How to Create Lasting Fulfillment in Life, Love, and Intimacy

By Guest Blogger, Ashley L.,

How to Create Lasting Fulfillment in Life, Love, and Intimacy

Everyone dreams of having their own happily ever after. No matter how long you’ve been with your partner, you still probably imagine a long, happy life together. While the movies make it sound easy to live a fulfilling life with your partner, it’s actually not as picture-perfect as it seems. It takes hard work to build a life of joy and intimacy. Here are tips for creating lasting fulfillment in life, love, and intimacy.


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Celebrate Your Love

It’s easy to celebrate your love when you’re a bride and groom. After the newlywed phase of your relationship fades away, it’s hard to remember to take the time to celebrate your love in the way it should be celebrated. There are a lot of easy ways to celebrate your love regularly. Make your love a priority in both of your lives, and treat yourselves to one-on-one time regularly. You can go on a weekly date night, plan a weekend getaway, or try something new together. These moments together will help you remember why you were so attracted to your partner in the first place.

Add the Spice

After a few months (or years) together, you start to fall into the same routine. Adding the spice in your relationship takes more work than simply connecting with your partner. Sometimes you need the most spice in the bedroom to keep things exciting. Explore new sexual outlets or try different lingerie by 3 Wishes to see if you excite something new in your partner! Don’t let the spice in your relationship suffer! Make it a priority to invigorate each other’s lives often with new ideas!


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Communicate Freely

One of the biggest reasons couples break up is because a failure to communicate clearly. Different people use different love languages to express their devotion to a partner. If you and your partner use different love language, you can easily run into communications and not feel understood. Take this quiz to learn about what love language you and your partner use so you can be more aware of the different ways you communicate.

Connect Daily

Building a fulfilling life isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes daily effort to maintain. That’s why you and your partner should be committed to connecting daily. This doesn’t have to be anything big, but take the time to talk to each other every day whether it’s in person or over the phone. Don’t forget to connect with yourself to check how you’re feeling on a daily basis. How you’re feeling about yourself often affects how you feel with your partner, so be mindful of your own reactions and feelings.


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Make Every Day Count

When it comes to leading a fulfilling life of love and intimacy with your partner, you need to be willing to make every day count. These things above take time to work on, and you’ll need to remember your feelings about your partner will naturally change over the course of your relationship. Be willing to communicate with your partner about your feelings, and never stop exploring new things together. If you both commit to working hard on your relationship and living in the moment, you’ll find your best happiness.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

10 Home Hazards You Should Never Ignore

10 Home Hazards You Should Never Ignore

As much as we may all love for our homes to run smoothly and always look great, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, you can put an incredible amount of time, energy, and effort into creating the perfect home, for it to all far apart the next day. Because accidents happen! You may take pride in how your home looks, but if you’re not careful about the practicalities of things, you may find that you’re faced with a bunch of issues. Your interiors may be your pride and joy, but they’re only the superficial side of your property. In order for your home to truly look great, you have to take care of the bricks and mortar too!


While it’s not always possible to be prepared when issues arise, there are things that you can do to make sure that your home stays as hassle-free as possible. By both doing a little DIY and bringing in the professionals, you’ll be able to keep it together. But first of all, you need to know exactly how you do that. Because it’s only easy to keep on top of things when you know what you’re looking for. So we’re going to take a look at some of the main areas of your home that you need to keep an eye on. When you do, you should be able to keep your home hazards at bay.


  1. Foundation Issues


We’re going to kick off with something that can really impact on how safe your house is, and that’s your foundation. Because if you ever have issues with your foundations, such as basement floor cracks or subsidence, you need to get it look at as soon as possible. Ignoring these problems or writing them off as non-serious could cost you your home. With foundation issues, all it takes is a small shift and you home could end up collapsing! So be sure to get these issues looked into to save you stress and further expenses in the future.


  1. Roof Leaks


From the very bottom all the way up to the top, we’re now going to head to the roof. Your roof may leak for a range of reasons, but you should never just think that’s just how your particular roof is. Because you may find that the leak is a huge problem and it could cause the structure to weaken over time. If you’re worried about the source of the leak, bring a professional in to analyze the area to make sure its safe and carry out the repairs.


  1. Bathroom Leaks


Another place that can commonly get leaks in the home is your bathroom. A lot of the time, these leaks are more annoying than anything else. But if you find that you have a leaky faucet or pipes anywhere, you’ll want to get a plumber in to check the source. Sometimes, a small leak will cause a pipe to burst and your bathroom to flood. But you can avoid this by getting it looked at.


  1. Boiler Issues


If you have a boiler in your home for your heating system, you’ll probably always be weary of this breaking – because nobody wants to be without hot water. If you’re worried about issues, take a look at the most common boiler problems so that you can take action as soon as something happens. Reading up may save you money too!


  1. Appliance Problems


Heading into the kitchen, if you find that any of your major appliances seem to be on the blink, do not just put it down to age. Remember, these items are electrical items – so that use water! Whether they’re just not working properly, you’ve got issues with lights, or anything – unplug the appliance and get it repaired. You could stop someone from getting hurt by doing this.


  1. Window & Door Drafts


A less serious, but equally frustrating, issue around the home is drafts coming through your windows and doors. Sometimes, you’ll find that they can be fixed easily with covers, but you may need to get them replaced. You could end up paying more on your heating bills when you live with drafty doors and windows.


  1. Badly Drawing Chimney


During the winter months, there’s nothing quite like lighting a fire for comfort and warmth. But when the chimney just doesn’t seem to be drawing strongly enough, it can be incredibly frustrating. That’s not all, when you can’t seem to get the fire going as strongly as you’d like, you’re likely having chimney airflow issues that need sorting. Sometimes, a good old clean is all it needs, but be careful about lighting too many fires when the smoke can’t clear, as this will be a health hazard.


  1. Poorly Ventilated Rooms


It’s easy to forget about opening little windows around the home to keep the air flowing – especially when it’s cold outside. However, when you’re not ventilating your rooms, you may find that mold and mildew tends to set in! This can then really affect your health, and it can cause issues with the structure of your home too. So open those windows and if you do have some mold and mildew setting in, get a professional in to remove it and reinforce the walls.


  1. Faulty Locks


When your find that one of your main entrance doors is having a few problems locking properly, you always think that you’ll get it looked at – but you really do have to do this now! If you leave it, you may risk a break in. Securing your home is incredibly important if you want to keep your family and possessions safe.


  1. Faulty Electrics


Finally, you should always look to be weary of faulty electrics. If you ever notice that fuses seem to blow frequently, or you’re having electrical issues with any plug or appliances around the home, call in your electrician. It’s important that you get these taken care of as soon as possible so that no fires are caused as a result.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Get Buff: How to Build Muscle Without Fat

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

Get Buff: How to Build Muscle Without Fat


If you’re aiming to get big, you need to know the right formula so you don’t end up gaining too much fat. This is the trickiest part of getting bulk: you need to find a workout that will allow you to build muscle, burn fat, encourage muscle growth and recovery and decrease fat gain. Finding that sweet spot is not easy and is different for everyone, but here are some of the main points you have to follow.

Say no to alcohol

This is an advice as old as time, and yet, not many people seem to follow it. Taking alcohol while bulking (even if you take the right supplements) will tamper with your protein synthesis and it will take you much longer to get back on schedule. The hangover and the general effect of alcohol will slow down the muscle recovery and it will prevent you from giving your all in the gym. Additionally, alcohol is full of calories and can cause increased fat storage, especially around the gut. So, if you’re trying to see real progress and build muscles and not fat, you should stay away from booze.

Hold your horses!

If you’re used to doing cardio every day (which is great for your heart and lungs), you might actually be harming your bulking progress. Over-exercising can destroy your metabolism, so try to take it easy with cardio; otherwise, you can find it really hard to add muscle mass and keep fat at bay. Exercising always produces adrenaline, but too much of it will cause over-saturation that can make some of your organs feel sluggish. This will slow down your metabolism and boost fat accumulation. Additionally, it can also cause your supply of testosterone to get smaller, and testosterone is highly necessary for muscle growth and recovery.

Have a proper form

One of the classic mistakes people make when bulking is lifting too much weight. However, muscle gains are really made when your muscles are already stretched out. That means you should focus on form, especially “on the way downâ€. Here’s an example: when bench pressing, keep the weight up for 2-3 seconds and try to slow down on your way down. Make this portion of the movement last for about 5-7 seconds. Try to do same when doing squats, curls and pull-ups.

Pick the right supplements

Supplements are great—they improve your performance and allow you to shed fat and gain muscles more easily. However, don’t think that more pills automatically mean more muscles. Getting the right type of quality pre-workout supplements and hitting the gym hard will give you the best results. Don’t concentrate on supplements so much that you neglect your workouts!

Be careful with carbs

A little excess of protein will not make a huge damage to your body, but too many carbs will eventually become fat. But you need carbs to grow! They create fuel for your body, they enhance post-workout recovery and keep your cortisol levels low so the stress doesn’t destroy your body. So, how can you find that golden ratio and get enough carbs, but not too much? Most professional bodybuilders and personal trainers advise loading up on carbs after the workout. This is the ideal way to gain muscles and keep fat from accumulating.

Keep track of your progress

If you’re serious about your muscle gain, you have to keep track of your progress ON PAPER! If you can memorize all your measurements and training statistics, then congrats—you’re a genius, but most of us can’t do that. Writing things down is your safest bet. Putting the numbers of your reps and your weight on paper will increase your chances of reaching your goal. Pro tip: sharing your goal on social media and talking about it with your friends will additionally increase your motivation.

Get enough sleep

Catching enough ZZZs is super important during bulking. If you don’t get 7 or 8 hours a night, you can seriously set yourself back and put your progress in jeopardy. Sleep will recharge your metabolism and optimize your body for fat loss!

If you follow these tips and tricks, you’ll manage to gain muscles and avoid getting fat. You’ll also feel full of energy, both in the gym and out of it, and ready to give 100% towards reaching your dream body.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Ways to Defuse When Life Becomes Too Much

By, Tia Cristy

Ways to Defuse When Life Becomes Too Much

The hustle and bustle of life gets to all of us at some point. It doesn’t matter what your priorities are whether it’s the job, kids, relationships, finances, pets, etc. Sometimes, any and all of it can be overwhelming and frustrating causing you to feel stressed. Here’s a few proven options to defuse before you derail.

Reduce Multitasking

Multitasking was taught to be a good thing, but some studies have recently shown the overload it can put onto the brain when already experiencing stress. Misfires in the brain cause anxiety and depression. Stop the chances of this by taking a step back when you can. Allocate time for each project or priority instead of trying to do them all at the same time. Here’s an example of multitasking without multitasking—laundry. You put a load of clothes in the washer. Well, you’re not going to sit and stare at the machine until it’s done. However, there’s a timer on when you can jump back onto that task and switch the clothes into the dryer. Here’s a bad example of multitasking—making important, yet unrelated, phone calls while paying the bills. It causes the mind to drift into too many directions. A great tip to keep you on track is to set an alarm on your phone, if you must.

Make Time for Yourself, Make Time for Others

Feeling like you’re being pulled into every direction and not having time to take care of yourself can damage your self-esteem as well as your heath. I always say, we need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others properly. We can try, but it might not be our best they’ll receive. But with that in mind, don’t go all selfish, and forget about others. Not making time for others can lead to guilt, depression, anxiety, etc. You need to maintain a healthy balance on the time you allot for self and others. Sometimes you will find the perfect way to balance both at the same time, like a spa day with the girls or a sporting event with the boys. The most important thing is to not spread yourself too thin.

Feed Yourself. Feed Your Brain

It’s true if you aren’t eating right, you might be lacking in some serious nutrients you need to maintain a healthy mind. I commend those that have restricted diets like vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc. However, remember those diets can result in a lack for certain vitamins that can affect your brain-power. When on special diets it’s necessary to consult with a nutritionist to see if you must add supplements into your diet so you can continue to feed your brain.

Another way to feed your brain beyond supplements is to take time out to read a book, do a puzzle, play games. A lot of folks turn to their phones and fall into the social media time warp. This is not the best use of feeding your brain. Drama and negativity has been shown to reduce positive brain functions which can result in causing more stress and depression. So, I’m not saying to stop social medias. I’m saying, don’t get trapped into the pitfalls of misery looking for company that can cross your newsfeeds. And regardless of the many inspirational quotes your come across, don’t let it swallow your time. Most people feel guilty for not accomplishing something due to spending too much time on their social pages. Set an alarm for that task too, if you must.

Not Enough Time in the Day for Doctors

Making time for check ups and appointments is totally important. Think of yourself just as important as your vehicle. If your car needed a checkup, you’d make it happen. So, you need to do it for yourself too. The last thing most of us want to do is take time off for a dentist or a physician, but we eventually will, …at some point. However, overworked, overstressed people aren’t making time for mental health. It’s a serious epidemic in the country and we need to be more diligent in our brain health. In our fast paced society of phone accessible, why not try a therapy app like Talkspace. Taking a moment out of your week to clear your mind with a professional might be just what you need.


Speaking of talking, make sure you communicate with your spouse or partner if you are feeling stressors. Communicating with loved ones can relieve some of the pressure you are carrying on your own. If pressures in life a work build, be sure to defuse for a moment. It can be as simple as going for a walk as a family while leaving the overwhelming messes behind for twenty-minutes. If you need alone time, take a bath, grab a cup of coffee or take an hour and a half to watch that light-hearted movie. There’s always something to do in the day that we feel needs to be done. However, there is only one you, so treat yourself and your mind right. You do this, and you’ll be able to see the important things more clear.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

7 Fitness Benefits of Skating

7 Fitness Benefits of Skating

Skating is a sport that is mainly done for fun by many people. However, there are people who also do skating as a career. Skating is a sport that was formerly done on ice alone. However, advancing times and technology led to several forms of skating like hard surface, snow and ice skating, with each having several subdivisions. In addition to being a fun activity for both the skaters and the spectators, skating has several other benefits. It helps in boosting the body metabolism, and also loss of excess weight and fat accumulation in the body.

Here are the 7 Fitness benefits of skating:

  1. It helps in burning down of calories

It is general knowledge that you have to burn down more calories than your daily consumption of calories to enable faster weight loss. There are other exercises that people do like running and jogging that are aimed at losing the excess body fat. However, this may be very tiresome especially if you are not used to too much running. Skating is a cardiovascular exercise. It causes the heart to pump faster and hence faster metabolism. It is also a fun way to lose the extra pounds.

  1. Skating allows you to build up your muscles faster

Skating is very efficient increasing the body muscles in areas that count like the abs, thighs, calves and even the glutes. This helps because you do not have to go to the gym every day to lift weights so that you can build up your muscle. It can also help you to replace the use of the adjustable dumbbells that are recommended for build-up of muscle with a more fun activity.

  1. It helps you to improve your balance

This may appear naturally to some people but other people have to put in some effort to achieve balance. Balance affects the posture of the body when you are doing activities like walking and standing. Having good balance allows you to use less energy to do these simple activities and therefore get tired less often. Poor posture can sometimes lead to back pain which will require sleeping in a good mattress to correct.

  1. It helps to prevent heart disease

Several conditions that affect the heart including heart attack and stroke can be avoided by doing aerobic exercises frequently. This helps to strengthen the heart and prevent it from being susceptible to these diseases. Skating has been known to increase the rate at which the heart beats easily. This is done by increasing the skating speed especially during competitions. Skating can raise the heartbeat to a very fast rate of 180 beats per minute.

  1. Diabetes control

This is also caused by poor lifestyle and poor diet. The recommended control of this disease is regular cardiovascular exercises. Skating is one of the leading cardiovascular exercises that can be done every day. You do not also require too much skating time every day, 30 minutes is enough. Skating also helps to relieve stress, strengthen the bones and heart and reducing blood sugar levels in the body. Another activity that can help reduces stress in playing ukulele.

  1. It helps to give you more body power

Skating allows most of your body muscles to work out since it is a full work-out routine for your body. It is able to engage all the muscles in your body without any risk of accidents and injuries to the muscles. It is also a strength training exercise that ensures your body is strong and able to resist diseases easily. It promotes stronger bones and reduces the risk of getting fractures and other related bone diseases even as you advance in age.

  1. It allows you to be happy

Aside from the physical happiness, the sport is able to get rid of the bad hormones and replace them with the good ones, which are responsible for stimulating happiness. Being an athlete also requires you to adopt a healthy lifestyle, replacing fats and sugar with eating high fiber food also causes you to have an athletic body which is a source of happiness.

In addition to being a fun activity that is mostly done during the winter, skating has many advantages to the body. Due to its positive effects in helping to reduce stress, preventing diabetes and heart diseases, muscle build-up and even burning up of calories, skating is one of the most beneficial sports for the body.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia