How To Appreciate The People In Your Life

How To Appreciate The People In Your Life

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In a poll involving over 2000 Americans, 60% admitted to showing gratitude towards people who go out of their way to do something nice for them. Undoubtedly, there are people in your life who do much for you, and it makes sense to want to do something good in return to preserve memories. Whether family, friends, or a loved one, appreciating them is the way to go. Therefore, if you don’t know how to make them feel recognized, below are a few ideas. In the long run, it’s the thought that counts. 

1. Be there for them

Sometimes, making people feel appreciated is not entirely about buying a physical gift. Instead, it is about the deliberate efforts taken to spend time with them. It is also about the physical closeness, the frequent phone calls to check on them, and any other deliberate action that displays how often you have them in mind. Again, show up at their special events, remember their birthdays, or offer to perform a chore for them. Action, they say, speaks louder than words, and that is what you should be aiming for. Moreover, in many cases, people appreciate efforts that cannot be quantified.

2. Design a handwritten “Thank You” card

If you thought this was just something kids do, you thought wrong. A self-designed ‘thank you’ card can be done by anyone, regardless of age. It also means that you value them enough to spend time out of your busy schedule to create a card purposely for them. Indeed, the handwritten card should not necessarily be for a special occasion. It can be delivered at any time, mainly because the primary purpose is to express gratitude for something they did. Moreover, in the era of the internet and typing, it would be nice to put pen to paper, in a literal sense. Let them know the specifics of what you value about them and how much of a difference they make in your life.

Again, it is the thoughtfulness that makes all the difference. Your loved one is not expecting you to be a grand artist (you’re probably not) with this handwritten card. Your job is to put into words how much you love them and to acknowledge their positive actions towards you. How do you go about it then? Fortunately, there are several blank ‘Thank You’ cards in gift shops around the country. You will also find others on online shops that you can order. Another option you may want to consider is to create a love book

3. Pay the kindness forward

One good turn deserves another. In this case, however, that ‘good turn’ can be paid forward. In other words, someone else could benefit from the kindness. You can do this through volunteerism or giving to charity. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to let your ‘benefactor’ know that you’re taking these actions as a way to pay the kindness forward. They couldn’t be prouder to know that their actions impacted you so positively.

Indeed, there are several ways to value the people in your life without necessarily making it seem like spending huge sums is the only form of appreciation. Kindness and appreciation are signs of humanity, and you can never give or receive too much of them.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Can IV Therapy Treat Stress?

Can IV Therapy Treat Stress?

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Living with stress is not easy at all, and people that aren’t stressed will never know how lucky they have it. Stress comes from different sources, and it can weigh down your mind and cause physical health problems as well. Finding stress relief treatments is essential, but what can you do to treat stress?

One idea that’s doing the rounds is IV therapy. It’s not necessarily a new concept, but it has only started coming into the public eye lately. If you are suffering from stress, can this treat it?

What is IV therapy?

First of all, what is IV therapy? 

Most of your direct involvement with IVs will be within a hospital setting. The process is when a bag of fluid is hooked up to your body via your veins – hence its real name: intravenous therapy. The fluid contains various things that will enter your bloodstream directly. 

In hospitals or clinical settings, IVs are most commonly used for extreme pain relief. They are combined with morphine or ketamine therapy to help patients feel less pain and drift off into a healing sleep. Other IV’s contain good stuff in restoring fluids.

How can IV therapy help stress?

Taking the above into account, how on earth can IV therapy help people suffering from stress? Well, it all boils down to the IV concoction you are given. 

Typically, IVs that treat stress will include some of the following nutrients and minerals:

  • Vitamins B and C
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Water

The idea behind this is that all of these things can improve your internal system and handle chemical imbalances in your body. After all, stress is a response to chemical imbalances that mean your body releases high amounts of cortisol. This is the main stress hormone that makes you feel panicked, raises your heartbeat, and leads to the typical stressed feelings you have every day. 

It is believed that by giving your body the right blend of vitamins and minerals, you can reduce cortisol production and increase your production of serotonin. For those that don’t know, this is basically a happiness hormone that improves your mood. 

How does this differ from taking vitamins and mineral supplements?

A very good question and the answer is that, well, it doesn’t. The only main difference is that these things enter your bloodstream directly, so you might absorb more of them into your body and see faster effects. You could still see similar results if you kept taking a blend of supplements every day, though it would take longer to feel stress relief. 

So, does IV therapy work for stress?

Yes and no.

It can help if your problem is primarily a chemical one. It’s particularly good if you naturally have hormonal imbalances, helping to restore balance to your body. However, you still need to address the main causes of stress. It’s all well and good trying to improve your hormonal balance, but will it do anything if you’re still feeling stressed because of external factors – like work or your relationships? Overall, you can say that it is a possible stress relief method to add to the others out there.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Take Better Care Of Your Oral Hygiene

How To Take Better Care Of Your Oral Hygiene

Your oral hygiene matters just as much as your personal hygiene. Taking good care of your teeth and gums can prevent an array of issues and diseases. If you struggle to take good care of your teeth or want to improve your routine, here are the best tips. 

Image by JOSEPH SHOHMELIAN from Pixabay 

Attend routine checkups

Your routine checkups are an essential part of your oral hygiene. They are there for a reason and are there to assist with the health maintenance of your teeth. Should your routine checkup result in no work needing to be done, that’s a bonus. Even if you have no issues as a result of every appointment, it is still important to attend then regularly. You will not want to miss them and avoid discovering an underlying health condition. A place like Infinity Dental will help you stay on top of your oral health and keep your oral health in good check.

Regular treatments and expert cleaning

Using your time wisely at home could mean that you spend an hour wisely deep cleaning your teeth. You could create spa experience at home and pamper yourself whilst whitening and cleaning your teeth. Or, you could ask an expert to professionally clean your teeth. A deep clean and treatment will free your gums and teeth of a buildup of bacteria and plaque. 

Brush your teeth twice a day (or more)

When a dentist tells you to brush twice a day, make sure to take their advice. They aren’t just saying it for no good reason. It is so important to brush your teeth when you wake up and when you go to bed. Cleaning your teeth will free your gums and teeth from dirt and plaque, which if not removed, can cause infections or poor tooth health. Brushing twice a day is advised. Yet, if you can remember to brush more (after each meal, snack, or drink) then you will be able to achieve optimal oral hygiene. 

Brush your tongue

As well as brushing your teeth, it is important to brush your tongue too. Lots of bacteria and plaque can build up there, which can deteriorate the health of your gums and teeth. It is useful to get a separate tongue brush or toothbrush so that you don’t can maximize the hygiene of your brushing. 

Don’t forget to floss

Aside from brushing both your teeth and tongue, it is important to get in between your teeth with floss. It is easy for food or bacteria to get stuck between your teeth and the best way to get rid of it is with floss. Make sure to floss twice a day if you can so that nothing gets stuck between your teeth for too long. If you forget to floss, the food or germs could lead to an infection in your gums and cause pain and inflammation. 

Following these tips, you can attain optimal oral health and hygiene at home and be on your way to optimal teeth health. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Moving House? Take A Moment To Read This

Moving House? Take A Moment To Read This

Has the time come for you to sell up and move to a different house? If so, then there will be many things to do and sort out before you can list your current home on the market. You will need to find a top-rated realtor to help you sell your home.

Remember, prospective buyers don’t often want to move into a fixer-upper so be sure that your home is move-in ready for the new owners. And to make the process as easy as possible for you, make sure that you have gathered moving estimates, and get some quotes for storage too. So that when the sale happens, you are ready to go with no delays. 

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You should take some time to declutter your property. This includes all rooms and places such as the garage. Wherever people will be looking when they want to buy your home needs to be clear of your belongings. The reason to declutter is that when people look around they need to be able to envision their own items filling the space in your home. They won’t be able to do this if your stuff is filling every space and gap. Another reason is that if your home is filled with junk then it will make the rooms look small and cramped. If you open up these spaces by putting your items away then the rooms will look roomier. You don’t want to lose a sale due to your personal items being around the place. 


Once you have decluttered it is important to spend some time cleaning your property. Dust, dirt, and other debris can gather over the years and can be missed in general cleans. This is okay and can be sorted with a simple deep clean. Areas to focus on are extractor fans and oven hoods, these can get especially dusty. Rooms to focus your attention on are the kitchen and the bathroom, when these are dirty it can be extremely noticeable. You need to ensure they both sparkle ready for pictures to be taken and buyers looking around. Take extra care to ensure that there is no black mold around the bath. 

Floors will need to be cleaned as well as the rest of the house. This takes care of any dust or pet hair leftover from cleaning. As well as hoovering, carpets should be shampooed. This ensures all ground in dirt is taken away and the place is left smelling amazing. If you don’t want to do this yourself then you can call in a professional carpet cleaning service and they will do it for you. 


Finally, one last thing to check your home for is anything that needs repairing. As mentioned above buyers will not want to move into a property that needs repairs. Now is the perfect time to make your way through that repair to-do list. One particular area to double-check is the roof, this can be sneaky and there may be a leak that you have missed. Unfortunately, if you leave this it can cause bigger problems for the new owners. 

You could lose a sale due to repairs not being carried out. When someone wants to buy your home they will send out a building surveyor to make sure everything is okay with the structure of your home. If anything major crops up on this then you could lose yourself a home sale. 

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

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