Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

If You Have A Car Accident, Here Is What To Think About

If You Have A Car Accident, Here Is What To Think About

All of us, at some point, found ourselves in front of a car accident sometimes as spectators and sometimes as responders. Many of us have had some thoughts about what we will do, where we will put our car, what we will face if we have the necessary materials if our knowledge is sufficient and finally if we can deal with it. You should always be aware that you may undoubtedly be able to claim compensation, and in this case, you should look at hiring an auto accident lawyer

Photo: Unsplash

Do not act impulsively!

The first thought you have: ‘What should I do to protect myself, the injured person and all those present?’. Stop for 5-10 seconds, and observe the scene of the accident, give yourself time to realize the dangers that exist and to set the priorities of his actions. The importance of dealing with such incidents is the first in safety for any accident scene.

Call emergency and give them your location. Next, place a warning triangle at least 100 meters from the accident and, if possible, send a person at the same distance to warn oncoming drivers so that they slow down. If the accident has occurred on a two-way road, do the same for the opposite stream. If the accident has happened at night, try to send a flashlight with the people you are sending out. And, if possible, to wear reflective vests or brightly colored clothes. Make sure attendees are off the road and take them to a safe place or encourage them to keep going to safer ground. Keeping a small group of people close to you who will help you manage the incident can be beneficial. Once you have completed the actions for the safety of the accident scene, then and only then, do you approach the other vehicle of the injured. Check if the car is safe (e.g. if there is a fuel leak) and, after securing it, only then, should you continue. Otherwise, alert your findings to the emergency services who should already be with you on the telephone. These heroes are made up of people who have the necessary training and equipment to deal with such incidents.

Your next step

Turn the ignition switch off. Be certain the car is turned off, remove the keys and place them in a prominent place outside the vehicle. Usually, we choose the car sky, just above the driver’s seat. Then it would help if you dealt with the injured person. Ask how many people were on board. If young children were not secured with a seat belt or placed in special child seats, they could be easily trapped inside the car, maybe even in a difficult position, or thrown out of the vehicle. Try to find out what condition the injured person is in. 

Common injuries that you can claim for

Some patients who undergo accidents are relieved of their symptoms in a brief period. Complete recovery is significantly accelerated for others, in which the body can alleviate the symptoms of whiplash, most importantly, without the use of drugs, which is known to affect the body. It is instrumental, for a person in an accident, locating all pain points, strengthening muscles and improving area mobilization.

Another condition that can result from a car accident is disc herniation. According to Mr. Kakavas, the role of the intervertebral discs is to absorb the forces exerted on the spine. A hernia occurs when the soft inside of the disc, the gel nucleus, protrudes into the spinal canal, putting pressure on one or more nerves. Some people have no symptoms, but others may experience pain, numbness or weakness in the arms or legs, depending on the location of the disc. People with a weakened disc from normal wear (degeneration) are more likely to have a hernia due to a car accident on a vertebra. This is found especially, in older people. After all, in these older groups of patients, the hernia does not require such strong forces, but minor events, such as sneezing can also cause it.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

7 Habits that Destroy Your Eyes

7 Habits that Destroy Your Eyes

A lack of sleep, excessive screen time, and makeup misuse are some of the things that can cause problems for your eyes. If you want your eyes to be free of pain, discomfort, or vision loss, here are the lifestyle habits that you need to break today:

1. Having too much screen time

Work, school, and home: there is always a screen in front of us, whether it be our TV, computer, or smartphone.

Needless to say, having too much screen time can be detrimental to your eye health. When we’re looking at something on the screen, we don’t blink as often, which leads to eye dryness and itchiness. Moreover, staring too long at a source of brightness can lead to eye strain, which, in turn, can cause headaches, fatigue, and sleep problems.

However, staring at a screen is unavoidable for people who work in office settings. What you can do to avoid eye strain is to practice the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something that is at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. In addition to that, you can also consider taking eye care supplements.

2. Not bringing your glasses

Even if you don’t need to wear them all the time, always have your glasses with you. Otherwise, you will likely find yourself having to squint to look at something, which can lead to eye strain, headaches, double vision, and eye fatigue.

3. Rubbing your eyes

Avoid rubbing your eyes to relieve an itch or even just to take away sleepiness. Doing so can risk scratching your cornea, introducing bacteria to your eye, or breaking tiny blood vessels. Moreover, putting unnecessary pressure on your eyes can also exacerbate existing conditions, such as myopia and glaucoma.

If your eyes are itchy, resist the urge to rub and instead put a cold compress on your eyelids. If there is a foreign body in your eye, flush it out with clean water or remove it with a damp cotton swab.

4. Misusing makeup

Putting makeup too close to your lash line can transfer bacteria from the makeup to your eye. It can also block oil glands, which can lead to the accumulation of bacteria and cause irritation or infection.

Avoid applying makeup too close to the surface of your eye, and ensure that your makeup is clean and unexpired (do notshare makeup with others). Before going to sleep, remove your makeup completely and take special care to remove every bit of makeup from around your eyes. Otherwise, you could end up with an eye infection when you wake up.

5. Failing to wear eye protection

Always make sure you wear eye protection in these situations:

  • Being out in the sun
  • Grilling with contact lenses in
  • Swimming
  • Mowing the lawn
  • Doing construction
  • Painting
  • Using chemicals

6. Mishandling contact lenses

If you wear contact lenses, you should know the proper way to use them. Never touch your contact lenses before you’ve washed and dried your hands with a clean cloth or tissue. Also, make sure to clean the contact lens case with solution and replace it every once in a while.

Sleeping with contact lenses is also a no-no. Contact lenses limit the oxygen supply to your eyes when you’re awake, which means that when you sleep with them on, your eyes have even less oxygen. And when your eyes are deprived of oxygen, they swell and create gaps in the cells, which can serve as an ideal habitat for bacteria in your eyes.

Always remove your contact lenses before going to sleep. If you accidentally fall asleep with them on, immediately flush your eyes with eye drops and wear glasses for a few days to give your eyes a rest.

7. Not getting enough sleep

If you are constantly sleep-deprived, your eye health is also affected on top of other things sleep deprivation can do to your body. Not getting enough sleep can lead to puffiness, swelling, dark circles, premature wrinkling, and dry eyes. You can also get involuntary eye spasms called myokymia, which can be annoying when you’re trying to do work or read during the day.

Did you tick off one or two habits from this list? If you want to have healthier eyes and prevent the exacerbation of your existing eye conditions, it’s high time to break these habits that are doing your eyes no good.

Do you have more eye care tips to share with us? Leave them in the comments below.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

You secretly spend over a million dollars on your car!

You secretly spend over a million dollars on your car!

Everyone is always angling to save more money since we all know it matters a lot. One thing we often don’t think about is how expensive cars are. I know they cost a lot of money, but when you add everything up it’s incredible! Each car you buy is practically a downpayment on a house, and it ends up in the scrap heap before too long! Mix in most families having two cars and replacing them every 10 years and you get some big bills. Maybe when people talk about downsizing their homes they should really be talking about downsizing their cars first!

Infographic source:

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Five Tips To Make Your Family Bathroom Work Harder

Five Tips To Make Your Family Bathroom Work Harder

The average family bathroom can be hard to get right. It needs to be all things to all people. It needs to be kid-friendly, but still be a nice space for the adults in the house, and any guess you have. Sharing one bathroom between a lot of people means you need a good design that meets all those needs. Here are some tips to make your bathroom work hard. 

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  1. Go big. In a bathroom for the family, there will often be times when a few family members are crowded around the basin at once, so go bigger. Choose a vanity unit with a large trough-shaped bowl with plenty of counter space either side for everybody’s toiletries and toothbrushes. A double basin could also be an ideal pick for high traffic times in the bathroom, like first thing in the morning. Ask a plumber like for suggestions for bigger basins.  
  2. Add in a bath. If you have enough room, a bath is handy for family life, especially if you have younger children. A bathroom with no bath can put be off-putting for potential buyers if you choose to sell in the future. A shower enclosure is also a useful addition for rushed mornings. If you don’t have space for both, fit a shower head over the bath. L or D shaped baths with one wider end and glass shower screen are a good selection, as they look sleek, but have room for showering. Choose a bath with taps in the middle so you can give small children a bath together without squabbles about who has to sit at the tap end. 
  3. Put in lots of storage. A bathroom that is used by a lot of people can quickly get untidy, so make sure you fit in as much storage as you can. Don’t pick bottles, bags, and brushes that will clutter up surfaces, and instead fit in cupboards below the sink, hanging cabinet mirrors, and fitting shelves where you can. If your bathroom isn’t large, glass shelves can be used to add storage without appearing to bring the walls in even nearer. Add storage that your children can reach. Baskets on open shelves are a simple way to tidy away toiletries easily. Give each family member their own basket to make keeping things tidy and free of clutter even quicker. 
  4. Lighten it up. Add task lighting over the sink. Spotlights or a glass mirror with built-in lights both work well. For a more relaxing atmosphere, like when you want to relax with a bubble bath, put in a softer light, like lights on a dimmer switch. 
  5. Colour-code your accessories. Save having piles of towels and face cloths everywhere by giving each family member a colour. If you don’t want lots of mismatched colours in your bathroom, buy towels in your bathroom colour scheme and then sew a loop of ribbon in their colour to use as both a hook and to show who it belongs to. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Keeping Your Garden Safe And Healthy

Keeping Your Garden Safe And Healthy

While most people might be worried about how to keep the interior of the home as safe as possible, it’s important that we don’t forget the exterior of the property as well. If you and your family spend a lot of time outdoors, then there could be some health risks and potential accidents waiting to happen. Here, we’re going to look at a few tips on how to keep your garden as safe as you can.

Link – Pixabay License

Take care of your patios and decking

If you have any patio stones, pavings, concrete walkways, or even wood decking in the garden, proper care has to be taken to ensure that they’re cleaned. Aside from making them much more aesthetically pleasing, it will also remove the layer of grime and algae that often make these surfaces so slippery that they become a genuine slip hazard. If you have a lot of exterior surfaces to clean, then buying your own pressure washer might be the most reliable solution to consider.

Keep things trimmed

There are a lot of health risks that can come with letting your garden stay overgrown, especially as the days get a little colder. The number one risk that they pose is that they serve as a temporary nesting ground for any pests. These pests will then try to get into the home. Mowing the lawn is just the start. If you have plant beds or bushes, then a Milwaukee string trimmer can help you clean them up in seconds. The less overgrown the garden is, the less plant debris you’ll likely have to clean up, as well.

Mind your trees

If you have trees in your garden then they should be as much of a concern as anything else. Overgrown trees can be a threat in a variety of ways. First of all, their branches can grow heavy enough to snap off under pressure from a strong wind, which can hurt people and damage property. Otherwise, as the seasons turn, they lose more leaves and general debris than they would otherwise. This can get caught in your gutters, meaning water gets blocked and leaks into the home. Be sure to check with a gutter cleaner in hand, but hire tree services to take care of your trees if they’re getting overgrown.

Light it up

If you have a larger garden with pathways and landscaping, or you simply like to spend a lot of time outdoors, even if it’s alone or just with your family, then you should be aware of the danger that darkness can present in the garden. Any differences in levels, even the slightest rises or dips, can pose a real danger of tripping, falling, and injuring yourself. Installing exterior lighting in the garden won’t just keep you and yours safe, however, it can also create a lovely ambience for an outdoor dining or social space.

With the tips above, you can rest easy that your garden is healthy, well-kept, and not likely to lead to any accidents, allowing you, your family, and any guests to spend time out there without fear.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.