Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

Shape Up

Shape Up

It’s about time body-shamers have been knocked off their soapboxes. We are all beautiful, no matter our shape or size. As long as we are getting a clean bill of health from the doctor and feeling our best, no one has the right to tell us how we should look. It’s all about embracing ourselves: Mind, Spirit and Body.

The Mind

Keeping a clear, level head is important. Stress levels are at an all-time high, wreaking havoc on our health. When the mind gets stressed through work, what is happening in the world or even as simple as driving during rush hour, it can cause serious, major damage to the heart and the brain. So, try reducing the stress in positive ways. Take a long bath, take a calm drive to see the ocean, throw on a Shapellx waist trainer and do some exercises… But remember, it all starts with telling the mind, ‘We’re not going to stress over this, right now’. Stop seeking out a problem or a battle and try to start looking for the silver lining in every situation.

The Spirit

Most people go straight to religion. But spirit is so much more than that. Your spirit is what other people see when you have drive, passion, love… Some folks call it your aura, others may say it’s your overall presence. The fact is, you will believe what you believe. But remember to nourish your spirit with happy stories, donating your time to others in need and simply being the miracle that this world needs. And don’t forget to take some quality time for yourself. Slip on a thong shapewear bodysuit under your favorite, fitted dress and treat yourself to a fancy dinner or take a spa day to rejuvenate your soul. All of these things have been known to help relieve stress and cause remission for certain aliments.

The Body available in beige or black

You were given a certain body type. Embrace what your momma gave you! When it comes to curves, sure, we all want the right ones in the right places. Shapers can help achieve the results we want when workouts aren’t giving us the results as fast as we would like them to. A waist shaper for women has been known to help make those sexy curves more permanent when working out with a shaper on. Just remember to be good to your body. Believe it or not, it’s important what you put in it as well as put on your body to achieve overall incredible health.

Overloading yourself with good vibes and positive actions can save your life. It might sound exaggerated or impossible, but the proof is out there. There have been studies proving that a majority of people who live less stressed and more generous with their time, understanding and compassion tend to live longer healthier lives. Why not give it a try?

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

What to Consider Before Adopting a Puppy

What to Consider Before Adopting a Puppy

There are many reasons why you might want to consider adopting a dog. They offer the love and companion ships that only a dog brings to the family home and, let’s face it, they’re cute. But there’s much more to consider before deciding whether or not adopting a puppy is the right thing for you to do at this moment in time.

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Making sure that it’s the right move to make is not just about ensuring you’re ready for what owning a puppy does to your routines and lifestyle. It’s also about making sure that the best interests of the dog are protected. Some dogs may have special needs, which might require more vet visits.

Another thing to consider is providing the right diet for your dogs. It can be another expense since eating table food isn’t really the best option for dogs. Freeze-dried dog food like Dr. Marty Dog Food can be a healthy food option for growing dogs. That being said, there’s a lot these puppers need and if you’re not able to provide, it’s best not to adopt in the first place. 

The Financial Commitment

First of all, you should think about the level of financial commitment that’s inevitably involved in adopting a puppy. It’s not cheap, and we’re not just talking about the upfront cost of buying a dog. You also need to think about things such as vet bills and insurance, as well as the cost of food and all the other things you’ll need to buy for your dog both now and going forward. Work it out and ensure it’s a financial sum you’re willing and able to meet.

Training Takes Time

There’s a lot of training that goes into adopting a puppy. And if you avoid training your puppy, you’ll only end up facing a whole range of other problems later on in the home, and that’s not what you want to happen at all. Don’t assume that training your dog is something that’ll be quick and easy because that’s often not the case. Training is something that is always ongoing and never really ends if you want to ensure your dog is trained properly and has the structure he or she needs.

How Your Lifestyle Will Have to Change

It’s also a good idea to think about how your general lifestyle might change as a result of adopting a dog. There are lots of things that can change and that have to change when you’re a dog owner. You can no longer throw wild parties in the home or head off on a spontaneous trip planned at the last minute because your dog always has to be taken into account and their needs put first. That’s the responsibility that comes with being a dog owner.

Caring for a Dog Takes Up a Lot of Energy

If you’re someone who’s already quite overworked and you find you don’t have much energy left at the end of a long day, you need to be aware that many dogs will sap even more of that energy from you. Caring for a dog takes time and energy, and they need to be walked and exercised, as well as given play and attention, even when you feel too tired to do any of those things. It’s something that all potential dog owners have to be prepared for.

The Needs and Challenge That Come with Each Breed

The breed of dog that you eventually choose to adopt will have a range of needs and challenges that come with it. Some breeds require a lot of exercise, while others will be prone to particular kinds of health problems. If you want to find out about the breed you’re interested in, there’s plenty of information out there to help you. If you’re looking for lab puppies, somewhere like Lucky Labs will be able to help and provide you with all the information you need. That kind of research is always important.

The Suitability of Your Home

The space you have available in your home will also have a big impact on your decision whether or not to adopt a dog. If your home is small, it might not be a good idea to adopt a large dog. And it’s also important to think about the amount of outdoor space you have at your disposal because this is something that’ll impact the rights and wrongs of your decision. A large garden isn’t always necessary if you also have access to outdoor spaces nearby.

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Potential Allergy Problems

If you or anyone else in your family has allergy problems, this is something that you should take into account when deciding whether or not to adopt a dog. Of course, there are ways to adopt dogs without them causing problems for people with allergies. Dogs with little to no hair and dogs that don’t shed their hair are often best for people who have allergies. It’s something that definitely needs to be factored into the decision-making process though.

Shared Responsibility for the Dog’s Care

When a family adopts a dog, it needs to be a family decision. It should always be a shared responsibility because everyone is going to play their part when it comes to feeding, walking and other care responsibilities. Be sure to have these discussions as a family and make sure that everyone is really on board with what you’re planning going forward. It’s vital to at least be clear on these issues.

The Amount of Time You Spend at Home

If you’re someone who doesn’t spend much time at home and instead prefers to be in social settings, that’s something that’s probably going to have to change when you have a dog. Dogs require attention and they need their owners to be around. You can’t expect the dog to adapt to your schedule, instead you’ll need to create time for the dog even when you’re busy with other things.

As you can see, there are many important things you need to consider before you go ahead and adopt a puppy. It’s a huge step to take and it’s certainly not one you should ever rush into. Be sure to consider all of the things above and think things through before taking the decision to adopt a puppy.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Dealing With Pests in an Ethical Way

Dealing With Pests in an Ethical Way

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Chances are, at some point in your life, wildlife will come into contact with your home. When you’re houseproud and hygiene conscious, this can prove a significant problem. After all, you’re going to want to make sure you can relax and spend time in your home without constantly cleaning up after animals that probably shouldn’t be inside your property anyway. But what can you do to remove pests from your home in a fair and humane manner? At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that human housing has encroached on many animal’s natural habitats. Animals will generally avoid humans at all costs, as we’re deemed a threat to them. But they may be forced into your home in search of food and shelter, as your home has destroyed their natural spaces where they would usually have natural food sources and sources of shelter to spend their time in. These are sentient creatures that you may not want to live alongside, but do deserve the chance to live elsewhere freely. Here are a few steps that will help you to remove pests from your property in a fair way.

Knowing What You’re Dealing With

Before you jump straight onto the phone to a pest exterminator, you may want to take some time to determine what animals you’re dealing with. Often, different species look pretty similar, but actually have different habits and can be prevented and moved along easily if you know how to deal with them as a species. In fact, you may not have even seen the pests themselves, you may have just seen their droppings, chew marks or other indicators of their presence. This minor damage may be inconvenient, but it’s a key tool you can use to get to know what animals are in your home. Spend time researching their markings and determining what you’re dealing with. This will then lead you to guides on how to remove the animals safely. Knowing what animals you’re dealing with will also ensure that you don’t bother any protected species. You can find more information on what to do with protected species according to the specific species you’re dealing with.

Understanding What Attracts This Creature to Your Home

It’s important to remember that something is attracting animals to your home if they’re spending time in it. They won’t be there just for the fun of it. So, you need to start looking around your home and determining what exactly is bringing this animal in. If you have ants, take some time to follow them. See where they’re going. Chances are there’s an open packet of food somewhere. You can then take steps such as sealing all food properly and shutting cupboards properly to prevent the ants from accessing the food. They’ll soon leave your property, as there’s nothing benefiting them in it anymore. The same goes for other animals – chances are, if there are animals in your home, it’s because they have a good supply of food there. Often, simply making sure that animals can’t access any of your food supplies will make sure that they eventually leave.

Reconsider Feeding Garden Animals

You need to understand that you can’t pick and choose what animals frequent your property if you voluntarily leave food out with the hopes of attracting particular species. Sure, it may be nice seeing birds in your garden and you may want to feed them with seeds and nuts. But you also then need to accept that other animals will make their way to your garden to eat the same food you’re providing. You need to decide whether you want animals in your garden or not when leaving food out, rather than attempting to pick and choose which are welcome.

Read Up On Human Removal Methods

If the above step doesn’t seem to budge your visitors, you should start reading online guides on human removal methods for pest control. For example, mice can be caught in humane traps that allow you to take them away and release them. Just make sure to check traps regularly, as this will prevent mice from becoming startled or overly stressed, which can cause them to pass away. Whatever animal you’re dealing with, there’s likely to be some sort of method developed that helps to move them on without harming or killing them.

Sure, animals in your home may be unwanted. But try to practice compassion and have some empathy when it comes to dealing with them. You don’t want to harm anything unnecessarily – especially when there are often ways to get them to move on from your property hassle free! Hopefully, some of the above advice will help you to achieve this!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Is Your Home As Energy Efficient As You Think?

Is Your Home As Energy Efficient As You Think?

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We all like to think that our homes are energy efficient. Nobody will actively admit that they don’t have an energy-efficient home as it’s an admission that you don’t care for the environment

Nevertheless, your property could have a larger carbon footprint than you think. It’s not technically through any fault of your own; it’s just a case of being unaware of how much energy you use. So, how do you find out if your home is energy-efficient or not? Here are a few questions you can answer that will indicate if you’re saving energy or using too much:

What type of heating system do you have?

Do you use a typical radiator heating system throughout your property? If so, your house is not as energy efficient as it could be. Believe it or not, but underfloor heating has a much smaller carbon footprint. Hardly anyone is aware that the average cost of underfloor heating is less than radiator heating over your lifetime. True, the installation will cost more, but it costs less to run due to energy efficiency. Without getting too detailed, it stems from the way underfloor heating heats up your home. It distributes the heat a lot better than radiators, meaning you don’t need it to be turned on as often – or at as high a temperature. 

How thick are your windows?

There’s almost no excuse to have single-glazed windows in this day and age. It’s simply an outdated product that provides zero benefits. Single glazing is very thin, which means it costs less than double or triple glazing. That’s about the only reason you may have for keeping it! Realistically, it’s a very inefficient product for your property. The thicker the windows, the more energy you keep inside your home. Therefore, you can turn your heating system down a few degrees as your windows provide better insulation. This reduces your energy usage and makes you more energy efficient. As a bonus, thicker windows also make your property safer by preventing breaches. Anyone can smash a single-glazed window with ease, but a double-glazed one requires more effort. 

Do you have a smart thermostat?

Smart thermostats are revolutionary devices in the age of energy efficiency. Basically, they provide full details of your energy usage by showing you some precise figures. You see how much money you spend, and also what’s using up the most energy. From here, you can actively look to reduce your energy usage by following what’s on your smart thermostat. For example, it may tell you that your lights are using up loads of energy and shooting your bill through the roof. Now that you’re aware of this, you can switch to energy-saving bulbs or be more conscious of turning them off. Without a smart thermostat, you will never be energy efficient as you lack the knowledge to see what you’re doing wrong. Don’t just take my word for it; recent research suggests you can save up to 23% on your energy bills with a smart thermostat. In essence, this means you use 23% less energy!

Answer these questions to figure out how energy efficient your home really is. In an ideal world, you’ll use underfloor heating, have thick windows, and call upon a smart thermostat. If everyone followed this advice, the world would be in a much better place.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.