Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

4 Simple Ways to Raise Your Property Value

4 Simple Ways to Raise Your Property Value

Currently, the housing market is entirely a seller’s market. This is perfect for anyone who is looking into selling their home! While it may be far easier for sellers to get more thanks to their house’s value, it’s still always best to look into ways to increase your property value even more. There is still the chance that you may wonder why isn’t anybody buying your property.  While the idea of working on your home in order to raise the value may sound counterproductive by having to spend money in the hopes of earning more money back. It’s entirely worth it and it doesn’t even need to be expensive at all! 

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Add sprinklers

The grass doesn’t always have to be greener on the other side. Having some sort of irrigation system in your lawn is not only going to make the grass and all the other planets look happy and refreshed, but it’s also going to massively help in increasing the value. Automated sprinklers aren’t very expensive to invest in, purchasing one that’s compatible with smart home technology will do wonders for increasing the value.

Add smart home technology

Smart homes aren’t just cool to look at and make your lives easier, but they have the power to boost the value of your home. When people think of smart homes, they immediately think of Apple Home, Alexa, Google Home, and other similar brands. While those are a part of having a smart home, it goes so much further than that.  There are a lot of other technology and brands that provide a smart home experience such as smart curtains, door locks, thermostats, fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, toilets, fridges, and so much more. Installation for smart home technology doesn’t even need to be expensive at all. Some of the products can be installed by yourself while others such as a smart door lock can be installed for free by the company’s providers.

Becoming energy efficient

Homebuyers want to purchase a home that’s not only eco-friendly but a home that is energy efficient. You’ll want to annually check your window seals as air may be creeping in. Older seals can not only cause your electric bill to go up but they can also damage the walls as well. You’ll want to make sure that there aren’t any cracks, broken seals, or anywhere questionable that air could be coming out of.  You’ll also want to look into Tile Roof Replacement, but the roof will greatly affect the house as well, this includes the temperature, but also check for any potential weather damage.

Increase the square footage

A sure-fire way to raise the property value would be through raising the square footage. Large homes are higher in demand, they’re also higher value, this is due to having more room. Homebuyers want to have sufficient space if they’re going to purchase a home. There are plenty of ways to increase the square footage, such as building a sunroom, adding a basement, or even something as affordable as adding a patio. Basements are often the most sought after as this is the best area for storage space and its best way to protect your family from bad weather such as tornadoes.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Natural Ways of Relieving Pain

Natural Ways of Relieving Pain

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If you have ever experienced chronic pain or long term illness, you will know that pain is not something that is easy to live with. There’s no getting used to it, no matter how long it lasts. Medical professionals have invested hundreds of years’ worth of research into how to best relieve pain, and yet there are still unanswered questions when it comes to this area of medicine.

If you regularly experience pain due to injury, illness or a chronic condition, you might be in search of an alternative method of pain relief. Hospital-prescribed pain relief can be extremely helpful, but there are downsides, such as addiction and financial difficulty.

In today’s post, you will learn some natural ways to relieve pain that are said to work wonders for people all around the world.

1. CBD/Marijuana

Although a somewhat controversial subject, marijuana has been used for decades as a form of self-medication. Now, in some parts of the world, doctors are even able to prescribe marijuana-based products, and consumers can buy them in stores.

The cannabis plant has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe aches and pains. Although it’s not for everybody, using CBD (an oil extracted from the cannabis plant) or traditional marijuana works wonders for some users with chronic pain. If you are concerned about how it might look to the people in your life, you don’t have to tell them! Your method of pain relief is private to you. You can invest in a “doob tube”  that discreetly stores your marijuana in a simple case.  You might also want to use Delta 8 Vape Carts if you’re looking for a potent THC solution.

2. Massage

Massage is regularly sold as a spa-day kind of treatment, but in actual fact, massage has powerful healing properties for pain. Masseuses are able to correct postural issues over time, as well as improving lymphatic drainage, stimulating circulation and providing muscle relaxation – all of which can contribute to low pain overall.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is a herb that is used medicinally for all sorts of ailments, including arthritis, IBS, menstrual cramps and skin problems. A powerful anti-inflammatory, turmeric can soothe irritated areas of the body if consumed daily in tea, tablet form, or in delicious recipes.

4. Gentle movement

There’s a well-known phrase: “Movement is medicine.” Gentle movement can be an antidote to things like rheumatoid arthritis, poor digestion, or an acute injury. Doing vigorous exercise is unlikely to help with chronic pain, but slow, controlled movement such as tai chi,  yoga or even walking can be a great natural pain remedy.

5. Physiotherapy

In a similar way to massage, physiotherapy can help solve acute problems, such as bad posture, pain after injury, or stiffness caused by illness. Working with a physiotherapist who can give you at-home exercises is always worth the investment if you experience large amounts of pain.

Final thoughts…

If you are struggling to find medical pain relief that works for you, why not try any of these five natural pain remedies? Always consult a physician before trying any of these natural pain treatments, as not all of them will be suitable for every person with chronic pain.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How You Can Get Through an Injury

How You Can Get Through an Injury

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Getting injured whether it is through an accident or medical malpractice is already a stressful scenario, but knowing how to overcome this will help you immensely when you are not sure what to do. Here is some advice on what you could do if you find yourself dealing with an injury and do not know what to expect. 

Get Yourself Checked Out By a Medical Professional 

Getting medical attention is most definitely important when you have acquired an injury. You want to ensure that you get the medical attention that you require. Even if you think you are being a burden to the doctors, you just never know what long term health effects you may have after acquiring an injury. 

Hire Legal Representation 

The legal world is full of complicated terms and conditions that can easily overwhelm you if you are not familiar with how it works. So sometimes it is necessary to consult a professional in this field such as an attorney. In this instance if you have required an injury that was not necessarily your fault after seeking medical treatment, then it will be useful to consult with medical malpractice attorneys. They are proficient in this area of the law and would be able to provide you with the necessary advice that you need to overcome such a stressful and difficult situation. 

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Organize a Meeting With Your Employer

The injury you are currently dealing with may require you to have some time off from work which is something that is out of your control. Ideally they should be supportive towards your recovery but it is important to inform them of this updated situation so that they can plan cover for your shift. You should then keep in contact with them to provide them with updates regarding your recovery and when you are fit to return to work again.  

Look After Your Own Wellbeing 

Ensuring that you spend time resting both mentally and physically will be necessary for your own recovery plan. You want to allow your body and mind to heal properly so to do this you need to look after your own mental wellbeing. Work on strengthening your body after your injury with various exercises, a good diet plan and consulting a mental health professional to help you discuss any anxieties you may have. 

Keep Yourself Busy 

If you need to spend prolonged time at home recuperating then you want to prevent yourself from getting bored, so that you do not become lazy, particularly mentally. Keep your mind active with puzzles, reading books and doing creative activities, along with laying on the sofa watching Netflix.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Is There A Way Of Curing Hearing Loss?

Is There A Way Of Curing Hearing Loss?

There are a lot of different sorts of hearing loss. In this blog post specifically, we are going to take a look at sensorineural hearing loss and how this can be treated. 

For those who are unaware, sensorineural hearing loss occurs when damage has happened to the inside of the ear or the nerves that travel from the ear to the brain. This is a permanent form of hearing loss. It can result in loud noises sounding muffled. If you experience this type of hearing loss due to some surgery that has gone wrong, hiring a medical malpractice attorney comes recommended.

With that being said, read on to discover more about sensorineural hearing loss and how this can be treated.

What are the symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss?

There are a number of different symptoms that are associated with sensorineural hearing loss. This includes your perception of loudness being affected. There are a number of other signs to look out for as well. This includes your capability to distinguish different types of speech signals deteriorating. You may also have reduced sensitivity to soft sounds. If these are all symptoms that you have noticed, it is important to get in touch with a hearing loss specialist as soon as possible so that they can diagnose the problem and help you to get to the bottom of it. 

What are the causes of sensorineural hearing loss?

There are a number of different reasons why people experience sensorineural hearing loss. This includes birth-related and congenital hearing loss. Injections that are given during pregnancy, as well as hereditary predispositions, premature birth, and complications during birth, can all result in sensorineural hearing loss in newborns. In addition to this, genetic conditions can cause sensorineural hearing loss, which can impact infants from birth or develop later in life. 

Aside from this, sensorineural hearing loss can be caused because of noise exposure. Being exposed to loud noise can result in inner ear damage. Drugs and medication can also be to blame. As sensorineural hearing loss can be a side-effect of certain medications and cancer treatment. However, the main cause of all forms of hearing loss is aging. The first signs of progressive hearing loss can be issues in understanding speech when there is background noise. 

Sensorineural hearing loss

Early treatment is a must when it comes to sensorineural hearing loss. This can lead to reduced life quality and isolation. This kind of hearing loss can rarely be turned around using surgical or medical procedures. However, hearing aids can often help to make life better and more comfortable for someone who is experiencing this type of hearing loss. It is best to visit a professional hearing aid specialist in order to get assistance with diagnosing and treating sensorineural hearing loss.

When you see a hearing loss specialist, they will carry out testing to determine the prognosis. They will ensure that you have the right type of device and that it is tuned to suit your requirements.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Females: That Time of the Month.


The friend that never lets you down, Aunt Flo, The Curse… There are dozens of nicknames for a women’s monthly period. Some would say, ‘On the Rag’ is the crudest one of them all. However, the phrase comes from what was used before disposable pads were invented.  Thanks to some nurses in France who were inspired by the original, war-time invention from Benjamin Franklin, started using wood pulp bandages for that specific time of the month. This then, encouraged manufacturers created the first disposable pad for purchase in 1888. Still, rags, also called, Sanitary Napkins, were still commonly used in household throughout the 1950s.

Period Poverty

In today’s society, a majority of women have at least experienced one period overload or ran out of pads just went they needed one the most. But can you imagine not having a pad or even rags during that time of the month? That is exactly the case for some females in some parts of the world. The belief in some cultures is that a woman is impure during that time of the month and must be banished until she has finished her cycle.

The largest problem with not having a pad or rag to discreetly hide a female’s monthly ‘friend’ is the lack of sanitation during that time. We know that the body sheds a lot of stuff during that time, so it is a major health risk to oneself and others to not have it confined into one area. Plus, the inability to wash their hands in some locations can cause a snowball of health complications.

Disposable Pads: The Convenience is Great, but so is the Harm?

Disposable pads are a blessing, for sure. Yet, pads and diapers have taken a large toll on the environment. It is believed that biodegradability for a single diaper is 500 years. However, these disposables can now be recycled! In Canada and other places in the world, they can toss pads into the regular, curbside recycling bins. Other locations in the world must put in a little more effort. There are several companies out there that have specific pick-up collection companies for pads and diapers.

Going Old School with a Twist

For those that don’t have the time to find a local pickup service for their used feminine products, but still want to go with an old-school way of handling their monthly flow, in a way more sanitary method than back in the day, there is a product from Reusable pads.

Reusable pads are included for every kind of flow day needed. The reasonably priced kit that is available includes 2 light-flow, 2 medium-flow and 2 heavy-flow pads. Each dark-gray, microfiber pad is infused with bamboo charcoal to prevent odor while encased in a recycled waterproof lining to prevent leakage. The soft material is non-irritating, and the snap closure keeps the pad in place on underwear. Washing is also easy. Rinse (or soak with tea tree oil to help remove stains) and toss into the washer. Line-dry is the best option, so the pad doesn’t lose shape. Using them might feel different, at first, but you will soon find that you can confidently replace disposable pads with reusable ones to get the same protection.

Helping Out Others

Being a woman has its challenges, for sure. Yet, could you imagine missing work or school because it’s that time of the month? Sadly, it happens in places all over the world. A lot of great companies understand the seriousness of period poverty and are choosing to do something about it. and other manufacturers of feminine products have decided to make a solid guarantee to us, the consumers. When you purchase one of their products, they will donate a supply to a female in need to help in the fight against period poverty. donates to women and girls around the globe, along with educating menstrual health in West Africa.

Our Mission: To End Period Poverty – Trade To Aid

As females, we all have our own menstrual stories and nightmares, but at least most have those experiences with some form of protection. Pads and tampons reduce exposure to many diseases and viruses during a monthly flow passing though the vagina. Just think, some women don’t have that luxury. But remember there is something you can do to help our fellow sisters in the world. When shopping for sanitary pads, whether it be cloth or disposable pads, be sure to look for a product that is allowing you to help out others just by buying something you already need.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.