Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

How To Improve Your Focus

How To Improve Your Focus

Do you find that you are struggling to focus as of late? Do you often find yourself staring out of the window or daydreaming and you don’t know how long you have been doing it for? Maybe you cannot focus on one idea for a long period of time without getting frustrated and thinking about something else. We all get like this from time to time. However, the only person that can get your focus back is you.

With that being said, read on to discover a number of different suggestions that will help you regain your focus again.


Take short breaks –

There is only one place to begin, and this is by taking short breaks. Sitting at a computer for hours on end is not going to help anyone. Instead, if you take short breaks and you do so regularly, you give your brain a chance to refresh. You will come back to your station feeling rejuvenated, which will enable you to tackle your work with a much higher level of focus and concentration. There have also been a number of studies that have backed this up, too.

This includes one that was carried out by Alejandro Lleras, a psychologist at the University of Illinois. He carried out a study that involved participants taking short breaks throughout a task lasting 50 minutes. He found that they performed better than participants who worked straight through the task without taking any breaks. The theory is simply that short breaks like this will re-energize the brain. In order to stay focused, you need to deactivate and reactivate your goals. Brief mental breaks will actually enable you to stay focused on the task at hand.

Turn on some music –

Another way to increase your focus levels is to turn on your music. You may assume that this would be a distraction, but it all depends on the music you play. After all, too much background noise can be very distracting. However, if you play a song that you like, it can help you to focus your thoughts. This is something that was proven by the University of North Carolina and Wake Forest School of Medicine. You can find their research in the Scientific Reports. The researchers who carried out the study said they were surprised by the consistency of their results because of the fact that music varies considerably, from pieces with and without lyrics to the differences in acoustic complexity. Nevertheless, no matter whether it is Beyoncé or Beethoven, listening to music that you enjoy can help you to improve your focus.

Check the thermostat –

The next step in improving your levels of concentration is to check the thermostat. Your focus can be negatively impacted if your place of work is too hot or too cold. You need to make sure you are comfortable and that you are working to the optimal temperature.

Grab a coffee –

Are you the sort of person who needs a morning coffee to get your day going? If not, this could be where you are going wrong. You are probably aware of the fact that coffee can give you an energy boost and wake you up. However, it does a lot more than this, as it can actually help you to focus on the day too. A run to the coffee shop could be just the thing you need if you require an attention booster in the afternoon.

Natural energy boosters –

There are a lot of energy-boosting products available on the market today, yet most people are skeptical of using such supplements. This is understandable. After all, you don’t want to put something in your body if there is a risk of it having an adverse side effect. This is why it is good to use a natural energy booster, for example, something like Nitro Xtreme works well. With natural products like this, you can be sure that you are not consuming anything harmful. Some of the ingredients in this product include Niacin, Chromium, Zinc, Magnesium, and CoQ10. This increases your focus and gives you a natural boost of energy, making it especially suitable for anyone who has been experiencing a hectic and stressful life lately. Similarly, you can also opt to use Dr. Grundy’s MCT Wellness supplement to improve focus and boost energy function. You can check out MCT Wellness reviews online to see whether this supplement might be a beneficial addition to your diet. 

Unplug for 30 minutes –

Earlier, we spoke about the importance of taking brief breaks throughout any task you are carrying out that is going on for a considerable amount of time. However, it is also good to unplug for 30 minutes if you find that you are struggling to get in the zone out of work. This means logging out of social media and your email too. You can do this at the beginning of the day or for a period during the afternoon, whichever is better for you.

You will be shocked by how much more you can achieve once your emails and social media messages are not distracting you. Why not go one step further and turn off your notifications altogether? A lot of people assign themselves certain periods throughout the day for checking their emails so that it does not get in the way of what they are meant to be doing at work.

Understand what your focus needs to be –

You are going to struggle to achieve the high levels of focus and concentration you need if you cannot determine what is worthy of your distraction. Every morning, think about what really needs your most focus for the day so that you can direct your efforts properly and you can avoid wasting time on tasks that are not considered an emergency.

Prepare your brain –

Aside from the points that have already been mentioned, another way that you can focus more effectively is by calming your brain prior to carrying out any task. You should take a minute or two and sit in a position that is comfortable for you. Practice deep breathing into your stomach. This does not mean that you need to chant or sit cross-legged. You merely need to find a way to calm your body down before you start your work. This will really help you to get into the zone and concentrate.


Drink more fluids –

The final tip when it comes to giving your focus the boost it needs is to drink more fluids. This is another suggestion that has been proven with a study. The Journal of Nutrition found that mild dehydration is one of the key reasons for inattention. Their 2012 study concluded that drinking more fluids could make a big difference in terms of focus levels. They recommend 12.5 cups for men and nine cups for women. Carry a water bottle with you while you are at work and use an app on your phone to track how much water you have drunk each day.

As you can see, there are many different ways that you can improve your focus. If you have been struggling to concentrate in the workplace and you do not know what to do to get your high levels of concentration back, follow the suggestions that have been provided above and you should notice a difference in terms of your efficiency and focus levels. You will be able to achieve more, and you will know exactly what to do if your concentration levels ever start to take a dip again.

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

4 Ideas to Add “Smart Lighting” to Your Home

By, Derek L.

4 Ideas to Add “Smart Lighting” to Your Home

Day by day, improvement by improvement, homes are becoming smarter and smarter. With so many technological advancements, you can now choose from a variety of smart home features, from smart thermostats and robot cleaners to entire home systems and virtual assistants. However, since going smart all at once can be quite expensive, you can start by implementing smart lighting to your home. Not only will it make your life easier, but it will also reduce your energy consumption. And once again, there are plenty of ways you can do that.

1.     Automated wireless lighting

A completely automated lighting system is one of the most popular smart features that will provide you with a range of control options. An automated system will enable you to control your lights remotely, set up a timer, connect your lighting to other devices, etc. However, in order for you to install a fully automated home system, you need to set up a control hub first. By installing a central hub, you’ll be able to connect all of your smart devices and design a completely automated system. Afterwards, you can just connect your smart bulbs via Wi-Fi with your control hub. Wi-Fi-enabled bulbs might be more expensive, but they will provide you with a range of smart options.

2.     Smart occupancy lighting sensors

Although smart occupancy sensors, or Occ. sensors, might be a bit on the expensive side, they offer a high level of flexibility. Once you install an Occ. sensor in your home, you won’t have to worry about controlling your lights because this sensor will do it for you. Namely, this option will automatically turn your lights on or off the moment someone walks in a room. Furthermore, an occupancy sensor can also be adjusted not to turn on the lights during the day. Another great advantage of these sensors is the option to set up a “vacancy modeâ€. This option will enable you to set up the system to turn off the lights when someone leave a room without turning them on when a space is occupied.

3.     Smart switches, plugs and outlets

Smart switches, plugs and outlets are another possible solution when it comes to smart lighting. However, since this option requires some wiring, it’s essential that you check whether you have a proper electricity connection and make sure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Having checked your electricity, you can install smart switches, plugs and outlets.

Use Master Electrical Service if you aren’t a licensed electrician. Messing around with electric connections without a vast knowledge of how it works can lead to detrimental disasters. This is an expense that is absolutely justifiable. The whole point of this project is to save money, but one wrong connection could cost you everything.

Smart plugs and outlets are quite similar, but while plugs can be just plugged into a regular outlet, a smart outlet should be properly installed. Nonetheless, both smart solutions will enable you to control your lighting fixtures and even some other devices, such as a coffee maker or a toaster, through a smart device app.

4. Smart outdoor lighting

If you want to smart up both the inside and the outside of your home, you should install smart outdoor lighting, as well. This can be a practical and energy-saving solution for your beautiful outdoor space. Furthermore, it’s as easy as installing a switch inside. You just need to install a smart outdoor switch and you’ll be able to control your outdoor lighting via a smart device. Once again, you’ll be able to create different lighting schedules, turn the lights on or off remotely and even monitor other plugged-in devices. You can even find a smart light for your front door that can be connected to your doorbell.

Smart lighting is a great way to start upgrading your home. Not only does it offer a great level of flexibility, but it can also reduce your energy consumption and cut your electricity bill.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Summertime Home-Improvement Projects You’ll Love

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

Summertime Home-Improvement Projects You’ll Love


If you’re thinking about home-improvement projects, the best season to do them is summer. Doing any construction or renovation project is easier then since you can avoid bad weather and huge chances that finishing all the work will be postponed. Therefore, here are some great ways to treat your home and yourself to an upgrade this summer.

Take a long bath

Summers tend to be long, hot and sticky in Australia, and whether you’re indoors or outdoors most of your days, that moment when you finally get into a bathtub for a nice, relaxing bath to wash away that horrible sweat can be the highlight of your day. That’s unless you don’t have a bathtub. So, if your bathroom is old and outdated, invest in some new bath or shower fixtures that will do their job better than the old ones, making you feel refreshed and clean. This is an investment you can enjoy not only in summer, but all year long. Plus, this type of renovation adds to your property appearance and value, in case you want to sell your house one of these days.

Cool down

When the temperatures go way up, all you want to do is crawl into a chilled corner somewhere and wait for the sun to go down. This is especially true for the big Queensland cities, due to the huge areas covered in pavement and concrete. That’s why upgrading the air conditioning in your home this summer is an amazing idea. Find reliable and professional Brisbane electricians and have them install the best air conditioning system on the market, so that you can be cool during summer and warm in winter. If a new air conditioner is too expensive, you can always opt for the second best option – a ceiling fan to make your home more comfortable in warmer weather. You can even install both, so that the ceiling fan improves the cold air circulation inside your home.

Enjoy your backyard

Your backyard is an important part of your home, a place where you can spend your summer days, entertain your friends and have barbecues. So, make sure your driveway and any other paved areas get pressure washed, that your mow your lawn regularly, and that your flowers are tended to. If possible, you should have a tree or two in your backyard, so that you can enjoy the shade they make when being in the sun becomes unbearable. If you don’t have a tree, consider the alternatives, such as various big umbrellas or custom-made awnings that can protect you not only from the sun, but also from the summer rain. Doing landscaping only takes some time, good will and a bit of skill, and it can improve your quality of life during summer, as well as the impression your home makes on your guests.

Relax on your new deck

If you haven’t built one by now, there’s no reason to wait any longer. A deck is a very useful addition to your home – one that can easily connect your living room to your backyard, creating extra space for you to sit down and sip cold lemonade or iced tea when it gets too hot. This is an upgrade that doesn’t take too much time and can be a great DIY project, if you’re one of those amazing handy people. You can benefit greatly from your deck by placing some comfortable furniture there, or even an outdoor kitchen, so that you don’t even have to be indoors when you cook. If you already have a deck, check if there are any loose boards, or if there’s anything damaged that you should fix. Also, it might need repainting, which you can do yourself, or hire a professional. And if you want your deck to be perfectly clean for this summer season, you can use a pressure washer on it, as well.

Whether you invest your time or your money in your home, you can make it look better, increase its value, and create new ways to really enjoy its benefits this summer. And since summer won’t last forever, start your home-improvement project today.


 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

‘Psychiatry’ Isn’t a Bad Word

‘Psychiatry’ Isn’t a Bad Word

Several years ago, the word ‘psychiatry’ had a sigma, just like ‘online dating’. Back then, if you needed therapy, one could feel weak for needing to do so. That’s not the case, then or today. Just look at online dating, it’s practically a way of life for single folks. But as for all folks in general, we need to understand there is a strength that comes from partaking in therapy. Having a healthy mind is more important today than ever before. The technology of today moves so fast. The demands of the job are overwhelming as companies expect one man to do the job of three. Kids with phones basically attached to them are seeing their idols or school mates commit suicide. We as a human race need to protect our minds. Strengthening the brain is like working any other muscle in the body. It takes discipline and routine.

Let’s Get Physical  

Working the brain also happens with physical exercise. Get your heart started. Shut off the phones and tablets and come up with a routine to work your body muscles as well as your brain. Cardio is a great way to heal your brain from depression as well as provide a good oxygen intake that is important for your blood, heart and lungs. Not a gym goer? That’s okay. Walking, running, even skipping causes the brain to strengthen. Remember when you were a kid and you would try to pat your head while rubbing your tummy? That is a brain exercise. Just add in some deep breathing to allow that oxygen to climb to the brain.

Give Me a B

B vitamins have proven to be a great source for improving brain function. Specialty diets, like vegan or gluten-free can strip you from these vitamins if not done properly. Adding in a Super Complex-B vitamin into your daily could provide a balance to your mind. If you need an extra kick to fight off depression or anxiety, talk to your doctor about adding in an Amino Complex. These vitamins and minerals are essential to the brain and all your functions.

Find the Source?

It’s still debatable on if a person needs to find the source of their depression or anxiety to actually heal. Throughout all my research, some therapists believe the brain can heal with or without the original source that has provoked the underline depression or phobia. If you can work with a partner or therapist to pinpoint your issue, fantastic. But if you can’t pinpoint, don’t give up hope thinking this mindset is now your only way of life.

You Are Not Alone

It’s important for all humans to know that they are not alone. There are hotlines to call for help. There are online psychiatrists, chats and counseling available, all hours of the day. If you have children, talk to them about the dangers and finality of suicide. It’s a scary topic, but some kids don’t understand that suicide is a permanent thing. If you or someone you love is fighting with depression or anxiety, call a psychiatrist or reach out to the national suicide prevention hotline 1-800-273-8255.

Dating online with apps might be at the point where nobody shrugs, but we need to do the same for therapy. It’s important. Get your mind healthy. We all get stressed and overwhelmed. But don’t let things add up to where you feel stressed or overwhelmed on a daily basis. Life is a gift. It shouldn’t feel like a curse. Life gets tough, so we can toughen up, but it shouldn’t be a constant struggle. If you feel like it is, then I recommend talking with your doctor about therapy options. Life really is a beautiful thing. Here’s wishing you strong mental health and getting back to good.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Solved break-ins due to neighbors with cameras

By Guest Blogger, Paul

Solved break-ins due to neighbors with cameras


With the crime rate on a perennial high these days, it is imperative to rely on technology to capture the criminals. Surveillance cameras, CCTV installations and other security cameras installed in your society and the neighborhood locality can help in reducing the crime rate and solve break-ins. Recently, there were quite a few incidents where a burglary attempt was thwarted or when a long-pending crime case was solved, thanks to neighbors with cameras. Listed below are a couple of examples of that happened a few months back.

The Vancouver Police Department, bothered by the alarming increase in crime rates in its city, decided to let the citizens know about how they can help each other by reducing break-ins and thwarting burglary attempts in their neighborhood. They urged the citizens to be the eyes and ears of everyone else by installing safety cameras in their places. In a city like Vancouver, there were close to 15 residential break-ins on an average, on a single day, which urged the police to take the help of the citizens.

Thanks to cameras, residents became more aware of what was going on around them. When they noticed people loitering aimlessly in their locality, they immediately alerted the police. The residents also started to take note of suspicious movements of people in their areas by logging on to their cameras frequently. If they found any stranger in the backyard of their neighbor’s homes, they informed the right person and also alerted the police accordingly.

Thanks to the huge success of these cameras (also known as Neighborhood Watch or other names), crime rates dropped phenomenally in the Vancouver city. The program was so successful that it was adopted by almost all the neighborhoods in Canada. Through these neighborhood cameras, people began to learn how to make their property and residences less-prone to burglary attempts.

In San Francisco, the neighborhood camera technology assumed another level completely. Here, they have created a society-based website, where the residents of that particular society can log in and have a look at what is happening in the backyard/front yard or other parts of their/their neighbors’ homes. Yes, in these cases, privacy does take a hit, but residents are willing to sacrifice it for their safety. When they spot any suspicious activity in any residence of their society, they broadcast a message on the site, so that the concerned person can view the same. The police are called for immediately, and all burglary attempts are thwarted immediately.

A two-member team was trying to break into a few cars and homes in San Francisco. The thief, who was seen wearing a wig, was caught on the cameras when he was trying to break into one of the homes. The intruder was caught and handed over to the police immediately, by the citizens, thanks to the technological sophistication of these cameras. The thief was caught sitting in the backyard of one of the homes, and she seemed to be lost or confused about something. Her movements were suspicious, and she was only lazing around the porch without going anywhere. She was waiting for the right time to break-in, probably! When the residents spotted this, they immediately broadcasted the message on the common website and got her arrested.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.