4 Common Vehicle Issues All Drivers Need To Be Aware Of

4 Common Vehicle Issues All Drivers Need To Be Aware Of

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When it comes to owning a car, a large part of it is made up of maintenance and repairs, especially if you are purchasing a used car. Often, used cars can come with a multitude of issues stemming from general wear and tear, age, or not being kept in the best condition by the previous owner. Whatever the reason, both new and old cars will require maintenance from time to time. It helps them run at their best and get you from A to B safely.

This post looks at some of the common repairs you can expect to have on a car.


Wheels and Tire Issues

A common problem with cars is the wheels and tires. Simply being, they come into contact with the road frequently and are subject to harsher wear and tear than other parts might be. From flat tires to punctures or booking in to repair your wheels for scuffs and dents on alloys to need completely new wheels, you can be sure to have a few wheel and tire-related problems crop up when owning a car.


Like the bulbs in your house, lightbulbs on cars for your blinkers and driving lights can often need changing or replacing. If you get caught driving with a missing headlight, while this does not carry jail time, it can land you with a misdemeanor charge and a $150 fine.


As batteries age, they are less likely to hold their charge for as long or, if at all, then you are used to it. Car batteries can last anytime from 5 to 10 plus years, depending on the type of battery you use and how well you care for your automobile. If you notice your car struggles to start or the battery goes flat faster than usual, especially if it’s a used car purchase, then you might need to change the battery.

Any competent amateur mechanic can easily swap out a battery, but if you aren’t an expert under the hood, then pop to your local mechanic to get this sorted for you and ensure your car drives as well as possible at all times.

Exhaust Issues

Your car exhaust system is an integral part of the car and is made up of many different parts. One common exhaust issue is a faulty oxygen indicator which measures the oxygen levels in your vehicle – this is to determine its efficiency. Over time this can get worn, meaning you need it replaced, and newer cars will alert you on the dash with a warning light to indicate there is a potential issue.

Another common exhaust problem is it coming loose from its brackets and moving freely under your car, leading to it potentially coming free while driving or even needing to replace your catalytic converter if your car has a high mileage due to wear and tear.



It isn’t reasonable to expect your car to stay in excellent shape without regular repairs and maintenance. Having your car serviced annually can help you to identify common issues you might face and problems you might not be aware of. By carrying out the required repairs, you can ensure your car is always safe to drive.

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