Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

Black Seed Oil for Hands, Feet and Crow’s Feet!

Black Seed Oil for Hands, Feet and Crow’s Feet!

Previously, we had mentioned the rage of Black Seed Oil. Reviews online are pretty overwhelming with folks loving the natural herb supplement. So, we had to tested it for ourselves.

Obsessed much?

When it comes to black seed oil, we all seem to be in love.

Black seed oil can be used internally or externally. Taking the oil orally, has been known to reduce specific aliments as well as restore overall health. Take a look at these benefits.

Personally, I’ve been using the black seed at a moisturizer for several weeks. I was dealing with the issue of extremely dry hands. I had tried creams and other oils, including coconut oil. It didn’t help for long. After two uses of black seed, my hands were back to soft. The cracking stopped, and my hands were back to lovely. I began using black seed on my feet. The results were wonderful.

Finally, I was brave enough to try on my face. The reduction on fine lines and crow’s feet is outstanding. Skin care is one of the most important things in overall health. Most folks think that falls under the category of vanity. However, your skin is the largest organ of your body. What your skin absorbs, affects you internally. So proceed with caution when it comes to what you put on your body. Shop for all-natural black seed oil.

Black seed is claimed to be an all-natural, all-healing, supplement while providing awesome skin care. Some side-effects that have been listed is stimulating hair growth and light breakouts. One major thing to remember is black seed lowers blood pressure. This is a benefit for many people. Yet, you may not want to use if you have low blood pressure.

As always, we recommend you speak with your doctor before taking any supplement to make sure it is right for you. Your doctor should be able to tell you if it will interact with any current medications.

If you take black seed oil, tell us what you think!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Women and Cars: Here’s What You Need to Know about Four-Wheelers

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

Women and Cars: Here’s What You Need to Know about Four-Wheelers


There’s an old stereotype that women know nothing about cars besides driving them from point A to point B. So, if you want to change the way women are perceived in traffic, make sure to learn a few useful things. Here’s what every woman needs to know about cars.

How to check the oil

One of the easiest and most important things is knowing how to check for oil. Not having enough oil can result in many car problems including causing your engine to fry, so make sure to keep your oil levels in check.

How to fix broken lights

The next common car repair (the one that can save you a lot of money in mechanic visits and fines) is fixing your headlights and taillights. If you have an older car, this fix can be very easy and fast. Just remove any trim components to expose the headlight panel and replace your burned-out bulb with a new one. Don’t know which bulb to buy? Just take your broken one to a car store and people working there will give you a matching replacement.

How to drive a stick

Knowing how to drive a stick is one of those things that can save you a lot of trouble in the future, because you really can’t know when you’ll need to use this skill. Luckily, operating a manual transmission isn’t that hard—all you need is some practice and patience!

How to buy and sell a car

Hopefully, you’ll have many opportunities to buy new cars and sell your old ones, so knowing how to handle these situations can be super useful. First, learn enough about your potential new car or your old one, so that you can avoid getting scammed. You can also find a good agency to handle your sale or purchase if you don’t want to risk getting ripped off. For instance, you can easily buy and sell cars at Carbiz as they can help you get quick cash for your old car or deliver your new wheels directly to your house!

How to check for tire pressure

Having proper tire pressure is quite important both for economic and safety reasons. Driving with under or overinflated tires can be very unsafe, plus it causes your tires to wear down quicker. Luckily, checking for tire pressure is super easy and fast. Check the inside of the driver’s doors and you’ll find a sticker with pressure recommendations for your car. With a small tire pressure gauge, you can check your pressure and see if you need to add or remove air.

How to change a flat tire

Changing a tire is every driver’s fear, but it shouldn’t be! Once you get a few practice tries, you’ll see how easy it is to change a flat and continue your ride in peace. Plus, that skill can save you a lot of money and even your life (getting stranded at the side of the road can be quite dangerous). There are great videos online with step-by-step tutorials, you just need to have good will and a few tools!

How to recognize red flags

Have you ever heard a weird sound coming from the engine or seen an unfamiliar light on your dash? Knowing what these sounds and lights mean can save you a lot of money and even your life. Some sounds and lights require immediate attention while some can be put off for a while. Here are some common warning sounds you shouldn’t ignore and some important dashboard lights to keep an eye on.

So, be a good driver that shatters gender stereotypes and make sure to learn about your four-wheeler. Every responsible car owner, regardless of gender, should know these seven car-related fixes and skills which will ensure their safety and safety of other road users.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Compare Different Sites Based on Upfront Costs

By Guest Blogger, Gene C.

When looking to grow your business, finding out which lead generation site to use can be arduous task. In the current marketplace, many sites exist—each with their own pros and cons. In order to determine which one is the best for you, check out the following infographic. It will allow you to seamlessly compare different sites based on upfront costs, levels of support, and how payments process on the backend. Remaining competitive in any field is about making the economical and sensible decisions to allow your business to thrive. 

Business Comparison

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Have Perfectly White Teeth

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

How to Have Perfectly White Teeth


When looking at someone’s face, they can have the perfect features all over, but one smile can ruin it all. That is, if they don’t have healthy teeth. Of course we all want to know that our teeth are visually perfect, but that is impossible if our teeth aren’t first and foremost healthy. Bleaching and aligning teeth that are dying from the inside is far from a sustainable solution, and here’s how to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Proper diet

We all know that sugar is bad for our teeth, but do we know why? Sugar (and precisely white, processed sugar) sticks to our teeth and quickly reacts with the environment of our mouth to turn into acid that starts eating away at our teeth. This is why it’s crucial to cut down on sugary sweets, and especially those that have a lot of direct contact with our mouth like lollipops. The second villain is sodas. You really shouldn’t drink soda for any reason – since it literally has nothing nutritious for you – but it also contains dangerous chemicals that corrode our teeth. On the other hand, eating plenty of fruit available in the sunny Australia climate and making sure you’re getting enough calcium will get you on the right track towards a healthy smile. Lastly, while we’re on the topic of food, it’s important to address some foods that can seriously stain our teeth. Coffee drinkers, I’m looking at you. Dark drinks like coffee, black tea and red wine can stain our teeth, but so can many berries. So especially right after teeth bleaching, you want to stay as far away from these as possible.

Crooked teeth

There is a plethora of reasons why someone might have crooked teeth: from genetics to injury that induced trauma, our jaws and teeth can misalign, making them lay diagonally when they should be going straight, or laying on top of each other. Sometimes, crooked teeth can be a simple aesthetic problem, but they can also give you an underbite or overbite, as well as cause pain. Many people don’t want to get braces because of the in-progress look of them, but you can get fitted with Invisalign in Maroubra and achieve the effect of braces without it ever being noticed. They are sets of invisible, removable aligners that you can take out whenever you want, but they are so unnoticeable that you won’t have any problems keeping them in for longer periods of time. There are also versions for teens, who are notorious for wanting to avoid braces because of their appearance.

Good dental hygiene

The number one way to get and maintain a healthy smile is to do the work and never be lazy when it comes to taking care of dental hygiene. Make sure you brush your teeth after every meal, and floss to make sure you don’t have any bits of food stuck between your teeth that can cause cavities. You also want to make sure you visit a dentist for regular check-ups, because if you wait for a tooth to start aching before you go – you’re too late. The damage would be far smaller if the problem was found before it started to hurt. Your dentist can also spot some symptoms in your oral health that can be very useful warning signs for other health issues.


It’s important to remember that healthy teeth are not only important for aesthetic reasons, but they are a vital part of a good diet, since they help us chew our food, as well as help us communicate properly. So make sure you give them the attention and care they deserve.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.


5 Things to Do Now to Prepare Your Home for the Summer Heat

5 Things to Do Now to Prepare Your Home for the Summer Heat                                           

Thanks to rising temperatures and relentless sunshine, your home can be a haven for numerous unwanted visitors this summer. Accordingly, taking the proper pest control steps is of the utmost importance. Along with seeking professional assistance, there are a few things you can do to ensure your home is safeguarded against all manner of pests from this summer to the next.

  1. Keep Indoors Clean

Spring is a time of renewal, which is why so many choose this season to tidy up their homes. Spring cleaning does more than just make your home presentable for that all-important first barbecue; it also deprives insects of hiding spots in areas filled with clutter and debris. Clear out closets, disinfect kitchens and bathrooms, and make sure crumbs are properly cleaned up.

  1. Check Out Window Screens

Window screens are designed to let in the cool breeze while keeping pests out. However, splits and tears in your screens means that insects will be free to come and go as they please. That’s why it’s recommended that you check out each and every screen in your home to make sure they can serve their intended purpose.

  1. Shore Up Cracks in Caulking

Cracked seals around doors and windows are another problem area when it comes to pests taking up residence. Take a moment to look over these fixtures to ensure their seals are holding steady. If you notice any issues you can reinforce the seal using a little caulking purchased at your local hardware store.

  1. Remove Standing Water

When it comes to the outdoors, you can keep mosquitoes at bay by removing any standing water on your property. This includes areas like birdbaths, kiddie pools, or any surfaces under leaking pipes. Not only are mosquitoes irritating, they can also carry pathogens capable of causing disease and illness to both pets as well as humans.

One bite from an infected mosquito can result in months of hospital time and recovery. Zika, Malaria, Yellow Fever, and Encephalitis are diseases transmitted by this little insect. Because wet areas are their preferred breeding grounds, paying attention to your surroundings would be best. A mosquito control company will be the most reliable way to resolve any infestation in or around your home.

  1. Call Out the Professionals

Of course, even your best efforts may fail to remove all those unwanted pests in your life. That’s why it’s a good idea to hire a professional technician just to make sure your home is secure against the threat of insects. A technician will identify any potential problem areas before infestation occurs, which will save both time and money in the long run.

Your home is your castle, and like any good lord or lady of the manner you decide who stays and who goes. Contact exterminators near me for more information on how you can prevent your abode from being overrun by unwanted guests.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram