Category Archives: Responses from Tips

What Is The Best Weight Loss Diet? By Amanda K.

What Is The Best Weight Loss Diet?

Provided by guest blogger.
Provided by guest blogger.

If you are overweight, losing weight is essential for a healthy lifestyle and an increased lifespan. This is medically proven and backed by many scientific studies. While we all know how important weight loss can be, sometimes finding the best diet to facilitate this feels frustrating and overwhelming. This article will help you to analyze some of the best programs out there, as well as key components that make up a healthy weight reduction plan.

Weight Watchers

One of the best diets for trimming down as evaluated by experts is Weight Watchers. This is a plan that has been around for years, and it is well developed and proven. The plan requires you to track your eating and exercise, as well as attend weekly meetings for weigh-ins and support. The key that makes this diet top the list of best diet plans for losing weight is that it combines the need for food modification, additional exercise and emotional support in order to successfully shed the pounds and keep them off.

Biggest Loser

In addition to Weight Watchers, the Biggest Loser Diet also rates high among weight loss plans. This plan focuses heavily on exercise and the way in which high levels of exercise help individuals to lose weight. If there is a con to this diet, it is only that the amount of exercise required may be more than some severely obese individuals are able to successfully undertake immediately. Still, this plan figures high when experts consider the best program for most individuals.
When evaluating these two plans, as well as others that have proven effective when one embarks on a weight loss journey, there are a few elements that they have in common. First, sensible eating is key to both of these plans, as well as many others that have proven track records. Sensible eating means eating three meals and two snacks a day, and it also means consuming healthy foods such as lean meats, fruits and vegetables and whole grains. It means reducing processed, sugar filled foods and watching portions carefully.

Physical Activity Essential

In addition, both of these plans and others that top the list of best weight loss diet plans also have an exercise element to them. Remember that physical activity at some level is key to losing weight. While weight loss can be achieved without it, scientific studies show that weight comes off at an increased speed when exercise is added, and individuals have an easier time sustaining a healthy weight. Moderate exercise of at least thirty minutes, three times a week, is key if you hope to lower your body mass in a healthy way and keep in shape.

When it comes to selecting the most suitable systemic approach to lowering your bodyweight you have many options. While some programs might be more individually suited to you than others, they all offer the opportunity for success if you follow them closely and maintain a level of support that promotes success. The most important thing to do is stay on track, and do so in a safe manner that doesn’t damage your health.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

About The Author
Amanda Kamdarha is an avid medical researcher and publisher of the latest treatments to counteract degenerative diseases. In her spare time she runs her personal blog named the Treadmill Reviewers and raises 5 beautiful kids.

How to Choose the Most Flattering Swimsuit for your Body. By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

How to Choose the Most Flattering Swimsuit for your Body
Straight 1No matter which side of the equator you live in, it never fails. When preparing to get that beach body ready, before you know it yet another summer has come a knocking too soon, and makes us wondering about our beach attire. It’s tough enough to throw away some ill-fitting ones, but there’s the rub, what to replace it with. Shopping for new swimsuit can be a true nuisance, but if you’re equipped with the right tips and tricks, the process can be astoundingly easy, and with satisfactory results. We present you this comprehensive guide to assist you in getting the best fit for your body.

Apple Shape 1Body type

You really can’t pass this step if you want your bikini to fit like a charm. Knowing your weight distribution is essential, so measure up carefully. Check it out to find your body structure:

Pears have noticeably wider hips compared to chest and waist

Apples shaped have hips narrower than their waistline, and a bust a tad wider

Hourglass type have equal width of hips and chest or shoulders, but a rather narrow waistline

Straight shaped are generally thinner at all spots, with even width of all three key points (bust, waist, hips)


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Colours and patterns

The impact of perfect tint for your skin and shape is undeniable. It enhances your strengths and hides the less flattering spots. The key is knowing how to use it.

Popping hues or bold patterns can accentuate the desired feature, while solids will keep it low-profile.
Fair skinned women stand out in deeper tones such as maroon, navy or black. On the other hand, vibrant colours are a wonderful match for dark skin.

Voluminous effect can be achieved with ruffles and frills for the necessary areas (hips or bust). However, shirrs and ruchings create the opposite result, covering the weak spots.

Feel free to shop for separate tops and bottoms and mix and match the tactics. For example, to draw focus on the chest area and cover the hips, you’d buy flashy patterned top, but go for simple, matching solids for the bottom.

The ultimate cut

Curvy 1

The right form can truly make a world of difference for your beach look. It’s good to know what we should emphasize and what to refrain from:

1. To shift the attention from waist, opt for one piece kind, or a high waisted vintage model in darker neutrals, with shirrs in the stomach area.

2. Contrary to the above, tankini aids in waist highlighting, intelligently focusing the attention to this body part you may favour.

3. Bottoms with high cut can make your legs appear longer than ever, especially if your torso is elongated or your stature petite.

4. Triangle and halter tops make your bust look more pronounced. Another way to obtain the voluptuous impression is to go for front-tying model that basically pulls the breast closer, resulting in magnified form. All the women with the modest bust can benefit greatly from this model.

5. The ladies blessed with the bigger cleavage should look out for wide straps (for support and proportion) and straight front cut. The support underwire and thick band provide is going to help you avoid the droopy or saggy look. Also, it will make it entirely motion and jiggle proof.

Shop wisely

Hourglass Figure 1

If you’re one of the persistent ones with the nerves of steel, and the discomfort of changing rooms or crowds don’t trouble you, we’d love to know your secret (is it the same as Victoria’s?). For the rest of the ladies that struggle with the frantic shopping conditions and have no time to hit the physical stores, you may run into some really good swimwear sale if you roam around the interwebs a little bit. Once you find your favourites, you may order some extras to tide you over for the season.

The endless sunny days of the summer should be a joyous invitation, and not something scary to panic about. Use our tips and become a veritable beach babe.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Fight Depression Caused by Bad Weather. By Guest Blogger, Daniel R.

By Guest Blogger, Daniel R.

How to Fight Depression Caused by Bad Weather


Photo provided by Guest Blogger, Daniel R.
Photo provided by Guest Blogger, Daniel R.

I don’t know about you, but every time it starts raining I immediately start feeling cranky, tired and kind of depressed. It can sometimes get really hard, since even getting out of the warm bed is very tough. One question is inevitable in such a situation: What should I do in order to overcome such a state of mind? If you are struggling with bad mood caused by dreadful weather and you might been wondering what is the secret of Tia’s beautiful smile, stay with me. Here are some tips on how to overcome your every day struggles.

Avoid Negativity of Any Kind

Bad weather is depressing enough for itself, so make sure that you are surrounded with people who won’t make it even worse for you. Avoid those friends who are complaining all day long, because their negative energy will affect your mood more than you think. Instead of hanging out with high-maintenance friends, you should opt for the ones who are always ready for meaningful, light conversation that won’t depress you even more. Spend more time with those who make you laugh! Perhaps you can do great things together.

De-Clutter Your Personal Space

Bad weather in combination with a mess all over your room is not a good combo, and you can be sure that it will make you even more nervous. Seriously, you should make an effort and collect all those dirty clothes you were piling on the armchair in the corner over the week. Get rid of all the newspapers that are stacked on the table, and you will see that a sense of accomplishment is an instant mood booster. Unnecessary chaos definitely sucks in your mental energy, so make sure that you have that covered.

Add a Splash of Colour

One of the ways to differ from all the people dressed according to the current weather situation is to add a splash of vibrant colours to a gray day. Use all the colours you love – that yellow coat of yours has been abandoned for a long time now, so take it and head straight outside. Match it with a chunky red scarf and earrings in the same colour – these will provide a great contrast to your bright coat. Of course, since weather is unpredictable, make sure that you have ordered green promotional umbrellas for yourself and your friends. They will love it!

Be Active!

Rainy, cloudy days are perfect for lying in the bed covered with warm blankets, but let’s face it – the best way to beat feeling of uselessness is to get up and be active. Any kind of physical activity is great, even walking up and down the stairs. Do some jumping jacks or squats, or take a quick walk to your favourite coffee shop. That will immediately get your blood flowing, plus the fact that you will get an opportunity to enjoy a cup of perfectly delicious latte. It doesn’t get better than that!

Fake It ‘Till You Make It

If none of the aforementioned tips is working, and you can’t get yourself out of the bad mood, consider faking the feeling of happiness until you finally make it. Trust me, pretending that you are cheerful for a short period of time can be highly beneficial, since it will eventually set you into the good mood. Straighten your posture, put a smile on your face, play your favourite song and you will see – happiness is contagious. Bad weather doesn’t have to come hand in hand with bad mood, that’s for sure!

As you can see, there are so many ways to fight bad mood caused by awful weather. You should just know that it is all up to you – don’t expect anyone to be your mood booster but yourself. After all, you are the one who knows what works the best in these situations, so give your best and make the most of it.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

After Birth Beauty Tips for the Mommy. By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

After Birth Beauty Tips for the Mommy

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Giving birth will be one of the most wonderful things you can do in your life. While it will be an experience for a lifetime, it will have lasting changes on your body as well. But, it does not mean that you cannot do something in order to beautify yourself once more, and to get rid of the delivery marks. Keep in mind that it will not be an easy road, and that you will have to put in some effort to glow with beauty once again.

Pay Attention to Your Diet

During your pregnancy you might have had cravings, which was understandable, but, after giving birth, you should try to focus on eating healthy. You will be able to lose excess weight, gain your figure back, and provide exceptionally healthy milk for your newborn. Mind you, this will be a process you cannot rush, and which will take some time. If you try to lose weight by not eating regularly, the delivery marks on your body will be more than visible after a while, and you will achieve a counter effect you were going for.

Be Sure to Sleep a Lot

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With a baby to take care of, you will not be getting a lot of sleep at once, meaning that you have to make up for it. You will need your rest, otherwise you might develop a sleep disorder which could have serious implications on your wellbeing. Try to arrange a schedule to allow yourself to sleep in three or four hour cycles, as it will be best for your body. As your baby is starting to sleep more regularly, you should follow as well. Being well rested is mandatory if you want to regain your looks back.

Light Exercises Are Approved

Chances are that you have gained a bit of baby fat, and while it might not be too much, you should make sure to exercise lightly, because you can lose some of the post-delivery fat that way. Moreover, keeping fit will ensure that you are not going to gain more, and you will feel great, full of energy and rejuvenated. Then again, your baby will require a lot of energy to take care of, which you can recharge partly by working out. Remember to keep exercises simple and avoid lifting anything heavy for a while.

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Visit a Professional to Help You

Nowadays, visiting a plastic surgeon is no big deal, and plenty of new mommies decide on going over to a clinic to help themselves gain their prior beauty back. Be sure to keep the intervention simple, as you will not have enough time to recuperate with your baby needing care. On the other hand, simple anti wrinkle injections will do the trick, and they can be done quickly. Talk it over with your surgeon, and ask if it will interfere with your body in any way, because you want to look beautiful once again, and not ruin it all together.

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With dedication and some time on your hand, you can regain your beautiful self, but only if you are serious about it. In the beginning it will seem like there is no way you can achieve it, because you will be swamped with all the work you have with your baby. Eat and drink healthily with plenty of sleep on the side, to ensure that your body is able to take the load. On the other hand, as time progresses, you can focus on more demanding exercises as it will help lose some fat, and get your body back in shape.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Fashion and Nature Can Coexist. By Guest Blogger, Sophia S.

By Guest Blogger, Sophia S.

Fashion and Nature Can Coexist

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Did you know that the fashion industry is the second highest environment polluter, right after the oil industry? High fashion demands high standards when it comes to clothing design and fabrication, but fails to deliver equally high standards when it comes to sustainable production.

In fact, this industry has witnessed a lot of tragedies caused by faulty practices like the devastating collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh in 2013 when the eighth floor factory crumbled down due to poor construction. Too many lives were lost and the public has been ruthless ever since, insisting that the situation had to change or the negative repercussions would never cease. This is one of the main reasons why there is an ever growing number of famous labels and brands which are turning to ethical fashion.

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Before we get to that, let’s check once more what sustainable fashion really stands for. Basically, sustainable-fashion is the term used for clothing made from either recycled materials (such as plastics) or natural ones (grown in an organic manner – such as silk made from worms raised on organic vegetation or wool taken from sheep with no harm done to them), produced in a way that doesn’t threaten the environment (no use of harmful pesticides; proper waste disposal), all the while being socially responsible and offering not only decent working conditions but also providing adequate wages to the labor force.

There is a very small number of companies which fulfill all the criteria of sustainability, but we can give credit to a lot of popular brands which are slowly progressing in turning their business environmentally-friendly. So, who are today’s promoters of green fashion?

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Sustainable fashion was usually linked to tacky or unflattering dull clothes with little to no sense for modern trends. Today, the tables have turned entirely as many big fashion names have embraced the ethical business philosophy and managed to keep their unique styles. One of the biggest names in the industry is certainly H&M and with their Conscious line they are bringing forth stylish and eco-conscious clothing at affordable prices, making them the hit choice among the youthful population.

Then there are brands like Litke who have a minimalist design, distinct tailoring and authentic details all made from organic fabrics and handmade garments. Another eco-fashion name is People Tree who have been partners with Fair Trade artisans and farmers from developing countries for more than twenty years, assuring you get the best clothing pieces and they get proper compensation for their work.

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Patagonia, Stella McCartney and Huit are fashion houses which also contribute to the mindset shift towards environmentally-friendly clothing and, since many influential celebrities like Kate Moss, Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller are publicly supporting the efforts, the awareness is being spread across the globe bearing the important message about the slow fashion industry. There is little room for compromise with the consumerist behavior that we are being forced to adopt, which means we can expect to notice the first steps of improvement on a global scale soon.

“There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it causes hunger and unhappiness†said Mahatma Gandhi. It is up to us to prove to the future generations that we can manage to set new fashion trends and still give back to the world by using sustainable resources and ethical business management. The old saying dress to impress may well be substituted for a new motto: wear to spare.

Author BIO:
Sophia Smith is Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She could be described as beauty addict and life lover. She writes mostly in fashion and beauty related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. Sophia is regular contributor at High Style Life.

Find her on: Facebook Twitter Google +

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.