How To Stop Critters From Wrecking Your Home

How To Stop Critters From Wrecking Your Home

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Most of us love animals. But sometimes they don’t understand the concept of private property. They’ll move into your property without a second though, and damage it as though it wasn’t even there!

Fortunately, there are some ways that you can fight back and reclaim your home. Take a look at this advice. 

Keep Your Garbage Secure

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Garbage is perhaps the number one reason critters are attracted to your home. It gives off pungent smells, telling them that there is an easy meal nearby. Given how hard it is for most of them to find food, it’s no surprise that bins and waste are such a critter magnet. 

The solution to this problem is to keep your trash inside a sealed plastic bin that animals can’t open. Wooden-paneled enclosures usually aren’t sufficient because they have gaps between the panels and often don’t go all the way down to the ground, allowing smaller creatures and insects to crawl up from the bottom. 

Install Solar Panel Protection

Solar panel pigeon control is a big issue right now. Pigeon droppings reduce the efficiency of solar panels and the birds themselves can nest underneath them, causing issues with the electronics and heat transfer. 

Many homeowners, therefore, are installing clever wire meshes around the edges of their panels. These prevent pigeons from crawling underneath to nest, keeping them safe and preventing your investment from going to waste. Clever, huh?

Secure Your Entry Points

If they can, critters will attempt to move into your home. There are good reasons for this. For starters, it provides immediate warmth and shelter that can be hard to come by in nature. Furthermore, it protects them from predators. Predatory birds, for instance, can’t hunt a mouse living under your floorboards. 

The problem with many homes, however, is that they have small gaps around their periphery where creatures can infiltrate easily. What’s more, many of these entry points can be very deceptive. As a regular homeowner, you often can’t imagine how an animal could possibly fit through such tiny gaps, but they can. It’s a good idea to get a professional to check the exterior of your property, looking for areas of entry. 

Change The Type Of Fish You Keep In Your Pond

Major pests, like raccoons, love the koi that many people keep in their ponds. So actually changing the type of fish that you keep can have a massive impact on the type of creatures you attract to your garden. Likewise, squirrels love bird feeders and will concoct all sorts of strategies to access the food they contain. So removing these or just feeding birds directly can often resolve this issue. 

You can also investigate using strong smells to repel would-be pests. Predator urine from foxes or coyotes may be able to repel pests, depending on where you live. 

So there you have it: some of the ways that you can prevent critters from wrecking your home. Remember, most of the problems arise because food or shelter is easily accessible on your property.

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