Category Archives: SEX & LIFE

3 Gestures to Show Your Loved Ones That You Care

3 Gestures to Show Your Loved Ones That You Care

Image via Pixabay


In life, we frequently preoccupy ourselves with all kinds of considerations, ranging to deep anxieties and hopes for our professional lives, five-year plans for our financial future, or our property portfolio, and maybe writing a bestselling novel somewhere down the line.


While there are many significant things that we can choose to preoccupy ourselves with in life, however, our loved ones invariably come first. Life just wouldn’t be worth it without those precious people who we hold dear.


Bearing that in mind, it’s important to remember to pause every once in a while — no matter how busy or ambitious you may be — in order to remind your loved ones how much they mean to you.


There are certain gestures that can show your loved ones you care. Some of these are ritualised and focus on material goods. For example, you can read this James Allen review to get a sense of the significant role of diamonds in wedding rings.


Here are a few more everyday gestures that you can make for the sake of reminding those special people that they’re special to you.


Simply make the time to talk and listen to them


It’s one of the easiest things in the world to stop what you’re doing and listen to someone else when they’ve got something to say to you, but many of us are so distracted and constantly on the move, that we routinely fail to make time to talk and listen to our loved ones the way we should.


Nobody wants to be the parent who brushes their child off when they’re trying to proudly show off their latest drawing, and no one wants to be the distracted spouse who ignores their significant other’s small talk and instead checks up on business emails on their phone.


These things happen accidentally, but they do happen, and the effects can be devastating. Make the time to pause, pay attention, listen, and talk with your loved ones.


Recommend doing fun things that you know they want to do


As human beings, we’re generally inclined to try and push in favour of our own interests. If your significant other wants to watch a particular movie but you don’t want to, you’ll likely write the idea off, for example.


While it’s good to stand your own ground and push for your own interests in a relationship, a great way to show that you care can be to recommend doing fun things that you know your loved ones want to do, even if you, yourself, aren’t necessarily crazy about the idea.


Be a source of joy and brightness in their lives, especially when times are dark


No one is positive or happy all the time, but it’s important to understand that the people you care most about in this world likely look to you for comfort and strength in the times when they feel at their lowest.


Simply working on yourself to see the positive in life, to be optimistic and proactive, and to offer words of encouragement when needed, can result in a significant boost to the wellbeing of your loved ones.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Cloth Menstrual Pads vs Disposables: Which is Right for You?

Cloth Menstrual Pads vs Disposables: Which is Right for You?


Whether disposable or reusable, choosing the kind of menstrual pad you want to hold your period falls on you and the kind of lifestyle you live. However, as of recently, there has been an alarming concern for disposable pads due to their impact on the environment and harmful chemicals.


In all fairness though, both cloth and disposable menstrual pads have their ups and downs. So we’re going to open up on the pros and cons of both pads to find out which of them is more beneficial for you, your health and mother nature for that matter.

1.   Disposable Pads





  • Convenient: Some of the best parts about disposable pads is that they’re, well….disposable. Once you’re done with them, you can throw them away and that’s that. What’s also more interesting is that disposable pads can be bought from anywhere and not just health stores or online. Another great takeaway of these pads is that you virtually never run out. In fact, you can stash as much of them without having your husband or other family member run out to the drugstore to get them for you.
  • Smaller Upfront Cost: Buying disposable pads to cover one cycle is easier than buying the same amount of cloth pads to cover one cycle. What’s more is that you don’t need to buy more pads for your next period since you’ll already have a stash of them at home.



  • Harmful Chemicals: Because disposable pads are whitened with chlorine bleach, a toxic byproduct called dioxin is produced. These pads also contain pesticide residue and plastic chemicals. These chemicals are dangerous due to our skin being highly permeable, especially the skin in and around the vagina.
  • Potential Environmental Impact: It is reported that around 20 billion pads, tampons and applicators end up at landfills, that too in North America alone. And because they’re made of plastic, they take centuries to biodegrade, especially if they’re packed in plastic bags.
  • Higher Cost: Since they’re known as disposable pads, it will eventually come to a point where you will have to buy some new ones. This process is apparently more expensive than buying cloth pads since the latter are reusable.


2.   Reusable Cloth Pads





  • Better For The Environment: Let’s get this out of the way first – the reason why cloth pads are much better option is due to their reusable quality. As such, it keeps them away from landfills, which is a big deal when you consider the number of feminine products that one woman uses in her entire lifetime.
  • Savings: If you buy enough cloth pads to cover an entire menstrual cycle, it could save you up on more than what a pack of disposable pads would cost you. Better yet, once you have those reusable pads with you, you won’t have to buy another tampon or pad for over five years. Hence, reusable pads can save you on plenty of money overtime than disposable pads.
  • Highly Customizable: There are plenty of customizable options available for cloth pads than you can get for disposable pads at your local drugstore. Apart from choosing the best size and absorbency for your convenience, you also get to choose the best colors and patterns that represent your personal style.
  • It’s Less Irritating: Cloth pads are less irritating because they’re made of soft, breathable fabrics that permit air flow. Due to this, women experience less chafing and sweating when using cloth pads. There are also some women whose skins are sensitive to the bleaching agent that are used to make disposable pads white – that’s why switching over to cloth pads are the best option for them. Some women even reported to have experienced less PMS and menstrual cramps upon switching to cloth pads.



  • They Require Great Care: Cloth pads are not like disposable pads where you can just fling them into the trash bin after using them once. And that’s exactly why they’re known as reusable. After using, they need to be washed to avoid getting stains. Then just toss them into the washing machine like you would your laundry. Keep away from fabric softeners as it could affect the absorbency of the pads. Whether you can machine-dry the pads or not depends on the brand as well as the materials they’re made from.
  • Lots of Trial And Error To Find the Right One: Unlike clothes, you can’t try a cloth pad in a fitting room before you decide to buy it. Since there are pads of various sizes, one can only guess which one is the right fit for you. One good advice is that if you use disposable pads, you can check their size out to find the cloth pad that is of similar size. You will find that most sellers list the measurements of their pads, making your job easier in finding the one you need.



Even though they both have their shortcomings, it is ultimately reusable cloth pads that take away the trophy due to their eco-friendly and affordable nature attributes. The best cloth pads are those that are just the right size, contain less or no harmful chemicals and have a longer shelf life.


Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Using Online Dating to Meet Someone Special

Using Online Dating to Meet Someone Special


Most people would love to meet someone special to share their lives with. However, for one reason or another, this never happens. This could be due to  not having the time to go out and socialize, not being around the right type of people, or even having a total lack of confidence when it comes to meeting someone new in person. Fortunately, one thing that has helped those in this type of situation is online dating.

In today’s digital era, it is only natural that people go online to make new friends and to meet someone special. While online dating is not for everyone, it is ideal for those who struggle for time, lack confidence, or simply don’t get the opportunity to meet new people in social circles. When you use online dating sites, it is far easier to find and connect with people who you get along with and are attracted to, and who you would like to get to know better.

Some Tips to Remember

If you are thinking of online dating, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. First off, some people are nervous about meeting a person face-to-face even after chatting online with them. For some, this could stem from fears over safety. If you are concerned about meeting the person with whom you have been chatting, you can always search public records online to find out more about them.

It is also important to spend some time chatting to the person you are interested in online before you actually arrange to meet. You will find that this is a great way to build a rapport and determine whether there is chemistry between you. At the same time, it is ideal for those that lack confidence because your confidence will build up as you get to know the person online. In addition, it is worth making sure you have some face- to- face conversations using online chat and video tools, as this will provide you with greater peace of mind and make you feel  totally comfortable before you arrange a meeting in person.

When you finally do arrange to meet the person you are interested in, you should think carefully about where you meet. For your first meeting, make sure you meet up in a place that is public and where there are plenty of people around. In addition, make sure you let someone you trust know where you are meeting and who the person is, just as a precaution. This will help to ensure your safety and provide you with greater peace of mind.

By taking these factors into consideration when you meet someone new online, you will be able to enjoy being part of the dating game without compromising your safety. You can then look forward to meeting that special someone and developing a long-term relationship.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Get Out There and Meet People When You’re Feeling Isolated

How to Get Out There and Meet People When You’re Feeling Isolated

Feeling isolated is never nice, and finding ways to dig yourself out of those feelings and those situations can be even tougher. But it can be done. If you want to meet new people, you simply have to find ways of putting yourself in new situations. That applies whether you’re looking for a new romantic relationship or just new friends to hang out with at the weekends.


Of course, you’ll have to overcome the anxiety of meeting people, but many of the ideas we’re going to talk about below allow you to meet people in a more organic way. It doesn’t have to be about meeting new people; it can happen naturally via other means. So read on to find out plenty more about the things you can do to meet new people when you’re feeling isolated.


Build Up to Meeting People First


If you are looking to date people, you should build up to the process of meeting them gradually because this can make it easier on you. With online dating, this is easier than it’s ever been. Or you can make use of phone chat in your area to meet people. It’s up to you how you go about doing this, but just make sure that it’s safe and that you’re comfortable to meet up before you go ahead and do so.


Take an Evening Class


Evening classes offer you the perfect way to meet people, and you’ll learn something useful at the same time. Perhaps you’ve been meaning to learn how to cook or how to speak a new language. That’s something that you can do by taking evening classes, and there’ll be plenty of people around you are in exactly the same situation too, so you won’t have any problems at all meeting new people.


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Find a Hobby and Meet People Through It


When you have a hobby that you spend plenty of your time on, you will probably meet new people. So all you need to do is find the hobby that’s going to work for you and that’ll allow you to meet new people on a pretty regular basis. It could be dancing, ice skating or painting. It’s entirely up to you, just make sure it involves being around new people. It’s easier than you think.


Don’t Say No When Your Friends Want You to Go Out With Them


When you’re feeling isolated, it’s easy to ignore the fact that you do have friends out there who want to spend time with you. Even if they’re not offering the type of companionship you’re looking for right now, it still helps to spend time with them and to get out there in order to meet new people. So when they ask you to go out, you should say yes and embrace the opportunity to put yourself in social situations.


Attend Singles Events


Singles events are ideal for anyone looking to meet potential romantic partners. These events can be daunting for many people, but they really don’t have to be. When you actually attend them, you quickly realise that everyone is as daunted as you, and you quickly get into the flow of things very easily. You will meet all sorts of people, and they could turn out to be future friends or more.


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Get to Know Colleagues Outside of Work


This might sound like an obvious one but many people are still hesitant to take their workplace friendships outside of the office. But you can actually build very strong relationships with colleagues if you get to know them better outside of work. There’s so much more to people than what you see of them at work, and you’ll learn that very quickly if you do spend time with them out of the office.


Don’t Stress Over It


Finally, you should try not to get stressed out over all this so much. When you feel like you need to meet new people, you put pressure on yourself and that’s simply not necessary. If you take a more organic approach to all this and stop putting so much pressure on yourself, you’ll achieve a lot more than you expect.


It can often feel really difficult to meet new people, but you should remember that there are plenty of people out there who are feeling exactly the same way as you, and they just want to meet people too, so this doesn’t need to be a daunting thing for you. It’s a lot easier than you imagine.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Prepping for the Biggest Destinations

Prepping for the Biggest Destinations

Travelling to another country is probably one of the most exciting experiences a person can have. But at the same time, preparing for the trip can be such an overwhelming process… I know how much getting the right tips for your destination can be tricky and so today, I would like to share one of my favorite sources with you. The guys at Insidr have spent a lot of time gathering the best tips for the biggest destinations in Europe like Paris, Madrid, Venice, and London.

I made a small selection of their best articles on some of my favourite destinations, but you should definitely check their whole website out! You’ll see that they not only suggest travel itineraries like 2 days in Amsterdam, they also cover talk about very specific topics like finding gluten free restaurants in Paris!

Known for being the city of lights, of great food, and sometimes, even romance, Paris is perhaps on everybody’s list of dream destinations. But while a lot of people dream about their trip, most of them forget about the practicalities when traveling to a foreign country, with a different language and environment no less. At Insidr, I came across these interesting articles that have answered so many of my own questions! For example, honest tips about the public transport in Paris or how to get to Paris from the airport (Orly / CDG), and even going so far as writing up a guide to getting your own Navigo Pass. I particularly found the list of common scams to avoid to be really eye-opening! They also help with coming up with interesting things to do on Sundays in Paris and when traveling to Paris with kids!

A lot of you know how much I love hunting down the best cafes, restaurants, and the latest food trends. It’s really no secret that I’m a big foodie. So when I read the articles Insidr published about the best macarons, creperies and croissants in Paris, I nearly booked myself a flight! I also loved how they put out a list of  Paris’ coolest hidden cocktail bars, best outdoor food markets, and even where to eat gluten free food because those are the kinds of places only locals would know about. It was through them as well that I found out about how great Galeries Lafayette’s gourmet selections are and that they actually have cooking classes! I used to think it was just a place for shopping luxury goods!

No matter how many times you’ve been to Paris, there’s always something new to discover or something old to come back for. They write a lot about the places to see in Paris and about the must-do things there! For example, they published an article that helps travelers decide on the perfect river or canal cruise in the city! And if walking is more up your alley, their article on the most beautiful bridges in Paris is really interesting, too!

To me, France is probably one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Of course nothing compares to Paris but the country is even more beautiful beyond the capital. And I’m not just talking about taking a day trip to Versailles. With a perfect mix of nature, heritage, culinary delights, and culture, I could never recommend you enough to experience what the other towns have to offer. I think the articles at Insidr are the perfect guide to these hidden treasures! For those who are into history, you cannot miss the D-Day Beaches as well as the Mont Saint Michel area in the northern part of the country. And while you’re in the area, don’t forget to hit some of France’s quaint and charming towns like Dinan, Cancale, Bayeux, Etretat, Honfleur, Deauville and Saint Malo. And don’t leave Paris before visiting Giverny to marvel at Monet’s house and garden.

Insidr recently released their new detailed recommendations and tips on Venice, the gem of Northern Italy. You’ll find a lot of detailed and updated information on several famous sights, including Piazza San Marco, Grand Canal, or Lido. The basics are covered as well, with what to eat, where to stay, and what to do while visiting beautiful Venice. Detailed transportation info (including canal navigation!) is also included.

If you haven’t been to London, the only thing I can tell you is to go! And If you’ve already been before – go again! The Insidr articles I read about London made me realize how it is such a special city with infinite things to do! I love how they prepared guides and recommendations on London’s different neighborhoods like Westminster, Camden, Shoreditch, Notting Hill, things to do near London Bridge, Covent Garden and Greenwich.

They didn’t leave the important practical stuff out either! You’ll save a ton of money on Uber or taxi rides after reading their guide to public transportation in the city and how to get to and from the local airports.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.