What’s A Creative Bubble For Freelancers?

What’s A Creative Bubble For Freelancers?

The pandemic has encouraged a lot of people to tap into their creative side and express themselves through arts. Whether it is painting, writing, or singing, embracing our creativity has offered us a unique experience of self-discovery. It’s easy to understand why. Being creative can soothe the mind. During a stressful period such as the pandemic, picking up your paintbrushes or your typewriter has helped cope with the situation. You might even find that you’ve developed a taste for it. There’s nothing stopping you from turning your creative hobby into a side hustle. 

But if you’re going to be serious about making creativity pay the bills, you need to consider your creative space. Does the quirky office make the writer or the artist? The answer may surprise you: You don’t need to invest in additional quirkiness and designing tips to turn your home office into a creative cave. Making creativity work for you means building an environment that supports it. 

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Creativity needs a structure

If you are not familiar with Stephen King’s writing advice, the prolific master of horror swears by a creative routine. He assures aspiring writers (and other creative enthusiasts) to set a work routine and stick to it: https://tipsfromtia.com/2020/07/working-at-home-when-the-going-gets-tough-what-do-you-do/. King recommends working on your creative hustle every day during the hours where you’re at your most productive. Your schedule will act as the backbone for your imagination. You can build on it and expand to write, paint, compose, etc. , all the amazing things you’ve got in mind. Your creative working hours are the time of the day when you can bring ideas to life. Therefore, you need to take them seriously and maintain your creative program. 

Creativity is the art of connecting to your inner world

Creativity comes from within. It is a tool that lets you express your inner voice and your emotions. As such, your creative space needs to optimize free access to your thoughts. What does it mean to gain access to your ideas? You’d assume that you take your thoughts with you anywhere you go. In reality, we spend very little time exploring our minds. Day-to-day life can be distracting. Making room for your creativity begins with distraction-free settings, from removing noise pollution with adequate sound-proofing insulation as per https://www.insulatekansascity.com/sound-proofing-insulation/ to keeping your smartphone out of the room. A peaceful environment promotes the appropriate introspective mood for creativity. 

Creativity means a healthy brain

Ultimately, creativity is a process that happens entirely in the brain. That’s why it’s important to give your brain all the nutrients it needs to perform. Brain foods can help make quicker connections and keep your memory strong. What difference does it make to a creative individual? Cognitive connections, for instance, refer to your ability to expand on ideas and build a new path of thoughts. Being creative is, ultimately, the process of bringing new ideas, and therefore making new connections inside the brain. 

Your creative bubble provides a positive environment that promotes the contemplation of your inner world. Of course, it is a daunting process. The first step of making creativity work for you is the hardest, as you build a new path for your thoughts to roam freely. But building a creative side hustle can be a rewarding process as you can bring your ideas to life. 

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
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