Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

Shape Up

Shape Up

It’s about time body-shamers have been knocked off their soapboxes. We are all beautiful, no matter our shape or size. As long as we are getting a clean bill of health from the doctor and feeling our best, no one has the right to tell us how we should look. It’s all about embracing ourselves: Mind, Spirit and Body.

The Mind

Keeping a clear, level head is important. Stress levels are at an all-time high, wreaking havoc on our health. When the mind gets stressed through work, what is happening in the world or even as simple as driving during rush hour, it can cause serious, major damage to the heart and the brain. So, try reducing the stress in positive ways. Take a long bath, take a calm drive to see the ocean, throw on a Shapellx waist trainer and do some exercises… But remember, it all starts with telling the mind, ‘We’re not going to stress over this, right now’. Stop seeking out a problem or a battle and try to start looking for the silver lining in every situation.

The Spirit

Most people go straight to religion. But spirit is so much more than that. Your spirit is what other people see when you have drive, passion, love… Some folks call it your aura, others may say it’s your overall presence. The fact is, you will believe what you believe. But remember to nourish your spirit with happy stories, donating your time to others in need and simply being the miracle that this world needs. And don’t forget to take some quality time for yourself. Slip on a thong shapewear bodysuit under your favorite, fitted dress and treat yourself to a fancy dinner or take a spa day to rejuvenate your soul. All of these things have been known to help relieve stress and cause remission for certain aliments.

The Body available in beige or black

You were given a certain body type. Embrace what your momma gave you! When it comes to curves, sure, we all want the right ones in the right places. Shapers can help achieve the results we want when workouts aren’t giving us the results as fast as we would like them to. A waist shaper for women has been known to help make those sexy curves more permanent when working out with a shaper on. Just remember to be good to your body. Believe it or not, it’s important what you put in it as well as put on your body to achieve overall incredible health.

Overloading yourself with good vibes and positive actions can save your life. It might sound exaggerated or impossible, but the proof is out there. There have been studies proving that a majority of people who live less stressed and more generous with their time, understanding and compassion tend to live longer healthier lives. Why not give it a try?

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Sex Life

3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Sex Life

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Do you feel like your sex life is a bit meh? You could be in a long-term relationship, and things aren’t what they used to be in the bedroom. The spark hasn’t just gone out; it’s completely non-existent. It’s not that you aren’t sexually attracted to one another, it’s just that something feels like it’s missing. You need to spice up your sex life and rejuvenate your relationship. By the time you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll be all over each other once more!

Get confident being naked

It’s true for many people that your confidence evaporates as you get a bit older. You used to feel great naked, but now everything has dropped an inch or two, and you’ve put on a bit of weight. So, it’s time to get back your mojo and feel good naked. 

The easy way to do this is to identify your main issues. Do you feel self-conscious because your boobs are sagging? If so, you could always consider plastic surgery to make them perkier. There are many plastic surgery pros and cons, but the main advantage is that it massively boosts your confidence and mental wellbeing. If some added weight is your problem, think about following an exercise plan and getting fit. Deal with your issues, and you will feel way more confident with nothing on. This translates to a much more lively sex life!

Introduce some new ideas

If things feel stale, then mix them up a bit. Try new things and implement new ideas in the bedroom. You can get as crazy as you like, just be sure that both of you are comfortable. It adds some spice to proceedings as you’re not used to these new things. It brings back some of the excitement you used to feel!

You don’t have to go too crazy with your ideas; even some relatively mild introductions will do the trick. For example, maybe move things out of the bedroom and into the living room or kitchen. A change of scenery can really get the fires burning!

Try some role-play

You could include this in the previous point, but I think it deserves some solo attention. Role-playing is an excellent way of spicing up your sex life. Part of the reason that things have become so dull is that you’re too used to one another. There are no surprises anymore – things are always the same. 

With role-playing, you can pretend to be different people. Make up your own stories and turn it into a proper game. It can be really funny and help you feel detached from your own personas. This makes things a bit more thrilling and adds a touch of spice to the bedroom. 

To be honest, all of these ideas can apply to anybody in any stage of their relationships. Even if you’re single, and your sex life is a bit dull, try implementing these ideas. Relationships don’t depend on sex, but it is a big part of what makes your relationship unique. Otherwise, you’re just two close friends that spend a lot of time together.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

If You Have A Car Accident, Here Is What To Think About

If You Have A Car Accident, Here Is What To Think About

All of us, at some point, found ourselves in front of a car accident sometimes as spectators and sometimes as responders. Many of us have had some thoughts about what we will do, where we will put our car, what we will face if we have the necessary materials if our knowledge is sufficient and finally if we can deal with it. You should always be aware that you may undoubtedly be able to claim compensation, and in this case, you should look at hiring an auto accident lawyer

Photo: Unsplash

Do not act impulsively!

The first thought you have: ‘What should I do to protect myself, the injured person and all those present?’. Stop for 5-10 seconds, and observe the scene of the accident, give yourself time to realize the dangers that exist and to set the priorities of his actions. The importance of dealing with such incidents is the first in safety for any accident scene.

Call emergency and give them your location. Next, place a warning triangle at least 100 meters from the accident and, if possible, send a person at the same distance to warn oncoming drivers so that they slow down. If the accident has occurred on a two-way road, do the same for the opposite stream. If the accident has happened at night, try to send a flashlight with the people you are sending out. And, if possible, to wear reflective vests or brightly colored clothes. Make sure attendees are off the road and take them to a safe place or encourage them to keep going to safer ground. Keeping a small group of people close to you who will help you manage the incident can be beneficial. Once you have completed the actions for the safety of the accident scene, then and only then, do you approach the other vehicle of the injured. Check if the car is safe (e.g. if there is a fuel leak) and, after securing it, only then, should you continue. Otherwise, alert your findings to the emergency services who should already be with you on the telephone. These heroes are made up of people who have the necessary training and equipment to deal with such incidents.

Your next step

Turn the ignition switch off. Be certain the car is turned off, remove the keys and place them in a prominent place outside the vehicle. Usually, we choose the car sky, just above the driver’s seat. Then it would help if you dealt with the injured person. Ask how many people were on board. If young children were not secured with a seat belt or placed in special child seats, they could be easily trapped inside the car, maybe even in a difficult position, or thrown out of the vehicle. Try to find out what condition the injured person is in. 

Common injuries that you can claim for

Some patients who undergo accidents are relieved of their symptoms in a brief period. Complete recovery is significantly accelerated for others, in which the body can alleviate the symptoms of whiplash, most importantly, without the use of drugs, which is known to affect the body. It is instrumental, for a person in an accident, locating all pain points, strengthening muscles and improving area mobilization.

Another condition that can result from a car accident is disc herniation. According to Mr. Kakavas, the role of the intervertebral discs is to absorb the forces exerted on the spine. A hernia occurs when the soft inside of the disc, the gel nucleus, protrudes into the spinal canal, putting pressure on one or more nerves. Some people have no symptoms, but others may experience pain, numbness or weakness in the arms or legs, depending on the location of the disc. People with a weakened disc from normal wear (degeneration) are more likely to have a hernia due to a car accident on a vertebra. This is found especially, in older people. After all, in these older groups of patients, the hernia does not require such strong forces, but minor events, such as sneezing can also cause it.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

You secretly spend over a million dollars on your car!

You secretly spend over a million dollars on your car!

Everyone is always angling to save more money since we all know it matters a lot. One thing we often don’t think about is how expensive cars are. I know they cost a lot of money, but when you add everything up it’s incredible! Each car you buy is practically a downpayment on a house, and it ends up in the scrap heap before too long! Mix in most families having two cars and replacing them every 10 years and you get some big bills. Maybe when people talk about downsizing their homes they should really be talking about downsizing their cars first!

Infographic source:

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Fighting Off Isolation For An Older Loved One

Fighting Off Isolation For An Older Loved One

As we get older, we all become prone to a range of health issues. However, amongst diabetes, heart disease, and the like, one of the most dangerous health issues of all is isolation. Here, we’re going to take a look at how older people are more susceptible to isolation, the devastating effects it can have on their health, and some tips on how to help them fight it.

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Why it matters

Isolation is considered amongst one of the greatest health risks facing the elderly in the modern age. It’s not fearmongering. Health studies have found that isolation has a causal link with an increased risk of premature death. Furthermore, it can seriously damage our quality of life.  Not only can insolation lead to depression, stress, and anxiety. People who are socially isolated after 50% more likely to suffer dementia and other cognitive decline issues. Furthermore, people who are isolated are more at risk of serious impacts from injuries, since they may not have people to check up on them as often as they would, otherwise.

Giving the company you can

Now that you understand the real threat that isolation can pose to their health, what can you do about it? The simplest answer is to offer them companionship. Your time may be limited by other responsibilities but visiting them once or twice a week, getting them out of the house (if they can healthily travel), and making a daily call can help them both get the companionship they need and ensure that they feel loved.

Ensuring the care they need

If you’re worried about an older loved one living together, there are several options. You can invite them to live with you or move in with them, though that would mean becoming their primary caregiver, which is a huge responsibility. Aside from that and helping them find a nursing home, you can consider companion care as an option. This way, they can live in their own home, be surrounded by the things they love, and get professional care, making sure that they meet their daily needs as healthily and safely as possible. Good companion care also includes conversation and companionship, taking care of more than just physical needs.

Helping them branch out

This tip largely depends on the physical independence of your loved one, what’s available in your local area, and how you can help facilitate them. However, there are websites that can help you find all kinds of activity and social groups for older people. Helping your loved one find a peer group that they can spend social time with can help keep them mentally and emotionally younger for longer, ensuring that they have genuine social connections and friendships that can sustain their mental health.

Companionship is a simple answer but, most importantly, it’s the right one. Making sure that your loved one gets the attention and care they need is crucial, and there are ways to ensure that even if you don’t always have the time to provide it yourself.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.