Category Archives: TIPS IN ACTION

4 Simple Ways to Create a Better Financial Lifestyle

4 Simple Ways to Create a Better Financial Lifestyle

Money is one of the most important things in life. Without it, we can’t do anything. That’s why it’s so important to have a good financial lifestyle. In this blog post, we will discuss four simple ways that you can improve your finances and create a better future for yourself. Follow these tips, and you will be on your way to financial success!

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

1) Create a Budget. 

The first step in creating a better financial lifestyle is to create a budget that works for you and your family. A budget will help keep track of how much money you have coming in versus going out each month so that nothing gets missed or forgotten about when it comes time to pay bills on time!


2) Create an emergency fund. 

You never know what can happen, which means having an emergency fund ready at all times is crucial for any person who wants their financial life under control. This way, if something does go wrong with one area of our finances, we won’t go into debt trying to fix them because we already have money saved up already, just waiting there until needed! This could mean anything from losing employment unexpectedly due to unforeseen circumstances to a car breaking down.

 The best way to create an emergency fund is to have money automatically transferred into it each month from your checking or savings account, so you don’t even have to think about it! Some banks offer this as an option, or you can use budgeting software that will do it for you.

 3) Use cash instead of credit cards. 

 When you use a card, it’s easy to forget about how much money you’re spending because there is no “real” payment being made as opposed to when using cash which makes things tangible and harder not to notice. This way, nobody gets into debt or overspends on anything that they can’t afford in the first place!

 Cash also helps with budgeting since we all know exactly what our limit is before even going shopping; meaningless impulse buys, too, because if something doesn’t fit within those limits, then don’t buy it at all (or wait until another time).

 Sometimes people get caught up in the idea of ‘credit’ and think that their income will always be enough for them, so they end up overspending without realizing it until later on when they check their bank statements or credit card bills.


4) Think About Insurance.

It’s a good idea to have insurance for your health, car insurance, and home contents. This way, if anything happens, you have peace of mind that the cost won’t be too much on top of what you’ve already paid out in premiums each month. Insurance companies can also help with things like replacing lost items or paying medical bills from accidents, so having some type of coverage is always beneficial when considering any major purchases such as cars or homes since they might require monthly payments over time rather than all at once upfront!

Insurance gives us financial protection and helps cover costs we otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford in case something does happen which requires it (for example, think about does insurance cover testosterone therapy?). If there were no policy, this would mean that we would have to come up with all of that money ourselves in a concise amount of time which is practically impossible for most people, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry! However, a lot of people still don’t have the right insurance in their life, especially life insurance, and there’s an interesting article in which PHP Agency reviews why this is. It’s important to have the correct insurance in your life if you want to create a strong financial lifestyle.

In conclusion, by following these four simple tips, you can create a better financial lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones! 

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram..

How To Prepare For A Care Worker Coming Into Your Home

How To Prepare For A Care Worker Coming Into Your Home

If you are in need of a care worker coming into your home regularly, there are some things that you can do to prepare yourself and your home for their arrival. This blog post will outline some tips on how to make the transition as smooth as possible for both you and the care worker. Following these simple steps can help minimize stress and maximize the benefit of having a care worker come into your home.

Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

1) Know Your Rights As A Care Worker Client

You are in charge of your care worker. If they do something that you don’t like, then it is within your right to ask them to stop or go somewhere else. You have the power in this situation and should never feel intimidated by anyone coming into your home. They are there to help you, not harm you! Remember this at all times while dealing with any professional person who comes into contact with people regularly, such as doctors or nurses – even though they may be trained medical professionals, it does not mean they should act as though their word is law over everyone else’s opinion!

2) Know What To Expect From A Care Worker

Before you sign up for a care worker service, make sure that they are able to meet your needs. Do they have experience in the type of care that you require? Are there any extra charges or hidden fees associated with their services? Make sure to ask these questions before hiring them, so there won’t be any surprises down the road. You can also have a look at consumer choice options to make sure you get the care worker that fits your needs.

Also, make sure to discuss with them what their regular routine will be like when they come into your home. This includes everything from how often they plan on visiting what tasks they will be performing while there. You should also have a clear understanding of their policies and procedures in case of an emergency. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can help minimize stress for both you and the care worker.

If you are not entirely comfortable with something that the care worker has proposed or if there is ever a conflict, don’t hesitate to speak up! They are there to help meet your needs, so let them know if anything needs adjusting.

3) Prepare Your Home For The Care Worker

Make sure that your home is in good condition before the care worker arrives. This includes removing clutter from rooms and hallways, as well as cleaning up spills or other messes that could be potential hazards for someone who may not see them right away. You should also make sure any dangerous items are out of reach so there won’t be any accidents if they need something while you aren’t looking. It might also help to keep an eye on pets or anything else that might distract the person doing their job! If possible, try not to leave any valuables lying around unattended either since this could be considered theft by some standards – even though it isn’t likely anyone would steal from a home where someone is living who needs constant care.

In conclusion, there are many things that you can do to prepare for a care worker coming into your home. The key is planning ahead, so everything goes smoothly when they arrive! Make sure all potential hazards have been taken care of, and any dangerous items are out of reach.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.

Your Guide On How To Puppy Proof Your Backyard

Your Guide On How To Puppy Proof Your Backyard

Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

If you’re a proud dog owner, then it’s important to do everything in your power to keep your pup safe. If you’ve ever wondered how to puppy proof your backyard, 

Then Look No Further Than This Helpful Guide!

Scan The Area

First of all, it’s important to know if your yard is ideal for playtime when you have a pup. Next, make sure that there isn’t any vegetation like poison ivy or oak that the animal could sniff and get sick from. You also want to avoid sharp rocks and sticks because they can injure their paws and cause infection. 

Finally, try to find out what time the neighborhood kids play outside so that your little pup doesn’t accidentally bark at them through the window and get him or herself into trouble with the folks next door. With these tips in mind, you can easily make the backyard ready for playtime.

Secure The Perimeter

Now it’s time to get down to business and puppy-proof your yard! You’ll want to start by putting up a fence around the perimeter of the property. Ensure that the fence is of good quality bought from a reputable fence company. This way, you know for sure that your little one won’t escape without your saying so.

Lock It Up!

Next, consider investing in some child locks to place on all of the gates inside the yard. With these precautions in place, you should be safe from straying into areas he isn’t allowed into normally. Along with this, you should also invest in finding ways to keep your pup off of any furniture or items that are off-limits until you deem otherwise. The last thing you want is for Fido to start chewing on some shoes or on the paint off of your walls!

Avoid Shrubbery With Berries

Berries are great for some types of wildlife – birds love them! But small children and pets might be tempted to pick and eat berries from your landscaping which may lead to stomach aches or worse.

Avoid Keeping Meat Or Bones In The Backyard

If you have a dog who is prone to steal food, keep these things out of reach as much as possible. If you do not want to put your trash can inside, purchase a locking lid for outdoor cans and place them on the side of your house where they cannot be accessed easily by your pet. Be sure to avoid feeding your dog raw or cooked bone as this may splinter or cause blockage issues down the road if swallowed whole.

Keep Pathways Clear Of Rose Bushes

Rose bushes are beautiful, but they can cause skin irritation and stomach upset if ingested. If you have a dog who likes to urinate on your bushes and flowers, it’s best to keep these types of plants out of reach as the chemicals in them may be harmful to your pet if ingested. The same goes for other poisonous plants that can be found around the world – keep them out of reach!

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.

Common Risks That Can Threaten The Success Of Your Business

Common Risks That Can Threaten The Success Of Your Business

In the modern market, there are a number of different risks that threaten to limit your business’s chances of achieving success. It’s vital that you can acknowledge, understand and reduce these risks if you want to thrive commercially for the foreseeable future, but thankfully it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might expect to protect your business today.

Depending on what kind of business you are running, you should consult with the right counsel about the proper paths to protect yourself. For example, if you’re already in the public eye or pivoting to leave a great mark in the world, you might need to reach out to an entertainment firm like Nashville’s premier entertainment firm, Dirickson Law, to assist with contracts or other legal matters.

Image Source – Pexels 

There are mentors and reputation management services to turn to when you need extra guidance. Nevertheless, all businesses have moments of overwhelming decisions and outcomes. Setting yourself up for success out the gate is imperative to reach that next level.

So, if you’re interested in finding out more about how you can fight back against the most common dangers so that your business can thrive, then simply read on. 

Always Get Paid In Full

Though this may seem like a glaringly obvious step, you must always take the time to ensure that you get paid in full from each and every customer no matter how much their bill may be. You can never allow people to take your products or use your services without paying for the privilege, even if they promise to pay in several days or weeks.

Never make the mistake of trusting your customers when you’re running your own business, as unfortunately they do not value your hard work in the same manner as you and your team and would likely avoid paying in a heartbeat if they felt it was possible. Even if you do find yourself in a tricky situation, having provided goods or services to a customer who did not or will not pay, then you can always find a solution.

There are specialist teams whose sole purpose is to recover lost funds, and they will carry out a number of methods in order to get as much of your money back as they can. Even if you run a medical marijuana store you can get in touch with a Cannabis Debt Collection agency to help you get the funds you deserve, so never let your audience take advantage of you and your business. 

Protecting Your Reputation

Protecting your reputation is absolutely vital when you’re attempting to run a successful business, as you need to be seen as a top-quality provider that offers an outstanding service and amazing products. If you receive several negative reviews online or local customers spread their negative opinions through word of mouth, then other people will certainly be discouraged from visiting your store in the future.

You must be vigilant and always aim to resolve whatever problems occur within your business when it impacts customers, as they are the ones whose opinion matters the most.

Protect your reputation by channeling considerable efforts into customer service, and always encourage those who had a positive experience to write a review! The more positive reviews that you have then the more a new customer is likely to trust you and your products and services, so your profit levels will no doubt begin to reap the benefits. 

Reducing these common risks that threaten the success of your business has never been such a simple task when you can utilize some of the excellent tips and tricks that have been carefully described above. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Becoming Part of the Ted Talk Alum

Becoming Part of the Ted Talk Alum

It was so exciting, stressful and challenging once I was selected to give a Ted Talk for TedX Women’s Conference. Taking many painstaking hours to become prepared for this remarkable event, I’ll admit it was hard, scary and absolutely wonderful, to say the least. There were times I would think that I had nailed it. Then, I would get into my own head about every little detail I was presenting. I even repeatedly questioned the right thing to wear. But how could I promote stress relief if I was totally stressed out? I put my own advice to work, hard. And now, as I look at the video on YouTube, it was all SO worth every moment.

Coming up with a topic WORTHY

The Ted conglomerate has a ton of lectures out there given by really smart people. It can be intimidating just putting yourself out there, let alone, trying to pick something worthy enough to end up with the Ted logo attached to it. The committee is very selective in choosing someone, and their topic, for the honor to be spotlighted on the red circle. So, when I was asked what I thought I could possibly talk about, I had five topics ready to go. I pitched each topic with precision as if I could have done a full talk on each of those topics at that very moment.

STRESS won, this time

The topic of stress is so prevalent at this time with a pandemic still raging on and off. When the topic of stress was chosen as the topic that I should give my talk on, I did some new research. This time on previous Ted Talks that are already out there. I didn’t want mine to compare to anyone else’s. This is how I can up with a new route on an age-old topic.

The Frazzler vs. The Silent Stressor

My talk begins with stress and how it is bad for everyone, but I then focus on what kind of stressor you are, personally. People tend to favor one style over the other. That being said, there are ways to downgrade or prevent stress. Depending on what type of stressor you are, there are more favorable ways to manage it.

Stress is bad; My Ted Talk is Good

By the end of my talk, I was thrilled to have the audience with me, laughing and relating to what I was offering. At the end of the night, I had just about everyone in that theater stop me to tell me what kind of a stressor they are. Afterwards, I went out for a nice celebratory meal. As I was entering the restaurant, I heard yelling down the street, “Tia, I’m a Frazzler!â€. I couldn’t see them, exactly, but I yelled back, ‘Okay!â€. Next, I heard a blare of over lapping ‘Thank you’s’ ring into the cool night air.

It was awesome, I must say.

As we enter in a new year, it is time to reduce the addiction to stress. Find out what kind of stressor you are. Make changes. Practice self-care. The truth is, your body, heart and mind will thank you for it!

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.