Category Archives: TIPS IN ACTION

App Concepts Fintech Startups Should Consider In 2023

App Concepts Fintech Startups Should Consider In 2023

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Every year, the fintech world progresses. Improvements in regulations mean that it is easier than ever before to launch an app and generate profits

Strangely, though, only a small fraction of startups are entering the sector. It remains relatively underexplored compared to other areas where competition is fierce. 

Here, we explore app concepts on the horizon in 2023. Let’s take a look. 

Bill Reminder Apps

People get into trouble when they fail to pay their bills on time. It tanks their credit rating and it makes it much harder to get a loan. 

It can even lead to legal trouble and letters through the door. That’s not what people want. 

Bill reminder apps are a solution. These connect to the user’s bank account and then schedule reminders based on due dates. All users need to do is read and respond to the notifications. 

The best apps allow users to automate payments or press a single button to authorize them. 


Loan Lending Apps

There are plenty of people in society with money to lend, and many others who need to borrow. Getting them to meet each other, though, is difficult. Doing it the old-fashioned way is impractical. 

Loan lending apps, though, could change all this. It would make it easy for lenders and borrowers to meet each other on a shared, monitored platform. They could then exchange at agreed-upon rates and timescales, without having to worry so much about admin. 

P2P Payment Solutions

There are already many P2P payment solutions on the market, but are they using an open banking API for fintech app development? Probably not. 

There’s a simple reason for this: most developers simply aren’t aware of the existing tools and systems out there. They believe they need to integrate from scratch when this is not actually true. 

Blockchain Banking

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Blockchain banking is very much in its infancy and there are all sorts of opportunities for startups entering this sector early. The reason is simple: there is only a handful of people in the world who understand the technology well enough to implement it and put it into practice. 

Blockchain banking might be difficult to achieve, but the final result will be worth it. Protecting customers and eliminating the risk of fraud could change financial transactions for good. 

Crypto Exchange Platforms

Another area in need of professional startups is crypto exchange platforms. While there are already several out there, they all have weaknesses. What users need is an app to rule them all that offers impeccable security. 


E-Mortgage Apps

Lastly, your startup might want to pursue e-mortgage apps. These pieces of software let users plan, manage and even apply for mortgages electronically. 

E-mortgage apps are helpful because of the complexity of the mortgage market and the sheer cost of taking one out. The software can point users in the direction of the cheapest suppliers and help them keep costs down. They can even offer real-time advice through the app itself, helping users to make better decisions with their money and how they use it.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

What Are The Most Common Car Repairs?

What Are The Most Common Car Repairs?

Whatever car you happen to drive, there are going to be repairs that need doing from time to time – that is just how it goes, regardless of how you approach driving or caring for your car. Of course, there are things you can do to reduce how often you need to carry out repairs – driving safely, getting the car regularly serviced – but generally, there are always going to be repairs of some kind. So which are the most common car repairs that need doing, and what can you do about them? Let’s look at four of the most common right now.

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Brake Replacement

Your brakes will generally wear out over time, and in fact this is one part of your car that is always going to need replacing from time to time. Your brakes are obviously a very important part of the vehicle because without them you are not driving a safe car at all. So it’s vital that breaks are repaired as soon as they need to be. Having them checked at an annual MOT is very wise, as is watching out for the signs of old brakes – such as a mushy feeling when you press them or the car taking longer to stop.


Windscreen Cracks

It is actually easier than you might assume for your windscreen to develop cracks. It can be as simple and quick as a stone being thrown up by the tires, and then once you have a crack, the problem is that it can develop into something more serious very quickly. If you have noticed this happening, it’s best to act fast. Contact your local auto glass specialists and get them to come and repair it as soon as possible. It might be a small repair, or it might need a complete replacement. Either way, be sure not to avoid it.


Oil Change

When your car’s engine runs, it burns through oil. In the process, that oil goes through a filter, and over time the filter is going to become dirtier, which means that the oil itself becomes dirtier too. That is not an immediate problem, but it does mean the car won’t run as efficiently and that your engine will be under more strain than is ideal. So taking your car for an annual oil change is a really good idea, especially for older vehicles. You can even do this yourself, if you prefer, without too much difficulty.

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Tyre Replacement

The tyres are obviously the only part of the car that touches the road all the time, and as such, it is hardly surprising that they are the first part to need replacement in most cars. One of your main advisories on an MOT will often be tyres, and you need to make sure that you don’t let them get too close to the legal minimum before replacing them. This is one of the most important things you have to pay attention to in terms of keeping safe, so make sure you remember that.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

How to Drive Safer in Winter to Avoid an Accident

How to Drive Safer in Winter to Avoid an Accident

CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

It is essential that you learn to drive safer in winter to reduce the chances of a terrible incident. You can prepare your car well, but you are responsible for anything when out on the roads.

Be Aware of Icy Conditions

The main problem with winter driving is the ice that can build up on the roads. Ice is, of course, slippy. And this means your car can skid off the road, causing a potential major incident. You can drive slower and more carefully. But even the best auto wreck lawyer can’t defend you against reckless driving. So stay vigilant against icy conditions on the road because your brakes won’t work as well, and any kind of speeding is guaranteed to end up in total disaster.

Use Better Tyres

In some places, the minimum legal tread depth for tyres during the winter is 3mm. This is almost twice as much as the minimum legal tread depth during any other season, which is 1.6mm. So, at the very least, make sure that your tyres are legal for driving in the winter. You might also want to consider buying winter or all-season tires. These stay soft in colder temperatures and give you a better grip on surfaces that are slippery, which is a huge help in sleet, snow, and ice.

Check Your Car Daily to Drive Safer in Winter

Even small problems can cause big safety problems when it’s cold outside. With a car service, any problems will be found and fixed. Most garages offer flexible plans for car servicing that suit any budget. If you don’t want to do that, you should at least make sure your car’s lights, brakes, tyres, windshield wipers, and battery are all in good shape before the weather changes. Check and fill up all the fluids in your car, like the oil levels, water tank, and the amount of antifreeze.

Set Out Earlier than Usual

Many people don’t give themselves enough time early in the morning to appropriately remove ice from their car windows. This can make it hard for people to see what’s ahead and around them while driving, which can easily lead to a disaster. Don’t use boiling water on your windows, just warm, or the glass can break under the sudden pressure. Try to make sure that there is no ice, snow, or fog on any of the windows, even the sides, before you leave for work or travel.

Use Your Lights Properly

Winter brings all kinds of strange weather and shorter days. This can make it hard to see. When it’s cold and wet outside, fog forms, which makes it hard to see while driving. When driving in fog, you have to be much more careful. For instance, you can’t use your fog lights unless you can’t see very well. Turn them off when you can see better, or they could blind other drivers and make your own vehicle’s lights harder to see. A disaster waiting to happen on any road.


Because of the hazards involved, you must drive safer in winter to avoid tragedy. Always stay aware of icy conditions, check your car each morning and use your headlights correctly.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Get Magic Marker Off Surface

Get Magic Marker Off Surface

Photo by Elena Rubtsova

Whether it is from the kids drawing or you’ve made the mark yourself; hearts sink, when magic marker residue is left behind on something it was never meant to be on.

In a panic, some people will try anything to remove the belligerent marks, but as long as you have a little patience, the best results happen with a baking soda paste.

Get in the Mix

Mix baking soda with a little bit of water until you get a creamy paste-like result. Apply to the stains, while rubbing the solution in, and let set for a couple of minutes.

Put Some Muscle into It

After several minutes of letting it soak in, continue to rub, working the marker stain out. You may have to use a little elbow power, to get it all the way out if it’s embedded in wood grain or something like that, but you should see the stain start to lift and disappear.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

5 Reasons to Take a Campervan Vacation

5 Reasons to Take a Campervan Vacation

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Campervan vacations are more popular than ever, thanks to changing attitudes and systems. Instead of paying big money for an overseas holiday, people are opting for staycations instead. Campervans are the best ways to visit your home country as a tourist and immerse yourself.  

Relax and Unwind 

One of the main goals of any holiday is to relax and unwind, but this means different thighs to different people. Some people hate driving but love laying on a beach for hours; others find laying on a beach super boring but find driving relaxing. Road trip holidays cater to all types. 

If you hate driving, you don’t have to be behind the wheel for long periods; you can design your holiday to suit your sensibilities. Alternatively, you could drive for long stretches at night when the roads are quiet. Campervan holidays offer plenty of opportunities to relax and unwind.  

Visit New Places 

Staycations have become popular for a range of reasons; they are cheaper than overseas holidays and are sometimes viewed as more responsible for the planet. Another benefit to a road trip holiday is the chance to visit heritage sites and local places you will otherwise miss.   

Wherever you live, your country has some interesting history stored in local natural sites and city museums. Why not give your excursion a theme and immerse yourself in the story of the areas, read books about the history as you travel and make the sites you visit more relevant? 

Learn New Things 

There are plenty of new things to learn on a campervan holiday. There are the practicalities of the trip; you have to learn about the campervan itself and how to navigate your journey; then, there are the things you learn about along the way, such as the history of your area of travel. 

Unlike a resort holiday, a campervan vacation challenges you to think for yourself and stimulates your brain in new ways. Forget about a brain training app – although these can be useful to keep you sharp – heading off on a campervan holiday is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain. 

Save Money 

Another reason campervan holidays are more popular than ever is the low cost of a vacation. When you fly overseas, you have lots of expenses upfront. There are flights to pay for, accommodation, and the cost of excursions. Campervan holidays slash the cost of a vacation. 

If you don’t have a campervan, don’t worry, you don’t have to buy one. Instead, you can find camper van hire in your local area and rent one for a week, a few weeks, of the entire season. Hiring a campervan is also cost-effective because you don’t pay for any road tax or insurance. 

New Experiences 

One of the best things about a road trip holiday is all of the new experiences you can have. Campervan holidays are spontaneous and inventive, and you never know who you’re going to meet. If you’re the kind of person that thrives on creativity, you will love a campervan vacation.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram