Category Archives: TIPS IN ACTION

Dry and Chapped around the Mouth. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

(Recap) Tips in Action: Dry and Chapped Around the Mouth.

Around the winter time the cold brisk air can be very drying to skin, add the moisture from your mouth and the hot air coming from your breath can cause an unseen condensation around your mouth. This is a terrible combo for the suffers; dry and chapped around the lips and at the corners of the mouth. not only is it sad to see your skin flaking but, it can be quite painful too. Let’s say you’ve already tried a moisturizer and it didn’t work. You then tried olive oil and that helped heal a bit but you still need a little more moisture.

Here’s a tip in action for you. Get an avocado, cut it open and remove the green stuff. Mash it up and add a little bit of olive oil to the mix. Pat some warm water on the dry area, don’t dry. Apply the mixture on the area and let sit for 20 minutes. Put the unused mixture in the refrigerator for next time.

After the 20 minutes rinse off with water only. lightly pat dry with a soft cloth or tissue. If skin starts to feel tight again apply moisturizer or olive oil (doesn’t burn the skin) to skin and let soak in completely. You can repeat this process once a day several times a week till skin heals. The avocado penetrates through several layers of skin appose to other things that only go a couple layers deep.

If the skin burns or is cracked and broken, using an antibiotic cream can prevent infection. Call your doctor if skin becomes red, swollen or broken from being chapped, you may need medical assistance for healing skin.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

This Broccoli Can Help Fight the Start of a Cold. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy


Tips in Action: This Broccoli Can Help Fight the Start of a Cold.

In the midst of cold season, what is still the best way to help fight a cold? I’ve always heard feed it. Well, that is true in some ways, because there are certain nutrients that build your immune system and relieve symptoms that a cold can bring.

Garlic is amazing for building the immune system and packed with antioxidants, but most of us don’t want to eat a clove raw, nor do I recommend it. So here’s a great alternative. Sautee up some broccoli in a a garlic sauce, and if you want to add some heat, add a little chilli pepper. Chilli pepper will help clean out the sinuses. Broccoli is full of calcium and vitamin C to help boost the immune system. So, if a cold is coming your way heat up the skillet or if cooking isn’t your thing grab the Chinese take out menu full of great garlic dishes, and feel better soon.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Ear Infection with a Cold. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: Ear Infection with a Cold

Problem: Do you have any home remedies to get rid of ear infection during cold?

Tip from Tia: Sad to say, this is becoming a common question this season. Having a cold can be bad, but adding an ear infection into the mix is down right miserable! A great home remedy to relieve the pain while treating the infection is using olive oil. Heat a spoon with warm water. Then pour a small amount of olive oil onto the spoon. Make sure it’s not too hot and drizzle into the ear. (Having a helping hand, while you lay down is easiest) Let the oil run in the canal for a few minutes. Watch your balance before getting up, and have a paper towel close by to catch what runs back out.

Then, use a heating pad throughout the day. Place it behind the infected ear. This will help with swelling and loosen and thin the mucus inside the ear.

Using over the counter medicine? Get one with an expectorant. that will help break up the blockage as well.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Keep Nose from Drying Out. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: Keep Nose from Drying Out.

Prevent the nose from drying, cracking and overgrowth of bacteria by swabbing the nostrils with olive oil. Apply olive oil to a cotton swab and gently apply inside the nostrils. Olive oil is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, that will help in prevent of overgrowth in the nose.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy

Dry Skin During Colder Season. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: Dry Skin During Colder Season.

Skin tends to dry out during the colder months, due to the cold snaps and the heated cars and buildings. The best way to adapt to the changing season is, starting from the inside, if you can. Adding a handful of almonds into a daily diet can provide natural oil production to moisturize your skin and hair. And, help alleviate the brash of winter.

Be sure that you don’t have a nut allergy, before adding nuts into your diet. If you find you have an allergic reaction seek immediate emergency and call your doctor.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy