All posts by TipsfromTia

Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

3 Things That Gradually Damage Your Quality Of Life

3 Things That Gradually Damage Your Quality Of Life

Everything that promotes healthy living, satisfaction, and contentment is described as the quality of life. It often comes up in discussions focused on physical health, finances, safety, and mental well-being. People often have a fair idea of what quality of life means. However, few realize that some things they do negatively impact it. Global quality of life ratings place the United States at the 68th percentile and 22nd out of 137 countries. While this is not a bad rating, there is more room for improvement. Here are some things harming your quality of life.

  1. Uncontrolled stress

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Statistics show that 8 out of 10 adults are stressed out. Some are even at the stage of burnout. Stress is a physical, mental, and emotional strain that can severely affect the body. When you find yourself in a constant state of stress, the body produces excess cortisol. This stress hormone places your body in a fight-or-flight state. And according to physicians, this state is the body’s physiological response to a perceived threat or a stressful event.

Ideally, this state should last for no longer than 24 hours. Going beyond that overburdens your mental, physical and emotional state. Unfortunately, this is what people face. Uncontrolled stress takes a person through three stages. These are the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion phases. Without healthy coping mechanisms, the body stays longer at the exhaustion phase. This is why overly-stressed people feel extreme fatigue and are unable to sleep. Indeed, the ripple effects are many, resulting in a negatively impacted quality of life.

  1. Skipping medical and dental appointments

Preventive care is the reason many people book appointments with the family physician. A report on the website indicates that 40% of people skip a booked medical appointment because they changed their minds. Since the pandemic hit early in 2020, more than 50% of the population has canceled dental appointments. As of August 2022, the report stated that 48% of insured people had extended dental appointments by another year.

While the reason is understandable, the concern is that you might miss out on crucial dental checks. An undetected cavity problem left to linger can go deeper into the roots. If that happens, you may face a lot of discomforts. Therefore, you will have a better chance at effective treatment when the specialist notices it early. If it helps, you may want to stick with known specialists like Robert L. Rodriguez DDS for dental appointments. The local hospital will be your best bet if it’s general healthcare. Indeed, there is more than enough reason to honor your medical and dental appointments. 

  1. Poor diet

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Considering that the country is reeling under the pressure of junk food and the increased preference for it, there is cause for concern. A poor diet means your body is denied access to vital nutrients to function optimally. Apart from the main nutrients you know about, there is growing concern that many people lack vital trace minerals. For instance, iodine, selenium, zinc, and manganese are largely absent or at alarmingly low levels among people.

Throw in an unbalanced diet, and you have a population with impacted well-being. Trace mineral deficiency can affect enzyme function and stifle healthy biochemical reactions in the brain. At some point, you might deal with health conditions that could have been avoided if your trace minerals were at normal levels. A typical example is Anemia, brought about by iron deficiency.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Looking After Your Family’s Health Is Paramount

Looking After Your Family’s Health Is Paramount

Don’t take your health for granted, and don’t let your family take theirs for granted either. Over time your health can take a natural decline. Taking steps early on can prevent you from experiencing a whole load of issues. It isn’t just about what you eat and how much you move anymore. There are so many other factors when it comes to looking after your health. Take a look below for more information. 

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Sleep is paramount when it comes to your health. Without the right amount of sleep, you can feel groggy and suffer the effects of exhaustion. If you are not regularly getting the recommended hours of sleep per night then this can soon catch up with you. As an adult, you should be getting between six to eight hours of sleep each night. Your children need between ten and twelve depending on their age. 

It isn’t just about how much sleep you get, it is also about how well you sleep. There can be many things preventing you and your family from getting a decent night’s sleep. This could be down to feelings of stress or anxiety, it could also be down to an old mattress. It is recommended you change your mattress every six to ten years, over time the quality fades and it supports you less and less. 


Something else that is important when it comes to your health is how well you eat and what you eat. If you are continuously consuming unhealthy food such as pizzas, chips, and various takeaways then this can all mount up. You don’t have to be totally strict with your diet but watching what you eat will help you. We don’t mean you have to count calories and fat content every day of your life, just be mindful and try to eat as much fruit and veg as you can. 

If you are struggling with portion sizes and knowing which types of foods to put on your plate, you should aim for a balanced selection. This should include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. 


If you want to manage your health in a way that goes beyond diet and sleep then you should attend checkups with your doctor when you are called for them. This includes all checkups including opticians and dentists. If you aren’t registered with a dentist, as a lot of people put this off then take a look at family dental care near you. Routine checkups are great and give your doctors the chance to catch up and check to see if anything new has cropped up since your last check. 

Fresh Air

Finally, there is nothing worse than being stuck in a stuffy house all day, every day. Fresh air will not only make you feel more alert and awake, but it will also strengthen your immune system. This is vital, especially with winter just around the corner. With a strong immune system, you and your family will be able to fight off all the nasty winter bugs. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Hair Dryer Smells Burnt, Clean It Out Easy. Tips in Action:

Hair Dryer Smells Burnt, Clean It Out Easy.

If the hair dryer is smelling like it’s burning every time you turn it on, it’s time to clean it out. Dust and lint get trapped in the back screen over time. Once that happens, it can clog the hair dryer from working properly. Cleaning it out can prevent the dryer from catching fire or burning out the fan and motor.

Remove the Lint

Trying to pick the link out the back can be tedious and difficult to do with your fingertips. However, it’s easy to remove lint from the back of the dryer with a simple trick, and that simple trick can prevent a major disaster.

The Power of the Cotton Swab

Cotton swabs in the home are usually used to clean out your ears or help with makeup techniques. However, the cotton swap is a magic-like tool when cleaning the hair dryer.

First, remove the back plastic on the hair dryer if it’s removable to expose the screen completely. If it’s not possible to remove the screen cap, it’s okay, you can work around it.

Next, use a clean dry cotton swab around the screen or in between the blades. The dry cotton will sweep up the lint like a professional cleaner.

Then, flip the swab to the clean side, and wipe the area again to remove any excess.

Finally, put the dryer back together and give it a test run. It should run as good as new.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning the screen every month will improve the long-term integrity of the small appliance.

Also, if the dryer still smells like it’s burning or if it is making any strange noises after cleaning, it might have something more going on than a simple lint clog. Unfortunately, that is usually the time to invest in a new hair dryer.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

4 Simple Ways to Noise-Proof Your Home

4 Simple Ways to Noise-Proof Your Home

Outside noise can be upsetting when you want to enjoy quiet in your home. Noise-proofing is an excellent solution, as research has also associated many health problems with noise pollution, including heart disease, high blood pressure, stress, and sleep disturbances. These problems don’t discriminate and can affect all age groups, including kids. You can follow the tips below if the outside noise entering your home is driving you crazy. 

  1. Use heavy curtains 

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Aside from boosting your home aesthetics, your curtains can serve a noise-proofing function. Switching the current ones for an alternative made with extra fiber can cover air gaps in the space and absorb noise. For the most noise-canceling effect, ensure they cover the wall above and below your windows. Fortunately, they are simple and easy to hang. However, it is worth noting that the curtains alone wouldn’t completely block out noise but would only deaden the noise inside and prevent it from echoing. 

  1. Use thick, large rugs

Impact noise is one of the most challenging to deal with. The most common is those generated when footsteps hit the hard floor surface above you. Rugs and carpets can be an ideal solution to eliminating this form of noise. Consider investing in some thick and large rugs if you cannot afford to cover your entire hardwood floors. Additionally, rugs can help you create flow and bring the different aspects of the home together while providing soft and warm comfort under your feet. 

  1. Build and fill a large bookcase 

Vibration resistance from heavy objects can limit sound transmission. This is arguably one of the cheapest ways to be noise-proof. Your large bookshelves and cases fit such a purpose. For instance, you can significantly reduce the noise from adjoining rooms by carefully arranging your furniture. And you won’t need to spend any money. All you require is time and know-how. You can select a flat pack or custom-made furniture and fill your bookcase to ensure there aren’t so many empty spaces on your shelves. This way, it can absorb and prevent the noise from your neighbors or outside from dominating your home. 

  1. Update your doors and windows 

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Completely weather-stripping all sides of your existing windows and doors can prevent outside noise from entering your space. Installing a solid-core door can be more effective than using glass panels or thick doors. High-quality storm windows with sturdy frames, thick glass, and decent weather stripping features effectively block noise. And you will enjoy better noise blockage when the airspace between your primary and storm windows is wider. A few window types, including glider and double hung, can be fitted with storm windows to block noise. You can also visit or contact experts like Renewal by Andersen window replacement to learn more ways to treat your windows for a more noise-proofing effect. 

The above are a few ways you can noise-proof your home. Although you may accomplish some gains with any of these tips, it would be best if you applied a combination of two suggestions to achieve the best results.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Toys to Please Adults

Toys to Please Adults (MA)

When it comes to adult toys, there are a lot of options to choose from. Whether you’re looking for something to help you find pleasure solo or looking for something to spice up the intimate relationship with your partner, there’s an option out there for you. And if you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry – we’re here to help!

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular adult toys out there and give you a little bit of information about each one. So, whatever your pleasure, whether it will come from a fleshlight sleeve, a vibrating gadget, or roleplay, we hope to have, in part, alerted you to it here.

Fleshlight Sleeves

One of the most popular toys on the market is the fleshlight sleeve. If you’re not familiar with this particular adult toy, then this one creates the feeling of real human skin. It’s made from a soft, pliable material that feels great against the skin. The rest can be left to the imagination or found out from further research, but you cannot know how pleasurable something feels until you have tried it for yourself.


With these toys, you can simulate the pleasurable action of movement as often as you desire without tiring your partner out. They are available in different sizes and styles to suit their users. You can discreetly use them alone or on each other until your heart is content.

One thing that you might want to think about, not to disappoint anyone, is that the batteries have enough power in them. Frequent use may mean you keeping more of an eye on this. Also, if you are not using the vibrator for a while, be sure to take the batteries out so that they do not corrode the device.


Another way that adults have fun is to dress up in different costumes that will stimulate the mind of the other party and help with an intimate relationship. For instance, women are thought to love a man in uniform. You can create a certain occupation for your loved one by purchasing a mock uniform without them being in that occupation. For example, you could make them, or they could make you, a police officer, firefighter, or soldier. Bear in mind that it would likely be illegal to impersonate a police officer in public, or with anyone who did not know you were not one. So, confine this kind of activity to the bedroom.

Costumes are a great way to help you relax. Getting into the character of someone else can give you the confidence or authority you need to please the other person as much as you would like. Shyness can often get in the way and hamper enjoyment and pleasure, otherwise.

It is not everyone that happens to be in an occupation that attracts the other person, but we can create that. Go beyond the party shop, and see what certain websites have to offer you for the ultimate experience.

Adult toys and costumes can be a great way to add some extra fun and excitement to your sex life. There are many different types and options available, so you can find the perfect one to suit or fit your needs. Whether you’re looking for something to use on your own or with a partner, there are plenty of adult toys out there that can help.

Experimentation will get you everywhere, as they say. So, first look online to see just what is available. Then, either ask or surprise your partner. Always make sure that whatever you do is consented, though, before you go ahead. Take a risk and surprise your partner, but then, respect their wishes if you have made the wrong choice. Be guided by the advice on websites and this should help you in your quest to please your partner.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram