Rest Sciatica. Stupid Tip of the Day:

By Tia Cristy

Stupid Tip of the Day: Rest Sciatica.

Many people suffer from Sciatica. It’s a nerve pain that can shoot through the butt all the way down the leg. It happens because nerves are compressed. Sometimes that is because of a herniated disc in the spine. In that case, you need to see a doctor or specialist for treatment options like artificial disc replacement.

But, treating the Sciatica immediately is very important to be able to keep up in your daily life. Resting Sciatica can be the worst decision.

Stretching out the nerves is the only way to get relief. You must push through the pain. That’s why most patients will take prescription pain-relievers, while working out the Sciatica nerves. Talk to your doctor to find out your options, there are non-narcotic pain-relievers on the market.

Tips for working out the Sciatic nerve is, laying on your stomach and arching your back, to prop up on your elbows and hold is a great way to stretch out the right areas. Repeat process several times. Also, walking and swimming have had much success in treating Sciatica. Be sure not to over shoot, with running or lifting while suffering from Sciatica. And yes, rest when needed, but resting to heal, doesn’t work with this compression of the nerves.

Another simple tip to remember is good bedding, such as pillows and mattresses along with activity can help with back care, to prevent or aid after disc replacement.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Rubbing Alcohol Burns Like the Sun. Stupid Tip of the Day:

A fun day at the beach can be a punishing night if your sunblock wore off, or worse, you forgot to put it on. It’s a fact, that rubbing alcohol burns like the sun when you have an open wound on your skin. That is because it rushes to any bacteria or infection to kill it quickly before it can spread into the blood. It’s the best sanitizer on the planet.

However, to what might be a surprise, rubbing alcohol is amazing for sunburn, without causing any pain.

Rubbing Alcohol For Sunburn

I know it sounds crazy to think about blazing sunburn that aches to the brush of a feather could be extinguished by rubbing alcohol of all things, but it’s true.

The rubbing alcohol can penetrate deep down into the layers of skin and put out the fire without causing pain.

You’re Still Cooking

Summer days are wonderful for your health. When you go out into the sun, the sun warms you from the outside in. However, if you aren’t proactive, the sun can cause severe health issues. Picture a chicken in the oven. The chicken cooks from the outside in. That’s why you have to use the right temperature, so the chicken can cook thoroughly, right? Well, in this case, you’re the chicken. Not literally of course. But just like the chicken, the sun bakes your skin to a nice golden tone, hopefully. However, if the sun is really hot and you are not wearing sunblock, you’re going to burn.

When you come in from the sun, your body is still cooking from the inside. Back to the chicken, when you remove it from the oven, it will cool down on the outside, but when you break it open, it is still steaming. That’s how our bodies are; they’re still cooking until they cool down completely.

Quench the Fire

Using rubbing alcohol on your skin after being in the sun will quench that internal fire, so you don’t continue to burn and end up in serious pain later.

Before you shower or relax after being in the sun, splash rubbing alcohol on your skin, being sure to avoid cuts or open sores. The alcohol will absorb into the skin, putting out the heat of the sun quickly.

Add A Little Aloe

After using the rubbing alcohol on your skin, it will feel tight for a few minutes. That is because it is sopping up the extra oils that are acting like cooking oil in your layers of skin. It will relax soon enough, but if you want to add a little moisture back into the skin quickly, apply some aloe. Aloe is good for sunburn as well, so you’ll get a double treatment on your over-cooked skin.

How Long Are the Effects of the Sun?

You can continue to have effects from the sun up to 3 hours after taking shade. Using rubbing alcohol on the skin will extinguish the continuing burning from the inside, and out. 

Only use rubbing alcohol if you don’t have open wounds and you don’t have any adverse reactions to alcohol.

Be sure to apply sunscreen a half-hour before spending time in the sun. It allows the sunblock to set before being exposed to harmful UV rays. Stay safe when out in the sun. Be sure to have places and areas to take shade when needed. Most of all, stay hydrated when spending time out in the sun.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Bleach Kills Everything. Stupid Tip of the Day:

By Tia Cristy

Stupid Tip of the Day: Bleach Kills Everything.

Bleach is a great sterilizer, and it can kill many germs and bacteria. But, it isn’t the strongest fungicide if you have mold. Yes, it will kill molds and mildew. But, it’s best feature is wiping out germs and bacteria.  

Mold has roots that can grow down deep, and bleach will tend to only kill and remove surface mold, sometimes missing the root. That allows the mold to come back again and again, multiplying down at it’s roots.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide on mold is the best plan of attack, on molds. It can penetrate deep into the surface a kill if off, without the return of it, from the same mold source.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Open a Window to Let in Fresh Air. Stupid Tip of the Day:

By Tia Cristy

Stupid Tip of the Day: Open a Window to Let in Fresh Air.

Letting in fresh air, is always a good idea, but if the air isn’t so fresh for allergy suffers, opening a window on a high pollen day, can be very a bad idea, especially on a breezy day. The pollen or molds will find their way, right through the open windows and cover an allergy suffers, breathing space.

I understand it may not be hot outside, but if the house is hot or stagnate, turn on the central air or air conditioner for a little while, with using fans to circulate the cool. About 10 to 20 minutes should be sufficient to clear the air. when the house feels balanced, shut off the air, while letting the fans continue circulation for the day.

Your sinuses will appreciate not letting the pollen and molds in your living space. Finding out what the pollen and mold counts are for the week is simple, the weather forecaster’s will inform viewers along with the weather.

Tips from Tia is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me!

By Tia Cristy

Can’t Put Sneakers in the Washer. Stupid Tip of the Day:

By Tia Cristy

The Answer is ‘YES’

Actually, you can put sneakers in the wash, I just think there are some ground rules in doing so, for example…

I wouldn’t recommend washing more than 2-3 pairs at a time.

Wash like colors together, unless you want your white sneakers to not be so white any more.

Prepare for the noise. Washing sneakers will be loud, so do it when you won’t be disturbed by the noise.

But Here’s some ‘Don’ts’

Don’t wash sneakers with clothes. To me, it seems to be equivalent to rolling around on the ground outside, everywhere you go. We don’t do that, usually anyway.

Don’t put sneaker in the wash alone, they’ll be fine, but your washer would probably appreciate the padding. So, put in a couple of old towels or a fabric drop cloth to brace the washer and dryer during cycles.

Don’t remove the shoe laces, and forget to wash the laces. I know from experience, the colors won’t match later.

And, for a deeper clean add a little vinegar to the wash with the detergent.

Don’t forget to wipe down the inside of the washer if shoes were pretty dirty. A quick swipe with a slightly soapy rag or vinegar soaked rag will do the trick.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.