All posts by TipsfromTia

Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

Designing Your Home For Both Style And Comfort

Designing Your Home For Both Style And Comfort

When you first buy a house, the idea of filling it with things can easily seem overwhelming. Going through the process of getting a mortgage and purchasing the property can be difficult enough, let alone the task of finding all of the perfect things to make it your own. However, the utility of a house is directly proportional to the value of the things that occupy it. While a bare room will do a pretty good job of keeping you warm and protecting you from the elements, it is still a long way from being habitable in the modern sense of the word. The task of organizing your house becomes more difficult when you start to think that there are so many different rooms. There is the living room, which will need to be comfortable as well as conducive to hosting guests. There is then the dining room which necessitates that you have a table and chairs. If you are planning your home around a family, you will also need to think about items specific to a baby or small child like a high chair. It is also important to make sure that this room is easily cleaned. A carpet may not be a good choice since it is so much harder to clean when food and drinks are inevitably spilled. The kitchen is another crucial part of your house, especially if you spend a lot of time cooking because you enjoy it. Designing it in such a way that it suits your needs and your style is obviously important. There is then the bathroom as well as several bedrooms.


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What makes this task outright intimidating is that many homes, at least the ones that are well designed, will have a cohesive, consistent style. A home should have homeostasis, which means each part should compliment the others and produce an amenable and livable equilibrium. This is why it is difficult to decorate a room in isolation because how you choose to style it will always be informed by the style of the rooms around it. Designing a house from scratch, therefore, requires a great deal of preparation and thought. You may be tempted to make a start right away so that you can feel as if you are making some progress. You can only truly relax once it is all done, after all. However, this is not a good idea because you may design one room and then find that it simply clashes too much with your plans with everywhere else. You could easily paint yourself into a corner in so far as you will be designing the other rooms in response to the first one. A holistic approach is best.


However, there are some things that you just have to have if your home is going to be comfortable and stylish. Here are a few things that you should spend lots of time thinking about. Smart investments are the best investments.


This is never more true than when it comes to your mattress. It is estimated that people spend about a third of their life in their bed. Since it is so important, you need to get one that suits how you sleep and the form of your body. Mattresses may seem as if they are all pretty much alike but this is a common misconception. When choosing one, you should consult expert advice from a company like Plumeria Bay. They know everything there is to know and will help you get something that is right for you. That may be a firmer mattress that offers more support if that is what your body needs, or something softer and more indulgent if that is what you prefer. It is so crucial because making a mistake could lead to unpleasant and entirely avoidable back pain.


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One of the things that a lot of people neglect when they start thinking about designing their home is the fact that they have a garden. If you want to make your garden more of a feature, you could incorporate it by investing in a conservatory. Otherwise, large windows that let in a lot of light and allow you a view of your garden are good because they make it a bigger part of your home and give the room a different feel. Besides, in the summer months when the weather cooperates and if you have a patio heater, your garden can easily become like another room. Making it work involves thinking about your garden and your home as if they are two things that inform each other. If you see them as two separate entities, you will not make the best use of either of them.


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Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Income On The Internet

Income On The Internet

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The Internet provides people with a whole host of options when it comes to making money. New ways to get a little bit of extra income are popping up all the time. But, taking advantage of them is something too few people manage to do. This leaves most of the opportunity in the hands of a small group. This is a shame because it doesn’t have to be this way. Instead, you can break into the world of online income without having to spend a penny; you just need the right ventures. To help you out, this post will be going through some of the best ways to make a little bit of extra on the Internet.


Auction sites have changed the way that commerce works. Nowadays, instead of buying an item from a business, it’s possible to buy them directly from other people. Services like eBay have lead the way in this sort of selling. And, the platform has made it possible to make loads of money through their tools. As long as you have something to sell; you’ll almost certainly be able to find a buyer. You just have to make an advert and pay a small fee when the product sells. The fee will be based on the value of the sale; so, you’ll always make some money. And, once the advert is up; you just have to ship the item. And, this can be done with a company like, who will be able to move the items for you. This sort of work will usually pay off nicely.


Selling items on eBay is a great way to make some money. But, you have to put work into at least once a day. And, this means that, for some, eBay will be too much effort. Instead, it can be better to build something which can host some adverts for other businesses. Options like blogs and Youtube channels can be great. But, of course, these sorts of businesses will take a long time to start up. During this time, you will have to be relying on other sources of income to live. But, once something like this gets going in full force; it will be much easier to manage than an eBay store. This option is best for those that have the time to create content. But, also have the patience to wait for a good return.


As internet speeds increase, it’s getting easier and easier for people to do their work from home. Businesses have started hiring people on a freelance basis. This enables them to save loads of money on their employees. And, it gives you the chance to make loads of money. The sorts of jobs you can find are very varied; from web design to script writing. So, it’s worth having a look around. Websites like or are great to give you some inspiration. But, it’s best to look for dedicated services to find something perfect for you.


Hopefully, this will inspire you to start looking at some new ways to make money on the internet. Most people already pay for this resource; so, it makes sense to use it to its full potential. Just go out there and work hard, and you’ll have some sort of success.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

The Psychological Impact of Aging on Couples

The Psychological Impact of Aging on Couples

Aging is an inevitability of life and one that few people look forward to. It is also a significant concern, particularly for couples. Growing old is unpredictable, with people deteriorating at different rates, and requiring other forms of care. For those who are becoming older and are no longer capable of being 100% independent, assisted living facilities (ALFs) are available. Here, they can maintain their independence to a degree, while having medical and caring support on site available at the same time.


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The Psychological Impact of Aging


Aging is a life transition, and all the big life changes come with significant psychological issues. When people age, they often start to experience a fear of the future. They worry about how long they have left, whether their memory will deteriorate, whether they can continue to have an active social life and play a role in the lives of their children and grandchildren. Additionally, as people age, they are more likely to experience grief as others around them start to pass away. It is also more common for them to experience ageism and discrimination, making them feel as if they are losing their independence.


These are all very significant issues that must be addressed properly. This is also because the psychological effects of aging have a direct impact on physical health as well. In fact, this is something specifically discussed by the American Psychological Association, who have released some statistics to demonstrate the link between psychological and physical well-being in the elderly. Specifically, they found that:


  • 50% to 70% of all visits to primary care physicians by the elderly are about stress, depression, or anxiety.
  • Older people who have significant or chronic health conditions are more likely to also suffer from depression. Furthermore, untreated mental health conditions often lead to poorer outcomes in physical health conditions, as people with conditions like depression tend to have a weaker immune system as well.
  • Depression is one of the leading causes of disability according to the World Health Organization.
  • Aging individuals who have their mental health needs addressed require less other forms of medical care as well.


The Psychological Impact of Moving into Assisted Living


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Assisted living has been shown to be very effective, offering a viable alternative to hospitalization or nursing homes. At the same time, the psychological impact of making this move is undeniable and must be understood. Some of the key stressors include:


  • Moving stress, caused by having to pack belongings and getting everything done on time.
  • A sense of loss and grief, caused by having to say goodbye to something for a final time, knowing that they will never return.
  • Fear of the unknown, having to move to an unfamiliar place.


Put together, these factors can cause “relocation stress”, which can lead to depression, difficulty sleeping, and other health problems. While all of this is properly understood, and a lot of help is out there for young people helping their mother and father into assisted living, as well as for seniors to help them transition, a key factor that is often not addressed is what needs to happen if the move relates to a couple.


It is undeniable that moving into an ALF has tremendous benefits for the person who needs it. In fact, various studies, including one posted in The Journals of Gerontology, have demonstrated that those in these facilities have an increased quality of life, better health, and more social cohesion and engagement. However, what happens when one person requires assisted living, but the other person does not?


What to Look for in a Facility that Caters to Couples


As you can see from the above, it is hard to age, and even harder to admit that more help is needed. This applies in particular to couples, where one person may have significant health needs, whereas the other does not. There are two added difficulties in this. Firstly, it means one person has to move when they are not ready for it yet and, secondly, that they often feel they have failed in properly looking after their partner. If this is happening to your parents, do try to reassure them that, in fact, making the decision to move to an ALF is the best that they can do to look after each other. Do also reassure them about the fact that there are plenty of facilities available that cater specifically to couples.


Finding Assisted Living Facilities


If you are at the point that your parents agree that they should move to an ALF, even if it is because only one of them needs more intensive care, there are five essential tips that you should follow to make this huge transition as comfortable as possible:


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  1. Make sure you spend lots of time researching the options that are available to them.


If you have elderly parents, and you feel that it is time to find assisted living for them, then it is important that you do so in an inclusive, respectful manner that is mindful of the psychological issues discussed above. Spend time together to look in your area for what is available, giving your parents a choice. It is important that they understand that you are not aiming to take away their independence, nor that you feel they have become a burden on you. Rather, finding assisted living is an opportunity for them to enjoy the highest possible quality of life. Where they want to do this is a decision that they should be 100% involved in.


  1. Work on your finances.


Moving home is stressful, whether it is the first time you leave home as a young person, or whether you are elderly. The last thing you need at that point is to have increased levels of stress because of finances. It is unlikely that Medicare will cover the full cost of an ALF, although they may provide coverage for some of the care that your parents receive there. If you parents have other health insurance, you will need to look into the coverage they offer as well.


  1. Talk about the available space.


When in assisted living, your parents will have a space of their own. What that space looks like varies, although it is common to have a private bathroom, bedroom, and living area. Although they will have all this space, it is unlikely that it will be as big as their current home. This means that some difficult decisions will have to be made regarding which pieces of furniture can come, and which have to be said goodbye to.


  1. Consider your parents’ social needs.


One key factor of importance when helping to find an ALF is that your parents will have high social engagement. In fact, the Journal of Applied Gerontology has written a report on how proper social engagement increases overall mental well-being in the elderly, which in turn improves physical well-being as well. The study focused specifically on activity theory, looking at its impact on depressive symptoms and on life satisfaction. What the study showed was that friendliness of fellow residents and of the staff in the facility was crucial to improving life satisfaction. It also showed that simple things, such as having enjoyable mealtimes, helped to lower the depressive symptoms. What this suggests is that assisted living facilities in which residents are encouraged to interact with one another are likely to be the better ones. This is certainly something that you can discuss with your parents while helping them look for a facility.


  1. Prepare yourself for future health needs.


Unfortunately, as people age, their health deteriorates, and you must prepare yourself for this. If only one parent required assisted living care, then you have to ready yourself for them needing more intensive care later on in life. The parent that perhaps did not yet need this type of care will get to a point where their health starts to be affected as well. It is best to discuss this to a degree with your parents, concerning building an understanding what their wishes are. But other than that, this is something you will have to prepare yourself for in person.


Aging is one of the greatest tragedies of life. It is a tough time, one in which people start to understand that they are nearing the end. They often feel like they have become a burden on others and this has a significant impact on their overall mental health and well-being. You, as their child, can help mitigate that to some degree by encouraging your parents to agree to move into an ALF, even if only one of the two actually needs it. Show your parents that there is no shame in asking for help but rather that it is a sign of strength. It means that they want to continue to enjoy their life, but in a way in which they receive support, safe, and comfortable. Last but not least, remember to visit them often, you are part of their social lifeline!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Baby Bump: How To Make Your Pregnancy More Comfortable

Baby Bump: How To Make Your Pregnancy More Comfortable

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For all of the magic that comes with being a mum-to-be, the glow, the excitement, the nursery preparations and the beginning of an entirely new life, being pregnant was never going to be the most uncomfortable of experiences. You have a little human slowly getting bigger and bigger inside your belly. It’s hardly nine months in a spa, for you that is; it is for your little one. Just trying to get comfortable on your sofa can be a challenge more complex than the Davinci Code.

Being pregnant just comes with a whole new set of aches, pains, cramps and all round discomforts that you have never experienced. Places that have never been sore before suddenly become sore simply because you walked across the kitchen. It’s crazy.

Don’t despair, though. We have done a little bit of researching and a little bit of chit chatting with other moms, and here are their top tips on staying comfy (or at least as comfy as possible) during your pregnancy.

The Blessed Body Pillow

So many mums-to-be don’t allow themselves the privilege of a full body pillow because they can’t justify spending that money. Yeah, they are expensive but, honey, you are pregnant. There is nothing out there that you don’t deserve. You’re creating life, that means you deserve every luxury going, and the body pillow tops this list according to our mom research. Back pains, aching hips, pressure on your ribcage; no wonder you can’t get comfy in the day or sleep well at night. That’s where a body pillow will totally rock your world. Ribs, bump and hips all get that extra bit of “ooooh, yes” feeling. If you don’t know which body pillow to get, read some reviews, speak to friends, and then go with the Snoogle Pillow that you can find here It’s the most popular one as far as we can tell. And yes, yes you do deserve it.

The Constant Heartburn

You’ll start to notice pretty early on (we’re talking the first trimester) that heartburn and indigestion are going to be with you for the long hall, and maybe even the dreaded nasal drip too (especially later on in your baby-brewing). To cap the nasal drip on its head because it is the easiest to do so, we recommend you check out this link which tells you all sorts of ways you can cure it naturally – ginger, baking soda, steam etc. For heartburn and indigestion, the bane of any mom’s to be pregnancy, the mom’s we spoke to swore by papaya enzyme. They would take the moment they finished the last mouthful of every meal. Other ways we have heard of helping yourself include Aloe Vera, warm milk, and almonds.

The Stretch Marks

This is always a worry for moms. Wanting your pre-baby body back is only natural, and it in due course you can get it back. But don’t forget that you are creating a miracle, your body is working miracles, and that is something to love. Your post-miracle body is something to be proud of. Of course, the best thing for stretch marks is no other than our good friend coconut oil. It is just the best. It is so good for blemishes and eczema and, yes, stretch marks too. Just get a little bit in your palms and rub them over your belly before bed each night and then sleep (on your body pillow) while the magic happens. Voila. Stretch marks kept at bay.

The Urge To Snack

Chances are, even before you got pregnant the idea of going more than ninety minutes without a little food top-up didn’t sit well with you. We just love food too much and we don’t care who knows it. When you’re pregnant, though, especially in the first trimester, going ninety minutes without something can make you feel really sick, which is why you should always have a supply of snacks on hand. Whatever takes your fancy, add them to your stash. Put some in your handbag, in your car’s glove compartment, by your bed, in the living room (so that you don’t have to waddle to the kitchen), everywhere and anywhere you can think of. Sure, you may be telling yourself that you can go the three hours between breakfast and lunch, and maybe you can, by why run the risk of feeling sick. Not only that, but it will really help your indigestion and heartburn if you eat small amounts regularly.

The Exercise

Marathons may well be out of the equation (phew!), but some sort of light exercise is going to go a huge way when it comes to making you feel that much more comfortable. You may be thinking that we are crazy for saying this, but we’re not. When you’re pregnant, your muscles and ligaments are going to feel like they are getting tighter and tighter the further along in your pregnancy you get. That’s why it is going to really help you to keep them feeling loose, not just for day to day living and comfort but for the delivery too. Don’t worry, exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous. Just a little walking once a day, even if it is around town with a touch of retail therapy to motivate you, or yoga or Pilates or something. It all helps hugely. Just make sure you listen to your body. Overdoing it can be easy to do, so take it as steady as possible.

The Chiropractor

The thing with pregnancy is, well, your body is changing; it is getting thrown out of alignment left right and center. Yeah, thank you very much new hormones and baby bump. Your center of gravity has shifted and that can cause a few aches and pains here and there, especially in your lower back and pelvis. That’s where getting on the chiropractor’s bed can really make a difference. They will be able to help ease some of that extra pain and alleviate those aches, which will help you through the delivery process by making you more comfortable. Comfortable is good.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

Quitting Smoking: Where You Are Going Wrong

Quitting Smoking: Where You Are Going Wrong

Have you tried to quit smoking countless times, but you just can’t seem to give it up once and for all? Many people find themselves in this position, and they simply say that they ‘can’t stop smoking.’ This isn’t the case. Everyone can give up nicotine, but that doesn’t mean that it is easy. How you go about it makes a massive difference. With that in mind, read on to discover where you may have been going wrong those numerous times before.


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  • You fell off the wagon when your friends were smoking – This is one of the main reasons why people struggle to quit smoking. If most of your friends smoke, it can be very difficult to resist temptation when you are out with them. If this sounds familiar, it is a good idea to speak to your friends. Tell them that you are giving up smoking and that it is really important to you. By doing this, they won’t offer you a cigarette, and if you are tempted, they will tell you not to have one.
  • You try to give everything up in one go – While this is admirable, it is incredibly difficult. A lot of people simply say “I’m going to completely give up cigarettes from Monday,” and then they intend to cut smoking from their life altogether on that date. You are only making life tougher for yourself. Instead, gradually wean yourself off cigarettes, and make sure that you have something to help you in the beginning, such as a vaporiser or nicotine patches. Vaping has become incredibly popular over the past few years, as it allows people to enjoy ‘smoking’ without the negative health effects that come with it. You can find more from Vaporescence here if you are interested in using this as a way to come off nicotine.
  • You are worried about putting weight on – A lot of people worry that they are going to pile the pounds on when they quit smoking. This is because most people turn to a cigarette when they would usually eat. Also, nicotine is a stimulant and an appetite suppressant, which can mean that people often turn to sugary treats and other snacks instead of smoking. The best thing to do is change your lifestyle completely. You can find more information about that here. This may sound like you are giving yourself a bigger challenge, but it will actually make the whole process much easier. Exercise more, quit the cigarettes, follow a balanced diet, and you will feel amazing.


  • You only deal with your physical dependence on nicotine – Vaping or chewing gum is helpful, but it only deals with your physical dependence on nicotine. You need to consider your mental dependence on nicotine too. The emotional benefit you get from smoking also needs to be addressed. Most people smoke when they need a mental break or they feel anxious. So think about the triggers that make you smoke, and look for other ways to address the way you are feeling instead of going for a cigarette.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram