‘Psychiatry’ Isn’t a Bad Word

‘Psychiatry’ Isn’t a Bad Word

Several years ago, the word ‘psychiatry’ had a sigma, just like ‘online dating’. Back then, if you needed therapy, one could feel weak for needing to do so. That’s not the case, then or today. Just look at online dating, it’s practically a way of life for single folks. But as for all folks in general, we need to understand there is a strength that comes from partaking in therapy. Having a healthy mind is more important today than ever before. The technology of today moves so fast. The demands of the job are overwhelming as companies expect one man to do the job of three. Kids with phones basically attached to them are seeing their idols or school mates commit suicide. We as a human race need to protect our minds. Strengthening the brain is like working any other muscle in the body. It takes discipline and routine.

Let’s Get Physical  

Working the brain also happens with physical exercise. Get your heart started. Shut off the phones and tablets and come up with a routine to work your body muscles as well as your brain. Cardio is a great way to heal your brain from depression as well as provide a good oxygen intake that is important for your blood, heart and lungs. Not a gym goer? That’s okay. Walking, running, even skipping causes the brain to strengthen. Remember when you were a kid and you would try to pat your head while rubbing your tummy? That is a brain exercise. Just add in some deep breathing to allow that oxygen to climb to the brain.

Give Me a B

B vitamins have proven to be a great source for improving brain function. Specialty diets, like vegan or gluten-free can strip you from these vitamins if not done properly. Adding in a Super Complex-B vitamin into your daily could provide a balance to your mind. If you need an extra kick to fight off depression or anxiety, talk to your doctor about adding in an Amino Complex. These vitamins and minerals are essential to the brain and all your functions.

Find the Source?

It’s still debatable on if a person needs to find the source of their depression or anxiety to actually heal. Throughout all my research, some therapists believe the brain can heal with or without the original source that has provoked the underline depression or phobia. If you can work with a partner or therapist to pinpoint your issue, fantastic. But if you can’t pinpoint, don’t give up hope thinking this mindset is now your only way of life.

You Are Not Alone

It’s important for all humans to know that they are not alone. There are hotlines to call for help. There are online psychiatrists, chats and counseling available, all hours of the day. If you have children, talk to them about the dangers and finality of suicide. It’s a scary topic, but some kids don’t understand that suicide is a permanent thing. If you or someone you love is fighting with depression or anxiety, call a psychiatrist or reach out to the national suicide prevention hotline 1-800-273-8255.

Dating online with apps might be at the point where nobody shrugs, but we need to do the same for therapy. It’s important. Get your mind healthy. We all get stressed and overwhelmed. But don’t let things add up to where you feel stressed or overwhelmed on a daily basis. Life is a gift. It shouldn’t feel like a curse. Life gets tough, so we can toughen up, but it shouldn’t be a constant struggle. If you feel like it is, then I recommend talking with your doctor about therapy options. Life really is a beautiful thing. Here’s wishing you strong mental health and getting back to good.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.