Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

5 of the Best Ways to Invest in Yourself

5 of the Best Ways to Invest in Yourself

As adults, most of us are good at putting others first- we care for our kids, our parents/ grandparents and our partner. We’re always there to provide a shoulder to cry on for our friends and give them advice, but when it comes to ourselves we can be at the bottom of our own priority lists. Many of us can actually feel bad or guilty when we invest time or money into ourselves, but it shouldn’t be the case. Always remember that you’re important to, and you deserve to be happy. Investing into yourself shouldn’t be seen as selfish, but necessary. Here are a few of the ways you can go about it.

Learn to drive

Research shows that fewer millennials tend to drive than generations before them, and when they do, they get their licenses much later. There are lots of reasons for this, from busy cities not being car friendly to the accessibility of lift apps like Uber and more reliable public transport. However, being able to drive is still a really useful skill to have. If you want to move away later in life you won’t be able to rely on the public transport system as heavily. Being able to drive can also improve your job prospects. Even if you don’t plan on purchasing and driving a car right now, taking your lessons and getting your license means you’re able to in the future if you need to. See learning to drive as an investment in yourself, it’s a useful life skill which could come in really handy. 

Focus on health

There’s only one you; you only have one body so it’s important to take care of it as best you can. Your health is an investment, buy good quality food that’s going to nourish you and skip out on the cheap, convenient rubbish. You don’t have to have a gym membership to get fit, but if you find that having one encourages you to workout then don’t feel bad about spending the money on it. Spending any kind of time or money on your health is never going to be a bad thing. Eating well doesn’t have to be difficult, and these days it’s easy to fit it around your everyday life. From mail order, high quality foods delivered to your door (check out this omaha steaks review as an example) to opting for a healthy restaurant or a healthy dish at a restaurant if you go out. These days, most places cater for those looking to eat less fat or calories, so it doesn’t mean you need to give up going out and eating with friends. 

Improve your smile

Your smile is so important; it’s how you communicate with the world and is closely linked with your self esteem. If you’re insecure about your teeth, you can find that you hold back, you cover your mouth with your hands or try to avoid smiling instead of just being in the moment with others. If you don’t like the way your teeth look, consider going to a dentist and seeing what they can do- veneers, teeth whitening and braces are amongst the treatments you can have. Taking care of your newly fixed up teeth is important too. learn about flossing and the importance of regular brushing. Even missing out on brushing your teeth a couple of times can be enough for cavities to start or stains to develop so it’s important to be consistent. 

Get educated

Most of us couldn’t wait to leave school and get out into the big wide world, but later on as adults we can appreciate how incredible education is. It opens your mind and opens doors in your career, taking on more education is a smart move regardless of what path you’re on in life. 


Finally, travel is more than just a luxury. It’s great for mental health and personal development, there’s nothing quite like experiencing new things around different cultures in different climates and completely different ways of life that makes you question your own. Travel gives you perspective, builds memories and gives you stories to tell. If you have the time and money, always grab the opportunity with both hands. You don’t always need a huge budget- road trips, backpacking and camping are all cheap and cheerful and allow you to go to new places without spending a fortune on hotels.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Insanely Easy Ways to Save Money Around the Home

Insanely Easy Ways to Save Money Around the Home

If you want to save money around the home then you’ll be glad to know that this is very easy to do. The days of counting down the days until payday are long gone.

Keep an Active Shopping List

How often do you end up buying things you don’t need? Probably quite a lot. If you want to help yourself then it’s a good idea for you to keep a magnetic shopping list on the fridge. When you run out of things, you can easily write it down. This way, you won’t end up forgetting things and if you stick to the list, you may even find that you are able to save a ton of money as a result.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)


If you are stuck for recipes to search then it is always a good idea for you to search for ones that use ingredients that you already have in your pantry. Some websites even give you the chance to enter what you already have, so that you don’t have to worry about going out and raiding the supermarket after a long day.

Eat Fresh

A lot of people think that eating fresh or organic food can be expensive. The truth is that if you buy fresh vegetables every week and skip out on the expensive or processed stuff, then you can easily end up with some serious cost savings. You will also be able to eat way healthier overall. Buying in bulk is the way to go here, and when you do, you will have more than enough ingredients to play around with.


If you have a bit of a soda addiction, then now is the time for you to break that. Stick to water and buy a refillable flask too. When you do this, you can easily flavour it with whatever fruit you want while also making a much healthier choice. The best thing about doing this is that it is way cheaper when compared to buying bottles of water every single week and you may even find that you are able to try out new flavours too.

Switch Energy Providers

Another thing that you can do is switch energy providers. When you do, you will be able to save a considerable amount every single month. If you aren’t sure if someone else can offer you a better deal, then it is a good idea for you to use a comparison site.

Save Water

Lastly, saving water will make a huge difference to your budget. If you can, collect rainwater for your plants so that you don’t have to run the hose pipe. If you don’t have a way of collecting rainwater right now then check out NPI as they can provide you with high-quality rainwater tanks. You might also want to turn the tap off when you brush your teeth. Shorter showers will also help with your cost-savings, so keep an eye on your water usage this month to see how much you could cut down on your monthly bills.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Things You Can Work On That Will Change Your Life For The Better

Things You Can Work On That Will Change Your Life For The Better

Life is full of little tasks being thrown your way and questions that need answering. There’s never a time where you can really sit back and be completely absent-minded as there’s always a stumbling block in the way. While that may sound like a pesky and negative thing, we need these kinds of challenges in order to stimulate our brains – we need to feel as though we have a purpose in life.

We’re always striving to become better versions of ourselves – that’s a fact. We cannot simply sit and be content with the same thing over and over again. Once we stand idle, we invariably start heading backward, so we constantly need to evolve parts of our life. It’s always the case that, when we improve things on a personal level, everything else becomes a lot better. What kind of things can we work on that are close to home, though? What kind of factors will improve our lives? Well, in truth, there are so many different things you can do – everybody’s different, and we all value things differently. Here are five examples for you right now, however:   

Your Home

As we said before, improving things that are close to you will make everything else so much better. Where better to start than your actual home? Now, if you live in a pretty neat and tidy abode at the moment, then you’ll probably be a content individual when it comes to the rest of your life. If things are a little cluttered, then you might want to fix that up a little. When you clean up something so dear to you, your mind then becomes clearer, too. 

Your Mental State

This is a little more complicated because so many different aspects go into your mental state, but if you can work on that, then your life will improve tenfold. Obviously, just saying you’ll improve your mental state and mindset is easy; actually doing it is a completely different kettle of fish. The brain is complicated, and you can’t just stop things like anxiety and depression. If you practice different exercises, however, you can limit any issues upstairs.  

Your Car

A person’s car is very dear to them. They’re not just hunks of metal that go at high speeds; they represent a person and their personality. Making sure you have a presentable car will mean you’ll get a boost in confidence and self-esteem. Sure, it’s not the be-all and end-all in life, but it has a significant impact on your life. Adding something like an alpine pdx v9 5 channel, new rims, or an entirely new interior will improve the look and feel of the entire motor – ensuring your overall look and feel will get a boost, too.  

Physique And Fitness

Physical exercise and the fitness world isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but once a person becomes more active, their life improves massively. Their self-confidence rises due to their new-found physicality and aptitude. Their deeper mental health also improves as the brain is constantly releasing endorphins during and after workouts.  

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Health Tips For People That Work From Home

Health Tips For People That Work From Home

More people than ever now work from home, and it really can be a dream situation. No long commute, no annoying colleagues and even less sick days where you’re exposed to less people’s germs. But there are some downsides, and there are a few things to bear in mind when it comes to looking after your mental and physical health. Here are some examples. 

Get a proper desk and computer chair

When you work from home, it’s tempting to sit on your bed typing away or slouched on the sofa. But this isn’t good for your posture, especially over the long term. Set yourself up with a proper office space, buy a desk and a chair that allows you to sit comfortably for many hours and provides your back and neck with support. If you’re already experiencing pain, consider a chiropractor for lower back pain or look into massage therapy. Once you’re recovered, take steps to prevent pain from occurring again by sitting properly to do your work. 

Get outside every day

When you work outside of your home, you of course have to leave the house to get to your workplace. However, when your work is also where you live, it’s easy to fall into a routine where most days you don’t even go out. This can be bad for both mental and physical health and is definitely something to be aware of if you work from home. Something as simple as taking your dog for a walk every lunchtime or getting out to the gym, pool or park a few times a week can be really useful. Combining exercise with getting out of the house kills two birds with one stone, you’re looking after both your mental and physical health. 


When you have a traditional workplace such as an office or shop, you’re surrounded by work colleagues each day. Even if these aren’t your closest friends, you’re still interacting with people on a daily basis which is good for your brain. Working from home generally means working alone which can be a little lonely over time. Make an effort to meet with friends, say yes to social opportunities when they come up and if you have the chance to socialise- take it. It’s even more important to do so when you’ve spent most of your week by yourself.

How do you you take care of your health as a home based worker?

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

I Love My Car But I Love the Planet Too

I Love My Car But I Love the Planet Too

Nowadays, being a self-proclaimed petrol head can land you in an awkward conversation about the environment. There is no denying that car fumes have a significant impact. After all, we’re all aware of the risks of outdoor pollution. However, it doesn’t mean that petrolheads should feel guilty about their love of driving and cars in general. You can love your car and the planet at the same time. More importantly, you don’t need to buy an electric vehicle to prove to your friends that you’re a conscientious driver. Here are some of the ways you can stop feeling guilty about your car. 

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You can choose to drive less whenever possible

First of all, having a car is not quite the same thing as driving it everywhere. You can make a conscious choice to drive less to reduce your impact on the environment. For instance, switching to public transports or using the cycling path for short distances can dramatically reduce your carbon footprint. You can also arrange a car-sharing schedule with co-workers so that you can actively share miles and reduce the number of cars on the road. In other words, owning a car doesn’t mean you can’t use it responsibly. 

Changing your car is not always an option

While driving leads to high CO2 emissions, cars have more than one way of affecting the planet. The process involved in manufacturing vehicles is highly damaging – regardless of whether you own a diesel or an electric car. As a result, it’s fair to say that drivers who keep their vehicles for longer and look after their cars – from regular maintenance work to sct tuner improvements, for instance – are a positive force for the environment. Indeed, if all drivers were to keep their vehicles on the road for a few more years, car manufacturers could significantly reduce their production volumes. 

Are we ready to use electric cars yet?

Even though more and more manufacturers have promised to go electric, it’s fair to say that drivers are not convinced by rechargeable vehicles. Indeed, an electric car will need to be recharged sooner than you’d need to refuel your petrol engine. As a result, it may not be suitable for long-distance commutes. Additionally, despite the increasing number of charging stations throughout the US, EV owners continue to struggle to find a charge point on their route. Many have to research the most suitable itinerary ahead of the journey to identify where public chargers are. Additionally, while it takes only a handful of minutes to refuel a petrol engine, charging an EV can take the whole night, making long journeys almost impossible. Petrolheads have not bought an EV because vehicles are not suitable for everyday use. 

Are electric cars zero-emission cars? 

Finally, it’s important to mention that charging an EV can have a negative impact on the environment. Indeed, depending on how the electricity is produced, the vehicle may not help to tackle climate change. In other words, less fumes may not be a good thing, after all, if the charging method is not green. 

Should petrol heads feel guilty about driving their favorite cars? The answer is no. While you need to be more environmentally-aware in your choices, it’s fair to say that the EV revolution has still a long way to go. As for now, mindful petrol heads can be a positive force of change for a greener road behavior. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.