Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

Methods to Save on Buying a Home That Actually Work

Methods to Save on Buying a Home That Actually Work

A home is definitely not an inexpensive purchase. In fact, it’s likely to be the most expensive thing that you ever buy. However, you can still find ways to save money and stick to a budget when you’re looking for the right home. There are plenty of ways to secure a home for a good price and make sure you don’t overpay. Offering too much on a property not only means paying more than you need to, but it could cause problems for you later. If you’re in the market for a new home, try these ideas to save some money.

Have a Plan

Ready to make a home purchase? It’s best to have a plan for what you need and what you want in a house. If you are building from scratch with a company like Hallmark Homes Group, you can specify what is important to have in your house and where you want it. If you are buying an established home, understand that not every house will have both your needs and your wants under one roof, but some can come pretty close if you’re patient and willing to do some work.

Consider Off-Plan

One of the ways to possibly save on a new home is by buying a property that hasn’t been built yet. Looking at off the plan apartments for sale or off-plan houses is a potential way to get a brand new home but spend less money. Off-plan properties have yet to be built, which means that the trade-off is that you have to wait longer. In addition, you might get to look at a show home or example photos, but you won’t be able to see your new home until it has been built. However, it could be worth it if it helps you to save.

Image from Pexels – CC0 License

Negotiate with Sellers

Buying a property doesn’t just mean paying the asking price. There’s room to make an offer that you think is a good deal. And even after you have had your offer accepted, you could still have a chance to negotiate the price with sellers. If your lender has an appraisal carried out but they value the property well below what you’ve offered, you may have no choice but to renegotiate the price. Unless you’re able to provide a larger down payment, you’ll need to lower the price so that you can get a mortgage large enough.

Take Your Time

The worst thing you can do when you’re buying a property is to rush into it. It’s a big purchase and one that you could be paying off for many years to come. You don’t want to realize that you’ve made a mistake when it’s too late, and changing your mind could cost you a lot of money. When you set a budget and decide what you’re looking for in a home, allow yourself the time to find what you’re looking for. Don’t rush into anything because you want to get the process done sooner.

Do Your Research

When you’re deciding how much a property is really worth, it’s smart to do plenty of research. Take a look at how much recently sold properties were sold for, as well as the listed prices for properties that are currently for sale. It’s smart to do this not only to save yourself money but also to make sure you don’t offer too much and then end up having the property undervalued by your lender.

With some smart techniques, you can save money when you’re buying a property and avoid paying too much.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

3 Common Signs That Something Is Not Quite Right With Your Body

3 Common Signs That Something Is Not Quite Right With Your Body

Unfortunately, aches and pains are a part of life. Our bodies are powerful, yet they are also vulnerable to harm, sickness, and imbalances. We do, however, have a remarkable ability to recover. Our bodies’ aches and pains are a way of informing us that something is incorrect or out of balance. We often opt for the closest pain medication and carry on with our lives without thinking about what is causing the discomfort.

It is critical to pay attention to how your body feels on a daily basis. Though the majority of aches and pains are caused by misuse of muscles and joints, lack of sleep, or even hormone cycles, some may indicate more serious problems.

Here are three signs that something may not be quite right with your body.

Image via Pexels

#1 Toothache

Toothaches are not something we have to deal with very often, thankfully. When we do, though, we are instantly reminded why they are one of the most agonizing aches we may experience. They can produce a migraine or a severe headache if they radiate across your entire face.

Usually, this form of pain indicates that there is a problem with a tooth. If the pain is severe enough, it does not take long to seek the help of a dentist such as An adult toothache is usually caused by wisdom teeth erupting, a cavity or decay, infection, or some form of gum disease.

#2 Headache

Headaches are one of the most prevalent types of pain that people of all ages suffer from. Headaches can appear quickly and with great intensity, if you are particularly sensitive to your environment, meals, stress, or even motion. It is really important to pay attention to your body and take frequent pauses from computers, work, and other activities that cause headaches.

Keep in mind that certain foods, drinks, and alcohol can all trigger headaches. However, if they occur frequently, consult your doctor about probable explanations that are not immediately apparent. Headaches are normally harmless but it is important to be conscious of how they feel, as well as any other weird symptoms that may accompany them.

Nausea, fever, vomiting, neck discomfort, tremors, visual and hearing problems, numbness, tingling, confusion, or anything out of the ordinary are examples of these symptoms.

#3 Stomach ache

Stomach pain is one of those bothersome pains that can strike anyone for a variety of reasons. To begin, think about what you have eaten in the last 24 hours. This could be the case if you ate spicy food that you do not generally eat. Drinking alcohol and consuming a lot of sugar might also throw things off for a while.

However, if the discomfort does not go away quickly or is accompanied by other digestive issues such as diarrhea or constipation, something else is wrong. Should the need arise, your doctor may evaluate conditions such as IBS, food allergies, and other digestive issues. If your symptoms don’t go away or are only intermittent, try keeping a food diary. You will be able to show this to your doctor to identify any patterns.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Tips For Perfect Dental Health

Tips For Perfect Dental Health

A toothache. Bleeding gums. Cavities. Fillings. Dental aches can be quite painful, and the treatment can be long and expensive. Which is why the adage ‘Prevention is better than cure’ holds true when it comes to looking after your dental health. 

A good, regular dental health routine along with regular visits to the dentist can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy and pain-free and avoid long-term problems. Not to mention having sparkling teeth and that dazzling smile!

This post shares useful tips for a simple – yet effective – dental health routine. 

Image Credit: Pixabay

1. Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day… Everyday

This is the most basic rule of good dental hygiene, yet so many people don’t follow this golden rule. One cannot stress enough the importance of brushing your teeth every morning and every night. 

When and how you brush is also important. Brush the first thing in the morning (even before your first cup of tea or coffee) in order to remove the bad bacteria and bad breath that has accumulated through the night. Also, don’t go to sleep without brushing at night – this is very important as it helps remove any food stuck on or in between your teeth which could build up as plaque; it also helps protect your teeth from sugar-related damage. If you’ve consumed a sweet drink or too many sugary or sticky foods during the day, brush in between meals as well. 

Flossing every night before bed is also a great practice to include in your nightly brushing routine as is using a mouthwash after brushing (not instead of brushing!). Yes, flossing helps to get those pesky hard-to-reach food bits that get stuck in between your teeth out, but more importantly, it also helps to stimulate and reduce inflammation of the gums and helps in preventing the build-up of plaque. 

Mouthwash helps to clean and protect your teeth and gums further, reducing the acid and sugar build-up on your teeth. 

2. Don’t Miss Your Regular Dentist Appointments 

Most of us only think of visiting our dentist when we have a toothache or sore gums or some other dental problem. However, if we stay up-to-date with our dental appointments, we could possibly avoid these emergency dental appointments and have great, problem-free teeth and gums. 

If you haven’t already registered with a dentist, do that. is a good dental care practice to register with if you’re in Dallas, Texas. 

3. Don’t Eat Too Many Sweet Foods 

Sugary foods can cause a number of health issues and can be disastrous for your teeth as well, leading to cavities, tooth decay, accumulation of plaque and loss of enamel which then causes further teeth problems and gum diseases. 

If you do consume sweet foods often, then remember to brush your teeth afterwards or at least gargle with a mouthwash that specialises in sugar-acid protection. 

4. Drinking More Water Helps!

You probably know the benefits of drinking more water and how it’s great for good health, but it is also great for good dental care. Drinking water after every meal helps wash out some of the negative effects of acidic or sweet foods and drinks in between brushes. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Stop Critters From Wrecking Your Home

How To Stop Critters From Wrecking Your Home

Unsplash – CC0 License

Most of us love animals. But sometimes they don’t understand the concept of private property. They’ll move into your property without a second though, and damage it as though it wasn’t even there!

Fortunately, there are some ways that you can fight back and reclaim your home. Take a look at this advice. 

Keep Your Garbage Secure

Unsplash – CC0 License

Garbage is perhaps the number one reason critters are attracted to your home. It gives off pungent smells, telling them that there is an easy meal nearby. Given how hard it is for most of them to find food, it’s no surprise that bins and waste are such a critter magnet. 

The solution to this problem is to keep your trash inside a sealed plastic bin that animals can’t open. Wooden-paneled enclosures usually aren’t sufficient because they have gaps between the panels and often don’t go all the way down to the ground, allowing smaller creatures and insects to crawl up from the bottom. 

Install Solar Panel Protection

Solar panel pigeon control is a big issue right now. Pigeon droppings reduce the efficiency of solar panels and the birds themselves can nest underneath them, causing issues with the electronics and heat transfer. 

Many homeowners, therefore, are installing clever wire meshes around the edges of their panels. These prevent pigeons from crawling underneath to nest, keeping them safe and preventing your investment from going to waste. Clever, huh?

Secure Your Entry Points

If they can, critters will attempt to move into your home. There are good reasons for this. For starters, it provides immediate warmth and shelter that can be hard to come by in nature. Furthermore, it protects them from predators. Predatory birds, for instance, can’t hunt a mouse living under your floorboards. 

The problem with many homes, however, is that they have small gaps around their periphery where creatures can infiltrate easily. What’s more, many of these entry points can be very deceptive. As a regular homeowner, you often can’t imagine how an animal could possibly fit through such tiny gaps, but they can. It’s a good idea to get a professional to check the exterior of your property, looking for areas of entry. 

Change The Type Of Fish You Keep In Your Pond

Major pests, like raccoons, love the koi that many people keep in their ponds. So actually changing the type of fish that you keep can have a massive impact on the type of creatures you attract to your garden. Likewise, squirrels love bird feeders and will concoct all sorts of strategies to access the food they contain. So removing these or just feeding birds directly can often resolve this issue. 

You can also investigate using strong smells to repel would-be pests. Predator urine from foxes or coyotes may be able to repel pests, depending on where you live. 

So there you have it: some of the ways that you can prevent critters from wrecking your home. Remember, most of the problems arise because food or shelter is easily accessible on your property.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Home Maintenance Checks That Will Protect Your Home

Home Maintenance Checks That Will Protect Your Home

Image Pixabay CC0 License

Every homeowner wants their property to be in the best shape possible. When you take great care of your home, you not only have a pleasant place to live, you can also help to make your house easier to sell in the future and even increase its value. So, taking great care of your home is a worthwhile thing to do. But, aside from keeping your home clean and tidy, you may feel unsure what more is needed to keep it running right.

There are several ways to ensure your home is healthy, safe, and well-maintained. Scheduling regular maintenance checks by professionals is the best way to ensure everything is running smoothly and efficiently. Having maintenance checks carried out is also an excellent way to detect any possible issues early and prevent them becoming serious (and more expensive) problems.

Here are a few of the regular home maintenance checks that you may want to arrange for your home to protect it and keep it looking at its best:

Get Your Roof Inspected

A roof is an area of the home that is often taken for granted. As the roof is not something that you can easily get a good look at, it can be challenging to know what state it is in, which means it is often forgotten. But, when a problem with your roof strikes, it can often be pretty expensive to resolve, so getting it inspected regularly is an excellent way to spot any roof-related issues that could cause further damage and disruption to your home. 

Your roof has a vital role to perform, and it also has to withstand the elements constantly. Unfortunately, being so exposed leaves your roof vulnerable to damage from the weather and general wear and tear. Scheduling a roof inspection will establish the condition your roof is in and whether repairs are needed.

Have Your Drains Checked

Most people do not spend time thinking about their home’s sewer lines and drains. But, it can cause massive disruption and a very unpleasant situation when something goes wrong with these. Preventing your home from being impacted by a sewer-related emergency requires regular inspections by a plumbing professional. A sewer inspection should detect any issues and enable you to get your Sewer Line Repair carried out before it has a chance to become a messy emergency.

Service Your HVAC

Your heating and cooling system is a part of your home that you rely on everyday to keep your home’s temperature comfortable. But, if you do not get your HVAC serviced and maintained regularly, this can impair the air quality in your home. Poor indoor air quality can be caused if the air ducts of your HVAC are clogged with dust and pollen. In this situation, you will have pollen, dust, and other debris spread throughout your home by the HVAC, which can damage the quality of air in your home and cause allergies. So, getting your HVAC professionally serviced is a job you should not avoid.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.