Category Archives: QUICKIES

Small Grease Splatter on Clothes. Quickies:

By Tia Cristy

Quickies: Small Grease Splatter on Clothes.
White powder on white

My dear friends from the KupMuff Show and I talk tips. Producer, Chris shared this tip. (I love hearing new tips and trying them.)  Chris was absolutely right on, with the tip he gave.

Small grease splatters while cooking, happens frequently, so if splatters should happen to get on clothes, apply baby powder to it, or what I recommend is, cornstarch.

Either powders, will absorb and remove the grease stain. The sooner you apply the powder, the better and leave it on the spot for 24 hours to absorb deeply.

You don’t have to put a lot of powder on the spot but it should be more than a dusting, I recommend a small mound on top, so it can absorb as much oil as it can.

Thank you Chris! And The KupMuff Show, Nick and Joanne, for having on your show and showing support for what I do.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


A Spider is Up High and You Can’t Reach It. Quickie:

By Tia Cristy

Quickie: A Spider is Up High and You Can’t Reach It.
Spider's Web

A spider is up high and you can’t reach it. Stop a spider in its tracks, by spraying it with hairspray. It will fall from it’s height, usually unable to run and then you’ll be able to discard it.

It’s much better than spraying those other chemicals above you, while looking up, with your eyes and mouth probably open.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


Don’t Let that Pot Boil Over. Quickie:

By Tia Cristy

Quickie: Don’t Let that Pot Boil Over. boiling

“A watch pot doesn’t boil” and sometimes an unwatched pot, boils over and makes a huge mess! A quick tip to stop that pot boiling over is to place a metal spoon in the pot.

Be careful, the spoon will get hot to the touch, use a pot holder to remove or stir.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


Get Nail Polish Off Skin, Without Ruining Nails. Quickie:

By Tia Cristy

Quickie: Get Nail Polish Off Skin, Without Ruining Nails. nail polish

Not everyone is great with a nail polish brush, so if you happen to paint the skin along with the nails, it will eventually come off on it’s own.

But, if you want to get if off immediately, having a great manicured look, use a foam tipped eyeshadow applicator. (They are usually sold in packs of a couple, and are usually inexpensive)

The tip dipped in acetone or nail polish remover, will be able to get in closely to the nail, without smudging the freshly painted nails.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!


Keep the Sheets Clean. Quickie:

By Tia Cristy

Quickie: Keep the Sheets Clean.

Unmade Bed

Alright, some people have got it down pat on a weekly basis to change the bed linens. Others, especially the younger ones; tend to see how long they can go without washing the sheets.


But, when is the time allotted in changing bed sheets?

Studies show that changing the sheets every 2 weeks can be tolerated, as long as you weren’t sick during that time period.

If you fall ill, change the sheets once you start feeling better and again, after you are completely healed. This will help prevent reinfecting you and your bed mate.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!