Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

How to Relieve a Headache: Tips on Triggers

By Tia Cristy

Tips on Triggers: Can’t shake that headache?

One trigger everyone can use at one point in time, is knowing how relieve a headache fairly quick. The best spot to tackle that headache, is a the point in between your thumb and “pointer” finger. It’s that pudgy part of the web, when you stretch the finger and thumb to make the famous “L” shape.

Press down with your opposite hand’s finger (under hand) and thumb (on top of hand). Apply a deep pressure and hold for several seconds and release. Magically the pain in your head should start to release as well. If pain continues, try trigger point again or switch hands and repeat process.

If you have a trigger point you want to share, email me or comment. 

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Protection is Protection. Stupid Tip of the Day. (MA)

By Tia Cristy

Stupid Tip of the Day: Protection is Protection.

Yeah, I don’t think so.

When it comes to that magic moment you don’t want anything to ruin the momentum, but in fact you must remember to think first and act second. It can be a scary world out there if you are not in a committed relationship and don’t protect yourself.

Studies are always coming up with new numbers, but it can be safe to say 1 out of 3 over the age of 14 has the potential of having an STD. So to put it bluntly, wrap it up. If you are responsible enough to have sex, you are responsible to be in charge of protecting yourself. Sex responsibility is not sexist.

Birth control does only that, protects you against giving birth, and is not 100% effective. Condoms are the way to protect yourself from pregnancy and STD’s, but as you also know, they too are not 100% effective. It may sound cliche’ but, abstinence is the only full proof way to keep clear of both, pregnancy and STD’s.

Using a plastic bag or wrap, is not the same thing as a condom, no matter what your friends may tell you. Plastic wrap only protects your food from freezer burn. (not 100% effective) No matter how much the urge has taken over, take the time to get the proper protection, because protection is not always protection.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

De-Foam Your Brew.

By Tia Cristy

De-Foam Your Brew.

Okay so normally I would answer a question today, but I was at a block party the other day and someone next to me asked his friend,”How do you get rid of the head, from the beer, dude?”

Amazing that they were standing next to me, because I was able to quickly reply a great tip.

So, if you pour a beer into a glass or cup and, the head foams up to give you a beer stache. (kegs can produce a lot of foam) Take your finger, rub it on the side of your nose and dip that finger into the beer and stir. The foam will start to disappear.

Even the slightest oils from your skin, break it down, so no more foam to inhale before taking your first sip.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me

By Tia Cristy