Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

Benefits of Black Seed Oil

By Tia Cristy

Benefits of Black Seed Oil

It’s known as a cure-all or black cumin. Black Seed Oil comes in a liquid or pill form, as well as mild or extra-strength. It has been known to make people feel brand-new overall. But really, what is Black Seed Oil?

What is Black Seed Oil?

Black Seed Oil is the result of pressing the seed of the Nigella Sativa plant. It has been used in Asia and Middle Eastern countries for centuries to heal the body inside and outside. The oil is safe to take internally or to place on the skin topically. Rumor has it, princesses throughout history used the oil as a daily moisturizer to remain youthful.

Uses of the Oil

The Black Seed oil has been found to reduce blood-pressure, so if you already have low blood-pressure you may want to use this oil topically. Always consult with your doctor when starting natural supplements. However, the side effects of Black Seed oil are next to nothing. Some have developed rashes. But there haven’t been major issues reported. Other healing benefits have been reducing wrinkles, healing scars, antibacterial properties, etc. Then, upon further investigation Black Seed oil has been used to treat viruses, disease, STD’s, resistant bacterial infections, liver issues, cancer, diabetes, stomach issues, hair loss issues and MRSA. It has reduced symptoms of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and many neurological aliments. And on top of it all, it is a big promoter in weight-loss.

Have I Seen a Difference?

I started using the oil topically to see if I had any reactions first. It has a pleasant odor and absorbs fairly quickly into the skin. It feels silky, not greasy. I had extremely dry hands from a cold-harsh winter. I had used several of my go-to oil fixes and was only getting relief for a couple hours at a time. I decided to try a dab of the Black Seed on my hands. I have been problem-free for days after one treatment. Bonus, my hands still feel incredible. I started using it on my face only three-days ago, and I’m already happy with the results. We all know summer or winter months can be harsh on the largest organ. I’m feeling confident, I will continue to be happy with the results.

Can You Stop Taking Black Seed?

After all the research that I’ve done on those that use the oil, they have stopped the oil at one point or another for only a short period of time. It’s totally safe to stop. However, after a few months missed the positive reaction of Black Seed Oil and returned to taking the supplement again. (especially around Allergy Season)

If you are thinking about taking Black Seed as a daily health supplement, it’s recommended to start with the mild. If you are hoping to take it as a therapy, please discuss with your doctor on the dosage they recommend. If you need more information on dosage or Black Seed oil, contact The Blessed Seed. For 10% off your order use Promo Code: tipsfromtia10

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Make Your Health a Daily Priority

How To Make Your Health a Daily Priority

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Today our lives are busier than ever – building careers, family commitments, juggling hobbies and essentials – it’s no wonder really that modern life can often feel quite overwhelming.


But what consequences does having so many daily responsibilities have on our health and well being?


Well, when life gets super busy, as it often does, it’s easy to fall into the trap pof short cuts and bad habits that don’t prioritise our health. Acting on autopilot, we sacrifice ourselves and make a short-term choice, be that grabbing the quick dinner that we know is less than healthy for us or choosing to skip workouts and meditation sessions that normally keep us grounded.


By default, we tend to operate on auto-pilot mode, muddling through the days and making excuses to ourselves. The side order? A healthy dose of guilt and blame, as we recognise deep down that we aren’t making the choices we need to for our long-term health.


But life isn’t going to let up anytime soon, so what can we do to make sure health becomes a daily priority? It turns out some simple strategies can stop you having to compromise all the time…

Recognise The Choice Cycle


Trapping in feelings of self-doubt and tiredness, many of us avoid acknowledging our own agency in the matter. It’s easy to blame circumstances from ‘stopping’ us maintaining our health, but the truth is, although we can’t avoid what life throws at us, we can choose how we deal with it.


That autonomy is our gift, and refusing to accept that prevents many of us from achieving our wellbeing goals. Take a moment to step back from the situation and remove emotion from the equation. What would you say to you best friend or a relative that complained they were too busy to take care of themselves? Instead of judging yourself or blaming circumstances, acknowledge that life is busy and can be overwhelming – but also that you have a choice about how you react.


If you don’t actively choose to break the cycle, you’re going to end up stuck in a helpless, chicken and egg scenario – too tired and run down because of lack of exercise and healthy eating to make the right choices. Choose to prioritise your health – even if it means sacrificing something else. For example, if you love to fit in a morning HIIT workout, but don’t have enough time before heading to work – could you set the alarm a half hour earlier to fit it in? What if this meant going to bed a half hour earlier? What would you be missing? If the answer is another episode of that box set or a scroll through social media feeds then the choice becomes very clear.


What do you need to do in order to detox your body and mind? Treat being kind to yourself as a commitment that you choose to prioritise over all the noise in daily life, and you are taking back to the power and making a positive step – and that in itself can be very energising.


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Isolate Your Eating


How many of choose to eat while distracted? In fact, sitting there munching mindlessly while we catch up on emails is very harmful to your health. Studies have shown those who eat while distracted consume more calories, as the brain is switched away from it’s task of sending the message that you’re full to your stomach. So when you eat, make it the main event.


Sit down properly at the table and take the time to engage your senses – what can you see, feel and smell? If you need to, scheduling in a half hour for a meal really emphasises your commitment to mindful eating. Ask yourself about your emotional state if you find yourself reaching for a sugary treat you don’t need. What is making you crave it? Are you bored or upset? Resolve to fix the root cause rather than using food as an emotional tool. Savour each bite, learn to recognise when you’re approaching full up and reconnect your mind and body as you eat. When your finished, you’ll find that you feel more satisfied and are free to continue your day with renewed energy and a clear mind.

Have a Plan for Stress


Stress is a daily factor in our lives. In fact, a little bit of the right kind can be very effective as a motivating factor that keeps us on track – so you shouldn’t be seeking to erase every trace of it from your life. The key is to learn how to manage stress. If it gets out of control, it can act as a major trigger for overeating or drinking too much alcohol, cause relationship issues and get our hormones out of alignment, leading to multiple health problems.


Recognise that you can’t control every factor and that life will throw you curveballs – but understand also how to deal with them. Keep crucial perspective by moving yourself forward in time mentally – will this issue matter in a week? A month? How about in a year’s time? Learn what it takes for you to avoid critical levels of stress – do you need to learn how to delegate more at work? Do you need to put aside more time to rest? Or is it simply a question of scheduling in 10 minute power walks outside to keep you balanced and get some fresh air?

Treat Health as Its Own Reward


If you choose to ‘reward’ yourself with food and alcohol, it promotes all kind of negative associations and cycle of guilt and rebellion. Recognise that these things are not ‘bad’ or ‘good’ in themselves, it’s our approach to them that has positive or negative intentions. Processed treats should never be used to cope with stress or as a reward for doing something. Choose health and wellbeing for its own sake, as a conscious decision that you know enhances your life. Find comfort in other things, such as a deep aromatherapy bath, spending time with your loved ones, or finishing a chapter of that must-have thriller novel. Turn around your reward system and the effects can be life changing.


Choosing to put your health first is not one big decisions – it’s a series of daily choices. Commit to them and you will see positive results!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

What You Should Know About Dementia

by Guest Blogger, Diana S.

What You Should Know About Dementia


Dementia is not an illness that happens overnight; it is actually a collection of various symptoms, possibly due to a disease.  It is a dreadful and often feared condition that can be hard to deal with, especially for those around the patient.

If you have someone who’s struggling with dementia or you worry if you could end up suffering from it, here are a few things you should know:

The early signs of dementia

Most frequently, if you experience greater loss of memory and focus, or even gradually start failing to communicate in a clear and understandable way, chances are you are experiencing dementia in its early stages. Unfortunately, we still can’t be sure what all early signs of dementia could be as they don’t tend to manifest immediately. This makes diagnosing dementia all the harder, but not impossible. Nevertheless, look out for losses in function and focus, and contact your physician if you experience something similar. However, if you are the one experiencing dementia, chances are you won’t be aware of the symptoms; this is why it’s important you listen to the people around you pointing out the changes in your usual behavior.

Alzheimer’s disease

Perhaps the most commonly known form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. In essence, Alzheimer’s is an irreversible brain disorder that slowly erases your memories and your ability to think and remember clearly. Over time, even the simplest of tasks become a burden and impossible for those having Alzheimer’s. Without relying on everyday help, patients grow unable to function properly.

Treating dementia

Unfortunately, a definitive cure for dementia does not exist yet, and it is only possible to slow down the progress to a certain degree. Some of the medicine that can be used is there to prevent further regression of memory, but only in combination with certain mental exercises that help boost brain functions and promote better memory.

Look for help

After a while, dementia can take its toll and make it extremely hard to do things on your own. Losing your memory and having to see everyone around you fade into black is not easy to deal with. Unless the early stages of dementia are recognized and there is someone to help you out, it can become a battle that cannot be fought alone. The great thing is that there are services ready to help take care of you/your loved one. Choosing the right aged care facilities for someone with dementia can be a cinch if you find out that the staff is highly trained and professional. Creating an environment for those with dementia is a must, so that no matter what happens, they are surrounded by people they can rely on.

Alternative medicine

Currently, no drug can effectively reverse the effects of dementia, and without doing a bit of work on your own as well, you cannot expect to get better. The best alternative method to help deal with and fight dementia is to do daily problem-solving tasks, puzzles, memory games, and various language boosting activities. Engage in a game of chess regularly, pick up a foreign language, help your kids/grandkids with math problems, be in charge of paying the bills, etc. These are meant to boost brain functions and help keep the memory intact, all the while reducing the effects of dementia.

Unfortunately, dementia cannot be stopped, yet, the effects can be slowed down to a degree so that you can live your life comfortably. With communities built for those suffering from dementia and your personal engagement in slowing it down, things don’t have to be too hard. 

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Warning Signs That You Need a New Roof Over Your Head

Warning Signs That You Need a New Roof Over Your Head

When you have been in a house for some time, the roof is probably one of the last things that you think about. Until something goes wrong that is. Ideally, you want to be in a situation in which you can see that you need a roof repair or replacement before anything goes drastically wrong. So, here are just a few of the warning signs to watch out for.


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Roof Age


The first thing that you need to consider is the age of your roof. Many experts agree that a typical roof should last between 20 and 25 years. So, if it is older than this, alarm bells should start to ring. If you are not sure, it is worth consulting with a trusted professional who can inspect the roof and advise you about any steps that you need to take.


Curling or Missing Shingles


Take a look at your roof to see if you can spot any curling or missing shingles. Check out the slopes of your home that receive direct sunlight, which are the easiest spots that you will be able to tell whether the shingles are not looking at their best. Even worse, there may be some missing entirely. So, get in touch with some professionals like G.H. Clark Contractors who can tell you what is going on. Don’t try to get up on the roof yourself unless you have some experience in this area as this is a major cause of home accidents.


You Find Granules in the Gutter


If your roof is fairly old – say 10 or 15 years – and you are finding granules in the gutter, this could be a sign of a bigger problem. These are designed to keep the sun off the asphalt, and once they fall off, the shingles will be exposed to the elements and you may find that they start to deteriorate in quality very quickly.


You Can See Sunlight from the Attic


Perhaps you haven’t been up to the attic in a while, but if you get up there and you can see sunlight streaming through the rafters, you don’t need us to tell you that this is a bad sign! If light can enter, this also means that rain, cold air and snow can as well. While small leaks may be able to be patched up, larger ones may well need the care and attention of an expert.


The Entire Roof is Sagging


If there is a time to really panic, it is certainly when you see your entire roof sagging. This is often one of the clearest signs of a structural issue. Though you are not necessarily in any immediate danger, it is much easier to take care of this kind of issue if you spot it early and it is localised rather than waiting until it has progressed.


So, if you notice any of these warning signs, now may be the time to take action in an effort to solve the problem.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Goodbye Toxins, Hello Happiness: The Ultimate Home Cleanse

Goodbye Toxins, Hello Happiness: The Ultimate Home Cleanse

able to relax and unwind after a stressful day at work. You might be unaware of how many

home hazards you are currently living in, but don’t worry, most people are. Some of your everyday gadgets, cleaning products and beauty items might be causing you serious harm if you continue to use them over time. Nobody’s home can be perfect, but you can become one step closer to a non-toxic way of living.


Digital Detox


Your bedroom is probably littered with mobile phones, a television, sound systems and other electrical devices. If you aren’t already aware of emf exposure symptoms then you should definitely look into them. Perhaps you have been feeling tired or nauseous lately, this could be due to the dangerous digital items within your home. Try to sleep in a room free of plugged in devices; I know this is a difficult thing to imagine, but it really will help you to be free from toxins.



Clean and Green


When you spring clean your home with your regular cleaning products you are actually adding more harmful chemicals into your home than you would think. Your bleach and cleaning sprays will be full of extremely dangerous elements that you wouldn’t want to spread around your home, especially if you have small children. Try using natural ingredients to clean areas of your home. Lemon, vinegar and bicarbonate of soda are all excellent natural cleaners that will bring shimmer and shine to your surfaces.


Make-Up Mindfulness


We all wake up and enjoy blending our makeup before meeting a girlfriend for lunch. This simple daily activity could be causing stress to your body and skin. Not only are many makeup brands littered with unruly chemicals, but things such as your shampoo, deodorant and moisturizer could be really unsanitary for you. Always opt for the more high-end organic products on the shelves as you know these will be plant-based and much better for your skin and body.



Clever Cooking


You throw another frozen meal into the microwave and tuck into a delicious warm meal every evening; you might think you’re being proactive and semi-healthy, but really the microwave could be causing dangerous chemical reactions with your plastic Tupperware pots. Try to steam, boil or bake the majority of meals so you are minimizing the use of dangerous infrared rays in your home. The use of a microwave is most families go-to kitchen device when it comes to cooking quick and easy recipes, but you should really consider using metal pans and trays in the oven or stove to minimize your exposure to dangerous toxins.


By making small, but meaningful changes to simple aspects of your life you could start to feel the benefits straight away. Cut out those harmful toxins from your life so that you and your family can live a cleaner and greener way of life. Embrace the clear air in your home and you will feel revitalized, refreshed and renewed in no time.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.