How to Drive Safer in Winter to Avoid an Accident

How to Drive Safer in Winter to Avoid an Accident

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It is essential that you learn to drive safer in winter to reduce the chances of a terrible incident. You can prepare your car well, but you are responsible for anything when out on the roads.

Be Aware of Icy Conditions

The main problem with winter driving is the ice that can build up on the roads. Ice is, of course, slippy. And this means your car can skid off the road, causing a potential major incident. You can drive slower and more carefully. But even the best auto wreck lawyer can’t defend you against reckless driving. So stay vigilant against icy conditions on the road because your brakes won’t work as well, and any kind of speeding is guaranteed to end up in total disaster.

Use Better Tyres

In some places, the minimum legal tread depth for tyres during the winter is 3mm. This is almost twice as much as the minimum legal tread depth during any other season, which is 1.6mm. So, at the very least, make sure that your tyres are legal for driving in the winter. You might also want to consider buying winter or all-season tires. These stay soft in colder temperatures and give you a better grip on surfaces that are slippery, which is a huge help in sleet, snow, and ice.

Check Your Car Daily to Drive Safer in Winter

Even small problems can cause big safety problems when it’s cold outside. With a car service, any problems will be found and fixed. Most garages offer flexible plans for car servicing that suit any budget. If you don’t want to do that, you should at least make sure your car’s lights, brakes, tyres, windshield wipers, and battery are all in good shape before the weather changes. Check and fill up all the fluids in your car, like the oil levels, water tank, and the amount of antifreeze.

Set Out Earlier than Usual

Many people don’t give themselves enough time early in the morning to appropriately remove ice from their car windows. This can make it hard for people to see what’s ahead and around them while driving, which can easily lead to a disaster. Don’t use boiling water on your windows, just warm, or the glass can break under the sudden pressure. Try to make sure that there is no ice, snow, or fog on any of the windows, even the sides, before you leave for work or travel.

Use Your Lights Properly

Winter brings all kinds of strange weather and shorter days. This can make it hard to see. When it’s cold and wet outside, fog forms, which makes it hard to see while driving. When driving in fog, you have to be much more careful. For instance, you can’t use your fog lights unless you can’t see very well. Turn them off when you can see better, or they could blind other drivers and make your own vehicle’s lights harder to see. A disaster waiting to happen on any road.


Because of the hazards involved, you must drive safer in winter to avoid tragedy. Always stay aware of icy conditions, check your car each morning and use your headlights correctly.

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