Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

3 Holistic Health Tips to Enhance Your Wellbeing

3 Holistic Health Tips to Enhance Your Wellbeing

Image via Pixabay

Life inevitably contains a certain degree of suffering. We’re all mortal, and we all have to contend with things like illness and injury sooner or later, not to mention relationship problems, arguments with our loved ones, stressful days at work, financial hardship, and all the rest of it.

But that is by means to say that life isn’t also wondrous, beautiful, and filled with joy and profoundly positive connections, just so long as we’re willing to look — and fight — for them.

Part of that fight includes taking care of ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually and of course, physically. Knowledge is power when it comes to our health, so doing research on sites like on how to prevent diseases or using meditation to get right with oneself can be beneficial.

Along the way, anything that can improve our overall wellbeing, without taking too heavy a toll in other areas of our lives, is a great boon. On that note, here are a few holistic health tips that may significantly improve your wellbeing.

Consider experimenting with vegan and ketogenic diets

Evidence has linked both strict ketogenic (high fat, moderate protein, virtually zero carbohydrates of any type, including most fruit and veg) and vegan diets with some tremendous health benefits — including improved cognitive function, and potential cancer-fighting benefits.

Both diets have also been linked to increased energy levels, superior mental function, and improved mood — including a lower prevalence of depression.

Either diet might or might not work for you, but the key point here is that what you eat can have a tremendous impact on how you feel on a day-to-day basis. It would be well worth your time to investigate and experiment with diets such as these, and to maintain a strong degree of interest in nutrition in general.

Take herbal supplements and extracts that have few listed side effects

Many of the more conventional and well-researched herbal supplements that you’ll find on the shelves of shops in the Western world, benefit from having far fewer — and less potentially harmful — side effects than serious prescription drugs.

CBD oil, for example, has been linked to many striking benefits, including powerful antioxidant and disease-fighting qualities, and an apparent ability to improve mood.

Of course, you should use a CBD dosage chart if you’re planning to use CBD oil — and you should be sure to adhere to the various dosage recommendations of any herbal supplements or remedies you may be taking. Just because they come from plants, doesn’t mean you can’t seriously harm yourself by misusing them.

Get some regular feel-good exercise on a daily basis

Exercise releases feel-good endorphins in the body, promotes growth and health in the brain via the release of the hormone BDNF, and, of course, has positive impacts on heart and lung health, blood sugar control, and all sorts of different metrics.

Many people have the mistaken idea that in order to experience any of the benefits of exercise they need to run marathons, or spend hours a day on intense and gruelling workouts that leave the floor soaked in sweat. That’s an unfortunate myth.
Even just going for regular walks, or doing a light yoga routine each day, can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and sense of wellbeing.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Incorporating a Little More Nature Into Your Interior Design

Incorporating a Little More Nature Into Your Interior Design

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Interior design takes a whole lot of thought and consideration to get right. You may have to trial and error a few different concepts before landing on the right one to suit you, your personality, and your lifestyle. But generally speaking, you want to get things right as early on in the process as possible – this will help you to save money and avoid wasting your hard-earned cash on concepts or items that simply don’t fit and have to be reworked! If you don’t have the eye for design or need some help with making the big decisions, look for the best interior designer near me to find help that will save you lots of money in the long run.

An aesthetic that tends to be taking the world of interior design by storm, and which generally works the first time around, is a minimalist, natural look. This is neat and tidy, has a clean finish, and leaves spaces feeling open and fresh. But how can you achieve this? Well, a simple method is to simply incorporate more nature into your home. Bring the outdoors indoors! Here are a few steps that you can take to get started in the right direction!

Natural Light

Let’s start with one of the basics – natural light. Sure, we can light our properties artificially if they are looking a little dark and gloomy during the days. But nothing quite compares to natural light. Not only does it benefit your home’s aesthetic by flooding open spaces with a cool and fresh look, but it’s good for you too! Natural light regulates your body’s circadian rhythms, which ultimately determine your sleep-wake cycle. Making sure that you are exposed to sufficient natural light during the day will help to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep and wake the following morning feeling bright, well-rested, and ready to go! You can boost natural light in your property by carrying out simple tasks, such as ensuring that blinds are pulled up properly, curtains are drawn properly, and that windows aren’t blocked. If you want to take extra steps, consider having skylights fitted, French or glass sliding doors fitted, or extra windows professionally built in.

Wooden Surfaces

Next, you should opt for more natural materials within your home. Sure, manmade materials are generally cheaper and more easily accessible. But it’s worth going the extra mile for your home design. Wood is a great option and, in aid of reducing deforestation and habitat destruction, you should consider using reclaimed wood like Manomin Resawn Timbers. This will also have a rustic or vintage feel, which works really well! A nice sustainable alternative could also prove to be bamboo!


Add a little greenery to your interiors! Houseplants are aesthetically pleasing and actively improve the air quality in your home. They take in negative substances from the air and leave you breathing easy. Just make sure that any
plants you invest in are non-toxic if you have pets or children in your property.
As you can see, incorporating a little more nature into your home is relatively simple. So, get started today to start seeing and feeling the benefits as soon as possible.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Ways to Feel More Secure in Your Own Home

5 Ways to Feel More Secure in Your Own Home

Living alone can be a scary and unknown territory, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. Every strange creek of the floorboards or flicker of light outside can cause you to freak out internally, just a little bit. Whether you’re looking to improve your home protection or you simply want to feel a tiny bit safer when you’re home alone, there are many things you can do to put your mind at ease. You deserve to feel comfortable and secure in your own home instead of panicking about the unknown. Consider these five ways to feel more relaxed and safe in your home environment and you will soon have nothing to worry about.

teddybear on bed near night stand and window


1. Fix Faulty Doors

When you live on your own you need to make sure that all of your windows and doors are very secure. You will never feel safe if your garage door is always slightly ajar or one of your windows doesn’t quite close properly. Look into local garage door repair and you will soon be able to put your mind at ease. Instead of worrying about that faulty door or window you will soon be able to sleep easy.

2. Invest in a Security System

If you have a security system that links up to your phone, you will always be able to check for movement whether you’re upstairs or out of the house. It will make you feel a lot calmer knowing that your home is safe at all hours of the day.

3. Leave a Small Light On

Whether you’re going to bed or leaving the house for the evening, you should always leave small lamp on in your home. This will not only warn of intruders, but it will also take a little weight off your shoulders. When it looks like somebody is at home, trespassers will be less likely to risk it by breaking in or disturbing your peace.

4. Lock Your Doors

When you live alone it is really important to lock your doors so that you feel super safe at night. Although this seems like a simple idea, many people who live on their own don’t realize how important it is. Keep your keys in the door and double lock it if you can. Don’t forget to lock all windows and the back door too.

5. Invite a Friend Over

If you’re ever feeling especially uncomfortable in your own home, then why not invite your friend over? Having a bit of company will take your mind off feeling alone or scared. You can catch up, have a glass of wine or watch a movie; in no time you will be able to forget that you were ever scared to be at home on your own.

Living alone for the first time is a daunting prospect, but you shouldn’t let your fears get in the way of you pursuing something you really want to do. Having that independence will serve you greatly in the future, so make these small changes now and you will feel instantly more content.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Plan Today For A Safer Tomorrow

Plan Today For A Safer Tomorrow

None of us really wants to think about it, but protecting yourself and your family in the event of a tragedy or illness is a practical and necessary step to take now. When you’re going through a difficult time the last thing you need to think about is paperwork or finding those documents. Getting your house in order today will save on additional heartbreak tomorrow.

We look at some practical tips you can take to ensure that you and your loved ones are well prepared should the worst happen.

Get organized

Step one is getting your current files together in an obvious place to save on time and frustrations later down the track. If you have a stack of life insurance documents then save them in one place, clearly labeled and in a logical order. Do the same with any Wills or house deeds that might come in useful.

If you’re uncomfortable leaving them out in an unprotected space then place them in lockable storage but be sure to let loved ones know where the keys are. To really beef up their security, consider electronically scanning them and adding them to your computer, backed up of course on to an external source such as cloud storage. Like the keys, make sure your family is able to access the relevant passwords and knows where on your computer they’ll be able to find the files when needed.

A gentle reminder at this point: if you haven’t got around to making a Will and let’s be honest a great many people don’t, then now’s the time to have a chat with a legal advisor on how to get this remedied. Your next of kin might be obvious but a Will serves to take away any doubt or worry from your loved ones at what you intended to do with your money or property.

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Image courtesy of Pixabay

Get advice

If you’re facing other tough times in your life then the best thing you can do is share the burden and not try and shoulder the problem alone.

When your relationship looks like it might be unraveling and you’re not sure where you stand legally on your property or entitlement to income, rather than stress about it get in touch with a divorce lawyer. You’re not committing yourself to any course of action with a consultation, just figuring out what you’re entitled to and where you stand in case the relationship can’t be patched up and both parties decide to part ways.

Your partner too will benefit from having this knowledge in order to make, what is often a very painful process, as straightforward as possible.

As mentioned previously, consult a lawyer to get your Will in good shape while you’re thinking about any possible divorce proceedings.

If you’re going through an illness or accident, then take some time to find out what, if any, compensation or insurance payouts you might be entitled to.

Too many of us assume we won’t be entitled to anything, only to miss out on a cash injection when we need it most.

If you are someone who runs their own business then look into cover that will continue to pay you an income if you’re unable to work for a period of time. Make sure that you fully understand the terms of any legal paperwork you sign and if necessary have a lawyer or financial advisor run over the small print with you, so you know what you’re signing up for.

Get ready

When you’re planning for your retirement, consider what you’ll need financially to make this time of your life comfortable and free from any worries. You might need to consider selling your home to pay for more suitable accommodation or feel like you’d want to give your children their inheritance ahead of time. Talk to a financial adviser and planner about how that works for you.

Planning for the worst might feel like you’re tempting fate but with some solid strategies in place, neither you nor your family will have to take on any more stress than is necessary.

Give yourself some peace of mind by getting organized today. Don’t be afraid to talk to friends and family about the plans you’ve made, letting them know where they can find those important documents. Seek advice from the professionals when you need to, rather than just leaving it and hoping for the best. Get those plans sorted out today and live life to the full tomorrow.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Ways to Get Your Health Back on Track

5 Ways to Get Your Health Back on Track

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Letting ourselves get unfit is far easier than you may think. Falling into a routine of unhealthy eating and being idle happens with you realizing it and bad habits form that now you need to break. The only way to put an end to this cycle of self-destruction is to take control and put your health back on track.

Go Through Your Cupboards

The first thing you should do is going through your cupboards. As long as there are unhealthy foods in there you will eat them, and the way to stop yourself is not to have them in your home to start with. No one would ever suggest that you do not have the occasional treat that is not too good, but that is all it should be. In the main, your diet should consist of lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains and things like nuts and oily fish if you want to get your body back into good condition.

Getting Help For Bad Habits That Make You Unhealthy

There are some bad habits that will contribute to your health and if you are serious about getting healthier you may need to seek help to break them. There is a lot of support available for instance if you want to stop smoking, or you could consider sober living homes for an alcohol problem. You should never be afraid to seek the help you need if the ultimate aim is for you to be both physically and mentally in a better state.


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Venture Into The Great Outdoors

Exercise is vitally important for our health and you may well have a gym membership that allows you to use the various pieces of equipment that will help. However, outdoors activities are even more beneficial, as the fresh air is very good for keeping your brain alert.

It could be just a simple walk a few times a week. You could walk part of your journey to work, or wander around in your breaks. Just get outside and let those endorphins get to your brain. They will result in a feel-good factor, which will encourage you to enjoy the outdoors even more.

Let The Sunshine In

As soon as the sun disappears in the winter months some people suffer from Season Affective Disorder, or as it is better known SAD. Whether you are one of the unlucky people or not, whenever there is sunshine in the winter, let it into your home or workplace for a better frame of mind.

It is the vitamin D caused by exposure to the sun that is important, but you can also get that from eating mushrooms, fish, and eggs.


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Feel The Goodness

For each step you take, and you may not be able to do them all at once, you will feel an improvement in your health. This will motivate you to carry on and maybe add the next stage of getting healthier. As well as feeling better, there are other benefits you may not notice but other people will.

It will be more pleasant to communicate with you, you will not be as moody or aggressive and will generally be a nicer person to be around.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.