All posts by Tia

What To Put In Place Before Heading Out On A Road Trip

What To Put In Place Before Heading Out On A Road Trip

Throughout your life, it’s natural that you’re going to enjoy lots of different kinds of trips and vacations. Some will be city breaks, other beach vacations. Many may likely be overseas. But, there’s also one kind of trip that’s fun to take at least once in your lifetime – a road trip! What could be better than taking in the great outdoors and seeing a range of different places in one go? Even if you only ever go on one road trip in your life, it’s great to do it. And when you do, you’ll want to make sure that you make the most of it. The best way to do that is to plan properly. So if you’re looking to go on a road trip, here are the things that you might need to put in place.


The first thing that you’re going to want to do here, is make sure that you have insurance. So speak to your providers. Of course, you’re going to already have some car insurance in place, but will this cover you if you travel the country? You might even need travel insurance. So make sure that you put some kind of policy in place before you head out.

A Plan

Then it’s time for you to come up with a plan of action. Sure, a road trip can be spontaneous – but it’s not realistic. So instead, you’ll want to plan your road trip so that you know where you’re going. By doing so, you can also make sure that you’re getting to see all of the locations that you want to, and that you’re making time for different activities and attractions too.


At the same time, you’ll also want to make sure that you’re booking an accommodation, too. It’s good to know that you have all of your stops planned out. That way, you know that you can get to sleep at night when you need to, and you won’t have to go without a bed.

Car Maintenance

The next thing you need to ensure that you cover is any car maintenance that you need to do. It’s so important to make sure that the car is safe. So here, you’ll want to get the engine checked over. But then also, because you’re going to be in the car for a long time, it’s handy to get the interiors together. So have a good clean. Make sure that you have the right floor mats in place and adjust the seats too. That way, the car will be as ready as you are.


And finally, you’ve then got all of the necessities that you’re going to need in the car for the journey. Here, think of things like snacks and water. Get enough to last the duration of the trip. But then also things like blankets and cushions can be good if you’re traveling for a long time. And, if you’ve got the kids with you, make sure that they have books, games, or devices to keep them entertained too.

​Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram.

Take Control Of Your Health Today!

Take Control Of Your Health Today!

Your health is one of the most important parts of your life, and you shouldn’t be letting anything compromise this. Many people don’t intentionally damage their health, they just don’t realize that what they are doing is actually harmful. That’s why it is so important that you have come across this article because we are going to be discussing some of the things that you can do to take control of your health today. So if you are interested in finding out what these things are, keep reading!

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Get Enough Sleep

One of the most important things that you can do for your body is to ensure that it is getting enough sleep. It can be difficult to do this, especially when you have a busy life calling to you at all hours of the day and night. But, it is important that you are making sure you have enough time for at least seven hours of sleep every night. Your body needs this rest time to complete all of the other important processes that it cannot do when it’s awake. Think of it this way, when you are at work you need to prioritize the most important things, and then do the others when you have the time. This is exactly what your body does, and when you’re asleep, it gets the time it needs to rest and make sure everything in your body is working properly.

Many people have issues with sleep, and we know that getting this amount of sleep is easier said than done. But, there are some steps that you can take to ensure that you get a better night of sleep. The first thing that you can do is to leave all the electronics outside of your bedroom when it is time for bed. This way, you are not going to have buzzing and beeping distracting you all night. You should see improvements in your sleeping as soon as you start doing it.

Are You Eating Well?

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Have you thought about your eating habits? Do you think that they are negatively impacting your health at all? If so, then this is something that you need to change immediately. Some of the signs that this is the case are that you are constantly tired, your skin breaks out regularly as this could be caused by sugars and fats, or that you have noticed you are not eating fruits or vegetables. Your plate should consist of at least one-third of vegetables to ensure that you are getting the right amount of minerals from these sources.

There are plenty of sites online that can help you find a good diet plan that works for you. Remember here though that you don’t want to feel as though you are restricting yourself with certain foods as you are more likely to overeat if you do this.

Consult A Professional

Professionals are great to consult when you are trying to take control of your health. You need to have a check-up to make sure that you are in a good physical condition, the same also goes for your mental health. You should make an appointment with your doctor to get this arranged, and then you will know that you are in good health. Even if you are not in the best health, you can then take the measures that are necessary to get yourself in the best health possible. However, it is important to keep in mind that doctors are not always 100% right, and if something does go wrong you should seek alternative help. It is easy to see here why some people would prefer to go to other professionals or choose online therapy to get the advice that they need, but your family doctor is always going to be a good option as a place to start.

Exercise Is Key

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Are you active enough? It is likely that the answer to this question is no, and that is largely due to the fact that most people have very busy lives. It can be difficult to find enough time to fit in the amount of activity that is necessary to stay healthy. Some people just don’t like completing exercise and workouts, but that’s okay because walking is also a great form of exercise. If you track your steps, you can be sure that you are getting the right amount of activity per day, without completing workouts at the gym.

Or, if you do like to go to the gym, you should make the time to do this. It doesn’t have to be for two hours every day, even one hour a few days a week is going to make a marked difference. Ensuring that you are active enough is a great way to take control of your health!

What About Stress?

Finally, have you thought about the amount of stress that is in your life? Stress does not just have emotional impacts, but it can also manifest in physical symptoms if it gets severe enough. These can include a breakout of spots, loss of energy, frustration and so on. You need to find out where the stress is coming from and start trying to reduce it as much as possible. To do this, you need to take a good look at your life and find out what makes you happy, and what is not.

Once you have identified these areas, you can start cutting things out that are no longer necessary. We are not suggesting that you cut out your job just because it is causing you stress, but toxic relationships and others like this should definitely be in line to go. Use the general rule of if it’s not bringing anything productive or positive to your life, then it should go.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a better idea of how to take control of your health today. If you take this advice, you are going to find that you are in total control of your mental, physical and emotional health from now on!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Mastering The Finances Of Driving

Mastering The Finances Of Driving

There are many aspects to driving a car which you need to manage and master if you are going to be able to make the most of it, and most people find that this is one of the more frustrating parts of driving overall. However, so long as you are happy to pay attention to some of the intricacies, you should find that it is surprisingly easy to be able to master them, and that will mean that you can enjoy driving much more on the whole. One of the most important parts of all, of course, is the finances, which can cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people and are always something of a concern for most. In this post, we are going to look at some of the things that you might need to do in order to master the financial elements of driving. All of these are worth looking into if you want to do that.

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Understanding Value

It helps if you understand how value works with a vehicle, as if you do you are much more likely to know where you stand. When it comes to buying, selling or just valuing, you need to know what you are doing, and it is thankfully easy enough to get your head around when you need to. Most of all, you need to know that all vehicles undergo a significant diminishing of their value over their lifetime. This means that the value is always going reduce over time, no matter what. The moment you drive it away after buying it, in fact, its value reduces by around a half to a third. Thankfully, there are ways to counteract this, the best being a diminished value claim. If you are wondering: What is a diminished value claim? You are not alone, as many people don’t know about them. It’s simply a way to claim money back off the difference between the starting value and the current value, and it’s something to remember you can do.

Driving Efficiently

The better that you can drive with efficiency, the less money you will be spending on fuel, so this too is a hugely important thing which you should look into at your earliest convenience. There are a lot of ways to make sure that you are driving efficiently. First of all, you should limit your braking, acceleration and stalling. All of this uses fuel where you don’t need to. You should also make sure that you change gears at the right time – usually around two and a half thousand revs – so that you can be sure that you are not wasting any fuel there either. Finally, if you can cruise most of the time at around fifty, you will use much less fuel on the whole.

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Insurance & Other Peripherals

Finally, you also need to make sure that you are thinking about the things that come with driving if you are to keep driving as cheap as possible. When it comes to insurance, you should always shop around, as you will find that you can usually find a cheaper option if you look hard enough. For tax, the only thing you can do is buy a more efficient vehicle. Do these things, and you will mater the finances of driving easily.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

3 Ways to Cut Down Your Commuting Costs

3 Ways to Cut Down Your Commuting Costs

Owning a car can be a really handy thing; it can be a real time saver. Think about your commute to work, for example. If you currently drive to work, it could be saving you much more time doing so than getting another form of transport. But you have to think about the costs that are involved with having a car, especially if you are going to be commuting. So with that in mind, here are some of the ways that you can cut down the cost of owning a car, and cut down on your commuting costs too. It would be great to hear what you think.


Improve Your Gas Mileage

There is no doubt that some cars are much more fuel-efficient than others, such as some of the ones mentioned in this article: But having to buy a whole new car may be a little counterproductive, especially if you can’t find one at a price that you can afford. So you can help to drive more fuel-efficient by doing some of the following:

  • Make sure that tires are fully-inflated at the right PSI for the car; you will waste gas when tires need to be pumped up.
  • Reducing weight in the car can be something that is easy to make the car more fuel-efficient. If you have things like a stroller or a trunk full of stuff that you don’t need that day, take it all out.
  • Check traffic before you travel. If you are going to be in rush hour traffic and having to stop and start a lot, then it does waste a lot of gas.
  • If you and another person in your home commutes by car, make sure that you use the least fuel-efficient car for whoever travels the shortest distance.

Cut Insurance Costs

When it comes to owning a car, there are some things that you need to pay for, other than just the upfront cost of a car. Insurance is one of those things that can really add up. If you drive less each year, then that can cut down the cost of your insurance, as well as if you shop around for your car insurance to find the best rate that you can, using sites like, for example. When you don’t claim it reduces your premium as well; there is no need to pay more for something if you don’t have to.

Car Pool

This isn’t always going to be possible, but carpooling to work can be a good way to cut your costs. Not only does it cut down your fuel costs, it also cuts down the use of your car as you can share with others. If you live in an area with carpool lanes then that can even speed up your commute and make the journey more fuel-efficient as you’re not having to stop in traffic. So speak to colleagues where you work and see if something like this would be possible, to save costs for all of you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

A Car: Lifeline Or Dent In Your Lifestyle?

A Car: Lifeline Or Dent In Your Lifestyle?


If you’re looking for a way to be more independent and to get additional freedom, a car appears to be the lifeline most of us crave. But is buying a car really the thing that we need so we can get more independence? Not only this but what about the additional costs there’s a car throws up? While a car proves to be a lifeline for getting to work and seeing far-flung friends on the weekend, is it actually financially viable, or are we just better off getting public transport?

The Upfront Expenses

It’s all dependent on the car you want; if you want a car that’s brand new, fresh off the factory line, you’re going to have to pay more for it. But most of us aren’t in a position to buy anything brand new. After all, after we’ve passed our test and we’re just looking for a little runaround, this seems to be enough. But for those people that have never had it before, how much work has to go into a clapped out old banger. Not just in relation to the MOT and servicing, but if there are problems that we come up all the time, we could be putting money into something that will end up as scrap soon anyway. From this perspective, it is better to buy a newer car, but this comes with larger upfront costs. And when you tack on insurance, as well as the minimum liability insurance available so you can emerge financially unscathed from an accident, this can result in a lot of outgoings.

Is Driving Just Too “Stressful†These Days?

For those people new to driving, they wouldn’t have the frame of reference, but that doesn’t disguise the fact that there is so much traffic and congestion on the road, meaning the potential for accidents is always there. If you’re using a car purely as a little runaround, and you don’t even bother taking it to work, you might not see much of a difference in your finances. But if money is tight, and driving every day seems to be a shortcut to making your blood boil, is it actually worth it in the long run? Driving used to be a very enjoyable experience, but now, you’ve got to prepare for the fact that a weekend getaway can result in problems on the motorways, traffic congestion, and the fact that you may be in queues forever. But on the other hand, if it’s this lifeline that you need, especially if you head away for weekends, it’s something that you need. But on the other hand, is a car actually necessary for us to enjoy yourselves and to go wherever we want, whenever we want?

What About Those People Who Never Passed Their Test?

Or those who didn’t even bother learning? Driving is incredibly expensive if you want to learn, and not every family is in a position to pay for their children to have lessons. In fact, a lot of people are only learning to drive now because they’ve had to, like those having children. But for those people who never learn to drive, they had to rely on public transport. And then there are also those who aren’t that confident behind the wheel that they won’t go so far, and instead, rely on bus services and various public transport to get them to where they need. If we are looking for ways to get away for a weekend, we have to be at the train station for a certain time and maybe we’ll have to cut our time short, but if this means we save a lot of money anyway, especially with the cheap bus companies out there, surely it would cost us more in terms of our car to go to these places, just for the sake of an extra hour or so? It’s all relative! For those people who have that wanderlust, public transport is their lifeline.

Does Having A Car Guarantee “Freedom�

It’s a wonderful idea in theory, but when people run into financial problems, the car is usually the first thing they give up. And it can be a big shock to the system when you are reliant on it, but if your pastimes consist of social functions, and there’s an abundance of transport, and even sleeper trains where you can get some shuteye, so are you really going to miss it? A car is amazing if you rely on it every day, but if not, does it really change your life? It certainly makes things more convenient, but if you are thinking about getting a car because you can make more journeys on the weekends, you’ve still got to think, not just about the finances, but about the other concessions you will have to make so you can have this car. For example, if you plan on going to your friend’s house far away, you wouldn’t be able to go wild on the alcohol. If you’re not someone who doesn’t drink much anyway, that’s fine, but we can have a reliance on a car to get us around when we don’t necessarily have the capacity to operate it properly. A car can be a financial drain, but it can also stop us from enjoying ourselves in other ways. It’s all relative because we are different people. For a lot of us, if it’s just us, by ourselves in life, a car can be a wonderful gateway to the world, but if we’ve been getting by just fine without a car, is it worth that financial dent?

When we’re looking for the right car, we can think about the more superficial aspects, not the fact that it can be a very expensive thing to run, and we may have to cut other aspects of our lifestyle to ensure we keep it, not to mention the fact that the roads are more dangerous now. But a car is a wonderful thing if you use it right. If you’re looking for a way to see more of your friends, especially if you’re all scattered around the country, you can get there in a matter of hours. But don’t think a car is your only option to get around!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.