmarried women without children is the happiest group. The next time someone questions your independence hit them with this nugget.

We’re Better Drivers

The adage is that men are better drivers, but that’s been disproved. A recent study published in Harper’s Bazaar shows women are better than men because they’re less likely to be involved in an accident. While the guys need the experts at Eric Ramos Law on speed dial, we don’t have to worry about our health on the road. There are knock-effects, too. Being safer drivers means insurance premiums for women are lower and we have more money in our back pockets.

We Communicate Better

A study by the University of Manchester found that women are better communicators than men. Why? It’s because they speak for the sake of it and we get to the point. Let’s face it – this research is about as reliable as it gets! Not only is the stereotype that women are gossipers not true; we’re more succinct too. The reason this is important is varied, from being more efficient and not wasting time to expressing how we feel. The latter might seem corny but it’s an integral part of a successful relationship, not that we need one anyway!

We Live Longer

If you thought being a woman didn’t get any better, wait until you hear this one: our life expectancy is higher. The reasons haven’t been pinned down yet, but it’s thought women live longer for biological child-bearing purposes. Regardless, we get all of the benefits above and we get to enjoy them for longer. Sure, there are some drawbacks to womanhood, but we’re working on that too with more representation in the workplace and the boardroom. Oh, and sexual harassment and is on the decline as well.

Sorry guys, but it looks as if you’re the ones who’ve picked the short straw. Ouch!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Making Important Life Decisions That You Feel Happy About

Making Important Life Decisions That You Feel Happy About

Life is all about balance. There will be times where things just seems to be going your way, and then there will be moments where you have no choice but to make difficult decisions. Ultimately, you have to think about yourself and your family before anything else, and in some circumstances, people may not agree with your decision, but as long as you feel content and assured, then that’s all that matters. With that in mind, here are some of the important life decisions that you may need to consider and make in the near or distant future. 

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Deciding to get married

Finding someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with is not as easy as you might think. Some meet their partners in school and are childhood sweethearts, others will wait and kiss many frogs before finding their prince. However, many get to the stage where they are serious with someone and then ultimately the conversation regarding marriage will come up. Deciding on making that commitment is big, but in your heart of hearts you will already know what you want to do. 

Deciding to start a family

Whether marriage is on the cards or not, starting a family may be something that you start discussing. That might be because every conception story is different, and sometimes trying to conceive can take longer than you originally thought. Take time to consider your options and don’t be put off if it doesn’t happen straight away. It might be worth looking into things that you can do to improve your chances. 

What if you are not ready? 

Sometimes we are not ready for children when the situation arises accidentally. It might have been a time when your contraception failed you or simply just an error in judgement. It happens, and that might mean that you consider all of your options including an abortion clinic. However, these things can come at unexpected times and in theory after consideration it might not be a bad thing. Just make sure you take time before making any rash and life-changing decisions. 

Knowing what to do with your career

Your career and the job that you do is an important decision to make when it comes to life. After all, you spend a huge chunk of your time working, and you want to ensure that you feel happy and content. Sometimes we don’t realise what we are passionate about until later in life, so a career change may be on the cards for you. It could even mean starting your own business and working for yourself. Working from home for a better life and work balance and generally making some big decisions for your future career. 

Where you live and what you do with your life

Finally, where you live and what you do with your life are also big decisions that you may want to take time considering. Perhaps you want to live in a different country and experience a new culture. Maybe you want to do charity work or change your lifestyle in some way. Take time to think about what you want to do with your life, we only get one shot at it. 

Let’s hope this has given you something to think about when it comes to important life decisions. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Make Your Yard Space More Zen

How to Make Your Yard Space More Zen

Would it be good if we somehow had the option to walk into a beautiful, wonderfully peaceful outdoor space, one that put is in a tranquil mood the moment we arrive? Well actually, we do have this option, and it’s not by visiting some expensive, exclusive Japanese garden…we can do it right on our own property. Not enough people make the most of their outdoor space. Though they require a little bit of work, they can be the most relaxing part of our property, if we get them right. Below, we take a look at a few ways that you can make your garden space that little bit extra zen.


Clear Away

If it has been some time since you’ve done anything with your yard, then the first thing you’ll want to do is clear away anything that won’t inspire joy. This means old, rusted items, dead leaves, overgrown plants, and so on. Once they’ve all been removed, get to adding some beautiful plants and flowers — for the minimal amount of work, take a look at which plants are native to the area in which you live. One small tip is to choose as many different colours as possible. It’ll make the garden more beautiful. 

Home Comforts

There’s something to be said for spending time in wild environments. But for a true zen garden, you’ll want to make it feel like it’s been designed in your image, and is infused with your personality. To do this, look at adding little touches of your personality into your garden, especially in the area around your backdoor. The idea is to add those things that inspire joy in your heart, whatever they may be. It’ll work best if you’ve got some sort of cover, to protect from the rain. 

Extra Mile

It’s all good and well creating a space that’s relaxing, but if you live next to a main road or you’re surrounded by loud families, then there’s going to be an upper limit to how relaxed you can feel. If you lived far away from other people, then silence would be golden — but if you don’t, then you’ll want to have something that masks some of the sounds. One of the best ways to do this is to add a water feature, which is always relaxing. It offers a level of tranquillity that other features can’t. You’ll need to dedicate a space, and look at getting a submersible pond pump; Berkeley pumps will be a good option. An added touch will be adding some fish to the pond, and a bench next to it so you can enjoy your efforts to the max.

Private Spaces

Finally, remember to take some steps to make your garden more private. It’s hard to relax if you feel like you’re on display! Adding higher hedges and more plants around your yard will be a good start, as will adding a verandah for where you’re sitting. No-one’s probably looking, but you’ll feel better if you know they can’t. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

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