Looking For New Wheels? A Guide To Stress-Free Car Buying

Looking For New Wheels? A Guide To Stress-Free Car Buying

If you took a moment to Google new or used cars, you’d be greeted with hundreds of links and adverts. While it’s fantastic to have a choice as a buyer, being inundated with offers and ads can be confusing. With so many makes and models to choose from, how do you go about finding the right car for you? If you’re shopping around for new wheels, here are some tips to make the buying process a breeze.

Image from https://www.flickr.com/photos/p300njb/41030823175

Setting a budget

Perhaps the most important step to take when embarking upon a search for a new car is setting a budget. Buying a car costs money, and it’s always beneficial to work out how much you can spend long before you fall head over heels for a car that is way out of your price range. Figure out how much you have available either to pay out as a lump sum or to put down a deposit and then pay the remaining costs monthly. If you’re looking online, you can set filters to ensure that the results match your budget, and you can organize results based on price. If you’re considering getting a car on finance and spreading the cost over a period of a few years, ensure you can afford the monthly payments, and shop around for deals and special offers. You might find that some dealerships put a contribution towards your down payment, for example. Once you’ve got a budget, you can focus on vehicles that match your requirements.

New versus used

If you’re on the hunt for a new car, think about whether you want a brand new vehicle straight off the forecourt or a used car. New cars have the advantage of being in pristine condition, they won’t have previous owners, and you may have more control over customization options, but it is worth noting that new vehicles lose value very quickly. As you drive away from the dealership, your car will have already lost value. Used cars may not give you the flexibility in terms of color, trim or features, but they often offer better value for money. If you know exactly what kind of car you’d like, but you can’t afford a new model, look for nearly new cars instead. When shopping for a used car, take care when buying from private sellers and be prepared to negotiate with dealers. It’s wise to research in advance to make sure you pay what the car is worth. Taking a car out for a test drive is always a good idea. You can get a feel for the vehicle, gauge comfort and performance levels and see how it runs.

Creating a wish list

Every driver is different, and some people have different priorities and requirements to others. When you’re exploring your options, think carefully about what matters to you most. Are you looking for a family-friendly vehicle with plenty of space and a flawless safety record, or are you searching for a sporty number that offers a thrilling ride? Do you need a versatile car or truck you can use for work, or is fuel economy your main concern? Create a wish list based on your individual preferences. This will help you narrow down the options.


Seeing a car in a showroom or on a garage forecourt is very different to driving a car day in, day out, and this is why research is important. Take your time to compare different contenders, learn more about various makes and models and seek expert advice. If you’re thinking about buying a Chevy, visit an experienced dealer, look at the models that tick the boxes, and take a test drive. Ask questions, get recommendations, and don’t be too hasty when it comes to making a decision. If you don’t have a specific make in mind, visit different dealerships or go to a vendor that sells cars from multiple manufacturers. If you have a short list, mull over the pros and cons, and don’t forget to ask about prices. There may be some room for maneuver if you’re prepared to haggle.

Picture source: https://pixabay.com/photos/autos-autotransport-new-cars-3631086/

Booking a test drive

Looking good is not the only criteria that concerns prospective car buyers. Every model is different, and you might find that some cars are a lot more comfortable than others, some are easier to handle, and some are lighter, quicker, and more responsive. Booking a test drive offers a host of benefits. You can really get a feel for a car when you’re driving around, and you can compare how you feel with other driving experiences. You may find that the car that was leading the way before the test drive doesn’t meet your expectations when you’re behind the wheel, and this is why doing a trial run can be useful. You’ll also get a better idea of the space available inside the vehicle, and you can learn more about the features and gadgets.

Closing the deal

If you’ve found the one, it’s time to close the deal. If you’re taking out a contract and paying monthly, it’s always beneficial to compare prices from different dealers before signing on the dotted line. If you’re paying up front for a new or used car, look out for special offers and try and bring the price down. In many cases, the ticket price is negotiable, and if you’re prepared to drive a hard bargain, you could save yourself a substantial amount of money.

Image via https://kaboompics.com/photo/3721/wheel-of-the-car-bmw-i8

Has your car seen better days, or is your current contract drawing to a close? If you’re searching for a new car, shopping doesn’t have to be stressful. Set a budget, think about what you want and take your time to look at different makes and models, take some for a spin and weigh up the pros and cons. Shop around for the best prices, visit reputable dealerships only, compare used and new cars and give negotiating a go. It’s always useful to be open-minded and to make sure you have all the information you need before you make a final decision.  

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Look After Your Health As You Grow Older

How To Look After Your Health As You Grow Older

Growing older is a fact of life. It may be a fact of life that you’re simply not ready to accept, but nevertheless, it’s one that we all have to deal with at some point. And there’s nothing wrong with growing old, you know? You get a lot more freedom to do what you want to do, with all of the wisdom that you wish you would have had when you were 21. Despite this, you do need to make sure that you’re looking after your health, and there are some ways to do so. We’ve noted down some top tips here!

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Stay fit

When you begin to get older, exercise seems more and more like something that you just don’t want to do. After all, you should be relaxing and enjoying your life now, after working for so many years. However, getting in some exercise, even if you just go for a walk, is vital if you want to be as active as possible in your later years.

You should be doing gentle stretching, weight-bearing exercises, and you should also be sure that you’re not just sitting in a chair for long periods of time. Even a walk to the supermarket, or a stroll around the park, will really help to keep you fighting fit as you grow older!

Look after your sight and hearing

As old age comes around, looking after your sight and hearing is one of the most important things to do. If you find that you can’t hear people talking to you in loud environments – and you would have in the past – then it’s a good idea to look into the best hearing aids for your particular situation, as this could dramatically affect your life.

Additionally, not being able to see as well as you used to may affect you as you grow older. If you’re straining your eyes when you’re trying to read, see the TV, or just generally when you’re out and about, you should visit an optician to see which glasses would help you. If you don’t, then this could also get worse!

Be sure to socialize

One mental health problem that many seniors face is that they slowly become more isolated. This could be for many reasons, but is largely attributed to lower activity levels, a loss of hearing or sight that makes socialising more difficult, or simply a feeling that you may be a burden to your friends and family members.

However, these things should not hold you back when it comes to maintaining your relationships, and forming new ones. There are plenty of people in older age out there, who find new hobbies, meet new people, and do all that they can to go out and have a good time. You don’t need to limit yourself, so seek some support if you’re finding that this is the case!

So, if you want to look after your health as you grow older, then keep these simple tips in mind, and you should be feeling great no matter how many candles are on your birthday cake!

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Good Reasons To Quit Your Job

5 Good Reasons To Quit Your Job

Image Source. Licensed under Creative Commons.

Been thinking of quitting your job? Knowing whether to leave or whether to hang on in there can be difficult. Here are five good reasons to walk away from your job.

You hate your job

Everyone has bad days at work – but if every day is a bad day and you constantly dread going into work, it’s a clear sign you need to quit. Not everyone is able to find a job they love, but there should be enough of a sense of reward to keep you motivated. Your unhappiness with your job could be having a significant negative impact on your general mental health. Regardless of your experience with previous jobs, there is a job out there that will offer you more satisfaction – you just need to be prepared to search for it.

It’s damaging your health

Following on from the previous reason, if a job is damaging your health in any way – either mentally or physically – you should definitely consider quitting. Things to look out for include chronic stress, RSIs and hearing loss. Employers may be able to work with you to offer protection from these health risks, in which case you may not feel you need to quit. However, if not protection is offered, you should most definitely leave (and possibly sue if it’s something that can be guarded against). It’s also possible you may have an unrelated health condition that is aggravated by your work, which could be another reason to quit.

There’s no opportunity for progression

If you feel like you’ve reached a stagnant point in your job in which there’s nowhere left to progress, this could also be a good reason to quit. Finding a new job could give you the progression you’re after whether it’s better pay, more challenges or a more senior role. Of course, some people may be happy doing the same job every day with no variation – there can be a comfort in the routine. However, if this routine turn to boredom and frustration, you know that you’re holding yourself back and it’s time to break free from your comfort zone.

Your goals have changed

It’s also possible your goals may have changed. You may no longer want to stick on the same career path and may be thinking of switching to a new career entirely. Alternatively, your personal goals may have changed, which may interfere with your ability to continue your current job. This could include the desire to relocate or the desire to get an education. You may even want to start a family and may feel that your current job is ill-suited.

You’ve been offered another job

Another job offer can be a good reason to leave. You should however do your research to ensure that this new job is definitely better than your current one. Always take the chance to do an interview so that you can get a better idea of the company.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Subtle Symptoms Of Serious Health Issues

Subtle Symptoms Of Serious Health Issues


In many cases, you will know when you’re ill. There may be aches and pains coming from within you, as well as sickness, skin problems, and persistent coughing. When these symptoms arise and cease to go away, you will hopefully then see your doctor for advice and support.

However, there are often subtle signs of ill health that we could choose to ignore. In some cases, there may be nothing wrong with us at all. On the other hand, if they persist, we should always seek the advice of a medical professional, as they may be symptomatic of serious health issues.

Consider the following.

#1: Bad breath

Okay, so you may just have eaten a piece of garlic bread, so it’s little wonder your breath isn’t as fresh as it could be. On the other hand, you might suffer from bad breath for another reason (and we aren’t just talking about any other foods you have just eaten). For one, it could be a dental-related issue, so you should see your dentist for advice on maintaining a healthy mouth. Alternatively, it could be symptomatic of more serious health concerns, such as diabetes, or a problem within your liver and kidney. So, after cutting down on your garlic intake, and after taking steps to protect your teeth and gums, see your doctor if the problem of bad breath persists.

#2: Tinnitus

Can you hear a ringing in your ear? If there is nobody playing bells in your vicinity, and your smartphone is decidedly silent, then you might well have tinnitus. Around 20% of people suffer from the problem, and while it might not be symptomatic of a health issue at all, it can still lead to health problems because of the stress and irritation it causes. However, it could be a symptom of an underlying condition, such as hearing loss or a problem within your circulatory system, so if you can’t shake those pesky ringing noises, see your audiologist for tinnitus testing. Even if there is nothing seriously wrong with your health, you will at least get guided support on how to manage the problem (as well as a better night’s sleep).

#3: Bloating

Many of us feel bloated after having a large dinner. It’s that sensation of feeling full in the abdomen, which can usually be alleviated by a short walk and a glass of water. However, if you feel bloated on a regular occasion, it could be symptomatic of a serious health condition, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or Crohn’s disease. Bloating might also be symptomatic of a gynecological condition, such as an ovarian cyst or endometriosis. Go and see your doctor for help if bloating is a constant problem for you, and check out the advice here on managing the everyday aspects of the feeling.

Final word

Today then, go and see your doctor, dentist, and audiologist, if you regularly experience the symptoms we have mentioned here. While there could be nothing wrong with you at all, you should still seek expert opinion on the off chance that you do have a more serious health condition.

Take care, and thanks for reading.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Ways of Teaching Young Ones About Death

Ways of Teaching Young Ones About Death

Death is never a topic someone looks forward to discussing. Trying to explain death to your children can be quite overwhelming.  However, it’s severely worse when that discussion becomes inevitable. But how can you approach the subject of death to a child that has had no experience with it? There’s a lot of thought and pressure that goes into a conversation like that, but teaching them about death before it happens to a pet or someone close to the family could save a lot of heart-wrenching questions.

Introduce Death

Everything on this planet has a season or a life span. Introducing death to young ones is as simple as teaching them about the flowers that bloom in the spring. A flower is a great example of life and death. Plants and flowers are so similar to us yet, opposite. Just like us, they need food, water and sunlight. However, we rely on each other for life. We need their oxygen; they need our carbon dioxide. Teaching kids the facts of life and pointing out that death is a fact can help them to generally understand life’s cycle.

Experiencing Death

Sadly, some children are exposed to death at a very early age. Other children are able to make it to late-teens before personally knowing a pet or someone that has passed. Which scenario is better? Neither. They both have their downfalls because a loss is just that… a loss.

Some folks have used goldfish to be a first death experience. It’s a lot less traumatic than losing other pets. As most of us have experienced firsthand that goldfish do not have very long lifespans. A goldfish is a great example of a ‘being’ that must be named, cared for and loved. But once its life is over, parents can teach their child in-depth about loss by having a mini-funeral around the toilet bowl or a shallow grave in the yard. This experience teaches a child that there is honor in life and honor in death.

Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About It

Death isn’t scary. How people die can be. But don’t be afraid to talk about death with your child. Kids are curious, so it’s better to learn from you, the parent, than from other outlets. Death is on TV, video games, the internet, etc. Getting the facts from you is better than your child thinking they have extra lives because that’s how the video game works. Or even worse, they do their own random search of facts that has the potential to scare the crap out of them.

Remember, to also talk to them about your beliefs. Share with them about what you think happens after life. Give them comfort in their questions. Reassure and comfort them when they express their fears. (Yes, they will have some.) And most of all, keep the door of communication open on the subject. They will have questions that popup at any time.

Letting Your Child Mourn

Mourning is a necessary process when losing a loved one. Whether it be a pet or a family member, whether you, yourself are mourning too, allowing your child to know that it’s a normal emotion to feel grief during this time is very important. There are five distinct stages of grief: Denial and isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally, Acceptance. Be reasonable as they process their grief. They might not be where you are in your process. Sometimes children sail through the stages, or they may get stuck on one stage longer than expected. There is family counseling that can help with this subject at any stage. Don’t be afraid to seek help if needed at any point.

Death is a fact of life. But, making it easy for just anyone to understand can be difficult, let alone a child. Teach them that everything on this planet has a lifespan. Perhaps, let them experience an example of death on a less-traumatizing level. Talk with them. Listen to them. And always keep the door of communication open. These things can help build a healthy outlook for your child on the facts of life and death.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

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