Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

Tips To Help You Fully Unwind On Your Summer Vacation

Tips To Help You Fully Unwind On Your Summer Vacation


Summer is on the way, and that means only one thing for many of us: the annual Summer vacation. Finally, you will have the time to unwind and de-stress, improving your mood as you get away from all those things that put pressure on you in your day-to-day life. That’s the theory, anyway. To be honest, vacation time can be stressful in itself. From lost passports to missed flights, your relaxation time can be hindered in a multitude of ways. Still, we are here to help.

Finding easy ways to be proactive or keeping the mindset to let it go when things don’t go according to plan, can do a lot in helping reduce unnecessary drama and stress. It’s your vacation, so it’s alright to think outside the box. For example, are you afraid of missing a flight? Instead, try to book private jet online to ensure you’ll get to your destination and arrive in style.

The ideas are endless when it comes to vacationing and leaving stress behind. Here are some useful tips to help you fully unwind on your summer vacation.

  1. Choose the right destination

You need to pick a place that won’t trigger your stressors while you’re away. You might want to avoid the crowds, for example, so don’t go to those places that attract multitudes of tourists. If you have a fear of heights, don’t think about scaling the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Find somewhere that will enhance your relaxation time, such as the Delta Hotels Grand Okanagan Resort with its fabulous scenic views, or a beach holiday in a remote destination away from the throngs of other holidaymakers.

  1. Don’t overdo your plans

Some planning is always useful, especially if you want to make the most of the area you are visiting (and you don’t want to forget anything vital). But allow time for your free spirit, as well, doing things at the spur of the moment instead of adhering to a packed schedule, and enjoying the moment rather than worrying about the next thing on your itinerary.

  1. Go with the flow

You’re on vacation – things will go wrong! You may choose the wrong thing from the menu, or you may get lost if you travel off the beaten track. Provided you aren’t putting your life in mortal danger, laugh off these mishaps and add them to your memory bank for your holiday stories back home. Life isn’t perfect, so don’t sweat the small stuff.

  1. Don’t always throw caution to the wind

We may seem as if we are contradicting ourselves here, but that isn’t our intention. Yes, there are times when you should go with the flow, but without a few precautions here and there, you are going to make life harder for yourself. So, don’t head out into the sun without a hat and lotion, don’t stay out late at night if you are unfamiliar with the town you are staying in, and don’t eat anything off the menu if you know your fragile tum can’t take it. Have fun by all means, but be wise as well.

  1. Turn yourself off from the outside world

To truly unwind, free yourself from anything that will remind you of your life outside of the holiday. You need to centre on the moment, and enjoy the time you have away from work and those other pressures that burden you. So, don’t be tempted to look at work emails, avoid social media for a while, switch your phone off, and appreciate the beauty around you. You will be returning to the world outside of your holiday soon enough, so don’t waste your time and energy by thinking about it when you’re away.


Whatever you’re doing this summer, whether you are on vacation or staying at home, we hope you find time to unwind and gain some peace in your life. Take care, and if you are going away, bon voyage!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Mood Swings and Your Health

By Tia Cristy

Mood Swings and Your Health

Sometimes we all get grumpy, sad, mad, depressed, etc., but when is it time to get concerned about your mood swings? Are you quick to get angry? Do you have instant irritation when driving anytime you get behind the wheel? Maybe you’re dealing with intense anxiety? Are you sad in moments of quietness? Do you feel lonely all the time? Do you get really high highs and then get pummeled by the lowest of lows? What about feeling indifferent about everything?

Recognize Your Moods

Admitting to yourself when you are actually feeling some sense of negativity will help you recognize how frequently its happening. High-stress in the work place or home can cause moods to fluctuate, but we must take control of our mental health before it can snowball into a large issue. Once you become aware of the frequency of your bad mood, then you’ll be able to tackle what is causing your mood.

Pinpoint Your Stressor

Nobody enjoys traffic, but guess what, we’ve all dealt with it at one point or another, but most folks don’t allow their blood pressure to increase to dangerous levels. Let’s be honest, getting angry to the point of seeing red over anything isn’t acceptable. It’s best to try to pinpoint what is causing the stress so you can cure the problem, not just treat the symptom. Are you stressed at work? How’s the home life? Is money the root to all your stress? Do you feel pushed to your max? Do you feel underappreciated? It all happens at one point or another because we are human. But here’s what you need to do when it does happen… change your mindset. The saying I like the best is… ‘Fake it till you make it’. Remember to tell yourself, and others, life is good. Soon you will begin to believe everything is great. When anger or sadness comes on quickly, quickly change your sights to the beautiful day or maybe give yourself some self-appreciation.

Mental Health Checkups

Staying on top of your mental health is so important. Do you know that stress can fire-off inappropriate neurotransmitters in the brain, which releases chemicals preparing you face a lion, instead of your Tuesday morning meeting? Sadly, this reaction results in misfires in the brain. These misfires can cause damage if not stopped. So, what stops misfires? The simple answer… handling stress before you stress. But here’s a few things that can help.

  • Talking to an online professional is a great way to work on your mental health and release stress.
  • Start a daily exercise routine to expel the pinned up emotions.
  • Learning meditation is an amazing way to keep your mind healthy, as well as your body.
  • Getting more essential amino acids in your diet though food or supplements can change and reverse negative brain function.
  • Make sure you are getting your B vitamins—Especially for those that are gluten-free or on another specialty diet. (Remember to always consult your primary physician before starting any supplements and vitamins.) B Vitamins are powerful food for the brain!

Overall Health Can Cause Mood Swings

So you’ve tried meditation, started eating cleaner and found yourself a great therapist, but the moods haven’t improved. It’s time to talk to your doctor. Moods can certainly be a symptom of something else going on in your body. It doesn’t always mean it’s something serious since it’s known that seasonal allergies can actually cause mood swings, but it’s best to find out what could possibly be the culprit behind your mental disruptions. If your or anyone you know is dealing with depression or mental health issues, it’s important to know that you are not alone. There is help. Reach out to a family member, friend, colleague or talk to a professional, please.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Get the Guy: How to Get a Man to Like You

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

Get the Guy: How to Get a Man to Like You


Ugh, men are capricious beings and it can be hard and frustrating to get their attention and keep it. We all at one time longingly looked at a guy knowing that he doesn’t even know who we are, and even more often, grabbed someone’s attention just to see him lose interest. So, if you suffer from the same problem, here’s a little guide that will help you get and keep the man of your dreams.

Catch his eye

There’s a belief that men don’t care about what women wear, but the truth is that they do notice some positive changes. So, next time you think you’re going to see your hunk, try to dress up a bit. He will certainly notice and even maybe compliment your appearance. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to wear a gown to work or a little black dress to your casual stroll. Simply putting on some makeup, wearing your hair up or putting some effort into your outfit can attract his attention.

Put on your best smile

It might sound overly simple, but sometimes, all you need to do to get the guy interested is smile. Smiling is a bit contagious, so he will automatically get happier when greeted with your radiant smile. Additionally, smiling makes your face brighter and you’ll seem a lot more approachable. Laugh gently when you’re with him or send a subtle smile his way every once in a while. He’ll definitely become friendlier towards you. Just don’t overdo it with grinning, otherwise you might seem creepy.

Don’t hesitate to flirt

Men usually enjoy a casual touch of a woman, so don’t hesitate to engage in a little physical flirting by touching his hand, arm or shoulder. It’s a great way to state that you want to get physical with him and to attract his attention. A light touch can flip a switch in his head and make him take a second look at you or rekindle old feelings.

Blow his mind with your date game

Once you manage to get him on a date, don’t hesitate to take over a traditionally man’s job and make plans for you. Yes, going out to a restaurant is never a bad move, but there are so many great date ideas that will stay in his memory forever. Engaging in an activity that is not a huge cliché will definitely make him curious about other cool ideas you have.

Change your perfume

People are very sensitive to smells, especially the changes in smell, so if you want to get him to notice you, try changing your perfume. A new scent or a perfume worn in unexpected situations might get him interested and even earn you a nice compliment.

Compliments never harmed anyone

Literally everyone loves compliments, so don’t hesitate to praise him from time to time. Guys don’t really feel comfortable hearing compliments from other men, but when a girl does it, it will certainly make them happy and proud. Just make sure to be genuine and moderate. Insincere compliments or too many of them can make you seem shallow and fake, and you might make him uncomfortable.

Take the lead

Sometimes, men are not the best at taking hints, so don’t hesitate to take the lead and make the first move. Go and make an introduction, start a conversation or buy him a drink. Guys that are shy will love you for it, plus being bold can be so sexy!

Here you have it, the basics of catching a guy’s eye. Just remember to be yourself—if he falls for the real you, you have the potential of having a happy and healthy relationship!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Essential Advice For Life After Divorce

Essential Advice For Life After Divorce

Picture via pixabay


When you are going through a divorce, it can be hard to imagine what life will be like afterward. And while everyone knows that time is the greatest healer, the reality is that it can often seem like things will never get better. However, by following a few simple guidelines, it’s possible to cope with the stresses, pressures, and emotional turmoil’s that come with separation. Here is some essential advice on how to keep your head up and make it through the post-divorce landscape in the best possible way.


Accept the divorce


First of all, make sure you do all you can to terminate the marriage the right way. As discussed over at, you need the best solutions to this incredibly hard problem, and although it can be tough, try and see your divorce as a watershed moment. If you want to alleviate the pain and frustration of separating from a former loved one, you need to work hard, be honest, and accept the legal outcomes.


Keep a journal


Emotions are difficult to manage, and keeping things bottled up inside can lead to incredible psychological damage. And the reality of divorce is that you may not want to discuss particular issues with anyone else, even though they are eating you up from the inside. As points out, one of the best ways of dealing with this is to keep a journal. Write down your emotional worries, and let those feelings out. Not only will it give you a release, it will also help you stop becoming dependent on others.


Get a shoulder to lean on


However, journaling your divorce experience will only go so far. The truth is that you need someone who can listen to you, share your feelings, and understand how your life is being affected. Find a friend that can listen and give you good advice. It should be someone you trust implicitly, and know that has your best interests at heart. It should also be someone who you know is unafraid to tell you how things really are and won’t shy away from letting you know if your actions are doing you harm.


Get busy


As your old life ends, it’s time to embrace a new one. And given that your marriage is likely to have been problematic for some time, it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on yourself. It could be through investing more of your time into your professional life. Maybe you want to start that hobby you always wanted to try. Or perhaps you just want to broaden your horizons, and take advantage of being single and free.


Be sociable


One of the big problems with divorce and relationship failures is that you will often find yourself avoiding social situations. While this is an understandable reaction, it’s important to fight these feelings and get up and get yourself out there. You could join a divorce support group if you are struggling, or hook up with old friends you haven’t seen for years. Ultimately, the sooner you start being sociable, the faster you will be able to get over the divorce. Good luck!


Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.