Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

How To Make Informed Health Decisions

How To Make Informed Health Decisions

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The health decisions you make today can determine your quality of life. Your health is invaluable and deserves all the attention you can give it. The question, therefore, is how to make these informed decisions and ensure that they reflect in your life. Thankfully, there is a vast amount of health information to guide you in this process, but where and how do you begin? Approximately 81% of adults rely on their research to make big life decisions. If that is anything to go by, your health decision comes on top. Here are some helpful tips to guide you in making informed health decisions.

1. Research and verify information

Using the internet for health-related research makes sense because it is the digital age. Information is readily accessible at your fingertips, and with a tap or click of a few buttons, you have almost every data you require. Be mindful, however, because not every information on the internet is accurate or reliable. The tip is to rely on credible sources for your information. Research credible medical websites and peer-reviewed journals before deciding on your health. The secret of these sites is that they always have up-to-date information based on evidence and scientific research. 

Another noteworthy point is cross-checking any health information you come across. That is to ensure consistency, verification, and accuracy. The more verification you do, the more informed your health decisions will be. Even better, it will help you cut down on unnecessary health costs if you haven’t done any research.

2. Consult healthcare professionals

Qualified healthcare professionals are your most reliable sources for anything regarding your health. They are the right persons to approach for personalized advice and recommendations to boost your overall well-being. Openness and honesty with your primary care doctor or specialist is vital. Being truthful about your concerns, symptoms, and medications provides them with ample and correct background to help you. Withholding relevant information can work against any informed decision you wish to make about your health.

Your healthcare provider must understand your situation better to provide the appropriate guidance. It is equally important to ask questions and seek clarification on medical terms your healthcare professional uses. The last thing you want is to gloss over medical jargon only to find yourself confused about certain issues relating to your health. Do not restrict your consultation to mainstream health concerns only. It is advisable to expand your reach from dental to auditory health. Depending on where you go, you may even benefit from a free hearing test.


3. Have a budget

US healthcare is expensive, making it imperative to prepare adequately for it. However, you must first understand the options available, especially regarding health insurance. Remember to compare different health insurance packages to find the best one. Some packages or policies have wider coverage you may find useful in the short or long term. Don’t wait to learn the hard way before making informed health decisions.
For many reasons, a budget is good for the future, as it cushions you in unforeseen circumstances. You might have retired and do not have a regular income. This is a common situation many find themselves in. However, having a budget and keeping at it for years will save you from such future inconveniences. If you are not insured, start finding out what is required and how to be eligible. Aside from the main health budget, it would help to have about 10% of it kept away as a backup.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

6 Lifestyle Changes For Better Hearing Health

6 Lifestyle Changes For Better Hearing Health

Your ears share a strong bond with the rest of your body. Therefore, taking good care of them is essential. Developing good habits for overall wellness can improve your hearing, too. According to research, you can even prevent some forms of hearing loss with some adjustments. On that note, consider making these positive lifestyle changes to support your hearing health.

1. Eat healthily

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Working on your nutrition is a vital step for better hearing health. There is an established link between diet and the risks of developing tinnitus, which impacts the inner ear’s sensitivity to noise. One study found that Vitamin D decreases hearing difficulties while consuming fruits, vegetables, and lean meats is also healthy for your ears. Your health may be in danger if you overindulge in unhealthy meals, including excessively processed foods. Focus on healthy and balanced diets rich in natural foods and reduce saturated fats and sodium intake.

2. Do light exercises

The CDC suggests that exercise reduces your risk of experiencing a range of debilitating conditions, including diabetes, cancers, and heart diseases. Physical activity also reduces anxiety, depression, and dementia symptoms. Apart from this, it also boosts cardiovascular health, which can help prevent age-related hearing loss. Just ensure you don’t over-exercise. 15 to 30 minutes of light exercise is enough to fire up your blood circulation, which is good for your hearing health. You can always work out with experts to reduce the risks of injury.

3. Prioritize routine hearing exams

 Another positive lifestyle habit that benefits hearing health is scheduling routine hearing exams with audiologists. Booking an annual hearing exam is crucial as you get older. It can help diagnose potential hearing impairment before the situation becomes worse. Experienced audiologists can test your hearing and help you select the most effective hearing aids to overcome hearing loss issues. However, choosing the best hearing aid specialists can be challenging, especially if you don’t know where to look. Consider typing  licensed audiologist near me, and you will find a reliable hearing care professional in your area.

4. Avoid cigarettes and secondhand smoke

According to research, secondhand smoke can increase hearing loss risks. Cigarettes don’t only weaken your central nervous system and impact your blood pressure; the smoke can block the eustachian tube, leading to hearing loss problems. Avoiding cigarettes and secondhand smoke is a smart decision.

5. Sleep enough

It would be best to get good quality sleep as it refreshes your brain and improves hearing. Those who sleep better have high temporal lobe activity. This part of the brain processes sound, which is key to hearing health. Lack of sleep can make your blood flow poor, harming the inner ear. Enough sleep provides health benefits such as robust immunity and energy to keep your hearing system in great condition.

6. Stay away from excessive noise

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Overly loud noises are among the most dangerous things that can hurt your hearing health. Tinnitus and noise-induced hearing loss often occur due to exposure to harsh sounds. These conditions can spark isolation, anxiety, and depressive feelings since your mental and physical health are closely linked. Consider wearing hearing protection when you find yourself in excessive noise environments. 

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Home Renovation = Excellent Investment Choice: Here’s How

Home Renovation = Excellent Investment Choice: Here’s How

As a homeowner, there is every chance that you bought your first home with the view of it being something you sell in the future for an upgrade. Some homeowners like to renovate for the property value they receive but others do so because homes go through wear and tear over time. This adds to your workload on your home, but some renovations are a necessity. Most people actually put off renovating. They know that it’s going to be a cost and if they’re doing the renovations themselves, it’s going to take some time and effort.

Image source: Pexels


The fact is, however, that putting money into your home is going to be a good investment. Making space for renovations is also an excellent investment, and the condition of your house is going to be so much better if you keep up with those renovations! You can do it yourself by hiring the right equipment, but it’s always a good idea to speak to an expert. Depending on the renovation, you will want to get this right without having to make a mistake and pay all over again. So, here’s how your renovations will be an exciting investment in your home:

  • You will increase the way your home functions. One of the biggest benefits and reasons behind any renovation is increasing the function of the house. Planned renovations can allow your home to become more comfortable for living in and you can be sure that your home will function better. Adding an extra bathroom or bedroom will improve the value of the house and it’ll help you to really improve your lifestyle, too.
  • You can tailor your renovations to your lifestyle. Some renovations are an expensive project, but so worth it! You’ll find that if you want to upgrade your home exterior and add a pool, you’ll give yourself somewhere to exercise and add value. You can even create a lot more space by remodeling the house to your lifestyle. 
  • You’ll take down the cost of maintenance. Repairs and maintenance can often be way more expensive if you don’t renovate regularly. Keeping on top of issues with the house is going to cost you in the long run and your home will deteriorate, meaning that your renovations are going to be much bigger than you anticipated. 
  • Reducing your energy bills. A byproduct of investing in home renovation is a cut to the cost of energy bills. You’ll ensure that you save money when you focus on energy-saving upgrades. From better appliances to energy-efficient frames on the windows, you’ll save money in the long run!
  • Improving the house value. The renovations that you make now will improve the value of the house and ensure that you see the value of your house go up significantly. After your project is done you can list your home for a higher cost. The money you invested into renovating will come back to you after the sale and it’s worth it!

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Unlocking Potential: 5 Benefits of Converting Your Basement

Unlocking Potential: 5 Benefits of Converting Your Basement

If you live in an old property, you may have a basement. According to the Census Bureau’s Survey of Construction, around 40% of homes built in 2000 had a basement. By 2013, the figure showed that less than one-third of properties built had a basement. Basements are a downward trend. The reason for it is simple: Most people don’t make use of their basements. As such, new builds do not include a basement. 


That being said, if you find yourself nodding to it because you have a basement and have not found any way of making the most of this, it’s time for a change. Here are some smart ideas to convert the space and inject some much-needed purpose. Still unsure about the benefits of converting your basement? Here’s what you could gain!

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Reducing humidity at home

Basements are notorious for their tendency to accumulate moisture, leading to increased humidity levels throughout the home. The first thing you’ll notice when you finish and insulate your basement is how much the humidity level will drop inside your home!

Converting your basement can create a more comfortable and healthier living environment. As you can prevent moisture from seeping into the basement, you can also avoid mold growth and potential health issues. 

Gaining additional living space

What do you use your basement for? An unconverted basement is often a space where people end up storing all unwanted items. Unfortunately, this is not a smart move. 

Firstly, because items in your unfinished basement are exposed to moisture levels, dust, mold spores, and even pests. You will find that the best way to deal with those when you start your basement conversion is by calling a specialist junk removal company as most belongings will not be in good condition anymore. 

Secondly, because the basement becomes unusable as it is packed with junk. 

As such, converting your basement can significantly extend your living space. 

Regulating indoor temperature

Basements are not just humid. They also have a reputation for being cooler than the rest of the house, particularly in the winter. Once you insulate the basement properly, you can gain more control over the indoor temperature. This will considerably affect your energy costs!


Creating a distraction-free home office

In an era where remote work and flexible schedules are becoming increasingly common, having a designated workspace at home has never been more important. Converting your basement into a home office offers numerous benefits. It provides a secluded environment away from the hustle and bustle of the main living areas, allowing you to focus in peace.  

Additionally, having a dedicated workplace at home can help you remain productive and relevant in your field of expertise. 

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Increasing property value

Let’s be realistic. Nowadays, homebuyers are looking for properties that can offer more space. As such, a well-executed basement conversion can meet their expectations and enhance your property value. This can attract potential buyers as it not only reduces common basement-related issues, such as humidity but also enhances the functions of the living space. A converted basement can definitely set your home apart in a competitive real estate market!

Are you considering converting your basement? This is a fantastic solution to inject some much-needed love and purpose into a traditionally underused space. 

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Al Fresco Living: Your Ticket to the Good (Outdoor) Life

Al Fresco Living: Your Ticket to the Good (Outdoor) Life

It is true that nature’s bounty doesn’t end at dirt and bugs; instead, it offers opportunities for fresh air, roasting marshmallows, and soaking up glorious sunshine – not unlike alfresco living – an appealing lifestyle concept that brings the outdoors in by blurring boundaries between indoors and out, making outdoor spaces as comfortable for living as any indoor space is.

Photo by Kate Tandy on Unsplash

The Charm of Alfresco Living 

Alfresco living, is more than just a trend; it’s a lifestyle decision with its own set of charm. Alfresco living means making outdoor spaces part of your everyday living space for maximum pleasure and comfort. Imagine this: the comfort of your backyard, with a book, tea, birdsong, and you. Or even better: romantic dinner under the stars without needing reservations or worrying about what to wear! Alfresco living is about embracing the freedom and flexibility that comes from following the sun and stars; giving your life some extra breathing room. So are you ready to step outside? But before moving your sofa and coffee table outside, let’s delve deeper into creating that ideal alfresco living space from scratch.


Doing it All – From Scratch

So you want to enter the alfresco lifestyle but don’t know where to begin? Worry not; creating your alfresco oasis from scratch is simple. Here is our step-by-step guide on creating your very own open-air oasis!

  • Step one of outdoor space design should always begin by identifying your space – this step acts like selecting a room layout indoors but involves fresh air and bird interference! From small balconies and mid-size patios to expansive lawns and spaces in between, identify what area needs transformation.
  • After this, you need to determine its purpose. Is it meant as a peaceful area for reading and relaxation, a place for summer barbecues and gatherings, or even an area for your children to play in? Knowing how you plan on using your area will guide your choice of furniture, accessories, and layout choices.
  • Furniture selection should include durable pieces that are both sturdy and waterproof; choose pieces that meet your style preferences such as nautical, boho, or modern minimalist themes to complete the look of your outdoor space. Remember that outdoor spaces are extensions of interior styles.
  • At this point, let’s address flooring. To truly enjoy alfresco living, outdoor terracotta tiles can make an outdoor space feel Mediterranean! Sun-baked clay tiles like these make an excellent choice due to their high density and moisture resistance – plus, over time they develop an irresistibly rustic chic patina! However, remember these red beauties may become slippery when wet so it may be worthwhile considering or opting for anti-slip options as alfresco living should not involve slippery slipperiness!
  • After that comes the fun part – accessorizing. Consider adding fairy lights for a soft warm glow, potted plants for some added greenery, and perhaps an outdoor rug to add comfort – your alfresco abode is now ready for its first sunset soiree!

But we aren’t finished yet: every story comes with its own warning; alfresco living is no different.

The Don’ts of Alfresco Living

As part of creating the ultimate alfresco living atmosphere, there are some pitfalls you should try and avoid. 

  • Most importantly, don’t overcrowd your space; that wrought-iron bistro set might look lovely, and who could resist adding life-sized gnome statues to their garden decor… but remember, relaxed outdoor living should not feel like yard sale shopping; let it all breathe freely in its space.
  • Next, don’t overlook the weather. This goes beyond selecting weatherproof furniture; it means taking into account climate realities when planning outdoor living space. If you live in a sunbaked desert, a shade structure is absolutely essential; in a mosquito-ridden swamp area, some type of bug-zapping device might come in handy; rain could turn an alfresco dinner into a soggy sandwich affair in an instant!
  • Keep up on maintenance. Outdoor spaces need regular upkeep to look their best; otherwise, that chic Spanish villa look can quickly degenerate into haunted-house territory. Keep your alfresco space clean, tidy, and ready for action.
  • Never overlook lighting when designing an outdoor area. Without proper illumination, an otherwise beautiful design can quickly fade after sunset without adequate solar-powered garden lights, lanterns, or string lights to add ambiance and keep parties going well into the night.

Photo by Nick de Partee on Unsplash


Conclusion: Breathe In, Chill Out

And there you have it; your guide to alfresco living! Remember it’s not about creating the ideal space; rather it should reflect you! So take some deep breaths of fresh air, unwind beneath an open sky, and enjoy life outdoors – are you ready to live alfresco?

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.