All posts by Tia

6 Ways To Show Your Commitment To Your Partner

6 Ways To Show Your Commitment To Your Partner

The desire to take your relationship to the next level is a major sign that you’re ready to make a real commitment. This means that as far as your relationship is concerned, you’ve made up your mind to be supportive, devote your time, and treat your partner with respect.  It shows that you’re prepared to share your future with your other half, and of course, you’re expecting them to also do the same for you.

You’ve probably expressed your willingness to commit, but your actions will always speak louder. In other words, show, don’t just tell. Here are some loving ways to show your commitment to your relationship

  1. Communicate well

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Poor communication is one of the main reasons why most relationships fail, especially in marriage. Reports place it as the number one cause of broken marriages, with about 67.5% of all marriages failing because of poor communication. So, while it may not sound like a novice idea, good and open communication is a loving way to show your commitment to your relationship. Honesty, trust, and earnestness are crucial ingredients in healthy communication. Also, openly communicate your appreciation of your partner’s efforts and other things you’re grateful for in your relationship. 

  1. Show up and be present

Be present in your partner’s life physically, emotionally, and mentally. No matter how busy you are, it’s important to make time for the one you love. Spend quality time with them, listening when they speak and being fully engaged in your conversations. Eliminate all forms of distractions when spending time with your partner.

Nothing can make the one you love feel ignored more than texting someone, being on the phone with another person, spending all your time on social media, or engaged in your video game when your partner is around. That’s not to suggest that nothing else should matter in your life, but show your partner that they are your priority and that you value your relationship. 

  1. Don’t be afraid to take things further and discuss marriage

Another way to show your commitment to your partner will be to take things to the next level, although this will depend on what stage you are in. For instance, you can proceed to ask them for exclusivity in your relationship after getting to know each other for a while. Or, you can discuss getting married as a way to prove your loyalty to each other. Of course, this step wouldn’t be complete without exchanging symbols of commitment such as rings – so make it a point to get the best one for your loved one.

Take your time to do some research, and look for unique women’s or men’s wedding rings. The good thing is that there are so many options to choose from. If you are looking for something authentic that stands out, credible jewelers like Thorum offer rustic rings that are made from diverse materials such as tungsten carbide, black meteorite, wood, and more. Their hand-crafted designs are distinctly different and will reflect your style. Moreover, they are durable, so you can rest assured that you will rock your wedding ring for years. 

  1. Set standing or recurring dates

Another loving way to show your commitment to your relationship is to set and stick to some recurring dates. For example, you could both decide to go out and watch a game once each month or have a movie night at home every fortnight or couple of weeks. You can decide on the best ways to spend your dates, depending on what activities you both love. But the goal here is to make these dates recurring. This does two things for your relationship. One, it gives you something to look forward to, adding spice and fun to your relationship. Two, it shows that you both are committed to each other and the relationship long-term. 

  1. Invest in your partner’s growth

Normalize investing in each other’s growth process as a couple. Whether it’s your finances, career path, business, well-being, or future projects, show your willingness to help your partner grow to become the best version of themselves – and expect the same form of investment from them. Inspire your partner or motivate them to climb higher heights, set bigger goals and get out of their comfort zones. Also, try not to get stuck in an extended period of inaction as a couple, as that can stunt both of your growth. Try to support your partner’s goals and dreams as they work toward achieving them.

  1. Don’t threaten to leave

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Nothing showcases a lack of commitment more than threatening your partner with your departure or absence every chance you get. Yes, the ones you love can work your nerves often and you’ll even end up arguing with them more often than you’ll want to. But arguments are common in almost every relationship, even getting heated most times.

Regardless of how emotionally charged you feel during an argument, do your best to avoid threatening your partner with a breakup. You might feel like leaving and even consider it during an argument, but please avoid saying it, as that will do your relationship more harm than good. 

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

How to Get the Car You Really Want

How to Get the Car You Really Want

Pexels – CCO Licence

If you don’t just want any car, you want THE car. The one that is perfect for you in every way, from the price to the style, then here are a few things you should definitely have in the equation when it comes time to go car shopping;

1. Define Your Dream Car

Before you do anything else, you are going to want to define exactly what the dream car looks like to you. And I don’t mean “it’s got four wheels and moves.” Are you lusting after a sports car that purrs when you turn on the engine? A roomy car that will fit all the family? A car that is inexpensive to run? Really nail it down to a few key points.

2. Reality Check Your Budget

Now, for the not-so-fun part: budgeting. Figure out what you can realistically afford without having to eat ramen noodles for the next decade. There’s a fine line between getting your dream car and becoming its indentured servant. Find that line and do a graceful balancing act on it.

3. Financing: Not as Scary as It Sounds

Look into financing options if you’re not planning to buy your car with a suitcase full of cash (and really, who does that?). Shop around for the best rates and terms. It’s like dating – don’t settle for the first option that comes along.

4. Custom Builds: Your Car, Your Rules

If you want something truly unique, consider a custom build from Power Train Plus. It’s the automotive equivalent of haute couture. You get to pick everything from the engine to the stitching on the seats. Just remember, custom builds can be pricey and time-consuming – it’s like ordering a gourmet meal instead of grabbing fast food.

5. The Test Drive: More Than Just a Joyride

Test drive your potential car. And when I say test drive, I mean really test it. Drive it like you normally would – not like you’re a grandma out for a Sunday stroll. This is your chance to see if the car really lives up to your dreams.

6. Research Because Knowledge is Power

Do your research. Read reviews, watch videos, and talk to people who already own the model you’re eyeing. It’s like stalking your ex on social media, but less creepy and more productive.

7. Negotiate Like a Pro

When it comes to price, don’t just accept the first number they throw at you. Negotiate. It’s like haggling at a flea market, but with better air conditioning.

8. Don’t Forget Insurance

Get an insurance quote before you seal the deal. You don’t want to be blindsided by the cost of insuring your shiny new toy.

9. Consider the Long-Term

Think about the long-term costs of owning your dream car. Maintenance, fuel, and potential therapy sessions for when it gets its first scratch – it all adds up.

10. Trust Your Gut

Lastly, trust your instincts. If a deal feels fishy, it probably is. And if you sit in a car and it just feels right, like it was meant to be, then maybe it is.

The car you really desire, as you can see, can be yours if you keep your head, think outside the box and stay smart!

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

5 Intelligent Ways To Manage Dry Skin

5 Intelligent Ways To Manage Dry Skin

Unsplash – CC0 License

If you have dry skin, you’re not alone. It’s incredibly common, especially around wintertime. 

The main problem is how it affects your confidence. Having white, flaky skin makes you self-conscious, especially if it is in a conspicuous place. 

The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to manage it. You don’t have to live with it indefinitely. Read the following list of potential solutions: 

Use Gentle Cleansers

The first option is to use gentle cleansers to ensure that skin retains as much of its natural moisture as possible. Using harsh products can strip the surface of sebum, making dryness more likely. 

Gentle cleansing products are available from numerous brands and readily available in bumper packs. Avoid anything that contains detergents and focus on cleansing agents that add back moisture in the form of emollients. 

Use A Cream That Gets To The Root Of Skin Dryness Issues

Another intelligent way to manage skin conditions is to use a cream that helps you manage the root causes of your dry skin. You might have naturally flaky skin, or you could have eczema driving it, as CleanseHive points out. 

Getting a product formulated for the specific skin condition you have will provide additional benefits, beyond simply using a regular moisturizer. Generic products are okay, but you may find that the dryness returns the moment you stop using them, which can be frustrating. 

Make Changes To Your Lifestyle

You can also manage dry skin by making substantial changes to your lifestyle. What is happening on the inside of your body is often an indication of what’s going on on the outside. 

Start by ensuring you have proper hydration and drinking more water. Make sure your skin has the raw materials it needs to remain hydrated. 

Then, start eating a healthier diet with plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, and vegetables. Focus your diet on eating more whole foods and reduce your consumption of refined or processed ingredients. These can cause metabolic changes that affect skin quality over months and years. 

Obviously, you also want to avoid smoking and drinking: two common causes of skin damage. Manage stress as best you can, focusing on the positives and getting support from others. 

Read: Ways To Feel Healthier And Happier On A Daily Basis |

Wear Gloves

Another pro tactic is to wear gloves while doing the chores or using any chemicals. Dry skin on the hands is common after using cleaning products in the kitchen or bathroom, with many of them containing powerful irritants that can cause damage. 

However, you may also want to wear gloves more generally to avoid contact with the environment. Surfaces and even pollution can all have a drying effect on the body’s extremities. If your skin doesn’t improve, see your dermatologist. 

Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Finally, you’ll want to protect your skin from the sun. Excessive exposure can cause additional drying, including on cloudy days. 

Ensure you wear a hat and sunscreen if you’re going outside. Don’t go out in the midday sun if you can help it, and cover up when you do.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Essential Tips for Lawn Care and Upkeep

Essential Tips for Lawn Care and Upkeep

Lawn care and upkeep are essential for maintaining a healthy and visually appealing outdoor space. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a new homeowner looking to enhance your yard, understanding the basics of lawn maintenance can significantly impact your lawn’s health and appearance. Here are some essential tips to help you take care of your lawn effectively.

Photo by Vinicius Pontes:

1. Understanding Your Lawn’s Needs:

The first step in effective lawn care is understanding the specific needs of your lawn. Different types of grass require varying levels of sunlight, water, and nutrients. Identify the type of grass in your lawn and research its specific needs. For instance, cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass and fescue thrive in cooler temperatures, while warm-season grasses like Bermuda and Zoysia do better in warmer climates. Tailoring your lawn care routine to the type of grass you have is crucial for optimal growth and health.

2. Regular Mowing:

Regular mowing is vital for a healthy lawn. It encourages grass growth and helps in the even distribution of nutrients. However, it’s important to mow at the correct height. Cutting the grass too short can stress the grass and leave it vulnerable to diseases and weed invasion. As a general rule, never remove more than one-third of the grass blade in a single mowing. The ideal mowing height varies between grass types, but maintaining your lawn at the recommended height will encourage deeper root growth, leading to a more resilient lawn.

3. Proper Watering Techniques:

Watering is another critical aspect of lawn care. Lawns typically require about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, either from rainfall or watering. It’s best to water your lawn deeply and less frequently to encourage deep root growth. Early morning is the ideal time for watering, as it gives the lawn time to absorb the water before the heat of the day but also allows the surface to dry, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. Avoid over-watering, as it can lead to shallow root systems and increase the likelihood of weeds and diseases.

4. Fertilization for a Healthy Lawn:

Fertilizing your lawn provides the necessary nutrients for its growth and health. The key is to choose the right type of fertilizer and apply it at the right time. Typically, lawns should be fertilized in the spring and fall. Use a balanced fertilizer that includes nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Slow-release fertilizers are often recommended as they feed the lawn over time. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as this can damage the grass.

5. Controlling Weeds, Pests, and Diseases:

Weed control is an ongoing task in lawn maintenance. Regular mowing, proper watering, and fertilization can help prevent weeds by promoting healthy grass growth. For persistent weed problems, consider using herbicides, either pre-emergent or post-emergent, depending on the type of weeds. Similarly, keep an eye out for signs of pests and diseases. Early detection and treatment are key to controlling these problems. Use pesticides responsibly and as a last resort.

6. Seasonal Lawn Care:

Lawn care varies with the seasons. In spring, focus on fertilizing, mowing, and controlling weeds. Summer lawn care involves diligent watering and mowing, as well as monitoring for pests and diseases. Fall is the time for aeration, seeding, and one last fertilization before winter. Winter lawn care is mostly about keeping the lawn clear of debris and preparing for the upcoming spring.

7. Utilizing Outdoor Storage:

For effective lawn care, having the right tools and equipment is essential, and so is storing them properly. These portable buildings offer an excellent solution for storing lawnmowers, gardening tools, fertilizers, and other lawn care equipment. These structures can be conveniently placed in your yard, providing easy access to your tools while protecting them from the elements. By organizing your lawn care equipment in a portable building, you not only prolong the life of your tools but also keep your yard tidy.

Lawn care and upkeep require regular attention and the right practices. By understanding your lawn’s needs, mowing regularly, watering properly, fertilizing, controlling weeds, pests, and diseases, adhering to seasonal care routines, and organizing your equipment in portable buildings, you can maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn that enhances the overall appeal of your home. Remember, consistent care is the key to a lush, vibrant lawn.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Defunct the Single Holiday Blues

Defunct the Single Holiday Blues

The holiday season is a time of celebrating, no matter what holiday you celebrate. It is when everyone is a little kinder and more generous with their patience, money, and time. On the other hand, some individuals dread the holidays and the emotions they can bring. Nonetheless, there are several ways a person can defunct the single holiday blues.

By: Tim Douglas

Single All the Way

For most of the population, the holidays give the green light to indulge a little more and spend quality time with their immediate family. However, the most recent U.S. Census shows that 46% of adults are classified as single. Of course, breaking these statistics down into occupation categories is unethical. Still, it’s a well-known stereotype that working in the executive space or entrepreneurial world can make romantic relationships a tad challenging.

Now, we know this typecast isn’t true for everyone. Many happy and super-successful relationships do exist in the elite space, and these people know that having an ally when building your empire is imperative to reach the most valid form of success.

That being said, I know plenty of successful, happy, and very content singles. However, this piece focuses on anyone who gets burdened down by the holiday blues or has been too busy to make time for the social aspect of their lives recently.


Lack of Connection

We have all been there, where things are in flow, and it’s hard to stop what you’re doing to catch up with friends or family. You might not even notice how much time has passed since you last saw someone important to you. Good momentum can do that to the best of us. Nevertheless, as the holidays vastly approach, this is when that lack of connection can become painfully apparent to some individuals.

Although we live in a fast-paced, up-all-day-and-night world, the holidays tend to slow time down significantly and make businesses and colleagues relatively unreachable until after the new year.

What’s Missing

With each business holdup due to people out of town or spending time with families, it can make one fully aware that something or someone missing in their own life. This is why the holidays can be quite depressing and dreadful to some folks. Unfortunately, with every cup of hot chocolate or perfectly wrapped gift, it can be a painful reminder of what they don’t have in their own life.

Divorced couples might have to navigate being without their children this year. The widow will feel the hole missing in their heart is a lot deeper than usual. And the poor singles are forced to notice every jeweler advertisement while everyone else around them is getting engaged. These things don’t seem so visible when you’re working constantly, but when the holidays hit, these realizations can also hit like a ton of stale fruitcakes.

The Gift of Work-Life Balance

The importance of having a work-life balance is never more prevalent than during the holidays. Unfortunately, for those who haven’t poked their heads out of the working sandbox in months or years, the feeling of guilt or discomfort about attending a family member’s or friend’s holiday party can be overwhelming.

Other people might feel like they don’t have any friends or family left to even get an invitation to dinner or another joyous event. But I challenge those who feel lonely, shame, or dread during the holiday season to snap out of it. It may merely be an excuse to get your head back into work as soon as the new year strikes so you don’t have to process these strange emotions.

The truth is that overall health needs emotions to be processed, and we must have social connections to thrive. Personal contacts are where we can find existence in that beautiful world of work-life balance.


Attitude is Everything

There are a few trusty quick tips to beat the holiday blues. First and foremost, you must first keep a good mental attitude during the holiday season. Don’t be a Grinch. Attitude is everything when it comes to what we attract in the world. It sounds simple, but be happy and attract happiness.

Say ‘Yes’ to Being Social

Next, accept an invitation. Now, I don’t mean accept a strange invitation from a Santa who smells like he’s indulged a little too much in Christmas spirits, but if a colleague invites you to a house party or a friend invites you to join their family by going to see the festival of lights, seriously consider going.

If you know it’s a safe space, but it might push you out of your comfort zone, then why not pop in for a little visit? It could be cool to take the time to learn about another culture other than your own. You never know who you’ll meet when out and about, but also, the silver lining is that you’re practically guaranteed to be surrounded by good cheer. And that’s what we all need around the holidays.

Give Back

Another way to get out of feeling dissatisfied with the holiday season is to give back to others with your time. Yes! Writing a check to a charity is entirely generous, but nothing beats going out to a toy drive or donating time to the food bank. Seeing first-hand how you can positively impact the community and put a smile on someone else’s face is beyond priceless.

Be a Friend

And here’s one more challenge for readers with a colleague or friend you know is alone for the holidays: don’t be shy in inviting them to one of your many festive events. It might be more appreciated than you can imagine.

The holidays have gotten a bit of a bad wrap over the last several years. People find them overwhelming and full of pressure, but it’s time to put a stop to that nonsense. Be the light you want to see in this world. For anyone that needs to hear this: know that you are not alone. Many cities now cater to the single population by having Friendsgiving, Christmas dinner cruises, and many other local holiday events for the solo traveler. You just need to do some research.

It’s time to bring back the season best known for unity, caring, and sharing.

Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.