Is your Home Unsafe? Here’s How to Find Out

Is your Home Unsafe? Here’s How to Find Out

There is truly nothing worse than you feeling unsafe, in the one place where you should feel the safest. As a homeowner, you need to make sure that you feel safe and that you are aware of the conditions that could put you at risk. If you just don’t feel as though your home is safe right now, then take a look below to get the help you need.

You have Pests

One major issue that your home isn’t safe is if you have pests. Whether they are in the floorboards, in the walls, or even just on the outskirts of your property, you need to have pest control over before too long. If you don’t, then you may find that you end up struggling to stay on top of the issue. Mice, cockroaches, and even rats all carry disease, so you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. Rabbits can also be pests if you have a lot of land. If this is the case, you may be able to deal with them yourself. Just make sure you are storing any guns you do have, safely in Browning gun safes.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

You Keep On Getting Sick

Your home is supposed to be your haven. If you feel as though you are getting sick more often than you should be, then this is an indicator that your environment is to blame. You need to try and keep an eye on the symptoms, and you also need to watch out for mold. If you know that you have a lot of mold around your property, then take the time to deal with it as soon as you can, because if you don’t, then the issue may end up getting worse.


Your Deck is Sloping

Your home is supposed to be level. If yours isn’t then your house may not be as sturdy as it could be. Signs of an unsafe deck include cracked or rotting wood. You may also find that things are not as sturdy as they could be. You should get your deck inspected as soon as possible, because if you don’t then this could lead to other issues later down the line.

You Can Smell Something Strange

If you can smell things, such as rotting eggs or even fish, then this is a big indicator that things are not as they should be. Fishy odors can be caused by burning electrics and faulty wiring. If you suspect that this is the case with your property, then make sure that you call in an electrician, as they can help you with anything that might not be unsafe within your home.


Your Foundation is Crumbling

If you know that your foundation is crumbling and cracking, then this could be affecting your home. If you want to do something about this, then make sure that you deal with the issue right away. Foundation repair can be expensive, but it’s not as expensive as having to rebuild your home because of a crack you could have dealt with years ago.

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