All posts by TipsfromTia

Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

Seek the Standard of Health You Deserve

Seek the Standard of Health You Deserve

Everybody deserves to be able to live their life day in, day out without having to be troubled by their health — and that includes you. You shouldn’t have to put up with niggling health issues holding you back. You shouldn’t stand for issues regarding your health stopping you do the things in life that you enjoy. It’s time you stood up against them. Below you can find some of the most general health issues that try to hold us, as humans, back, as well as some advice on how to combat them.

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The medical advances of today mean that all health issues can be combatted; whether it means treating them fully or making them healthily manageable. So, there is no excuse for you to not put the treatment of your niggling health issues into the hands of a health-giving professional. And there is no excuse to not seek treatment for these issues, no matter how innocuous, risk free or ‘common’ you may deem them. One such issue that could be construed in this manner is IBS, as well as other stomach related plights. Stomach cramps, bloating and constipation are all too common plights that us humans have to face, and they are a nuisance. However, if you suffer from these plights then you should know that you don’t have to suffer with them any longer. You can combat them by seeking relief. You just have to be astute enough to admit you have a problem, and you have to get past any feelings of embarrassment that you may feel in having them treated.



But it’s not just the health related issues that cause you to feel uncomfortable or feelings of physical pain that you should combat. No, you should also combat those that stop you from living the standard of life you deserve. Generally, these will be health instances that relate to your senses. These will be instances such as hay-fever, poor eyesight and even poor hearing. These instances of bad health may not cause you to feel pain, but they can cause you to miss out on living a life you deem to be ‘normal’. So, despite how innocuous you may deem them because they don’t cause you pain, and no matter what anybody may say, you get them sorted. You can get the latter, the plight that is poor hearing, sorted by attaining affordable hearing aids. Why should you have to settle for having the volume on your TV loud? Why should you have to settle for having to constantly ask people to repeat themselves? The answer is, you shouldn’t. So, take action today against your health plights, regardless of if they cause you physical pain, or not.



Nothing should stand in the way of you staying healthy. Nothing should stand in the way of you attaining the standard of both health and life that you deserve. But nobody else is going to fight your health battles for you. No, it’s down to you fight them and it’s down to you to not stand for them any longer.


Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

What To Do When You Want Her To Feel Special

What To Do When You Want Her To Feel Special

An important tip for the guys out there: whoever your lady is, she wants to feel special. In fact, everyone, in one way or another, wants to feel special. It’s all about finding out the differences in what makes them feel that way. Between guys and girls, there are similarities, but there are also common traits they share that they might not understand about one another. So, what can you do that’s certain to make her feel special, loved, and lucky to have you?


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Dress to impress

Men tend to be more visual creatures than women but that doesn’t mean that women don’t pay attention to how a man looks. They see the underlying value of that appearance as well as the appearance itself. If you take care of your grooming, if you accessorize your clothes, and put some effort in, she will see that. She’ll like that you’re putting the effort into how you appear when you go out with her. But she will also appreciate the fact that you’re publicly appearing as you are. Humans are very social creatures after all, and women prove to usually be a bit more adept at reading a social scene better than a man. They will appreciate being with someone who isn’t embarrassing to be seen with.

Appreciation and acknowledgment

Treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen does not work in a relationship. Yes, there’s a certain excitement to dates with tension. But that tension doesn’t work for a long time. You don’t have to agree with her on absolutely everything and trying to do so will just appear desperate. But when she accomplishes something, when she looks good, when she smells good, show you appreciate it. Make her feel good for the things that she does. Don’t feel like withholding praise is only going to make her more desperate to get it. That’s a short-sighted tactic that just makes you look like a bit of a jerk at the end of it.


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Make your mark

Women love gifts. In fact, everyone loves gifts. But there’s a certain kind of gift that is destined to have the impact of really making her feel special. It’s when you get her something that she can display and wear as a sign of your relationship. Now, you should be careful when it comes to getting her gifts that she can wear. There are a lot of missteps to go when picking out clothes, for instance. That’s why traditionally jewelry makes for a great go-to gift. So long as you don’t pick something too scarce or too garish and you know her size, a 3 carat diamond ring speaks volumes to how much you value her. If she’s into you, she’ll be proud to wear it on her finger afterward. That can also serve as a sign of how much she appreciates that you value her.

Little touches

Now, this doesn’t mean you should take free reign to start feeling however you like. When you’re spending time with her in a casual setting, such as a date, then keep touches appropriate. However, little touches like on her wrist, her elbow, or brushing her hair back can work wonders. You have to make sure she’s comfortable with it, of course. Test the waters to see how she reacts. A lot of women love little touches because of the tactile bond that builds. But it also makes them feel desirable. It shows that you want to touch them, which is just as important as the touch itself. It’s a classy way to show you want them.


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Remember what she says

This shouldn’t really be a tip, but it’s a very consistent complaint by women that guys they date tend to be pretty bad at remembering what they might consider important details. For instance, what she likes, what she dislikes, and what her values are. Pay attention to her when she talks. But not only her. If she’s introducing you to friends and family, it’s because she wants to welcome you into her life. If you then go on to forget the names of every single person she introduces you to, it doesn’t just reflect on how you consider those people. It reflects on how you consider anyone close to her and, in response, her.

No-one wants to be in a relationship where they don’t feel valued or that the details of their life aren’t that important to their partner. If you want to keep her sweet, then make her feel special. If you’re lucky, she’ll make you feel the same way.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Saying Goodbye To That Relationship And Starting Fresh

Saying Goodbye To That Relationship And Starting Fresh



It’s always a tough time when you reach the end of a relationship. After all, you might have been with the person a number of years. And they probably have been the closest person to you. And if you are married, it can be even tougher as you have to go through a tricky divorce. But it’s important to remember there is a fresh start at the end of this difficult time. In fact, here is some help to ensure you can say goodbye to that relationship for good.


Put pictures away in a box


It’s always photos which can spark up memories of your life with your ex. In fact, you can just glance at a picture of the wedding, or even a photo of your first date, and it can send you back to the time. Therefore, to help you through to the other side, you need to remove all photos in your home of your other half. You might not want to throw them in the bin. After all, you can’t wipe the memories completely from your life. Therefore, get a box which you can fill with pictures of the past relationship. Putting them away can help you move on with your life. As for social media, it’s a good idea to delete photographs of you with your old partner. After all, it will ensure you get no reminders of the past relationship on your timeline. And you might want to unfriend them. That way, it will stop you becoming a regular stalker on their profile!


Get rid of any permanent reminders


While you might be able to put old photos away in a box, it can be harder when it comes to more permanent reminders. For example, you might still be wearing your wedding ring on your finger. But if you keep seeing it when you are going about your day, it’s going to make it tricky to say goodbye to your relationship. Therefore, take the ring off as soon as possible and put it away in the drawer. Also, if you have any tattoos of your partner’s name, it’s now time to get rid of it. After all, you don’t want this permanent reminder of your ex on your skin. In fact, you might want to book in for tattoo removal to ensure it’s a distant memory. And with these permanent reminders gone, you can move on with your life.


Look into moving place


You might have spent the last few years living with your other half. But now you have split, your partner might be letting you stay in the humble abode. But it’s always a good idea to start somewhere new if you want to say goodbye to the relationship for good. After all, there will be a ton of memories you will have shared together in the place. And it will always feel like the home of the two of you. Therefore, give your notice to the landlord or sell up to ensure you can find somewhere new to start again.


And remember to have a final chat with your ex. So many couples leave things unsaid. But to ensure you can move on, it’s time to have a chat with your other half to ensure you say everything you want to!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

How To Baby Proof Your Home

How To Baby Proof Your Home



So you’ve got a baby on the way? – Congratulations! This is such an exciting time in your life right now, and you should enjoy every single step of the way.

One thing that will need to be done though is baby proofing your home. Babies are tiny, and everything will feel like a possible danger towards your baby, and this will scare you to death. But you shouldn’t worry, there are simple things that you can do to ensure the safety of your little one – allowing you to relax a whole lot when he or she finally arrives.

Here’s how.



Safety precautions

First, you should think about how safe your house is in general. It starts with the safety precautions like making sure you have smoke detectors and a carbon monoxide detector – people forget about this, but it’s so important as this is a silent killer. Unless you have a carbon-monoxide detector, you will never know. These should be on each floor of your home.


You should have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen, the water heater shouldn’t be any higher than 120 degrees, and you will want to cover all the electrical outlets with plastic caps.


Pick up what you can, and then vacuum away what you can’t. Babies will grab everything, and the first place it’s going to go is in their mouth, so you’re going to want to look at the best vacuum cleaners to suck up anything nasty.


Also, if you different levels to your house, install safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs so your baby can’t get up or down.



The kitchen

This is probably one of the most important areas in the house because there are tons of hot things in there, and you can easily get distracted while cooking – even if you turn your back for just a moment.


Look at what’s inside your low cabinets and drawers. Most people tend to keep their cleaning products at the bottom, so if that’s the case, you’ll want to move everything to somewhere out of reach. Remove anything that’s sharp, and also any plastic bags as these can be a suffocation hazard.


Remember that once your baby can climb, they will be able to be in reach of the top cabinets and even the work surfaces, so you may want to invest in some stove-knob covers which will prevent your child from turning on any burners.


If you keep your pills and vitamins in the kitchen, make sure they are impossible for your little one to get a hold of. If your child does see them, they will most likely give them a try – they look like candy! Why wouldn’t they put them in their mouth?


Even the innocent things like magnets on your fridge from your holiday last year, may seem like a lovely souvenir, but unfortunately are the perfect thing for your baby to choke on. So put them somewhere safe and out of reach.



The living room

Cushioned corners will become your new best friend. You can put there on all the corners and edges that are exposed. This means any tables, shelves, and hearths. If your baby does topple over, they won’t be met with a hard pointy edge; instead, it’ll be a squidgy landing.


Don’t leave the risk of things from falling over; this means any bookcases or cabinets you have, mount them to the wall and secure the tv to whatever it’s sitting on.


You should also move anything away from your windows that your child could climb up – especially if you keep your windows open in the summertime. And if you have any blinds or curtains with cords – get rid of them. Your baby can get caught in the string and get it around their neck.


In general, anything you don’t want your baby touching or playing with should just be moved and put somewhere safe.



The bathroom

Don’t ever leave your child alone in the bathroom. It’s a simple as that, and even more importantly – if you have a bathtub, never ever turn your back on them – even if it’s just for a second. Babies can drown in just a couple inches of water, so always be on the ball. If the phone rings or the door knocks, bring your baby with you.


Move any cleaning products and put them somewhere else, as well as any electrical appliances like your hair dryer. And don’t leave any razors lying around the sink!



The baby’s room

It’s likely that you have already sorted out the baby’s room first, but if you haven’t, there are some areas that you should focus on.


If you’ve bought a brand new crib, then it should be absolutely fine, but if you’ve been given a second-hand crib, it’s wise to check it out properly to make sure it is up to standard.

That means making sure it’s stable, and nothing wobbles, and if there are bars on the crib, nothing can be pulled off.


When your child is under the age of 6 months, don’t put any cuddling toys, pillows and loose blankets in the crib. This is because they are still so vulnerable; they can easily suffocate on things like this if they cover their face as they sleep. So keep these for when they’re toddlers instead.


Make sure you have thick, soft carpet or rugs on the floor to cushion any falls your little one will have, and make sure there are no sharp edges or corners, (like you did for the living room.)



As long as you have some common sense, you shouldn’t worry about anything. There’s a lot to think about when you’re a new parent; it’s very daunting, and you are bound to feel pressure to do everything perfectly, but we all make mistakes. If your baby has a fall, don’t beat yourself up about it – as much as you’d like to wrap them up in bubble wrap – that’s just not realistic.

You are going to be an amazing Mom, don’t worry.


Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

6 Ways of Getting Your Body Ready for Summer

By Guest Blogger Diana S.

6 Ways of Getting Your Body Ready for Summer


Summer is almost here and it is time to get our bodies ready for it. Long days at the beach are slowly closing in and you want to be sure you are ready to rock your new bathing suit and enjoy the summer. If you think you’ve put on a little weight or you just want to tone up your muscles, here are some of the changes that need to be incorporated.

Stay hydrated

Water is essential throughout the whole year, but during the summer you have to pay attention to it even more. Summer can be harsh on our bodies since strong sun dries out our skin and we lose plenty of water by sweating. That’s why you need to start drinking plenty of water right now. Additionally, if you are working out for the summer, the lack of water will make your workout sessions less effective because hydration is essential for performance and fat-burning.

Cut back on processed food

Bread, pasta, bagels, crackers and cookies are all filled with bad processed carbohydrates that will do you no good. They certainly are tasty, but such foods are filled with sodium and preservatives that will hold water in your body and cause bloating. So, if you are craving some food and you are at the store, check the ingredients listed on the package. If you cannot read or pronounce the ingredients, don’t eat it. Instead, opt for small servings of fresh fruit and veggies that will actually help you get ready for summer.

Increase the intake of natural diuretics

In order to lose a few pounds and get rid of all the toxins in your body, you should rely on natural diuretics. Such foods will make it easier for your body to get rid of excess fluids. These include cucumbers, lemons, green tea, asparagus and any other foods that have a higher concentration of potassium, vitamin C, magnesium and caffeine. Plus, such foods are rich in antioxidants that will protect your skin from the negative effects of the sun.

Exercise more

If you want a bikini body, then you must not skip exercising. Get your gym wear ready and commit to an intensive full-body strength workout at least three times a week. Such a workout will burn the calories, boost your metabolism and help you develop muscles. Also, make your belly and bottom top priorities. Glutes (bottom muscles) are some of the biggest muscles in your body and they will require more energy and effort, which will result in more burnt calories. As far as your belly is concerned, it is one of the essential elements of looking good, so commit to some core exercises three times a week.

Reduce alcohol

Every type of alcohol contains plenty of bad calories that will only pile up. So, if you’re used to drinking every once in a while, try cutting back. You will reduce the calorie intake and you will feel better overall. Plus, you will manage to preserve a healthy metabolism and it will be much easier to exercise and get better results with a limited alcohol intake.

Try fake tanning

Lastly, you can try out fake tanning and be completely ready for summer. You don’t want to show up on the beach pale and almost see-through and lack of tan might get you some serious sunburns. So, try out different tanning options before you go out and enjoy the sun.

Don’t wait the last minute to start working on your summer body. Commit to exercising and watch your diet and you will be ready in no time.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram