All posts by Tia

Making Your Home Energy-Efficient

Making Your Home Energy-Efficient

We hear the terms energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable a lot when it comes to our homes. The truth is, unless you are looking at a new build, the house that you’re in might not be any of those things. 

And it might be down to you to make sure that your home has all of the necessary technology or structural changes to ensure that it is energy-efficient.

We are talking about making sure that your home doesn’t use and therefore waste the energy your family needs. This could be running the tap for too long, but it could equally be having the thermostat up a little bit too high. 

It is essential to keep in mind that some of these changes could cost more than others. For example, having things like solar panels, replacing windows, and ProVia entry doors installed. But the overall saving is typically a lot more than the initial cost.

Now let’s take a look at some of how you can save cash and make your home energy efficient.

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash


Before you start making any other changes to how you use the energy around your home, you should ensure that it is well insulated. One of the ways that you could tell that you have good insulation is that you will not have a steep cost rise over the winter months.

If you find that your heating bill rises dramatically over the months, there could be a lot of heat leaving through your roof. 

Some insulation techniques are better than others but it is essential to have somebody look and see if you are as insulated as possible. Some of the critical areas you should look for are the crawl space, basement, attic, ceilings, windows, and doors.


If you still have old bulbs in your home, you’re going to be using a lot more energy than the average. Older bulbs have a much shorter lifespan, and when you switch them out to fluorescent bulbs or perhaps even LEDs, you will notice that they could last up to 12 times longer than a regular incandescent bulb.

You do not need to switch all of your light bulbs in one go as this can feel rather expensive. You can mix and match your light bulbs around your home while slowly switching out to energy-efficient models.


If you are looking for new appliances for your home, you must look for appliances with a B or A grade in terms of efficiency and energy star certification. Where appliances have the energy star certification, they are proven to use less energy and cost less in the long run.

Of course, when things have better technology, inside tend a little bit more money upfront. But you can compare this to the amount of money you will save over time from running at the energy-efficient appliance.

Solar panels

Solar panels are an investment, but you will only need to make them once. Solar panels help produce your energy costs over bright and sunny days. Solar panels turn solar energy into energy to run your home. 

This means once you have these fitted, things like running washing machines, dryers, and any other electrical appliances during the day will cost almost nothing.

It is also not uncommon to notice that you contribute energy to the energy grid after having your solar panels fitted for a short while. 


Only you know how much you spend on energy in any given month – and what is or is not usual. It is essential to go back over bank statements or bills for the power you have used in the last few years. You will be able to see any dramatic changes that you may not have considered before. 

Of course, there should be some expected rises as energy prices also rise, but anything dramatic might point to the fact that you have some lapses in your insulation that you are turning up your heating too high.

It can also be that some of your appliances are using power unnecessarily when they are not in use.

One of the most significant power users is that most of us do not turn electronics off correctly at the switch. Instead, we will leave them in a standby mode all this time, but they are still using power when you don’t need to use it. 

All of these small changes combined will have led to a healthy improvement and how much are you spending on your energy per month and year. For even more money-saving tips at checkout at this blog post, Is your home as energy efficient as you think? 

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Becoming Part of the Ted Talk Alum

Becoming Part of the Ted Talk Alum

It was so exciting, stressful and challenging once I was selected to give a Ted Talk for TedX Women’s Conference. Taking many painstaking hours to become prepared for this remarkable event, I’ll admit it was hard, scary and absolutely wonderful, to say the least. There were times I would think that I had nailed it. Then, I would get into my own head about every little detail I was presenting. I even repeatedly questioned the right thing to wear. But how could I promote stress relief if I was totally stressed out? I put my own advice to work, hard. And now, as I look at the video on YouTube, it was all SO worth every moment.

Coming up with a topic WORTHY

The Ted conglomerate has a ton of lectures out there given by really smart people. It can be intimidating just putting yourself out there, let alone, trying to pick something worthy enough to end up with the Ted logo attached to it. The committee is very selective in choosing someone, and their topic, for the honor to be spotlighted on the red circle. So, when I was asked what I thought I could possibly talk about, I had five topics ready to go. I pitched each topic with precision as if I could have done a full talk on each of those topics at that very moment.

STRESS won, this time

The topic of stress is so prevalent at this time with a pandemic still raging on and off. When the topic of stress was chosen as the topic that I should give my talk on, I did some new research. This time on previous Ted Talks that are already out there. I didn’t want mine to compare to anyone else’s. This is how I can up with a new route on an age-old topic.

The Frazzler vs. The Silent Stressor

My talk begins with stress and how it is bad for everyone, but I then focus on what kind of stressor you are, personally. People tend to favor one style over the other. That being said, there are ways to downgrade or prevent stress. Depending on what type of stressor you are, there are more favorable ways to manage it.

Stress is bad; My Ted Talk is Good

By the end of my talk, I was thrilled to have the audience with me, laughing and relating to what I was offering. At the end of the night, I had just about everyone in that theater stop me to tell me what kind of a stressor they are. Afterwards, I went out for a nice celebratory meal. As I was entering the restaurant, I heard yelling down the street, “Tia, I’m a Frazzler!â€. I couldn’t see them, exactly, but I yelled back, ‘Okay!â€. Next, I heard a blare of over lapping ‘Thank you’s’ ring into the cool night air.

It was awesome, I must say.

As we enter in a new year, it is time to reduce the addiction to stress. Find out what kind of stressor you are. Make changes. Practice self-care. The truth is, your body, heart and mind will thank you for it!

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Business’ Online Reputation

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Business’ Online Reputation

If you want your business to succeed, you need to take care of its reputation. Whether you own a small local business or an international corporation, customers can use anything you put out on the internet against you. 

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That’s why it’s so important to keep your online presence as squeaky clean as possible. Many things can go wrong if your online reputation takes a hit, but luckily, you can do many things to protect yourself and make sure your business is well-known for all the right reasons. Here are six ways that will help boost your business’s online reputation.

Monitor your online reputation

The first thing you need to do is monitor your online reputation. If you know what people are saying about your company, then you’ll be able to respond with the appropriate messaging quickly.

Monitoring the conversations happening about your company is also an excellent way to get feedback on what people are thinking. These conversations might not always be positive, but it will be challenging to know what customers are talking about if you don’t monitor them at all.

You can monitor these mentions using Google Alerts or another social media monitoring tool. You can also assign staff members who have the skills and time to keep up with social media channels around the clock.


Have a review strategy in place

It’s never too early to start thinking about your review strategy and how you want to protect your business. Set up a Google My Business page and claim your listing on sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Foursquare, and so on.

Then, respond quickly to all positive and negative reviews to show customers that you care.

Reviews are an essential part of the shopping experience for many consumers as they help them decide where they should shop. When you respond positively or constructively or leave a comment on a negative review, customers see that you care about their opinion. It can be tempting to ignore those negative reviews, especially in the wake of yelp extortion tactics- but by doing so, you also overlook the opportunity for improvement that those reviews might offer. 

Provide excellent customer service

The first step to building an excellent online presence is providing excellent customer service. This will help you gain your customers’ trust and keep them happy about their business experience.

Whether you’re handling phone calls or responding to questions on social media, customer service should be prompt, effective, and personable. You want to make sure that your customers feel like you care about them and their problems. That way, they’ll be more likely to come back to you in the future.

Providing excellent customer service can also include something as simple as keeping your website up-to-date with all of the latest contact information for your company. Make it easy for people to find you!

Have clear and concise company branding and ethics

First and foremost, you need to make sure that your branding is clear and concise. When people visit your website, they should understand what your business is about in a matter of seconds. This will also help with the next point: company ethics.

People want to feel like they can trust you when it comes down to it. It’s all too easy for them to do online research and find out things about your business that you might not want them to know. If they find out that you don’t have a good reputation or scrupulous ethics, then chances are they won’t be very inclined to do business with you. You need to allow them to determine whether this is the right business before they even get started.

That’s why companies need to clearly define their brand and ethics from the get-go. Your goal should be that no one has anything negative to say about your company if they come across it on social media or elsewhere on the internet. 

Work with a branding expert.

When it comes to protecting and maintaining your company’s online reputation, you can’t do it all on your own. That’s where a branding expert comes in.

A branding expert will help you find ways to promote your business and share the correct information with the right people. They will also be able to create a system for monitoring what is said about your business so that you can quickly respond to any negative comments or reviews. Your branding expert will also provide an outside perspective – which is often needed – and help you understand how others see your business.

Branding experts know how important it is to maintain a positive online presence, and they can offer their expertise and guidance to make sure that happens. You don’t have to worry about doing this on your own! Of course, a branding expert will probably tell you that your local reputation is just as important as your online reputation. For this reason, it helps to explore ways to push your brand in a positive way. One tip would be for you to look into Adrenaline Luxury Car Rentals when driving high-profile clients or to step up your attire so you look more professional when spotted on the street.

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.

How To Cope With Unexpected Property Damage

How To Cope With Unexpected Property Damage

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It’s always tough seeing property you care for damaged, be that in the wake of a tough fire, or flooding, or just general mismanagement over the years. It might be that you’re a landlord and your prior tenants were all-too-happy to cause damage before they left, or it might be that your home was unfortunately in the wake of wildfires that seem to be more commonplace. Whatever the reason, figuring out a way to restore what you have could be an essential component of recuperating its value, but also settling this emotionally turbulent time and finding some closure – which no one could blame you for seeking.

But how can we cope and rebuild following unexpected property damage? Surely, we just need to write off the loss and try not to think about it too much? Well, that may not be the best option going forward. In this post, then, we’ll discuss a few measures you can use to recuperate this value, to take responsibility, and to possibly soothe the worries you’ve been experiencing, be that related to a home or business.

Identify The Scope Of The Damage

It’s important to identify the scope of the damage first and foremost. The recuperative strategies required against flood damage are much different to that of fire damage, and namely, a fire damage restoration service will require some basic information to know what the scope of the job is. To the degree that you can, outline this carefully, but be careful not to enter the property or put yourself in harm’s way at all in order to do so – let the experts handle it.

Remove Recoverable Belongings

It may be that some recoverable belongings exist within the property, but it’s important to make sure those have been verified as safe. For instance, certain business equipment may be able to be restored through bringing it to a proper mechanics workshop or having it pressure washed and repaired. Gutting a property like this and safely disposing of its internal elements, where they haven’t been managed by the given service you’ve hired, can save you money, potentially help you recuperate your losses, while also emptying the building so that further work can be done.

Restore What You Can

It’s important to note that property restoration is not always a given outcome, that sometimes, the structural integrity of a home has been damaged so much that careful disassembly and demolition is key. That said, there may be some elements you can preserve, such as parts of the foundation, the architectural blueprint for further development, parts of the exterior and more. Keeping your expectations measured but also making what you do have workable can potentially help you see an opportunity and a future in your own property, as opposed to writing off the entire approach. A worthwhile property inspector and architect can be vital to hire after the restorative work is done, for these reasons.

With this advice, you’re certain to properly cope with unexpected property damage.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Tips for Looking After Your Outdoor Space

Tips for Looking After Your Outdoor Space

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You might think the winter is not the best time to think about the garden, but if you make small efforts to improve the garden area in the winter months, it cuts down the amount of work you need to do in the spring and gets things organized nice and early. Check out the tips below. 

Make the Indoors Outdoor 

Working from home is now a thing! It started off as a temporary measure when people weren’t allowed to leave the house, but it’s quickly become the norm. If you’re like most people, the situation has its costs and benefits; for one thing, there isn’t always enough space for everyone. 

That’s why more and more people are moving indoors outdoors. So what does this mean exactly? For one thing, it means increasing the living space of your home by creating office space at the bottom of the garden or creating an outdoor living room for the warmer months.   

Outdoor Living Spaces 

With this new form of living in vogue, furniture makers are creating pieces that suit indoor and outdoor living spaces. This is good news if you want to increase the floor space in your home without the additional costs of buying an entirely new furniture set or new outdoor accessories. 

Instead of investing in a new suite or armchair set that only works in one place, look into furniture that’s designed for taking outside as well. During the warmer months, you can set up your living space on the patio under a sunroof and use the indoor space for something else.    

Use an Arborist Service 

A garden isn’t really a garden without the trees; it’s trees that make the garden a pleasant place to sit in and enjoy; furthermore, trees benefit your garden area and the planet with what they have to contribute. Remember, trees take carbon out of the air and replace it with lovely oxygen. 

Look after your garden trees this year with an arborist service. An arborist service will trim your trees if they are growing out of hand and make sure they don’t become diseased or dangerous. If you haven’t treated your trees in some time, it’s a good idea to call an arborist service today.  

Use Solar Lighting 

When the light starts to fade in the evening, your garden can become a little bit spooky and mysterious unless you have lights that come on. But sometimes, people don’t want lights in the garden because it increases their electricity bills and they aren’t used often enough. 

There’s an easy solution to these issues – solar lighting. Solar garden lights have improved in recent years so that you get excellent garden lighting without any additions to your electrical bills. Choose from standing lamps to stings of fairy lights to brighten up your garden at night.  

Deep Clean the Driveway 

The driveway is often overlooked, but it’s a high-use area, and it pays to spend some time deep cleaning it at least once a year. Whether you use a pressure washer bought from the Home Depot or a professional service, a deep clean can make your driveway and garden stand out.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.