All posts by Tia

8 Tips When Buying A Fixer-Upper

8 Tips When Buying A Fixer-Upper

A fixer-upper can be a great way to save money via renovations, but it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into before buying one. Here are eight top tips for renovating your very own “fixer-upper.”

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1. Know Your Price Range

Before you even go looking at potential fixers, you need to know how much money you can afford for renovations. It’s best to go looking at fixers with a budget of about $10,000-$20,000 as renovation budgets very quickly skyrocket into the hundreds of thousands if not millions. Estimate an appropriate monthly payment and use that as a base number when going shopping for your next home.

2. Don’t Be Turned Away by Bad Reputation

“What?!” you may be thinking… but hear me out! While the premise of a fixer-upper might seem daunting at first, they can actually save you money and give you more bang for your buck than a house of equal value that isn’t currently in need of renovation. So don’t write off a fixer-upper just because it’s in need of some TLC!

3. Buy the Right Property for the Right Price

There are pros and cons to buying both older houses and newer homes, but with a fixer-upper, you get the benefit of being able to make changes without having to deal with the headache of, for example, dealing with an older house’s historical renovation restrictions. The point here is that you should know before buying how much money you’re willing to spend on repairs and renovations and what kind of property you’d like to buy based on your available budget.

4. Don’t Buy Blindly

Don’t just go looking at houses at random! Research available properties thoroughly by using websites to identify the value of a property. Visit open houses in your area that catch your eye, or drive around areas you’re interested in living in for a more immersive experience. If possible, bring along a contractor friend when going out house-hunting. They’ll know how to fit insulation or install a vapor barrier under the house if needed.

5. Don’t Forget to Haggle (or Get an Appraisal)

Haggling is not dead, and it shouldn’t be! I’m sure you’ve haggled for clothes or other low-value items before, so why shouldn’t your house be worth haggling over? Doing some research on the property you want to buy and checking out your local market can help you determine the appropriate price of a property. Don’t know how much your house is worth? Your real estate agent should be more than happy to provide an appraisal for free.

6. Renovations Need Patience

Renovations will take time, especially if you’re doing some of the work yourself. Make sure you budget your time accordingly before buying a fixer-upper, and if possible, arrange renovation dates to fit in with any holidays or family gatherings, so you don’t have to worry about staying late at work or missing important events.

7. Know How You’ll Fund Renovations

There are many different ways to fund renovations, but make sure you know how you’ll be paying for them before starting the renovation process. For example, it might be more beneficial to pay for your renovations with a home equity loan instead of an interest-bearing credit card.

8. Work With What You’ve Got

This is also relevant when buying a property that isn’t necessarily a fixer-upper, but when you buy a house in need of renovations, try to stick with what you can. This means that instead of replacing ancient appliances and fixtures that could cost thousands of dollars, find cheap alternatives or look for replacements at thrift stores and yard sales.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

A Weekend Family Camping Trip Beckons

A Weekend Family Camping Trip Beckons

A weekend camping trip is a fun way to get your family or group of friends out into nature for some fresh air, relaxation, and great memories. While the idea of being surrounded by all that green grass and tall trees is a refreshing thought in itself, it can be even more exciting knowing all the steps you’ll have to take to prepare yourself for the upcoming event. A significant part of this preparation involves figuring out how exactly everyone’s going to fit inside your car (or SUV), all your shelter equipment (tent, small chairs plus lamps), food, water bottles/cooler filled with ice blocks, etc. Once you’ve got everything ready under your roof rack or on top of your SUV’s-rack bars, you’re all set to head off on your weekend camping trip.

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Have a good tent

One of the most important things you’ll need on a weekend camping trip is a good tent. While there are lots of different brands and models available for you to choose from, it’s always best to get something with proper ventilation so that you don’t end up sweating throughout the night. If space permits, try to go for a four-person family tent because more people fit into it, and everyone can sleep comfortably without feeling cramped inside. It’d also be a good idea if the tent came equipped with mosquito nets along with inflatable sleeping pads, which will help provide extra comfort when you’re lying down at night. In addition, make sure your SUV is big enough, or else you won’t be able to fit it in your car no matter how hard you try. Check out patriot campers for great alternatives if you need more space. 

Spend time in nature

For some added fun while you’re getting ready for your weekend camping trip, why not take along a fishing rod or perhaps two? There are many different types of small fish available for everyone to catch, so the best thing to do would be to ask your nearest fishing expert what kind of bait is ideal for use. This way, you’ll have an excuse to walk around the campsite grounds while trying to get rid of all that excess energy from being cooped up inside your SUV! Just make sure everyone remembers their lifejackets because if there’s one thing more exciting than catching fish at the lake during a romantic sunset, it’s riding them back home!

Avoid last minute packing

Don’t forget to pack up all the camping equipment together with your food, water bottles/cooler filled with ice blocks, etc., so that you don’t have to worry about anything during the drive. While most people are used to packing everything at the last minute, this can be a pretty bad idea because then you’ll end up forgetting something important along the way. Therefore, it’s always best to get organized well in advance so that everyone is comfortable inside their SUV while driving down to the campsite. 


Once there, have fun catching fish and building up all those great memories which will hopefully last you a lifetime!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Give Your Home A New Lease Of Life Without Breaking The Bank

How To Give Your Home A New Lease Of Life Without Breaking The Bank

The moment may have come for you to consider giving your home a new lease of life through a renovation if it is looking a little worn out and in desperate need of some delicate loving care right now. Major home renovations may typically cost thousands of dollars, so you may be more than a little concerned about the financial implications of doing a home makeover. The moment you think of spending a lot of money put the phone down and walk away! There are numerous ways to update your home without having to spend a lot of money on them. Sometimes the slightest adjustments can create the most substantial differences, and that is exactly what we will be looking at in this post.



The application of a fresh coat of paint can revitalize a space and bring it into the 21st century. If you want to create the sense of more space and light in a room, experiment with different colors, especially light colors. It is a basic method of completely redecorating an area without spending a lot of money. Alternatively, create a focal point or feature wall using a gorgeous leaf pattern wallpaper.


It is natural for us to accumulate clutter after living in a place for an extended period of time, which can be a little stressful. It can make a significant difference to both your living space and your mental health to have a thorough clear out and organize the things that you maintain. Not only that, but decluttering may also provide you with an opportunity to make some additional money if you sell items that are no longer wanted or needed. The ability to make money while also saving the environment is a fantastic combination.


It is no longer necessary to purchase pricey home and interior magazines in order to get design inspiration. Simply logging onto Pinterest will provide you with access to a plethora of ideas for any project you can think of at your leisure. Replacing your cushions and throwing on a few comfortable throws on the sofa, along with a few succulents and candles, will give your room a completely new look for next to nothing. It is also possible to make your environment appear much more cozy and personal by adding a few small accessories here and there.

Rearrange the furniture in your home.

We all get trapped in ruts from time to time, and our furniture tends to remain in the same or very similar positions to when we first moved into the house. Changing the arrangement of your furniture can make a significant difference, and it may even enable you to create more space. Review your amusing tiny alcoves and weird locations to see how you can make the most of them. You might be surprised at what you find!

If you take these suggestions into consideration, you will find that your home may be transformed in a short period of time and for a relatively small investment of money. Why not give a few of them a shot today?

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Teeth Whitening 101: Banish Stains With These Easy Tricks

Teeth Whitening 101: Banish Stains With These Easy Tricks

Do you feel a little disappointed in your smile? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people feel as though the color of their teeth impacts negatively on their smile, even going as far as avoiding showing their teeth so that no one can bear witness. Thankfully, you needn’t struggle or stress for much longer, as there are many simple steps that you can follow to totally transform the look and health of your teeth in no time at all. So, if you’re ready to boost your confidence and show the world your smile, then read on to uncover the most effective tricks that you can utilize today! 

Image Source – Pexels 

Change Your Diet 

Switching up your diet to remove the foods and drinks which cause the most staining can be of real benefit for your teeth, as unfortunately there are many tasty dishes and snacks that can increase your chances of yellowing. For example, drinking too much tea, coffee or red wine can lead to staining, while eating too much soy sauce or even tomato based products can further increase your chances of falling victim to discoloration. Changing your diet so that you no longer consume the aforementioned food and drink can really help your teeth and oral hygiene as a whole, so be sure to think twice before sipping your morning coffee or dipping a spoon into a bowl of tomato soup! 

Stop Smoking

If you are a smoker, now is the time to quit your habit if you want to maintain perfect pearly whites. Tobacco is one of the worst culprits when it comes to staining, as it can cause both your teeth and gums to change color and take on a more yellow or even brown tone. Of course it’s never easy to quit smoking, especially if it’s a habit that you have done for many years, but the longer you smoke the worse your tooth discoloration will be. Make a decision now to quit for good so that your teeth can bounce back to full health before it’s too late. 

Head To A Dentist 

For staining that just won’t seem to budge, heading to a dentist is the best option to explore.  There are many expert dental services that exist to banish stains and restore a more attractive white tone, each ranging in price and invasiveness. Head to your local dentist to see which options are available for your unique needs, as they will be able to point you in the right direction to access the most suitable procedure to whiten your teeth perfectly. You may also be able to purchase a quality whitening toothpaste from your local dentist surgery, so be sure to invest if ever you spot such a product on offer. 

Figuring out how to whiten your teeth, banish stains and wave goodbye to discoloration has never been so simple when you can take the time to make the most of some of the brilliant tips and ideas that have been carefully detailed above. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How You Know You Have Found The Right Home

How You Know You Have Found The Right Home

Choosing a home can be difficult, it is such a personal and subjective decision seeking advice from others can sometimes be fraught with perils. After all, you are the one living in it not them so what may be right for another may not be right for you. Whether you have spent weeks searching city apartments or for the perfect suburban home here are some tips to help you feel a little more confident in your decision making and to help you decide if you have found the right home for you. Buying a home is an expensive endeavor so you want to be sure you have got it right. 

Photo credit; Expect Best from Pexels

You tell anybody who will listen 

Buying a home is exciting at the best of times but if you find yourself waxing lyrical over your new purchase or constantly showing photos of its interior (or exterior) this is a good sign that you are more than just a little bit excited about moving day. Better yet, do you find yourself making excuses to drive past your new house? Sneaking in time to drive or walk by and admire your new abode is another sure-fire way to be confident that you are making the right decision. 

You are already redecorating

Do you find yourself sitting picturing where you will put your furniture? Or what color schemes you plan on using? Perhaps you are already buying new furniture with your new home in mind. Fantasizing about the practicalities of life in your new home is not uncommon but it is a great indicator that you are excited to get moved in and start living in it. 

It feels like ‘home’

When you are looking at potential homes you will inevitably get a certain feel for some properties. You may walk into some and feel nothing – take that as a sign. Conversely, you may walk into some properties and instantly feel a connection or better yet it feels homely. If you can picture yourself living in the home and it ‘feels right’ then take it as a sign. If you do not know what this feels like yet then chances are you haven’t found the right place for you. Keep looking because when you know, you know

Process of elimination 

Sometimes one of the best indicators that you have found the right dwelling for you is by way of comparison. If you have been looking at homes for a long time and have seen many that haven’t looked or felt right sometimes this is a good enough sign in itself. Not all homes are created equal and you will soon realize that. When you are pointing out flaws or non-negotiables of houses you view then that house clearly isn’t for you. Equally, if you have walked into home number 19 and you cannot pick fault and it feels right, especially in comparison to all the others you have seen then take it as a sign. You will be less inclined to find fault with houses or apartments you love, they may be there but those rose-tinted glasses cloud them slightly or you are prepared to see past them in a way you wouldn’t for the wrong house. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.