5Things You Can do to Protect Yourself and Your Car on the Road

5Things You Can do to Protect Yourself and Your Car on the Road

Driving is a necessity for many people, as they rely on it to commute to work, run errands at the mall, or drop and pick up kids from school. However, driving is also a risk that involves inherent dangers. Motor vehicle accidents are still the leading cause of annual deaths and injuries. While driving is taking a risk, here are a few things you can do to protect yourself and your car on the road.

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Avoid distractions

Many distractions present themselves when you’re driving. Distracted driving is among the most common causes of car accidents. A lot can happen within a second when your focus shifts from the road. Stay alert by keeping your phone away and pull over when it’s necessary to pick calls or check messages. If you’re driving for a long distance, resist the urge to change the radio station. Instead, prepare a playlist before starting your journey.

Observe regular vehicle maintenance

Many things can go wrong with your car as you drive due to your its condition. To stay safe on the road, schedule a Volvo MOT at least once a year. Vehicle maintenance and servicing allow a mechanic to check fluids, lights, brakes, heating and cooling systems, and tire air pressure. Similarly, you can avoid surprises with your car by monitoring the health of vital systems. Keep an ear out for noise when braking or difference when braking to have your brakes checked. Regularly check your tire pressure to ensure they have enough traction and replace shock absorbers if you have trouble turning around corners.

Monitor blind spots

Even with backup cameras and mirrors, there’s always a blind spot around your car. Blind spots are the primary cause of vehicle crashes. Develop a habit of regularly monitoring these areas by looking over your shoulder before you switch lanes. This way, you can spot other vehicles or motorbike riders who are overtaking or splitting lanes.

Look out for reckless drivers

As much as you take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself while driving, reckless drivers still expose you to potential accidents. Although you can’t control their actions, you can watch out for them and be ready to take prompt action. You’re better safe than sorry; keep an eye out for potentially intoxicated drivers and swerving. If a driver is distracted, it’s safe to keep your distance.

Observe traffic rules and signs

Traffic rules and signs are meant to keep all road users safe, whether driving, walking, or biking. While it’s assumed that following traffic flow and what neighboring drivers do makes it okay to follow suit, it can obstruct you from doing what’s right. Remember to always watch for light signals, signposts, construction warnings, pedestrian crossing areas, and any hazards that can put your safety on the line.

Driving makes you more vulnerable than ever. Your top concern should be protecting yourself, other road users, and your vehicle while on the road. Ensure you know safe driving rules and follow safety advice. Prevent car damage while driving by keeping it in good condition, monitoring blind spots, and staying alert.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
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