4 Tips To Cope With Your Tinnitus

4 Tips To Cope With Your Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a worrying hearing condition that involves the perception of non-existent sound. Many people who experience tinnitus describe it as a buzzing or ringing sound in the ear that happens at all times, at specific periods, or after particular triggers. In 2019, the British Tinnitus Association estimated that the percentage of the UK’s population living with tinnitus rose to 13.2% from 10%. Although there is no absolute cure for this condition, many different strategies and therapies can help you cope. Here are four great tips for managing your tinnitus.

1. See an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist

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It is essential to note that tinnitus is not a condition itself but a sign of an underlying issue. In rare cases, these conditions could be head or neck injuries, age-related hearing loss, and even blood vessel disorders. Consequently, ENT doctors are the best experts to see when you experience common tinnitus symptoms. These doctors can identify the root cause of your tinnitus and tackle it through treatment. Your treatment will depend on your condition’s specific cause, so you can experience anything from earwax removal to jaw joint arthritis treatment to eliminate your tinnitus.

2. Try sound masking

Sound masking is a popular and effective coping mechanism for many tinnitus patients who have not experienced total hearing loss. This strategy uses background noise to drown out your tinnitus sounds, offering you temporary relief. Fortunately, there is no shortage of options you can explore for sound masking. To cope with your tinnitus, you can use sound machines, white noise machines, hearing aids with masking features, and in-ear masking devices. Additionally, you can connect your smartphone to a Bluetooth speaker for sound masking. Smartphones are ideal for sound masking because you don’t have to break the bank for another device to enjoy relief. In addition, they offer a wider range of sounds compared to your average masking device.

3. Lower your stress levels

Some medical experts refer to tinnitus as the “sound of stress” because they often observe in the clinic that people with tinnitus complain about their condition worsening after stressful situations. Indeed, many studies have offered evidence linking stress to tinnitus. Consequently, keeping your stress levels in check is one of the best ways to cope with your tinnitus. Therefore, consider engaging in common relaxation techniques like mindful meditation, long walks, yoga, and deep breathing exercises. You can also sign up for a professional massage or acupuncture treatment since these are intensely relaxing experiences.

4. Protect your ears

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Loud noise can worsen your tinnitus and hearing loss. Hence, it is best to protect your ears by wearing earplugs or avoiding loud noise. You can use regular foam or silicone earplugs, but high-fidelity earplugs are your best bet. These devices significantly reduce your environment’s decibel levels without distorting the sound and help you cope with sensitivity issues. 

No matter how small it is, every part of your body works together with the others to make up your quality of life. Your ears do much for you, and even if you experience tinnitus, you can still live a normal life.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com is trying to keep you looking good and
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