‘Psychiatry’ Isn’t a Bad Word

‘Psychiatry’ Isn’t a Bad Word

Several years ago, the word ‘psychiatry’ had a sigma, just like ‘online dating’. Back then, if you needed therapy, one could feel weak for needing to do so. That’s not the case, then or today. Just look at online dating, it’s practically a way of life for single folks. But as for all folks in general, we need to understand there is a strength that comes from partaking in therapy. Having a healthy mind is more important today than ever before. The technology of today moves so fast. The demands of the job are overwhelming as companies expect one man to do the job of three. Kids with phones basically attached to them are seeing their idols or school mates commit suicide. We as a human race need to protect our minds. Strengthening the brain is like working any other muscle in the body. It takes discipline and routine.

Let’s Get Physical  

Working the brain also happens with physical exercise. Get your heart started. Shut off the phones and tablets and come up with a routine to work your body muscles as well as your brain. Cardio is a great way to heal your brain from depression as well as provide a good oxygen intake that is important for your blood, heart and lungs. Not a gym goer? That’s okay. Walking, running, even skipping causes the brain to strengthen. Remember when you were a kid and you would try to pat your head while rubbing your tummy? That is a brain exercise. Just add in some deep breathing to allow that oxygen to climb to the brain.

Give Me a B

B vitamins have proven to be a great source for improving brain function. Specialty diets, like vegan or gluten-free can strip you from these vitamins if not done properly. Adding in a Super Complex-B vitamin into your daily could provide a balance to your mind. If you need an extra kick to fight off depression or anxiety, talk to your doctor about adding in an Amino Complex. These vitamins and minerals are essential to the brain and all your functions.

Find the Source?

It’s still debatable on if a person needs to find the source of their depression or anxiety to actually heal. Throughout all my research, some therapists believe the brain can heal with or without the original source that has provoked the underline depression or phobia. If you can work with a partner or therapist to pinpoint your issue, fantastic. But if you can’t pinpoint, don’t give up hope thinking this mindset is now your only way of life.

You Are Not Alone

It’s important for all humans to know that they are not alone. There are hotlines to call for help. There are online psychiatrists, chats and counseling available, all hours of the day. If you have children, talk to them about the dangers and finality of suicide. It’s a scary topic, but some kids don’t understand that suicide is a permanent thing. If you or someone you love is fighting with depression or anxiety, call a psychiatrist or reach out to the national suicide prevention hotline 1-800-273-8255.

Dating online with apps might be at the point where nobody shrugs, but we need to do the same for therapy. It’s important. Get your mind healthy. We all get stressed and overwhelmed. But don’t let things add up to where you feel stressed or overwhelmed on a daily basis. Life is a gift. It shouldn’t feel like a curse. Life gets tough, so we can toughen up, but it shouldn’t be a constant struggle. If you feel like it is, then I recommend talking with your doctor about therapy options. Life really is a beautiful thing. Here’s wishing you strong mental health and getting back to good.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How Car Seats Work

By Guest Blogger, Rachel F.

 How Car Seats Work

A car accident is arguably one of the most common causes of injury and death in the United States, and the situation isn’t getting any better as years go by. As responsible parents, the best we can do to get better protection from the perils of the road is to educate both ourselves and our children about the elements of car safety. Fortunately, every car comes with the basic equipment designed to protect you from precisely such an event – a seatbelt, an airbag and so on. When it comes to children, however, the problem is that their small frames can’t really benefit from these safety aids, as they were not designed for them.

That’s where the child’s car seat comes into play, as an additional means of safety you can provide for your little ones. With just a little bit of education, you can learn how to use the car seat to properly protect them. The car seat operates on three different safety principles:

1) The harness that stabilizes your child’s frame at 5 separate points.
2) The impact-absorbent cushions on the side of the seat.
3) The tether that secures the seat and keeps it from moving/falling over.

It might not seem like much, but when put together these three mechanisms are highly beneficial for your child’s safety, some would argue more than a seatbelt. Make sure that the harness kept straight at all times, and that the recline of the seat is at the recommended angle.

For further clarification, please reference the infographic below from Parenting Pod.

car seat info

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Little Annoyances Adding up to Big Marriage Problems?

Little Annoyances Adding up to Big Marriage Problems?

I’m not a fan of the saying, ‘the honeymoon’s over’. Seriously, a honeymoon is about a week out of your entire relationship, so why does it get so much power over a marriage?

I believe relationships tend to have seasons—yes, just like the weather. Sometimes it’s summer and all is roses while other times it’s a hard-hitting hurricane season. However, every season that comes and goes, we as humans expect its arrival and most survive it’s passing. So why can’t couples do the same?

With the divorce ratio getting higher, I think it’s time we all take another look at what is causing marriages and long-term relationships to fail at such a high rate.


It’s the little things that add up

It seems to be the case for most relationships that crumble. The weight of those little things add up to be something so heavy, couples get weary. Being weary is when all the bad can soak in. And then, those little annoyances become huge problems in your relationship. Think about when you are sick. You already feel bad, but it’s excruciating to bump your arm on top of being sick. It’s the same concept, little things make you feel bad, but then pile on those little annoyances after feeling weary and it’s enough to end your relationship. You need to stop that mindset in its tracks. Experts believe those little annoyances are partly the reason you were attracted to your partner to begin with, so in that case it’s time to rest and reboot yourself.


Put on your own oxygen mask first

When you are tired, you need rest. This doesn’t mean sleeping, per se, but clearing your mind and emotions from what you think needs to be done. In most cases, what you think needs to be done is fixing your partner’s annoying little habits. That’s not the case. You can’t fix your partner, you can only fix yourself. Take time to reflect on being a better you.


In the words of Otis Redding, ‘Try a Little Tenderness’

You can’t change your partner, no matter how much you threaten or yell. That method is not only destined for failure, it’s exhausting. After you have made yourself a better partner, you can try some tenderness towards your partner. You already know the things that drive your crazy, but what about your partner? Does it drive your spouse crazy that you leave your wet towel on the chair? Then make an effort not to do it. We all want respect. So by respecting your partner and their wishes, perhaps they will see the change in you and be inspired to change themselves into being a better partner for you.


Sometimes we need an outsider looking in

You’ve worked on yourself and you’ve been giving your partner the respect, but still, nothing has changed? It’s not exactly true, if you have changed. But, sometimes we need someone on the outside to mediate the situation, especially if you’ve approached the concerns and your partner reacts dismissive or causes you to become introverted with your feelings. Seeking help from a marriage counselor is a great way to have an unbiased opinion. Couples therapy can help you and your partner learn how to open up and discuss issues in a healthy way. Did you even know there’s a healthy way to argue? It’s true.

Marriage and long-term relationships take work and lots of communication. Most of all, they take respect and adjustments. That’s why I think relationships are like the seasons. It’s true, we don’t love all the seasons all the time, but there’s no beauty like the first snow fall or the thrill of the lightening storm in spring. Not all relationships are built to last, but most marriages aren’t meant to be as fleeting like a honeymoon. Shovel out the little annoyances before they have a chance to get too heavy.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Solved break-ins due to neighbors with cameras

By Guest Blogger, Paul

Solved break-ins due to neighbors with cameras


With the crime rate on a perennial high these days, it is imperative to rely on technology to capture the criminals. Surveillance cameras, CCTV installations and other security cameras installed in your society and the neighborhood locality can help in reducing the crime rate and solve break-ins. Recently, there were quite a few incidents where a burglary attempt was thwarted or when a long-pending crime case was solved, thanks to neighbors with cameras. Listed below are a couple of examples of that happened a few months back.

The Vancouver Police Department, bothered by the alarming increase in crime rates in its city, decided to let the citizens know about how they can help each other by reducing break-ins and thwarting burglary attempts in their neighborhood. They urged the citizens to be the eyes and ears of everyone else by installing safety cameras in their places. In a city like Vancouver, there were close to 15 residential break-ins on an average, on a single day, which urged the police to take the help of the citizens.

Thanks to cameras, residents became more aware of what was going on around them. When they noticed people loitering aimlessly in their locality, they immediately alerted the police. The residents also started to take note of suspicious movements of people in their areas by logging on to their cameras frequently. If they found any stranger in the backyard of their neighbor’s homes, they informed the right person and also alerted the police accordingly.

Thanks to the huge success of these cameras (also known as Neighborhood Watch or other names), crime rates dropped phenomenally in the Vancouver city. The program was so successful that it was adopted by almost all the neighborhoods in Canada. Through these neighborhood cameras, people began to learn how to make their property and residences less-prone to burglary attempts.

In San Francisco, the neighborhood camera technology assumed another level completely. Here, they have created a society-based website, where the residents of that particular society can log in and have a look at what is happening in the backyard/front yard or other parts of their/their neighbors’ homes. Yes, in these cases, privacy does take a hit, but residents are willing to sacrifice it for their safety. When they spot any suspicious activity in any residence of their society, they broadcast a message on the site, so that the concerned person can view the same. The police are called for immediately, and all burglary attempts are thwarted immediately.

A two-member team was trying to break into a few cars and homes in San Francisco. The thief, who was seen wearing a wig, was caught on the cameras when he was trying to break into one of the homes. The intruder was caught and handed over to the police immediately, by the citizens, thanks to the technological sophistication of these cameras. The thief was caught sitting in the backyard of one of the homes, and she seemed to be lost or confused about something. Her movements were suspicious, and she was only lazing around the porch without going anywhere. She was waiting for the right time to break-in, probably! When the residents spotted this, they immediately broadcasted the message on the common website and got her arrested.

 Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.


How to Zen Out Your Space

By Guest Blogger, Brigitte E.

How to Zen Out Your Space

Our lives are pretty hectic due to busy schedules and the constant urge to please everyone around us which is impossible, and sometimes too stressful. In all these circumstances, we often forget about our own needs and, most importantly, our health. Such a lifestyle leads to insomnia and eating disorders. Our body is our temple, and the only place we actually have to live in, so we’d better take good care of it first. We must learn how to focus on the important things in life and inner peace is definitely one of them. It happens very often that we don’t manage to clean the house or we have to deal with a pile of paperwork on the desk and unsorted laundry. That mess has to be decluttered before it drowns us in the vicious circle of dirt. Although some people are more productive when working under pressure and surrounded by mess, there is nothing better than living in a clean, fresh environment.

The rage for Zen-organized homes became a trend of the modern-day world, and this implies organizing your personal space with simplicity, minimalism and absolute peace. Here are some useful tips on how to turn your home into a laid-back place.

Start with rearranging your personal space

It goes without saying that a messy house equals a messy life. Cleaning your household the right way can turn any home into a safe haven and a private oasis of peace. A Zen-inspired place means owning a minimal amount of furniture, as it opens up the space and makes it easier to vacuum and clean. The furniture should be made of natural materials such as clay, marble and wood, because these bring a sense of tranquility and warmth. Avoid complicated details and dark colors. Keep your kitchen counters clean and dispose of everything from your bathroom shelves that you haven’t used for a long time.

Fresh air is the number one contributor to your health


Make sure to air your rooms frequently since no one likes to live in a stuffy place. In addition, you can even get yourself an air purifier for mold which is a legit game-changer. You can place them in your office, living room or bedroom, and apart from being super quiet, these also remove impurities such as pet hair, smoke and dust. What’s more, they are beneficial to asthmatics and allergy sufferers. Enrich your living room with a few plants or purchase some essential oils, since they raise the level of energy and mental alertness. As for the bedroom, keep it simple. There should be a bed, a closet, one lamp and two nightstands, and to spice it up, add a lavender scent. Lavender is known for repelling insects, but it also helps with stress and anxiety. Scented candles are also a plus as they bring in the warmth and peacefulness.

Choose soothing colors

When in doubt, choose white. White plays an important role when decorating small apartments. You can also go for the mellow colors such as olive, mauve, coral or lavender. These subtle tones are perfect and can lead you straight to the land of tranquility. Purity of lines and open light spaces make us feel unbothered and relaxed.

Keep calm and listen to music


We all deserve a little ‘me time’ once in a while, and what’s better than bonding with yourself in a foaming bubble bath while listening to your favorite music? There are plenty of exceptional artists that can help you get through a stressful day, such as Norah Jones, Bob Marley, Sade or Sia. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let the music shake the stress away. Nothing in this world is worth your anxiety, so seize the moment because, in the end, every little thing is going to be alright.

Get rid of electronic distractions

One TV in the house is enough and it should be placed in the living room. Remove all the cables and wires from your sight and keep your phone chargers in the drawers.

After you have mastered these little life hacks, be brave enough to Zen out your space and sail into a new life filled with vibrancy.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia